The Talos Principle 2 | Review Thread


Anyone know how to unlock the golden doors in area one? I’m guessing by doing a collection of puzzles and returning?

I don't even think it's possible until you've completed the game. I think I've done about 1/4 of the game so far and correspondingly only half of one circle on the golden doors is lit up. I think you need 24 stars to open the doors (guessing here).

I freakin' love the train rides as well, it's giving me Riven vibes.
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For anyone wondering, because I hardly found any information on it online, the PS5 version (and I assume the series X version) has performance mode and graphical fidelity mode.

Performance mode is a pretty stable 60 fps. There are some minor drops and hitches sometimes in New Jerusalem, but it's not bad, and the rest of the areas I've played by now were smooth for me. Sure they'll patch it up in the next few months.

From the 2-3 hours I've played so far the writing is really solid, and this time you have actual characters with fun personalities. The game doesn't take itself too seriously too. The puzzles are fun and creative, like those in the first game. The amount of content seems pretty massive, and if the quality of the puzzles and writing stays consistent throughout, they could have asked 60 bucks and I wouldn't have complained.
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Currently on the first one.

The stars collectibles seem kind of bullshit to be honest, is it ok to skip them ?
Some of those puzzles were bullshit indeed. Skip them, it's fine. If you get them all you can get a special ending (which I thought sucked). You can just go and watch it on YouTube later.


Neighbours from Hell
I don't even think it's possible until you've completed the game. I think I've done about 1/4 of the game so far and correspondingly only half of one circle on the golden doors is lit up. I think you need 24 stars to open the doors (guessing here).

I freakin' love the train rides as well, it's giving me Riven vibes.
Have you found any purpose to the monuments yet? Found one in the first area and one of your team comments "A monument, could it be another puzzle or just for show?" or something. I haven't found a way to do something with it. Then there's a couple more in the 2nd area. One has numbers on it. I'm almost done the area, I'll see if it activates when I complete the puzzle numbers that correspond on the monument. There's also an underground bunker in area 2 with a locked door that I haven't found a way to open yet either. If none of these things activate when I complete the area, I'll just come back to all of these places at the very end of the game I guess.
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Have you found any purpose to the monuments yet? Found one in the first area and one of your team comments "A monument, could it be another puzzle or just for show?" or something. I haven't found a way to do something with it.

Yes the monuments are what give you the stars. I discovered it accidentally as I was just going aimlessly round the map seeing what I could find.

Had my first real tester last night. Got the 20 minute achievement so it must have taken me at least that amount of time to figure out.
Currently on the first one.

The stars collectibles seem kind of bullshit to be honest, is it ok to skip them ?
You can skip them. But the star puzzles are incredibly rewarding and some of them are the best puzzles of the whole game. Some of them are quite hard and not easy do find out alone though. But when you find the solution alone...

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
So you guys want a nice little OT or just want to continue the game discussion in this review thread? I can make one tomorrow if there's enough interest here on GAF. Just need your help in picking up a title for the OT (post here your suggestions).


Jesus, just entered the pyramid, this is fucking overwhelming I had to turn it off for a bit. The open nature of it all fried my brain, didnt have a clue where i was going 🤣🤣

Really enjoyed the section before it with the invert beams, number 8 was really tricky but i'm so glad i didnt cheat as I got there in the end.


Neighbours from Hell
Jesus, just entered the pyramid, this is fucking overwhelming I had to turn it off for a bit. The open nature of it all fried my brain, didnt have a clue where i was going 🤣🤣

Really enjoyed the section before it with the invert beams, number 8 was really tricky but i'm so glad i didnt cheat as I got there in the end.
Just came here to post that. Finished that megastructure and man that place was huge. Not necessarily how much there was to explore, it wasn't as big as one of the East zones, but the scale of it was massive. It felt enormous looking around. And the music... fucking epic. Sounded like a final dungeon RPG music.

It's pretty wild how different this game is to the first one. I don't think it's better or worse... just different. Its own thing. I didn't know that coming in, how bigger it is in scale, it's night and day. I ignored all previews. The game is gorgeous too. If there's one small nitpick so far, they seem to reuse one track almost all the time. It's a great track that's pretty long, so not a huge deal, but Talos 1 had seriously one of the best game soundtracks ever. I'm hoping as I get further into the game the music expands to more tracks. That was one of the things that made 1 so memorable. I still listen to the soundtrack regularly.
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Neighbours from Hell
For some reason, the first game gave me pretty bad motion sickness (which no other game has ever done). Has anyone experienced anything similar with this one?
I haven't, and I'm prone to it. Especially ever since I got COVID, I've had lingering symptoms that make me super prone to it. There's some games I flat out can't play, but this isn't one of them.

