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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Word of mouth was already trashed with the 5 hours thing even if it wasn't totally true.

This game would have worked better as a co-op experience. At least it would a bigger potential audience.

Naw it's already gotten tons of pre-orders. I think sales will be pretty good despite the reviews.


when the devs said i expected the game to be crap and now it's sorta confirmed that it's not very good. maybe they should focus on gameplay next time.

Man, that quote from Ready at Dawn makes my stomach turn. It's like yeah, we make games but gameplay is going to take a backseat... it's kind of a thing we just have to do, so you probably shouldn't expect anything new or creative from us.


Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

oi m8 am i on your shitlist


Nu.nl - 3.5/5 (biggest Dutch news site)

roughly translated:

Best feature of The Order: 1886 is its audiovisual presentation. The game is a cohesive, detailed, great looking experience from start to finish. It's clear that people with cinematographic knowledge were responsible for the presentation, with realistic physics and animations, thought-out lighting and great use of colors.


Biggest issue is the game length, we finished it in 10 hours in a normal tempo. The game is on the short side, and there is little incentive to play it again.

This, combined with the slighlty shallow gameplay makes us advise against paying full price for this game. But if you are looking forward to an impressive interactive movie The Order: 1886 is worth the price.


For what it's worth, I'm in the same boat with you 100%. I'm at the point where I can't even begin to play a GTA game as every time I tried I got bored and gave up within an hour or two. So for me, those are complete waste of money. People seriously need to learn that someone can make an informed decision of buying something that goes against the group-think consensus, and enjoy that purchase.

Gtav made me think I was no longer interested in AAA games. I really hated just about everything about that game yet it is apparently the pinnacle of the art form.


Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?


I think this is the case with a lot of game launches and I don't know how to stop it. Group A likes the game and will sometimes go to ridiculous lengths to defend it. Group B points out the flaws in the game and feels antagonized when Group A tries to defend some indefensible things.

Totally reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII. I actually liked the game, but when I see people going to great lengths to convince us that Snow, Vanilla, and Hope are actually good characters, it just makes me wait to see the game get slammed.

You can't stop it. Every big game will always have those groups and the arguments for and against a game. It's up to group c, the outsiders who don't want to be a part of the shit slinging, to wade through the mess and decide if a product is for them.

For this case, there are ample videos, reviews and impressions to decide on if the game is right for you. I personally can't justify the game at $60 but will pick it up down the line when it gets cheaper.
Ok so all the reviews are saying this is gears of war except not fun. So I'm wondering if maybe people just can't get enough of 3rd person cover shooters, to the point where they are arguing that this game is innovative? I don't get it. I make an offhand comment that it looks painfully generic and people are scoffing and going on about werewolves or something?


bish gets all the credit :)
"I'm a hardcore gamer. I don't care about the non-hardcore gamers. I used to think I did, I used to think I wanted to expand the market, but Nintendo has proved to me that that's not what I want. I want game companies to be making games for me in the genres that I like."

I think this sentiment is more common than people like to admit: people just want the entire industry to focus on them, and become hostile to the notion that anyone should make games that don't happen to appeal to them. O'Donnel's quote applied to the Wii, but it could equally apply here: some people don't like cinematic games, and want all cinematic games to fail so that the entire industry is focused on them.

Which means a game has to be open world, filled with experience points, and side quests. That's what's trendy now. Sadly most games are following this template but so few of them are capable of taking advantage of what an open world can bring. Instead they're filled with story that would have worked just as well in a linear game (think Zelda style linear), and tons of fetch quests and collectables. Linear games are not bad, and neither are open world games. Take advantage of the style you chose, don't homogenize everything with a checklist.

I think the story and setting look super interesting here in The Order. It's a shame they seem to have squandered that.


The biggest problem with games like The Order: 1886 -- in terms of their long term viability -- is their cost of production.

Almost by definition, "cinematic" games require high end graphics and strong production values, and those things cost a considerable amount of money. It means games of this nature require significant popularity to remain viable.

As a contrast, strategy games can fairly readily be made for low production cost and still be true to the genre. This means the games can attract hundreds of thousands or even just tens of thousands of customers and still be viable. That would not be viable if strategy games required a 20M+ budget in order to exist in the first place.

Perhaps a solution to this will be found, but it's a legitimate concern right now. The economics of high end development are a relentlessly escalating problem within the AAA space

License the engine?
I know part of the cost is asset generation, etc. but surely at least in the Sony ranks the engine could be of use and value.
I'm genuinely curious if this is going to affect reserves at all over the next 24 hours. My guess is no as most of those people were set on getting it anyways. I do think it will likely have a major impact on legs though


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It looks like it will be a fantastic game at say, $20.

