Seriously. If you want to make movies then go work for a movie studio and don't ruin GAMES. Same goes for Cage.
This attitude is far more detrimental to gaming than cinematic games.
Seriously. If you want to make movies then go work for a movie studio and don't ruin GAMES. Same goes for Cage.
I didn't really have that much interest in this game to begin with after seeing some of the initial reveal footage with QTEs and what appeared to be generic chest-high-walls cover shooting mechanics, so I can understand some of the reviews that are critical of the mechanics of the game and the pros and cons of them. What I find abso-fucking bewildering is the number of reviews criticizing this game for what it apparently isn't instead of what it is, a very linear, story driven SP experience.
Somewhere I missed the memo apparently where SP games now have to have unlockable weapons that you have to level now? Tacked on MP? Choice-based narratives and branching paths in a linear narrative experience? I think I literally read something that knocked the game for beginning development at a time when people were enamored with the likes of Uncharted 2? Uncharted 2 is a bad game now? Jim actually says that it harkens back to a PS2 game, which sounds kind of awesome. Does every game have to have an open world now with a skill tree to unlock the ability to run fast and jump slightly higher or something now? I can obviously get why the mechanics of the game may be dull or outdated, such as the shooting mechanics and QTE's, AND I understand why certain people don't like "cinematic gameplay" games, but hell I loved the Uncharted games and The Last of Us.
The thing I'm worried about is that these reviews are going to send the wrong message to publishers. Instead of sending the message that maybe you should try to liven up the gameplay mechanics, the message is going to going to be that no one likes SP narrative games anymore. The message is going to be if we try to make a AAA story driven SP experience, we are going to get shit reviews and nobody is going to buy it unless we water it down and fill it with busy work filler content, unlockables, skill trees, leveling guns, and a tacked on MP mode filled to the brim with microtransactions along with an aggressive DLC release schedule.
This line of thinking is the same reason why I'm struggling to play through Alien:Isolation because they felt like they needed to make it a 20-hour experience instead of a 10-hour one and why playing Dragon Age Inquisition at this point for me feels like work because it is filled with so much time-wasting, game-padding, filler-laden bullshit side content.
I wonder how these reviewers are going receive Uncharted 4? It should get a baseline 6 or 7 judging by something of these reviews I'm reading. .
This attitude is far more detrimental to gaming than cinematic games.
So what's the consensus on the actual story quality? Not value or gameplay (I think I already have a clear idea there lol).
bad pacing, not really fun to play, awful stealth segments, gameplay is interuppted too much, bland enemies
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
I don't think that phrase means what you think it means...Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
I think Bloodbourne looks fantastic. But the souls style of game isn't for everyone. I wouldn't be in shock if The Order sold more.Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
Uh, because they're completely different experiences?
But arguably Asura's Wrath isn't fun. I didn't think so, but I'm glad there are people who liked it. Just like there will be people championing this game despite flaws.
His point is, if I'm interpreting correctly, that reviewers are fickle and will forgive a lot based on the perceived "artistry" a game has. A unique Japanese experience= something new and different, despite limited control, fairly brief length, and a DLC ending. And it retailed at full price.
A Western AAA exclusive = lol it's a movie not a game zero innovation it's just pretty and nothing else fail 1 star.
He's not wrong on that point, but comparing the games isn't the focus- it's how reviewers respond that is.
Utterly subjective statement of course.And zero replay value. None incentives to go back.
Ummm... What?And most people who watch Two Broke Girls will tell you it's great. But that's a poor sample of people to use.
I'm not saying Driveclub is bad, not in the least, but the fact that people who bought the game like it means nothing.
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
Did the director actually say that? Absolutely amazing if that's the case, RAD deserve everything that's coming to them if that was what they were going with. I love cinematic games and IMO feel anyone saying ND games don't have good gameplay are talking a load of shit articulatory with how TLOU was.
I'm just thinking how RAD went from the GOW PSP games to this, those games had awesome gameplay but can't believe where they are now. It's not like Sony rushed them as well, I very much doubt these guys will get a second opportunity from Sony so feels bad, loved this studio.![]()
I'm getting this tomorrow and for someone like me renting it, the game won't be so bad but for people paying £49? Nope, there are more than enough games out there with both quality and quantity.
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
Everything it does gameplay wise is done better in other, more fully realized games.Can someone tell me what most of the reviews have in common in terms of what the reviewers disliked? Why is this game receiving 6's across the board, is it solely because of the length or are there other reasons?