I'm a huge fan of puzzle games, so that's obviously a factor, but this so far is my favorite game of 2023. I knew it would be in the mix considering how much I loved Talos 1.

I'm in North 1 taking my time. This place is interesting, it's a very big scenic change from the East area. It's all snowy and mountains so far. One thing I've noticed is I've diverted from the beaten path on a few occasions and followed these loooooooooong pathways and figured it would lead to something really cool and all it led to was a data terminal. One of them led to a flame, which I'm not going to use.
I'm absolutely blown away by the game. I played the first one and its DLC to completion. Seeing where they went with the narrative has me all in. It's not what I expected, and honestly feels VERY different than the first game. While the game gives a nice recap of the events of Talos 1, I feel the impact of the story and meaning is lost if you just skip the first game.
The puzzles are fantastic and definitely a step up from the first game, I'm currently in South 3 and the puzzles are still just as unique as when I started. I love it.

Also there is a potential softlock people may run into. Spoiler tags, but its shortly after finishing North.
Once you have entered the Megastructure for the second time, you'll do a handful of more puzzles, many of them with anti gravity. After you complete the Green Laser, there's a chance your tetromino bridge will despawn after the cutscene. You aren't able to rebuild it from your side as it was made for only 1 way. Its suppose to remain constructed, and not every person has this issue (Unfortunately I had it). However there is a spot in the Green laser puzzle where you can detach and flip back onto the lower ground and work your way back around to where you need to go.


Also there is a potential softlock people may run into. Spoiler tags, but its shortly after finishing North.
Once you have entered the Megastructure for the second time, you'll do a handful of more puzzles, many of them with anti gravity. After you complete the Green Laser, there's a chance your tetromino bridge will despawn after the cutscene. You aren't able to rebuild it from your side as it was made for only 1 way. Its suppose to remain constructed, and not every person has this issue (Unfortunately I had it). However there is a spot in the Green laser puzzle where you can detach and flip back onto the lower ground and work your way back around to where you need to go.

I think they just fixed this tonight in patch 1.0.2
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I completed the first game and it was one of the few puzzle games that I played through to the end.
I'm happy for the great reviews.
I'm clearing my backlog and waiting to see if it comes to gamepass till my backlog is clear.


Neighbours from Hell
I'm in South 2 right now and maybe it's just me, but I thought East was the easiest of the puzzles so far. Implementing the teleportation was a really cool mechanic, but I actually thought because of that mechanic, puzzles got a lot easier. The gravity ones have been the most challenging so far. The gravity stuff has been a little finicky so far in spots. I've encountered a few bugs here and there. One of them(I'm pretty sure it was a bug unless I activated some mechanic that I'm still not aware of) was in a bonus room in South 1. You're supposed to get a block across the room and when I put a block on the fan it wouldn't rise into the air, it would just sit there. And I'm like ok this room for whatever reason is giving me a block that won't rise with fans, so I have to figure out another way around this. And after some time I realized it's impossible without it. So I reloaded a checkpoint and sure enough the block rose with the fan this time.

Also, in the megastructure I fell through the floor on one of the puzzles and got stuck and had to reload the checkpoint.
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I'm onto the final area(s) now, definitely had my fill of these puzzles, I just want to get it over and done.

EDIT: And now I've finished it, I'm sort of sad. It's been a fantastic experience overall. 36 hrs 41 mins on the clock. I might go and see if I can mop up a few more achievements.
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Neighbours from Hell
I did a puzzle tonight where I wanted to go eat dinner but I was getting impatient and I thought I had it figured out but my laser couldn’t quite reach the target it kept being just a hair off, and usually that means what you’re doing isn’t correct. In this game if something works there’s a bit of a leeway they don’t usually make you have to shift a reflector around to a spot the size of a finger without any leeway, but I found a sweet spot that literally was the only spot on the entire platform that allowed me juuuuuust enough space for the laser to squeak by the ground and make its way over to the target. Still not sure if that’s the way it was intended to be solved, but it worked nonetheless and I was able to go eat dinner.

