Made another GIF to sum up the reviews.
Made another GIF to sum up the reviews.
Honestly I give up, there is no hope for the gaming community anymore. It's no longer enough to merely dislike a game, but now desire it to fail under this strange delusion that somehow it failing will make things "better". I no longer care about the consumers rights or protection, they don't deserve it. I don't even think I want to release my game now because of the gaming community in it's behavior these past few months, and their behavior is seemingly going to just get worse.
I know I'm probably being melodramatic, I know others will call me out. But I am out of fucks to give anymore. You killed all of them.
The campaigns are completely playable though. They aren't perfect but they work.
They're all playable. Tone down on your bitterness.
I don't think you can compare the 2. They're both different games with different pacing. Also, Ryse had multiplayer and the game isn't really cinematic.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
I'm scratching my head at how anybody was ever hyped for this. It's the most generic thing I've seen in ages. Review scores are only surprising because usually garbage like this gets high scores regardless. I'm sure in 6 months people will be calling it 'underrated' and so forth.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
I wish mods would just close all the thread about 1886.
Vote with your wallet.
You might want to look at the cause of all of it. People are finally fed up and pissed off about broken and bad games. In recent months 3 high profile games were basically broken for weeks and months after launch. People have supported this new generation at near unprecedented levels. What those people get in return? Broken and bad games so of course they are lashing out. This generation is so bad that the highest rated games are up ports of last generation. Everyone has their limits and most people have reached theirs.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
Didnt you know that
It's getting out of hand, for sure. The amount of dog-piling and negativity in the games media over the last couple of years has reached absurd levels. I don't need to play the game to know it's not a 1-4/10. That score should mean it's broken and/or complete pile of crap.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
Hmmm. You must not play a lot of video games.How could you say that it's generic when it's the most unique game out right now?
"let's stop making threads about games"
Wow, this game is pretty hammered. I can see a lot of folks doing this right now.
I'm really skeptical that there is no redeeming quality in the game.
They were interested enough to get the game before it officially release, people tend to do that when they know they will enjoy the game, at least in my case.
.im happy to save 70$ I agree...
im sad because there arent enough good games to play on my console Fuck no, I have a lot of games only a few firts party games, but a game is a game. As long as you enjoy it
Do costs come down as the tech gets better or more widespread? I feel like part of the problem is that with cinematic games is that they chase better and better graphics, racking up more and more costs.
It's actually really selfish because contrary to what others keep saying, I think there is a market for these kinds of games. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer who wants to chase scores or play mechanically deep games. Cinematic games have a "lighter" touch could be part of expanding the audience of gaming in general. And that would be a great thing.I think this is part of it, but I also think some people object to "cinematic" games and dislike them so much that they wish that they ceased to exist.
It's terribly selfish and self centered, but there is some logic to it. Yes, I too wish the world centered around me, and every game was made with my preferences in mind too. It won't happen, but it certainly sounds nice from a purely selfish point of view.
At some point I would hope that a dev would come along who isn't necessarily interested in chasing the graphics aspect of cinematic games. They could do something pretty neat.They do, but at least up until now, those cost savings have not balanced out the cost increases.
Every generation -- and even within a generation -- the models get more detailed, the set pieces more grand, the lighting more complex, the sound design richer. This requires ever increasing costs, and those costs are going up faster than middleware and other cost savings can cut the budget down.
Maybe that trend will reverse at some point, but it hasn't so far.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
I wish good games looked as good as the order and driveclub, cause they look awesome, but thats it.
But the most important thing is.... It's a AAA game that works, functions properly, locked 30fps, beautiful graphics
Something you can't say for the holiday 2014 games that scored higher
This game goes against what some people stand for in gaming, therefore if it bombs then it gives them joy that something they don't like fails.
Why is it almost like some people are happy it got bad review scores?
im happy to save 70$
im sad because there arent enough good games to play on my console
Is this the new hitler meme?
Comparing The Order to Haze.
And Lair.
My God, we've truly reached the end of this journey.
But the most important thing is.... It's a AAA game that works, functions properly, locked 30fps, beautiful graphics
Something you can't say for the holiday 2014 games that scored higher
Comparing The Order to Haze.
And Lair.
My God, we've truly reached the end of this journey.
Honestly though? I don't care. The gaming community has gotten so terrible that this has been brought upon themselves. Having no one to blame but themselves.
Why is it almost like some people are happy it got bad review scores?
I think story and visuals are very high. Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it. We love games, but we also love telling stories, so I think story is always going to be at the top because it's what we start with. It's at the top of the pyramid and everything else supports that. I think it'd be more challenging to make a game for the gameplay's sake, then try to make a story that fits in there.
Hmmm. You must not play a lot of video games.
Here is why:
Prior to launch there was a number of people who were very excited for this game due to its setting/graphics and first part nature... I'll put those guys in group A. There was a greater number of people who looked at the gameplay and cinematic nature and thought this game looked fairly mediocre...I'll put those guys in group B.
When Group B shares there opinion with Group A, Group A would take it personally and spend tons of time trying to discredit Group B. Group B went on the defense and spend time trying to discredit Group A. Due to there position in this argument Group B became emotionally invested in this game "being bad" and when the reviews were released it just helped to cement Group B's opinion so they cheered the results. If the reviews were great Group A would be cheering from the rooftops.
Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it.
- Dana Jan, Game Director
And I wonder where it all went wrong.
I wouldn't know, they were broken, at least I'll be able to play this game.maybe those broken games were more fun.
I do find it surprising that pretty much every gaf reviewer has put this game in a 7-9 range of enjoyment. I guess that actually isn't surprising critics are always a hair lower.
when the devs said
i expected the game to be crap and now it's sorta confirmed that it's not very good. maybe they should focus on gameplay next time.