On the one hand I feel bad for RAD as they clearly put a lot of love into the game, but on the other hand it does seem like there's very little substance from what I've seen/read.
Let's not repeat the previous thread, shall we?
Shameless GIF repost because the first review thread closed before I could get it in there.


LMAO!!! THIS IS PERFECT!!! and im a junior member .....


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Not too surprised to see how this panned out, but I'm still really curious to get this from gamefly and see how I feel about it myself.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:

"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer

Hahahaha, if Hitler in downfall meme was the voice of people against companies, Risitas is the voice of the companies doing shitty practices.

Its so funny knowing him for TV and spanish to know he is talking about washins some paelleras (the pans used for making paellas) in the beach, and in reality the subs are talking about shitty practices.
This interview (and others) are already famous in Spain because the guy (and his brother in law RIP :( ) makes no sense when telling stories, but this just elvates it to god status.


Certainly let down by the reviews but I think it looks fun for what it is and I know not to get too worked up over the downfalls. I traded in Dying Light as I finished it and pretty much will pick this up for next to nothing so why not.

I have been looking for a reason to fire up my PS4 and this will do... but guessing I will quickly flip it into the next game I want.

Some people like cinematic story-driven linear games. It's like these people are not allowed to like them because many gamers have a monopoly of what a videogame should be.

Does Wolfenstein qualify as this type too? No multiplayer but universally liked. imo it was how single player games should be done.


Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?

They knew this was coming. Standard industry practice is that a few months before launch the studio or the publisher has mock-reviews done by game journalists so they have an idea of how well their game is going to do. Then they base their preorder and sell-through projections off those reviews (and a couple of other factors).


I don't have any issue with them scoring The Order so low; my issue with game reviews is that they have zero standards. Halo MCC should not have gotten a 8/10 or 9/10. It is fucking broken, the end. MP is a huge part of Halo and it's inexcusable that it launched broken. Period. I don't give a fuck that the SP works, SP it at best 50% of the Halo experience. MCC was a rush hack job slapped together by 3 separate studios. The series was not given the love it deserved. That the SP is "playable" should be the minimum acceptable bar, not something to be lavished with praise from almost every game journalist. I am a Halo fan, they never should have released the product the way they did and the fact that Microsoft went ahead and did it anyway... they should have been raked over the coals by "professional" game journalists. So you played it in a special reviewers enclave, I don't give a fuck for your excuses. Go back and amend you reviews you fucks. And not to 8/10. To me a 9/10 remaster should be reserved for something like the video game equivalent of the criterion collection.

AC Unity was another giant bugfest, giving it a 70 metacritic is extremely generous. It's only now, 3-4 months from launch that I would consider the game stable.

My point is in the last 6 months we have had two VERY buggy, broken games release to 70+ metacritic scores when they should have been 50 at best. IMO the only reason journalists have the balls to score The Order so low is that Ready at Dawn is more or less a no-name studio. Many game journalists like to gargle the balls of AAA studio PR/Marketing people in the hopes that they'll get a job in their dept. or on the community team. I personally find it extremely humorous that they decide The Order is the game they're going to "make a stand on". No shit, there's zero repercussions for doing so. RAD doesn't have a community team to speak of and their marketing is handled by Sony. They also aren't a small indie studio who you might feel bad shitting on.

To recap, I am not saying The Order is a good game, or that The Order is better than MCC or AC Unity. My point is that I find it interesting that game journalists didn't do their jobs in those cases but have no problem doing their job properly on The Order. Personally I am interested to see how much worse The Order turns out to be from other movie-games such as Heavy Rain and (dare I say it?) The Walking Dead seasons.

The fact that reviewers have double standards depending on the game and its developer/publisher is clearly true.

But the problem with The Order is that the game tries to do something that many people (particularly among the press) nowadays simply don't appreciate.
You have to be open world, you have to put the player always in control, you need at least a decent co-op mode, you need replayability with tons of useless fetch quests. If you try to innovate within that formula is the icing on the cake.
Those are the guidelines if you want to make a well recevied/scored game today.
RAD decided to make an interactive movie with third person shooter sections, they're getting shit for it. Same shit that David Cage and others got plain and simple.
The way they handled their PR which was stupidly shady, trying to hide what the game was for too long (because they knew that it wasn't what most people wanted) didn't help.
Still there is a market for these titles. There are people who actually like these kind of experiences so it's up to them if this game will be successful on the market or not.


I'm genuinely curious if this is going to affect reserves at all over the next 24 hours. My guess is no as most of those people were set on fetting it anyways. I do think it will likely have a major impact on legs though

I mean I was planning on getting it if the reviews were good but now I'm definitely not. Maybe if it gets to around 20$ I'll get it.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
This thread is a more entertaining than the Order 1886


I knew this game would be trash. Neogaf impression threads have been such a useful tool in the past few years that I never buy games I regret anymore. The length debacle and now the reviews have turned this from a "maybe" to a "maybe when it hits $30" to a "never buy" for me. Will watch a playthough on YouTube and call it a day.