Also encountered another bug where I used the gravity beam and when I hit the wall I just went right through it and got stuck out of the map and had to reset the checkpoint. And also I noticed that if you have to reload from a checkpoint it resets any lasers you’ve done for star puzzles, so I had to go back and redo those In that area.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Bought this on Steam but Still waiting on a VR mode before starting. Also need to finish Alan Wake 2 first but need to finish Jusant before that. I have a feeling Talos 2 might end up in the large backlog pile. 🥹


GOTY, pretty much stopped my alan wake playthrough and took over.
already dreading that it will be finished soon.


I liked the first game so much I had to get this, despite having many other games I should finish right now. I'm about halfway through (I guess), so this is an opinion-in-progress. There's a lot to like, but this being Gaf and especially me being me, some negatives first (this is on PS5 FWIW). My main issue so far is the story and writing. This is pretty much impossible to discuss without spoilers, so I won't even try (it's about the first game and setting of this game).

What really took me by surprise in the original was how story-driven it actually was, and while I was able to piece some things together during my playthrough, the ending still took me by surprise. So I was curious how Croteam would handle the sequel and keep things interesting. My initial impression was "huh... they've not put much effort into it", which of course was wrong. Cheeky devs. But once it was revealed what the game world and goals are about, I think it's something of a missed opportunity. That we have a "species" of AIs, who display so many human traits, is just... a bit boring, innit? It would be much more exciting if their society and behavior would be just completely alien to us. Also I find many NPCs way too chatty, and I'm not a fan of the banter. The writing is not terrible, there are way worse examples out there and sure there's a new mystery to unfold, but I can't help but to feel so much more could have been done with the premise.

Another thing that bugs me is something commonly found in lower budget games, but not unheard in AAA productions either, that is "super-sized level design". It's like they designed a level and then just scaled it up to eleven to make it more epic or something. I'm not talking about the size of the puzzles, they're just perfect, but the environments and buildings. I think the art style is great, but it's lessened by having similar looking corridors and evironments that extend way further than they should. You will spend quite a bit of time traversing from location to another. Sure, there's a sprint button and no stamina meter, but if a game makes you want to keep holding sprint most of the time, I think something has gone wrong in the desing process. I'd appreciate the environments and buildings more if they were more compressed/unique, as it is they can feel a bit like filler.

And when it comes to tech, there are some issues. Performance mode runs mostly at 60fps or thereabouts, but there is occasional stuttering (seems like an asset streaming issue) and the pop-in/shimmering on distant objects is not great. The quality mode runs at an unlocked frame rate - whatever it is, it drops frequently beyond VRR range. In a game like this I wouldn't mind 30fps if it gave me more bling, but that should be locked (ideally 40fps - devs, get with the program!). Have had a single crash so far, and another situation where L2 just stopped working, forcing me to restart the game.

But that's it for the main negatives, the game has a lot to offer. I think the puzzles are much better thought out, and especially paced, than previously. Whenever there's a new tool/mechanic, there's a puzzle or few that demonstrate "this is what this thing does, you can use it there and there, but not there". And after that the progression to more complicated puzzles is really seamless and enjoyable. During the first game I had to check Youtube on how to use that rec/playback thing because I just couldn't figure it out myself, haven't had to do so with this game so far. In general the new tools are great and add a nice amount of variety to the existing arsenal. I haven't been able to glitch any puzzle so far (in the first game I got through a few puzzles by just breaking the game). As far as I can tell, each puzzle is designed so that you can't end up in an unwinnable state, but there's of course the reset option if you want to start from scratch.

While I'm not so much into the narrative this time around (at least so far), the presentation is pretty great. The art is distinct and fitting for the game (scale notwithstanding). Special shoutout to the soundtrack, which is still fantastic. The end result is a very atmospheric experience. Also, it has been a while since I played the original so I may remember wrong, but I think this controls better on a controller. Placing objects and determining where you can/cannot go is very straightforward. I just wish I could jump even so slightly higher, but this is by design I guess.

For someone looking for a good 3D puzzle game, heartily recommended, especially at this price. For someone looking for a story-driven puzzle game, I'd recommend checking out the previous game first, it should be dirt cheap everywhere by now.
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Neighbours from Hell
I'm on the final couple puzzles of West 3, then I assume I'll be on the final stretch to completion.

