what the fuck are mamba fruit chews?
Really, just Amazon it.
You can get a 12 pack set of the movie sized candy boxes for around 15 bucks.
Milkduds? Seriously Minnesota?
Milk Duds are the best. People in Minnesota know what's up!
"atomic fireballs" sounds like an STD
New Mexico, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I'de rather eat pencils than
Candy Corn is like the candy you crave all Halloween, then you eat one or two pieces and realize you hate it. Repeat for each subsequent year.
They just mixed up the survey questions with California. They actually asked them "What procedure do you want done to your face?"
I'de rather eat pencils than
Are these supposed to be salt water taffy or "halloween kisses" (vanilla hard toffee)?
I refuse to believe this is accurate because of the lack of Sour Patch Kids on that list.
Seriously, those things have been steadily getting more and more popular every year since like 1990.
I'de rather eat pencils than
What's wrong with orange slices? That candy is tasty.