They're charging $69.99 PLUS tax in Canada for this can you believe it?!


Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?

Play testing and mock reviews are a thing. They knew.


Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

Agree with all of your post, but especially the bolded.
I'm genuinely curious if this is going to affect reserves at all over the next 24 hours. My guess is no as most of those people were set on fetting it anyways. I do think it will likely have a major impact on legs though

I would love for you to keep us in the loop on this because I feel it might be the opposite. I think it just might get enough positive word of mouth to maintain some momentum.
Some people who have played it already had their expectations met and could have thought it was worth $60.
There's literally been some past comments mentioning they would be happy if this game gets bad scores.

Some people are easier to please than others. I definitely want more for my $60. I don't wanna hate on this game just because. I'm not a hater, I'm just very disappointed. I really wanted this game to be a really good game as it's set in my beloved steampunk setting. Hopefully I'm speaking for those who share my point of view and if this game flops, the devs will reflect on these opinions and their next game will be epic as this one should have been.

As for haters.. What can I say, there's a lot of kids and some adults who refuse to grow up out there.


I'd like to see a review website that instead of a score put a price tag on a game. Never Buy/Buy at (insert price point)/Buy Now.

I get some think it's a bad game, but to put a review score out based on the length is tough since the price will change.
Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?

I suspect some of the people in charge of making the high-level design decisions are sat there wondering wtf happened, but a lot of the lower level employees who just did what they were told are fuming with silent "I told you so"s.

The art department are all probably ecstatic - they did a great fucking job and nobody can deny it.
5 from Gamekult.


Seems fair. They're saying 6 hours length (3h gameplay, 3h cinematics), but the most important point they're making is that other than the technical aspects, all other aspects are dated, from story to stealth, gunfights, QTE and plot twists. Ouch.

Holy shit at 3 hours of gameplay. How does a studio pitch such an idea tin he first place and how does Sony sign off on such? That's what I really want to know,


I don't have any issue with them scoring The Order so low; my issue with game reviews is that they have zero standards. Halo MCC should not have gotten a 8/10 or 9/10. It is fucking broken, the end. MP is a huge part of Halo and it's inexcusable that it launched broken. Period. I don't give a fuck that the SP works, SP it at best 50% of the Halo experience. MCC was a rush hack job slapped together by 3 separate studios. The series was not given the love it deserved. That the SP is "playable" should be the minimum acceptable bar, not something to be lavished with praise from almost every game journalist. I am a Halo fan, they never should have released the product the way they did and the fact that Microsoft went ahead and did it anyway... they should have been raked over the coals by "professional" game journalists. So you played it in a special reviewers enclave, I don't give a fuck for your excuses. Go back and amend you reviews you fucks. And not to 8/10. To me a 9/10 remaster should be reserved for something like the video game equivalent of the criterion collection.

AC Unity was another giant bugfest, giving it a 70 metacritic is extremely generous. It's only now, 3-4 months from launch that I would consider the game stable.

My point is in the last 6 months we have had two VERY buggy, broken games release to 70+ metacritic scores when they should have been 50 at best. IMO the only reason journalists have the balls to score The Order so low is that Ready at Dawn is more or less a no-name studio. Many game journalists like to gargle the balls of AAA studio PR/Marketing people in the hopes that they'll get a job in their dept. or on the community team. I personally find it extremely humorous that they decide The Order is the game they're going to "make a stand on". No shit, there's zero repercussions for doing so. RAD doesn't have a community team to speak of and their marketing is handled by Sony. They also aren't a small indie studio who you might feel bad shitting on.

To recap, I am not saying The Order is a good game, or that The Order is better than MCC or AC Unity. My point is that I find it interesting that game journalists didn't do their jobs in those cases but have no problem doing their job properly on The Order. Personally I am interested to see how much worse The Order turns out to be from other movie-games such as Heavy Rain and (dare I say it?) The Walking Dead seasons.

I wouldn't be surprised that the reviewers were scared to grade both Halo and AC with a low score.


I'm genuinely curious if this is going to affect reserves at all over the next 24 hours. My guess is no as most of those people were set on fetting it anyways. I do think it will likely have a major impact on legs though

Maybe. I really think critics power in the industry has declined over the past 3 years. Feb/mar nods will be interesting.


So, uhhh, how did the people on GAF that got the game early take 12 hours to beat it?
There is literally no way it can take that long to beat unless you stop moving your character to look at shit every 10 minutes. Or if you just suck at third person shooting and the 5 minute encounters take you an hour because you keep dying.
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