Louisiana we're finally doing something right.
no twix x skittles x starburst for any state 0_O
wax lips wat, candy corn ouch
This is probably one of those "the most unique result in each State" analytics.
There are more people talking about Wax Lips in CA than anywhere else... but I doubt Wax Lips are even in the top 10 candys being talked about in CA.. it's just that the rest are the really common ones.
It's just like all of the recent charts that have annoyed people.. they aren't actually "the most popular thing" just "the most uniquely popular."
Yup, it's true, you ain't playing. We do give out small assorted bags of chips over here. Mostly of the Old Dutch variety.
By analyzing data from Google, the SumoCoupon team was able to see what Americans are discussing when it comes to sweets
It sounds like people were "discussing" this candy. I.e. "some fucker gave me wax lips one year so I threw feces at his house," and "yeah my kids got wax lips one year and they killed themselves." Well that's two instances of wax lips right there, the most trending candy in California.
It's most likely not actually a "most popular" list.. otherwise it wouldn't have unique examples in each State.
My explanation from earlier:
It's pretty obvious looking at the data.. it's the only way you get a near unique example for almost every State is to weigh things really oddly.
In order to determine which candy stood out in search volumes for each state, we analyzed Google Search Volumes. To determine the specific winner in each state, we used Google Trends, which gives scores out of 100 for the popularity of a single search term. Some states had more than one candy with a score of 100, and since we could only choose one candy per state, we chose the candy that was more unique (for example, if apples and peanut butter cups were tied for 100, but peanut butter cups were already present in other states, we went with apples for that state). - See more at: http://www.sumocoupon.com/trending-halloween-candy-each-state/#sthash.7drXMlkW.dpuf
In Canada they give out chip bags. I ain't even playin I seen them do it.
There's a soda-flavored hard candy called Bottle Caps.
They're actually pretty good!
lol @ WV and KY's candy corn. Who the hell likes candy corn?
Ohh thank you. I thought people were giving away actually bottle caps.
The fuck are wax lips?
Yea, more like what's the 51st trending candy in each state.
In order to determine which candy stood out in search volumes for each state, we analyzed Google Search Volumes. To determine the specific winner in each state, we used Google Trends, which gives scores out of 100 for the popularity of a single search term. Some states had more than one candy with a score of 100, and since we could only choose one candy per state, we chose the candy that was more unique (for example, if apples and peanut butter cups were tied for 100, but peanut butter cups were already present in other states, we went with apples for that state). - See more at: http://www.sumocoupon.com/trending-halloween-candy-each-state/#sthash.ChroRSQw.dpuf
IMO this entire methodology exists to create "CLICK BAIT" studies that make people annoyed. The data is not really that interesting... More people like Hanson in Wisconsin than anywhere else?? MMMMMbop that's gonna get some clicks if we make it seem like Hanson is the most popular band in Wisconsin!
Settle down bro. Here, have a pencil.
Bottle Caps are the best. THE BEST.
It was a sad day when you could only get them here in variety packs with a bunch of other dogshit candy. Used to be able to get entire bags of them by themselves.