The UK votes to leave the European Union

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EU referendum: UK votes to leave in historic referendum

The UK has voted by 52% to 48% to leave the European Union after 43 years in an historic referendum.

London and Scotland voted strongly to stay in the EU but the remain vote has been undermined by poor results in the north of England.

The referendum turnout was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voting - the highest turnout at a UK election since 1992.

Wales and the majority of England outside London voted in large numbers for Brexit.
Labour's Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the Bank of England may have to intervene to shore up the pound, which lost 3% within moments of the first result showing a strong result for Leave in Sunderland and fell as much as 6.5% against the euro.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage - who has campaigned for the past 20 years for Britain to leave the EU - told supporters "this will be a victory for ordinary people, for decent people".
Mr Farage - who predicted a Remain win at the start of the night after polls suggested that would happen - said Thursday 23 June would "go down in history as our independence day".

He called on Prime Minister David Cameron, who called the referendum but campaigned passionately for a Remain vote, to quit "immediately".

But pro-Leave Conservatives including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have signed a letter to Mr Cameron urging him to stay on whatever the result.
Labour former Europe Minister Keith Vaz told the BBC the British people had voted with their "emotions" and rejected the advice of experts who had warned about the economic impact of leaving the EU.

He said the EU should call an emergency summit to deal with the aftermath of the vote, which he described as "catastrophic for our country, for the rest of Europe and for the rest of the world".

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that the EU vote "makes clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the European Union" after all 32 local authority areas returned majorities for Remain.

London has voted to stay in the EU by around 60% to 40%.
However, no other region of England has voted in favour of remaining.

The Referendum has underlined the social and cultural gap between London and provincial England.

Remain's defeat seems to have been primarily the product of the decisions made by voters living north of the M4.

Throughout the Midlands and the North of England the level of support for Remain was well below what was required for it to win at least 50% of the vote across the UK as a whole.

Britain would be the first country to leave the EU since its formation - but a leave vote will not immediately mean Britain ceases to be a member of the 28-nation bloc.
That process could take a minimum of two years, with Leave campaigners suggesting during the referendum campaign that it should not be completed until 2020 - the date of the next scheduled general election.

The prime minister will have to decide when to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which would give the UK two years to negotiate its withdrawal.
Once Article 50 has been triggered a country can not rejoin without the consent of all member states.
Mr Cameron has previously said he would trigger Article 50 as soon as possible after a leave vote but Boris Johnson and Michael Gove who led the campaign to get Britain out of the EU have said he should not rush into it.

But they also said they want to make immediate changes before the UK actually leaves the EU, such as curbing the power of EU judges and limiting the free movement of workers, potentially in breach the UK's treaty obligations.
The government will also have to negotiate its future trading relationship with the EU and fix trade deals with non-EU countries.

In Whitehall and Westminster, there will now begin the massive task of unstitching the UK from more than 40 years of EU law, deciding which directives and regulations to keep, amend or ditch.

The Leave campaign argued during a bitter four-month referendum campaign that the only way Britain could "take back control" of its own affairs would be to leave the EU.
Leave dismissed warnings from economists and international bodies about the economic impact of Brexit as "scaremongering" by a self-serving elite.

Anfony O

For all those who voted remain, I truly feel sorry for you.

For all those who voted leave, you will now understand the true consequences of ignorance.
Scotland, North Ireland, and London right now:


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
For all those who voted remain, I truly feel sorry for you.

For all those who voted leave, you will now understand the true consequences of ignorance.

Please let this note be the tone of the thread

Vent, be unhappy, dont be dicks
Leave dismissed warnings from economists and international bodies about the economic impact of Brexit as "scaremongering" by a self-serving elite.

The L will be so large it will have to be ferried by barge across the channel.


Good riddance, dumbasses. Hope you enjoy your xenophobia.
Don't come crawling back to us when your economy hits the floor.

We will accept Scotland, though, they seem like decent people caught in this shitshow.


I know absolutely nothing on the subject (American here), so like every curious George, I Googled. And came upon an article:

Support for leaving the EU became so strong within the Conservative Party that Prime Minister David Cameron started to worry that his voters would defect to the far-right U.K. Independence Party, thus denying him reelection and putting Labour back in power. To prevent that calamity, Cameron promised that, if he were reelected, he would hold a referendum on EU membership. He was reelected. Now we’re here.


What are the chances this will actually happen?
Cameron wouldn’t have proposed the referendum if he thought it would actually pass.

I swear to fuck, things like this will be the death of democratic action across the world. As ignorance spreads, those with power will be much less inclined to let the ignorant vote.

(to clarify, I mean ignorance in the purest sense here, as in lacking complex and vital information)


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Scotland, North Ireland, and London right now:


And the rest of Europe:


I really don't think that there will be much enthusiasm on the EU's part to accommodate Britain with new deals or an opportunity to rejoin in a few years, like some are suggesting.


So if this is because the fear of foreigners due to terrorism, how would this actually help? Do people think that UK can now decide who immigrate to the country more selectively or something?


Welp. I'm going to University in September. Gonna be nice knowing that the job market is going to be even more dire when I leave than it is now. Not to mention my brother has a high chance of losing his job and my mum's goals of moving to Spain may be fucked.

Thanks a lot, Britain.



Apparently immigration was the prime factor behind this decision to leave.

Eastern Europeans and Muslim refugees had the UK that terrified.


The US would be happy to take London as our 51st state. You guys will like the greenback, I guarantee it.


Good riddance, dumbasses. Hope you enjoy your xenophobia.
Don't come crawling back to us when your economy hits the floor.

We will accept Scotland, though, they seem like decent people caught in this shitshow.


Please do we voted 100% in favour when considering towns and cities.

A little empathy for England and Wales though, not everyone voted leave.

Who knows what the next 48 hours holds, let alone next few weeks. I'm anxious.


Good riddance, dumbasses. Hope you enjoy your xenophobia.
Don't come crawling back to us when your economy hits the floor.

We will accept Scotland, though, they seem like decent people caught in this shitshow.

You know 15 million people voted remain. I can understand feeling angry at this point, though it's worse for us actually in the UK :)
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