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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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But it feels quite dishonest to huge decisions like this up to people who have been frightened and manipulated. The impacts will shake the world.
I don't disagree. This should have never gone to a referendum, but it has, and the majority of people have voted Leave. It'll be painful, and I fear further apathy from those areas who has used this vote as a proxy when they discover things will not get better, but worse.
I'm so very sad this morning.

Scotland are off.
Border controls will appear between north and southern Ireland
The economy will crash
Inflation will rise
Interest rates will rise
Public services will be cut

Oh my :(
But pro-Leave Conservatives including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have signed a letter to Mr Cameron urging him to stay on whatever the result.
Gee I wonder why. They use the EU as scapegoats for all that is the wrong with the country and will use Cameron next (much like they used their colalition partners the Lib Dems beforehand). If they stepped up to be leader they would become that scapegoat.

Public services will be cut
That's the sickest part. When the people relaise the public services right now were under stain not because of immigration but because of spending cuts and solved with more spending cuts.
Is democracy inherently flawed in that the ignorant majority can dictate the future of a country and go against half of the population?


Cameron cannot possibly stay. A prime minister can't call and lose a vote of this magnitude.

Our new political overlords: Farage, Boris, Gove, Grayling, IDS, Liam Fox, George Galloway.



is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch

This actually illustrates a question I had about this - why were/are healthy economic decisions and sane immigration policy framed as being mutually exclusive? I read plenty about how bad this could be for Britain's economy (and that is panning out, in the short term) but even Vox admitted that staying left them with little to no power over their own immigration policy. This seems insane when cheap labor can be used for wage suprression and terrorism can have a negative impact on economics, beyond the human toll. Why was there virtually zero middle ground on this?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
How do you vote for a worst economy? This is blowing my mind right now.
Despite all the immigration worries, I would think people's selfishness over jobs would prevail.

People who don't have jobs don't think about people who do. They swallow the line that immigrants took their opportunities away.
On the plus side, referendums aren't legally binding. Hopefull Farage and the like will have no plans and people will get pissed off.

As an aside, 98% of MPs are against this.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Must admit it is incredible to be a part of all this, rarely you can be a part of history and realise it.
I wonder if Germany and France will press for punitive measures against the UK for leaving? Many other far-right leaders in Europe are now calling for their own countries to have a similar referendum, with the fears of Grexit last year and now Brexit, the EU project is looking more and more fragile.


sealed with a kiss
The left wing in the UK can either:

1. Fix their poor policies of immigration and integration.


2. Call everyone racist and uneducated, and thus continue to chase potential moderates into the arms of true far-right groups.

Seeing how the thread is going, I fear I know which way this will go. Hopefully, the left in my own country doesn't use the same poor politics when attempting to defeat Trump.

the right wing can either - keep on driving their country and the world over the edge of a cliff
not do so

but it looks like we know which one they chose!


In all honesty, I'm probably still in shock. Proud to be in Scotland today, but still shocked at the result.


For those who say "Trump gonna win since Brexit happened"

Higher percentages of Black, Latino and Female voters than in England.

But I still have a gloom feeling something stupid is bound to happen.


Reposting from last thread since thread was closed.


It was bound to happen tbh after the insane Paris attacks. People are scared and fear wins.

The funny thing is that the British have had south asian (or Pakistani) imimigrants for decades now. Three generations born and raised in the U.K so they should be used to them. They should know not all muslims are evil. But nope, they let ISIS win.

You guys can come to the U.S. Queen Hillary's got your back.

The problem is the people pushing this do not consider them British. So even if they have been here 30-40 years they are still outsiders not true Brits

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Nick Robinson ✔ @bbcnickrobinson
The future unlikely to be as bad as Remain forecast nor as good as Leave did. Truth is no one knows. This is a massive step into unknown

Now its decided its imperative that people do their best to get on board, its over, there is no going back.


