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The US PSP Launch


Man I can't believe how fucking small this thing is. The screen consumes like 80 percent of the unit! :lol

Off to play Lumines!

PS- The included case is garbage IMO. I need that Koei case!

Also, I can already envision being tough to use the L shoulder button when you use the analog nub.


works for Gamestop (lol)



Connoisseur Of Tedium
Just picked up mine. There was only 3 people ahead of me. One lady in front of me used her employee discount and got $30 off. Damn I wanted to ask if I could borrow her card.


Mrbob said:
PS- The included case is garbage IMO. I need that Koei case!

BTW, put your PSP in upside-down in the case, so the stitched in PSP is facing the back of your unit. Unless it's somehow different, tomorrow you'll have the lettering on your screen otherwise and you get to clean that off.


UMD demo disc - BORING

Spidey 2 MOVIE = OMFG movies on the PSP are gonna rock! :D

BTW, put your PSP in upside-down in the case, so the stitched in PSP is facing the back of your unit. Unless it's somehow different, tomorrow you'll have the lettering on your screen otherwise and you get to clean that off.

Ok I'll remember that!

I got a unit with no dead pixels either woot!


EGM92 said:
No matter how good an encryption is, there is ALWAYS a exploit/backdoor/failsafe it's only time before someone reverse engineers it.

Every encryption can be broken, but the important thing is that it's not broken before the lifecycle of the product. You can't guarantee that they'll find an explot/backdoor before PSP is obsolete. And they likely won't if Sony learned their lesson from PS2.


Ok here are my impressions so far of the two PSP games I have played!

Lumines - :D :D :D :D

Wipeout PURE - :D :D :D :D :D

MG: Acid may wait till tommorrow after I get some sleep! I'm tired plus my PSP needs to charge up!


Ok. So I'm back.

Impressions on 15-20 minutes of playtime. Quick blog like.

First, getting the annoying shit out of the way. I have 3 dead pixels. None of them are too noticeable, I did a check with a stark black and stark white image to be able to see them.

Second, I'm not digging the position of the analog. It's physically just uncomfortable unless I shift my hand downward, in which case my hands in general feel unbalanced. The d-pad seems pretty fucking perfect, though, so no complaints there. Haven't tested it on something like Darkstalker's, though.

My square button works perfectly. I barely even have that squeak people complained about, so its responsiveness is right on the mark. On the other hand, although the shoulder buttons look cool they seem to be the only thing on the PSP (besides the battery hatch) that isn't of the same high quality of the rest of the package. Feel sort of loose, but maybe I just have to break them in.

So, that's the straight shit.

Next, to the gushing aspect. For one, the PSP is pretty much the only device I've ever seen that looks just as good in person as it does in its glamour shots. However, I was not surprised by this as I had seen it a few days before. Rest assured, it is not something that is displeasing to the eyes in any manner - so long as you're not fingerprintin' it up. This is all obvious shit too, but I'm just going over it because hey - these are my impressions! Bloggin' of sorts.

So then, I turned it on. First thing I did was test the different brightness settings to see how I could fare to conserve battery life on the lowest and medium settings and also on the highest setting. Low brightness is perfectly fine, I was able to see everything with relative clarity. Medium setting was great. I could dig this setting no matter what the situation. High setting was fucking unbelievable. Screenshots and videos do it no justice. I haven't even tested the brightness setting when it's connected to the adapter, but I cannot fathom ever needing something more than that brightness. It was fucking incredible.

I love the interface. Just absolutely love it. It's slick, stylish and... I know it's cliche... but it makes you feel like the future is here. It totally suppliments the package beautifully. It's also very easy to browse and get through. I hereby name my PSP "Amir0x." I thought about naming it Amitr0n, but whatever.

I inserted the video demo in to take a look at some of the games as well as the general quality of the video. The thing wasted no time loading the UMD demo up and generally felt pretty fast. The interface and menu was pretty well laid up and easily navigable so I didn't have any problems there. I watched a a video of Ape Escape: On the Loose. Watching it made me just salivate over finally getting to play my games, so that was it for that for the time being.

So I inserted Lumines. I guess it dawns on you around 5 minutes in - when you're listening to the music on good headphones (note: I don't know who it was that was saying the PSP headphones were "good". Jesus, the sound quality was shite. Maybe my ears are more sensitive... but fuck. I switched immediately to my own 90 dollar set) and you're seeing it all come together for the first time.

