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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Holy shit at 3 hours of gameplay. How does a studio pitch such an idea tin he first place and how does Sony sign off on such? That's what I really want to know,

No way a game like that gets greenlit.

Things... happened in development. Seems pretty clear.

Hoping Gamasutra or someone will have a post mortem on this in 6 months or so.
Hahahaha, if Hitler in downfall meme was the voice of people against companies, Risitas is the voice of the companies doing shitty practices.

Its so funny knowing him for TV and spanish to know he is talking about making a paella, and in reality the subs are talking about shitty practices.
This interview (and others) are already famous in Spain because the guy (and his brother in law RIP :( ) makes no sense when telling stories, but this just elvates it to god status.

I do understand a bit of Spanish and he obviously doesn't speak about videogames, yet the whole combination of his laughter and that I probably don't understand enough Spanish made it absolutely hilarious.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I wonder now if Galahad will appear in Playstation All Stars 2?



I think we can all agree that some of the choices that were made regarding this game were definitely bad calls. I'm just hoping that people, some day, realize that those were not trying to offer a cinematic game, nor focusing on SP.

The lack of content, in my opinion, was the biggest fault this game showed. For a game that wanted to be a SP experience, they should have offered more for the players.

I just hope that this game still sell enough. It deserves it. Its a good game. Its a great foundation to what can become an awesome franchise.

I hope Sony sees that and bring a second entry on this universe. Rectifying the lack of content. Now that they would be working on content instead of building the engine, they could definitely add more playstyles, ala Killzone where you could change between your squad members. Multiplayer could also make its debut. They could even go and add splitscreen. I would love that.
If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here


Not all games need tacked on multiplayer, co-op or stupid unlockables. Also the multiple playthroughs thing is a ridiculous complaint. Not necessary either. If these are the only complaints with the game I'm going to buy it once it goes on sale.
They do if they wanted to be rated along with their peers. When I get buy another game at the same pricepoint and the only redeeming feature of one is 'pretty graphics' whereas the other has multiple modes and reasons to keep playing the game then the choice should be pretty easy.

I couldn't care less about a game not having new game + , i understand people other than me do, but it should have no effect on the score of the game IMO.

again missing features that your competition has should be considered a negative, all the games are competing with each other, at least in the same genre. so if one title has reasons to keep playing it and the other doesn't how can you rate them the same?

All of this is moot really, because from the sounds of things even the one thing that Order has going for it (cinematic story) is mediocre then it should absolutely get much worse scores than it's competition.


It's a cover based shooter? I like those, I don't care if other games have done it before

It's disturbing that I want my $60 game to work? That I don't have to wait for patch after patch for performance fixes?

That alone makes this game better than other recent AAA games

I can name 4 AAA exclusive games on more than one system with scores of 8/10 or better that came out in the last 6 months...all 4 function darn near perfectly.

Do you have some long/weird definition of "recent"?


Gold Member
so it seems the graphics are going to melt my face off.


review scores were expected. single player only def hurts it imo. would love to get coop down the road ie killzone SF.


If a steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

Sounds like a 6.9 and an 8.8 to me. They'll meet somewhere around Pittsburgh.


If a steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

lol fuck me. I howled at the sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives... part
Looking at the Giant Bomb quick look, some things I can imagine becoming bothersome are the forced walking sections (which tend to annoy me in most games) and the way the action/gameplay is often interrupted by cutscenes (including some of the transitions). The game seems to teeter back and forth between giving you control and taking it away from you a bit too often.
If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

you missed the blowjob one which was definitely the best.


Cant understand why people keep trying to justify the "unfair scores" argument of The Order with Halo MCC case. Theyre not only completely different games, but also one thing does not justifies another! Is not that after Halo MCC every solid game technically speaking should deserve a bigger overall score... Halo MCC scores were probably a mistake, and you can't turn it into a new paradigma.


If I gave a gaming site reviews, I'd be worried. In the meantime, the game is already preloaded. Can't wait.

Knack, Killzone, Driveclub and now this.. Sony is on fire with their exclusives.

You've never played Driveclub, have you?


If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

It's an Arby's Sandwich with Boar's Head turkey.


They knew this was coming. Standard industry practice is that a few months before launch the studio or the publisher has mock-reviews done by game journalists so they have an idea of how well their game is going to do. Then they base their preorder and sell-through projections off those reviews (and a couple of other factors).

Good point. I forgot this was a thing. They must have weighed the cost to make it better and couldn't justify it.
Our (PlayStation LifeStyle) review: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net...6-review-interactive-19th-century-cinema-ps4/

8/10 -- a score it definitely deserves. Most people won't like it since it doesn't have any online component, or any social features and is not a sandbox game. But it's fine by me. Narrative-driven, with amazing audio/visual work? Yep, it's The Order.

Bottom line is: reviews will be super polarized depending no who reviewed it. If they're a fan of games like Heavy Rain, go pick it up. If not, then don't bother. It won't change your mind.

It's Playstation Lifetstyle.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I will say I am pretty surprised by these scores and the recent downturn in the gaming media in regards to cinematic games. Just a few years ago, they were loved and could do no wrong, and I remember the old gameplay-guy Matt Casamassina even writing stuff about how Uncharted 2 was saving gaming (or something like that).

