I've only been able to read about 30 or so pages of this thread so I apologize if I'm repeating things that were said in the interim.
Let me clarify that I LOVE Single player games, I LOVE Story-focused games. I was hyped for this game because it was going to be something that ticked both boxes and presented them with some of the best visuals to date.
But what I'm hearing, and reading, is just so disappointing. Many of the reviews are echoing each other in regards to the main issues which really stand out for me, so I am not at all hopeful for simple differences of interpretation or tastes.
The Story is underwhelming. I'm sorry, but I am one who wishes more devs would try to balance Story and Gameplay instead of focusing on one at the expense of the other. Heck, I wouldn't mind if a dev chose to place more emphasis on the story overall, but when it comes at the expense of gameplay and ensuring that the player experience is enjoyable, then you've got a problem. Add insult to injury is the fact that the Story apparently didn't turn out to be anything worthwhile or compelling in the end. That's just the worst possible outcome for something that was constantly advertised for its story and narrative.
Poor Level Design. This would probably hurt the most if I was to play this now coming off of the Metroid Prime Trilogy. But the reviews tell of high quality visuals, but again being designed to be "Epic Set Pieces" without much functionality or thought to them, aside from being empty arenas to battle enemies. I have to seriously wonder if their chase for "Super High-Definition HD Graphics" was a detriment overall. (though I often wonder that about the AAA industry in total)
No Lore/World Building? Perhaps the biggest disappointment is hearing that they've really done nothing unique with such a inventive setting. Everyone was psyched when we saw the initial concepts and artwork for an alternate Gothic London with Steampunk industrial influences. But reading the reviews make it sound like the Environments and world do not really emphasize these elements and are "pretty to look at, but boring". Something I've also not read in the reviews is any presence of Lore or Examinable world building objects, which would have been IMO a necessity for such a unique setting. Shame.
Those are just the reasons at the top of my head. But I'm sure there are others when it comes to reading about the overall scope of the gameplay and how shallow it seems doing nothing at all unique or interesting. Or the fact that there aren't that many monsters in the game that you battle and instead spend most of the time fighting shotgun wielding blokes. It's just such a shame as this at one point might have compelled me to buy a PS4. But now all that really interests me on that system is BloodBorne and I'm not sure I can justify purchase of a console just for that one game.
Honestly about the ratings I'm not too concerned with the number. It's the content of the reviews that is disappointing me.