Jesus Christ. How is this possible?

Well, after you shake that off and you're in the groove of things you begin to get a feel for the controls and shit and it feels pretty damn good all things considered. I fooled around with Lumines and realized that I'm going to have to put way more time into it but I was too excited to dedicate myself to it right now. BTW, loading time was really good w/ Lumines and didn't feel irritating whatsoever. I only played on the first skin so I don't want to really pass any judgments so early on. More on that later. I wanted to see the PSP blow its visual chunks all over my face.

Ridge Racer time.

Forget Rally X for a moment and let's talk about the opening cinema. So hot. So, so hot. God, the screen is so fucking clear. *breathes in* This is just...fuck. So anyway, loading seemed to take longer than Lumines from menu to start. It still wasn't annoying. I tried single race just so I could get a feel. The graphics are, for the most part, just out of this world. I was trying to find something to quibble with, I admit, so for the sake of honesty the textures on the cars seemed off. I don't know, just compared to everything else they were the least of the showstoppers. That's just being a bitch, though, because even then they look phenomenal as do the tracks - or the track I saw anyway. It really is going to take some time to adjust to just what kind of leap forward this is visually.

As for that, I don't really want to comment on the quality of the titles gameplay because obviously I cannot get shit out of it with less than 10 minutes per game. So that comes later.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

Edit: Oh yes...

P.S. I won a Sony Hat at the Gamespot midnight opening. No game, but hey - it's a hat! More on the actual Gamestop midnight PSP mini-bash later.


fugimax said:
Get ready to hear this one a lot! ;)

But really, I've only had my PSP die on me when I needed it twice. Still annoying though.

It isn't too bad. I'm playing and charging at the same time.


amir0x --

I second your opinions on both the shoulder buttons and the analog stick. The shoulder buttons they definitely went with design over functionality. And the analog "nub" is just stupid. I can't use it at all. Which sucks for racing games...but oh well.


I haven't been following PSP news, but if the launch date is tomorrow why does it say 4-1-2005 on ebgames? Gamestop is already shipping orders...

Edit: oh ok thanks. They already sold out. @_@


Jonnyram said:
Finally Amir0x gets a PSP.
Congrats mate! :D


Right now I'm trying to come down off the terrific buzz this week has been. God of War and PSP launch. And a Sony hat! Now I can say I have a Sony moneyhat! :lol

Anyway, definitely going to be putting some mean time into this baby.


Amir0x said:
So then, I turned it on. First thing I did was test the different brightness settings to see how I could fare to conserve battery life on the lowest and medium settings and also on the highest setting. Low brightness is perfectly fine, I was able to see everything with relative clarity. Medium setting was great. I could dig this setting no matter what the situation. High setting was fucking unbelievable. Screenshots and videos do it no justice. I haven't even tested the brightness setting when it's connected to the adapter, but I cannot fathom ever needing something more than that brightness. It was fucking incredible.

Just got back from my stores Midnight opening which was a ton of fun, but we had a relatively small turnout. In any event, I got stuck with two PSPs with a dead pixel right in the middle of the screen. I opened up the first one and was so blown away by the screen and just the excitement of new hardware that it wasn't untill I booted up WipeOut with its all solid white interface that I first noticed it. So, I swapped it out right there and got a second unit. Turned it on and I wasn't even out of the setup screen before I noticed that this second unit had a dead pixel as well, and again in the center of the screen. The third unit however is fine as far as I can see. (I really wouldn't mind the dead pixels from before if they were not in the middle of the screen.)

Other than that, all the hype you've heard is true. Amazing system, and the sentiment of playing with something from the future is amazingly accurate. One of my customers said that he felt like this was something out of a Spielberg movie. I thought that was pretty fitting.

Anyways, off to go post more before I have to open up the store tomorow!


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Damn I got 4 dead pixels on my unit. It really doesnt bother me much but after spending $300 on something I want it to be near flawless. Only game I pick up with Ridge Racer. Very impressed with the game and graphics. Watched a bit a Spider-Man and boy does it look gorgeous. Cant wait to convert the anime and the few movies so I can watch on the PSP.