This actually illustrates a question I had about this - why were/are healthy economic decisions and sane immigration policy framed as being mutually exclusive? I read plenty about how bad this could be for Britain's economy (and that is panning out, in the short term) but even Vox admitted that staying left them with little to no power over their own immigration policy. This seems insane when cheap labor can be used for wage suprression and terrorism can have a negative impact on economics, beyond the human toll. Why was there virtually zero middle ground on this?
Because the average person doesn't understand economics well enough.

You have to be an elitist jerk. You cannot be allowing the decisions to be made democratically, because the populace simply isn't capable of making good ones.


The voice of the people has been heard. As a lover of pure democracy, referenda are always a beautiful thing. So, despite the result utterly fucking me now and well into the future as an Irishman, congrats to you Brits. Congrats and enjoy it.

Time for the rest of us to fix our shitty EU so that Spain, the Netherlands, Greece etc don't all follow suit next time there's some economic trouble.

I'm not a fan of pure democracy, but this is what it is, the people voted. Obviously there were more people dissatisfied with current situation than were not.

This is a sign that something needed to change.


My mum is in tears, she voted no to independence and all on a lie, sigh.

could very well be possible that english voters watching the crap that poured out of the Westminister politicians mouths in your referendum, helped them make their mind up to ignore the threats


Scotland if you leave will please take London with you? We doing want to be apart of this fuckery.
First time in my life I'm ashamed to be English.

To think a large majority of old people along with a smaller group right leaning little englanders have decided the future of my child and backed buffoons like Boris and Farage is both scary and depressing.


No enemy outside of the UK could have even hoped to have done as much damage to the UK as it did to itself tonight.

So... if the UK wants to get back into the EU in a couple years time, is that even possible? And would they be penalized significantly for it?


For all those who voted remain, I truly feel sorry for you.

For all those who voted leave, you will now understand the true consequences of ignorance.
Not just ignorance, but willful, spiteful ignorance. The Leave side didn't just ignore anybody who was warning about the economic consequences, it spat in their faces.

It's horrifying to see racist nativism win out in such a big way.
So it usually seems like when a political decision goes in a direction I find appalling, it's because someone somewhere profits a lot off of said decision and found a marketing angle to work up support for it.

I can't figure out if that's the case here. Is there anyone at all anywhere that makes more money as a result of it? Is the core driving force at the top level of the Leave side literally just ideological opposition to the EU? And then that ideological opposition synched up with anti-immigration fear and produced votes? There's not like, a noteworthy set of wealthy brits who fund this stuff with some policy goals that were being blocked off by EU membership?

No I'm not British. Yes this is the first attention I've paid to the issue. Terribly sorry but I had to ask.

You have to be an idiot to make bet when the numbers are this close. It's close to flipping a coin. I guess if someone knew how the vote would go they could've shorted the pound.
Hilarious that Wales voted out.

Wales, along with Cornwall, had a load of money invest in their own languages directly by the EU. The UK government never contributed anything like that.

How many actual humans care about that, though? If there were a significant appetite for such a (relatively cheap) thing, I don't see why it wouldn't simply be local government policy to provide it.

Of all the things we get - and will miss - from the EU, I don't think the language funding for Welsh and Cornish is really up there!


I'm sorry for the sane people amongst you, neighbours.

I'd tell you to leave the perfidious Albion and make it across the Channel, but things are already fucked up around these parts, and will probably only grow more so after that brilliant display of foresight. :/


listen to the mad man
Congratulations UK, I think that leaving UE was a good decision, and while the first months are going to be complicated, you'll be proven to be right in the future. I would just like it if Belgium did the same but I know it's not going to happen anytime soon.

You know you are the EU, right? Like, you can't leave your own party because you think it's a drag, you need to call the cops and kick everyone out.


I'm scared for us in the rest of Europe. There is some morbid curiosity how this'll play out though, just as with Greece leaving the Euro you wonder how one of these "apocalyptic" scenarios actually will play out once people were mad enough to trigger it.
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