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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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PS first parties haven't been bad, but they have been disappointing. Normally games disappoint because they are released too soon. Doesn't seem to be the case here as a lot of these games got delays, some multiple times.

They took some risks and it didn't pan out. New main characters in Killzone and Infamous. Driveclub instead of Motorstorm (though I hold my own opinion back on Driveclub as I have yet to play it). Pushing the cinematic envelope with The Order.

They could have played it safe but they wanted a fresh lineup for the PS4. Maybe they should have played it safe like they did with the hardware.

I understand what your saying, but games have been downright dissapointing this gen, and thats Shu's job to ensure that Sony has the best games. And to release games that are not broken. Driveclub was a huge black eye, and the Order.....


Neo Member
I'm a little surprised that this game got 7's and 6's at all, excluding the graphics and setting everything about this game is boring and dull.

Has this been done for other games too? There are certainly some that would suit..
I've seen one for PAYDAY 2, there's probably more.


Wow, that is incredibly low for a big AAA release...

I was never interested in this game, but goddamn.

Sonic Unleashed for the Wii has a better metacritic score. Let that sink in for a moment.
I'm not going to say it doesn't deserve the scores it got because I have not played it. I was expecting some lower scores but not that low. I guess I will find out tomorrow how in line my tastes are with the gaming media. If Driveclub is anything to go buy, it's pretty far off. Too bad for RAD. Thats gotta sting.

My biggeat worry is being completely done with it after 1 playthrough. Man, I feel I should have went physical with this one :/


Point out one single game that's a clone of The Order. Same setting. Similar cinematic cutscene : gameplay ratio. Same objectives. Same gameplay. Similar storyline. Similar weapons.

Calling The Order generic is just idiotic at this point.

Having said that, I don't own a PS4 but I can appreciate a very good looking game that does something different in this generation that's filled with dudebro shooters.

I respect RAD for doing their own thing and not listening to whiny gamers.


extra points for calling out dudebro shooters

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Here is why:

Prior to launch there was a number of people who were very excited for this game due to its setting/graphics and first part nature... I'll put those guys in group A. There was a greater number of people who looked at the gameplay and cinematic nature and thought this game looked fairly mediocre...I'll put those guys in group B.

When Group B shares there opinion with Group A, Group A would take it personally and spend tons of time trying to discredit Group B. Group B went on the defense and spend time trying to discredit Group A. Due to there position in this argument Group B became emotionally invested in this game "being bad" and when the reviews were released it just helped to cement Group B's opinion so they cheered the results. If the reviews were great Group A would be cheering from the rooftops.

I think this is the case with a lot of game launches and I don't know how to stop it. Group A likes the game and will sometimes go to ridiculous lengths to defend it. Group B points out the flaws in the game and feels antagonized when Group A tries to defend some indefensible things.

Totally reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII. I actually liked the game, but when I see people going to great lengths to convince us that Snow, Vanilla, and Hope are actually good characters, it just makes me want to see the game get slammed.
Why is it almost like some people are happy it got bad review scores?

For me, I just find it fun. I have no dog in the race, I own and enjoy all current gen consoles. The Order just never appealed to me.

It's just fun to get some fireworks on GAF even for a day. Helps get through these cold winter months. Selfish attitude admittedly, but it's entertainment. And this place can sometimes deliver entertainment/drama on a whole other level.


This is like judging a film entirely by the objective quality of every shot, and any visual effects used - but ignoring every aspect of script, pacing, or acting preformance.

Plenty of bad games run smoothly and look good. But if they're no fun to play, and are over so quick - what's the point?
But if I enjoy playing the game?

Then what?

Oh I don't work for a reputable video game website so my opinion means jack

But is it fun?
I'll tell you tomorrow when I play it


I don't have any issue with them scoring The Order so low; my issue with game reviews is that they have zero standards. Halo MCC should not have gotten a 8/10 or 9/10. It is fucking broken, the end. MP is a huge part of Halo and it's inexcusable that it launched broken. Period. I don't give a fuck that the SP works, SP it at best 50% of the Halo experience. MCC was a rush hack job slapped together by 3 separate studios. The series was not given the love it deserved. That the SP is "playable" should be the minimum acceptable bar, not something to be lavished with praise from almost every game journalist. I am a Halo fan, they never should have released the product the way they did and the fact that Microsoft went ahead and did it anyway... they should have been raked over the coals by "professional" game journalists. So you played it in a special reviewers enclave, I don't give a fuck for your excuses. Go back and amend you reviews you fucks. And not to 8/10. To me a 9/10 remaster should be reserved for something like the video game equivalent of the criterion collection.

AC Unity was another giant bugfest, giving it a 70 metacritic is extremely generous. It's only now, 3-4 months from launch that I would consider the game stable.

My point is in the last 6 months we have had two VERY buggy, broken games release to 70+ metacritic scores when they should have been 50 at best. IMO the only reason journalists have the balls to score The Order so low is that Ready at Dawn is more or less a no-name studio. Many game journalists like to gargle the balls of AAA studio PR/Marketing people in the hopes that they'll get a job in their dept. or on the community team. I personally find it extremely humorous that they decide The Order is the game they're going to "make a stand on". No shit, there's zero repercussions for doing so. RAD doesn't have a community team to speak of and their marketing is handled by Sony. They also aren't a small indie studio who you might feel bad shitting on.