I can't believe how many people I've seen in this thread that are happy about the middling reviews or are taking joy in it.
Well, the Order's a bad one and
Uh, because they're completely different experiences?
Meanwhile the same reviewers are happy with CoD's 4 hours campaign and tired multiplayer just because it has Kevin Spacey.
This is another reason why no one should listen to journalists.
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
Meanwhile the same reviewers are happy with CoD's 4 hours campaign and tired multiplayer just because it has Kevin Spacey.
This is another reason why no one should listen to journalists.
I figured we were talking Sony's big studios. As far as expecting The Order to be like Halo, I dunno.There's more to Sony exclusives than those games. If they didn't like those, what convinced them The Order was going to be like Halo?
Not really; it's at 65 on Metacritic right now and will probably go lower once all's said and done.
This is where I'm getting it from. Not sure if that's just NPD sales or not. Since it doesn't specify, my guess would be worldwide.
You know what another guy that works at Best Buy said the same thing about game length having a huge impact at his store when it came to returns. Can't believe I forgot about that.
I think Max Payne 3 was mentioned because of the constant cutscenes at what felt like every door way of that game.
I actually don't wanna dig through 37 pages to see if it was already posted, but the subtitles and the laughter in this video kill me:
"Interview" with a Ready at Dawn-developer
You do realize there's more than Ubi "Open World" and linear cinematic? Games don't have to just be one or the other. I do agree that reviews seem to favor the open world design over some different single-player focused genres, but to argue that The Order was criticized negatively because of this is a silly argument. I want great single-player games as much as the next person, but surely we can do better than The Order. And surely devs can realize that to be a great single-player linear experience does not necessarily mean one has to be "cinematic". See Bayonetta 2, Wolfenstein TNO, or Alien Isolation for great examples of non-open world single-player, linear games that are excellent. These are the kind of games I want when I say I want "focused singleplayer experiences". I don't think consumers should have to settle for The Order 1866.
good comparison. &, yeah, i think these guys are capable of learning from their mistakes, & hope they get the chance to do so. because they certainly seem to've mastered the technical aspects...
Meanwhile the same reviewers are happy with CoD's 4 hours campaign and tired multiplayer just because it has Kevin Spacey.
This is another reason why no one should listen to journalists.
I can't believe how many people I've seen in this thread that are happy about the middling reviews or are taking joy in it.
Lately, since this gen started, they have been a growing trend against linear SP games.
I'm just saying, this is not a good hill to die on when it's clear a lot of the reason is simply to fist-pump for exclusivity.
There's a better exclusive down the road.
well they have reviews in it, they make a "summary" or whatever.That (maybe) would've been funny if rotten tomatoes actually reviewed movies.
Exactly, playing through ME1 was what really drove home this point to me.agree
perfect avi too, mass effect 1 great story, so-so gameplay
Agreed, it never hurts to have more diverse experiences available.As I've said, the "cinematic" and "story-driven" open this industry to all kinds of people who currently don't feel drawn by what the industry offers.
Ahhh, very disappointing. I'll definitely wait for a huge sale / PS+ then.Lots of potential that is left unexplored, which pretty much the entire game's premise (The Order, Half-Breeds, world operates with the knowledge or lack-of these forces, Arthurian Legend). Performances are good and moments of decent writing, but the moments where the writing falters stick out like a sore thumb. Plot-lines are abandoned/left-hanging the moment they are introduced. Game ends anti-climatically. Doesn't feel like there was any resolution.
In short, keeps the player going with the promise of expanding out, but ultimately stays held above the players head and out of sight.
From what I've seen for myself and going by GAF impressions and these reviews.
Bloodborne is why I don't understand anyone dying on the hill for this game.
There is a fantastic looking exclusive coming NEXT MONTH. It's pretty much guaranteed to be an incredible game and it also looks amazing, a generational leap over previous titles. It's like 30 days away! Save your extraordinary levels of hype and loyalty for that game. Convince the masses that Bloodborne will be glorious, because there's a high chance it actually will.
Don't champion a lemon-shaped rock when there's a lemon right behind it.
Meanwhile the same reviewers are happy with CoD's 4 hours campaign and tired multiplayer just because it has Kevin Spacey.
This is another reason why no one should listen to journalists.
Utterly subjective statement of course.
Not everyone likes the souls games. As popular as they are, they're still an acquired taste. Third person shooters are much easier for people to like.