Now this has completely turned around it seems, and while I am sure the Order is a much weaker game than Uncharted, from the footage I have seen, it kinda looks similar still. Anyways, I will probably get this game eventually when its in the bargain bin, as I am sure it will be a decent ride. Just not for $60.


Hahahaha, if Hitler in downfall meme was the voice of people against companies, Risitas is the voice of the companies doing shitty practices.

Its so funny knowing him for TV and spanish to know he is talking about making a paella in the beach, and in reality the subs are talking about shitty practices.
This interview (and others) are already famous in Spain because the guy (and his brother in law RIP :( ) makes no sense when telling stories, but this just elvates it to god status.

Hahah I first saw this when that Nvidia 3.5GB fiasco started, shit was friggin' hilarious:

I don't have any issue with them scoring The Order so low; my issue with game reviews is that they have zero standards. Halo MCC should not have gotten a 8/10 or 9/10. It is fucking broken, the end. MP is a huge part of Halo and it's inexcusable that it launched broken. Period. I don't give a fuck that the SP works, SP it at best 50% of the Halo experience. MCC was a rush hack job slapped together by 3 separate studios. The series was not given the love it deserved. That the SP is "playable" should be the minimum acceptable bar, not something to be lavished with praise from almost every game journalist. I am a Halo fan, they never should have released the product the way they did and the fact that Microsoft went ahead and did it anyway... they should have been raked over the coals by "professional" game journalists. So you played it in a special reviewers enclave, I don't give a fuck for your excuses. Go back and amend you reviews you fucks. And not to 8/10

I dont understand this. Multiplayer bugs aside, the game is fun as heck and has a crap ton of content even if you never touch multiplayer. The game does have serious issues, but it's extremely fun and the content level is absurd. The order just seems to be thr opposite. That's why it is reviewing bad. Can we drop the journalism integrity or standards thing? There's obvious reasons MCC scored what it did,regardless of how high or low others score. Technically sound or bug free does not a good game make.

I realize you aren't necessarily making a comparison between the two games, but many are here. However you do act like there's no reason for mcc to score as high as it did, which is what I don't understand. Even with the bugs. I was disappointed by the bugs as well.
I would love for you to keep us in the loop on this because I feel it might be the opposite. I think it just might get enough positive word of mouth to maintain some momentum.

I'll be honest, as crazy as it is, lots of consumers hate short games, regardless of quality. They beat them, don't think they got their cash worth, and trade it in. Not everyone of course but I'm speaking of mass market. Combine that with no multi player and little to no replayability from what the majority of reviews are saying and........

Yeah I don't anticipate good word of mouth at all. But we'll see, could be off on that.


If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

Stop, you're giving me SAT flash backs.


If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here
This somehow makes me hungry and my teeth hurt at the same time


If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

$100/20 = 5 dollar to mph ratio
Free sedan/70 = infinity

Infinity loops

1886 the first automobile was made
1948 McDonalds was founded

1948-1886 = 62

(5-infinity)*62 = the big bang?


If a five hour steak that costs $100 but is also a sportscar made out of diamonds drives out of a movie theater at 20MPH, and a sedan hamburger that is 40 hours long and open world drives out of a McDonald's at 70MPH, when will the two meet and what will the score be

I'm trying to figure out the proper analogies here

Okay new winner of the thread


just sad that we will never have the chance to have an equivalent of UC2 for The Order, I don't think Sony would greenlit a sequel


Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?

Even the pessimists were expecting around 75. RaD were probably hoping for an MC in 80's.

Sales will dictate what RaD does next.


Do you guys think RAD is surprised by the score this game is getting in reviews? Sometimes when you make something you value it higher than others.

Or do you think they expected this but decided to cut their loses?

I think the developer knew it was coming in the back of their minds. From a PR standpoint ,they were trying to protect their game and I can respect that to some extent, especially when Ready at Dawn was honest about where its priorities were in the design of this game. Like you said ,when you make something, you put in a lot of emotional investment into it, but unfortunately for RAD, the product they spent so much time in creating doesn't seem to be a very good one. Critics and some consumers saw some potential early red flags, and if they saw them, then RAD had to as well. RAD was just committed to a vision they thought they could pull off.


Games like The Order and its ilk are what giving 'Linear' a bad name and almost turned it into an insult. There are bad and good linear games. Players and especially reviewers mustn't attribute The Order's flaws to being a linear game. Linear SP games are great, no overwhelming side stuff is grate, not shoving in XP or upgrade system is great.

The Order takes linearity to the extreme and becomes something else - a restrictive, suffocating game experience with little breadth or depth to the gameplay mechanics and design. Which is how i use the term 'cinematic' in discussing video games.

The length really isn't an issue. If anything the impression i got is that the game overstays its welcome and recycles some of the encounters. Taking the same content and stretching it out wouldn't have done any favors.


Wowee at those review scores. I planned to rent this title for a while now anyway but I am genuinely curious as to what my feelings on the game will be when I play it for myself, since I'm a fan of Heavy Rain, The Walking Dead, and such. One thing I can see myself agreeing with is the issue with value proposition because no matter how pretty it is, it does appear to be a small package for a 60 dollar game.
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