There were a few puzzles along the way that had me stuck for a while and the reason is the same every time. For all puzzle games, not just this one. Happened in Talos 1 to me too. It's when I think the solution is more complicated than it actually is and I realize oh shit I completely overlooked all I needed to do was move this thing here and this thing there and boom it was solved. Had myself redirecting lasers back and forth and across and trying to time stuff with movement and then I realized it wasn't nearly that complicated. My brain is wired to assume the harder puzzles have solutions way more complex I guess.


Neighbours from Hell
Finished the game and got the bonus scenes. It really was a great game. Not sure if I liked it more than 1 or not, tough call. I think I had slightly more fun with the puzzles in Talos 1, and part of me enjoyed the simplicity of the areas being smaller. But man, this game was beautiful graphically and the areas were just so amazing to look at. I guess it will depend on mood on what I think was better. I will say the one thing I'm certain is the soundtrack in 1 was better. 2's was amazing too, but 1 just had more overall variety of themes. Each region had its own track here and you spent a ton of time in each region, so it felt like you heard a handful of tracks the majority of the game. But they were definitely great.

I may go back and play 1 again at some point, though I don't usually like to replay puzzle games since the fun of it is removed. It's not like replaying other genres that rely purely on gameplay for fun.

This is either my #1 or #2 game of the year.


Neo Member
I'm playing the game right now. I think it's brilliant! The only negative criticism I have are those stars where you just have to follow that little blue thingy. That got boring quickly. The best star puzzles are clearly those where you have to connect lasers over a huge distance.

Here's my ranking of star puzzle types from best to boringest.
1. The ones where you have to connect lasers to form a green laser beam which connects to the star monument.
2. The ones where you have to find patterns in the area that match the one on the star monument, and press buttons accordingly.
3. The ones where you run after those blue things.

Tbh number 2 isn't all that exiting either. I wish all the star puzzles were type 1.


The Talos Principle II just got a PS5 "deluxe" physical release by Devolver with an artbook for only 40€, already available on !


cat bed GIF
Cat Remember GIF
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The GotY 2023 just got better...

Happy for those getting to try this piece of splendor for the first time. Such a treat
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Found The Talos Principle 2 Devolver Deluxe PS5 on (French) and PlayAsia as well.
With shipping, PlayAsia would be >70€ , only ~50€.
I asked in which language the game or the packaging will be available. Let's see, for people who don't want to use amazon, this could be an alternative.


I think I have found the best alternative to amazon - namely GameWare

37.99€ for PEGI, 42.99€ for the German version, including tax & shipping.

I actually didn't want to spend any money on games this month ... But what the heck, it's ordered.

They even have an Xbox Series version listed, but without an exact release date and at a comparatively high price. I haven't read anything about an Xbox version yet, maybe it's just a placeholder.
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I've been playing this recently, and you guys were right, it's fantastic. I love it.

I think I found a reference to the TV show Lost in the game. In one of the labs on South 2, you come across a terminal with a bunch of error numbers. The numbers are 16, 23, 42, and 108. 16, 23, are 42 are 3 of the six numbers which feature prominently in the show, and 108 is the sum of all the numbers. Probably not something most people would care about, but I thought it was pretty cool :)


Finally playing it as I was waiting the physical release on ps5.

15 hours in. Im in awe! It is even better than the first.

I don't know if I will bother with the puzzles in the open worlds without a guide though. Those that you need to have tools outside of the puzzle rooms. They will need many hours of exploring these huge maps.


I just started playing today and got frustrated by the traversal stutters...

There weren't any in the introduction puzzle area, but when i reached the city and started exploring it, these stutters pretty much ruined the whole experience for me. And it's not a PC performance issue either, they are just there in certain places where you can easily re-trigger them by going back and forth. Makes exploring the city such a drag.

It's probably a great game (loved the first one) but i'm not going to find out because it's ruined by the dev's decision to use the worst engine ever created, the dreadful Unreal 5.


Neighbours from Hell
I didn't notice any traversal stutters when I played. Shame, you're missing out on a great game, for something that sounds quite trivial.


I didn't notice any traversal stutters when I played. Shame, you're missing out on a great game, for something that sounds quite trivial.
Did you play on PC or console?

Because it's not just me on PC, there was a discussion about it on STEAM.

Seems like the main city is where this happens but i didn't go much further to test.

Not interested anymore. Played the game and was turned off by the awful NPCs and all the stupid discussions.
I loved the first game's loneliness... Is the sequel a chat show?
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