To recap, I am not saying The Order is a good game, or that The Order is better than MCC or AC Unity. My point is that I find it interesting that game journalists didn't do their jobs in those cases but have no problem doing their job properly on The Order. Personally I am interested to see how much worse The Order turns out to be from other movie-games such as Heavy Rain and (dare I say it?) The Walking Dead seasons.


Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

I'll let you know mine tomorrow. I know you value my opinion ;).
Not all games need tacked on multiplayer, co-op or stupid unlockables. Also the multiple playthroughs thing is a ridiculous complaint. Not necessary either. If these are the only complaints with the game I'm going to buy it once it goes on sale.

All games need some level of replay ability, it doesn't necessarily have to come from multiplayer or unlockables, and or collectibles. Just gameplay variety in the core of the game itself. You can't create a shooter and make it the portion of the game that lacks focus. There has to be balance.


So basically make it the same games that practically coming out on assembly lines... Cause that's what we need- more open world games.


I just cannot bring myself to care about shoot/stab open world games laced with RPG mechanics. A hundred hours of my life for asscreed, xenoblade, dragon age, etc. is such a waste.
Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

Great points Ami.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Your are really trolling me, aren't you? I wrote it in my previous answer, that you ignored!
For what it's worth, I'm in the same boat with you 100%. I'm at the point where I can't even begin to play a GTA game, as every time I tried I got bored and gave up within an hour or two. So for me, those are a complete waste of money regardless of how critically well they are regarded. People seriously need to learn that someone can make an informed decision of buying something that goes against the group-think consensus, and enjoy that purchase.

*edit* Love that post by Opiate.

OG Loc

Absolutely, it's part of expanding gaming to a wider variety of people with different tastes.

I think the first sign of resistance to this concept came with the Wii, and later with iOS, and now with other styles of games including "cinematic" ones. On the 1up show, one of the main cast of the show, Ryan O'Donnel, had a very negative reaction to the Wii from it's inception. He didn't just not prefer the system -- that's fine -- he expressed extreme hostility to the system's existence. In one of the episodes (the link was here, but it's now taken down as 1up no longer exists), he said this, and I quote:

"I'm a hardcore gamer. I don't care about the non-hardcore gamers. I used to think I did, I used to think I wanted to expand the market, but Nintendo has proved to me that that's not what I want. I want game companies to be making games for me in the genres that I like."

I think this sentiment is more common than people like to admit: people just want the entire industry to focus on them, and become hostile to the notion that anyone should make games that don't happen to appeal to them. O'Donnel's quote applied to the Wii, but it could equally apply here: some people don't like cinematic games, and want all cinematic games to fail so that the entire industry is focused on them.

All of this.

There's room for all lfof our tastes and interests.


It's a cover based shooter? I like those, I don't care if other games have done it before

It's disturbing that I want my $60 game to work? That I don't have to wait for patch after patch for performance fixes?

That alone makes this game better than other recent AAA games

The Order 1886 Review

-it ain't broken



All games need some level of replay ability, it doesn't necessarily have to come from multiplayer or unlockables, and or collectibles. Just gameplay variety in the core of the game itself. You can't create a shooter and make it the portion of the game that lacks focus. There has to be balance.

Naw. We need variety. I want Telltale/Quantic Dream/Adventure games.
Any review using an out of 1000 scale is automatically null.

Try and visualize the reviewer thinking whether the game deserves a 7.75 or a 7.76. Now tell me that's not absolutely ridiculous.

It's a 40 point scale, not a 1000 point one. GI scores in .25 increments.

Bob White

Gameplay is something that... it's a game, we make games, we can't get around it.
- Dana Jan, Game Director

And I wonder where it all went wrong.

There it is! I knew there was some quote that put me off of the game I read some time last year. I knew from here on out the game was exactly what they were showing. A short and shallow paint by numbers shooting gallery.
Point out one single game that's a clone of The Order. Same setting. Similar cinematic cutscene : gameplay ratio. Same objectives. Same gameplay. Similar storyline. Similar weapons.

Calling The Order generic is just idiotic at this point.

Having said that, I don't own a PS4 but I can appreciate a very good looking game that does something different in this generation that's filled with dudebro shooters.

I respect RAD for doing their own thing and not listening to whiny gamers.

RAD went out to do their own thing. My guess is this was a similar situation with The Last of Us to a degree. The studio didn't really know how it was going to review, the focus groups were mixed and trending to the negative side of it, and ND wasn't going to be shocked if the reviews trended to 6's and 7's.

I think RAD might have faced a situation as they started focus testing stuff, and instead of altering their vision they just ran with what they wanted to do.


Any review using an out of 1000 scale is automatically null.

Try and visualize the reviewer thinking whether the game deserves a 7.75 or a 7.76. Now tell me that's not absolutely ridiculous.

Who cares whether it's 7.75 or 7.76? The point is that the game is good.

OG Loc

Any review using an out of 1000 scale is automatically null.

Try and visualize the reviewer thinking whether the game deserves a 7.75 or a 7.76. Now tell me that's not absolutely ridiculous.

Not sure you know how GameInformer's review scale works.
Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

I agree.
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