The medium brightness setting does work well, but now that I've seen the max brightness I need to use it whenever I am using my PSP in the household! :D


Mrbob said:
The medium brightness setting does work well, but now that I've seen the max brightness I need to use it whenever I am using my PSP in the household! :D

I'm totally going to force myself at a medium brightness limit so that I can conserve battery life. It is fine anyway at that setting, imho. Don't really need it any brighter.


Picked it up at gamestop tonight and loving it! The sony rep was at my gamestop and was handing everyone in line a bag of swag. In my bag was a bag of Geand Theft Auto San Andres wrapping paper!?!? The most annying thing was that their district manager was pushing the replacement plan saying that even if you dropped the system they world replace it, directly contrary to what it says in the agreement.

1 dead pixel that doesn't bother me too much and one stuck pixel (white) that is hardly noticable.

Popped in Spiderman 2 first... Amazing.

RR was next... When Rally X came up I showed it to my wife and said "Hey! look at these amazing graphics.". She played nice and told me how crisp and nice they looked. I told her I was just joshing and started the real game, and she was blown away. I ran through a race and got 2nd place. Very nice.

Next was Twisted Metal. I first set up the network connection in the home screen, changed the firewall setting for the IP address to DMZ and jumped in. I am happy to say I beat Ignatz Mouse's ass!!! (well... 4-3 anyways). I am not a big fan of the single player, but online just rocks. It is worth the price of admission to be able to play anyone in the US over the internet. Controls were a bit awkward, but the game is really great. Many of the maps are too big for just 2 player games, just try to get at least 4 people.

I watched the demo disc next... Basketball and Untold Legends looks like mega-crap. Hot Shots Golf looks just great though. When is that coming out?

Well... 2 games down, 4 to go. More impressions later.


I know this has been said before, but the greatest compliment I can give the PSP is that when I'm using it I don't feel like I'm playing a portable. The screen is so damn large and in combination with it being widescreen everything on the screen looks true to scale. Models, enviroments, etc don't feel like they are pint size.


I know this has been said before, but the greatest compliment I can give the PSP is that when I'm using it I don't feel like I'm playing a portable.
Hmm..I dunno about that. In most cases, yes, but sometimes you can't help but feel that it's trying to be something it just quite isn't. Case in point would be Wipeout. I can only play in first person view, and even then, it's a bit hard to see what's coming. So much information on such a "tiny" screen (relative to the content it's displaying) can be a hinderance sometimes.
If you're thinking of walking in and out of a 24 hour walmart with a psp, some had lines and passed out tickets for about 60 people about 20 minutes before midnight. So yea, heads up.


This sucks. I have mine all preordered and everything with the games already at my side....but because I won't be home (where I preordered it) until Sunday, I have to wait an extra 3 days. Grrrr.....


fugimax said:
Hmm..I dunno about that. In most cases, yes, but sometimes you can't help but feel that it's trying to be something it just quite isn't. Case in point would be Wipeout. I can only play in first person view, and even then, it's a bit hard to see what's coming. So much information on such a "tiny" screen (relative to the content it's displaying) can be a hinderance sometimes.

Yeah, I'm sure there are some cases you can point out (Haven't tried first person mode yet myself), but on a whole it seems like a whole new world has been opened up in relation to screen size on portables. Got so used to that tiny GBA SP screen the PSP screen seems monstrous in comparison.


Gold Member
Have one dead pixel in the upper left corner of the screen. Most noticeable on dark screens.

Not going to make a big deal about it because I'm lucky to just have a system and I know I'll eventually get a new PSP in the future when there is some kind of hardware revision like a HD or something.

The system is awesome though, charging it now.
Even though I had mine since the JP launch, and my g/f has hers on reserved at an EB, a friend, my g/f and I went out to Walmart to see if we could get our hands on PSPs about 8 hours early. No such luck at the local 24 hour walmart as they had enough people lined up at least 90 min before midnight. Sorta surprised given how many people were saying their walmarts are empty. Oh well....


Marty Chinn said:
Even though I had mine since the JP launch, and my g/f has hers on reserved at an EB, a friend, my g/f and I went out to Walmart to see if we could get our hands on PSPs about 8 hours early. No such luck at the local 24 hour walmart as they had enough people lined up at least 90 min before midnight. Sorta surprised given how many people were saying their walmarts are empty. Oh well....

Heh, it must be a YMMV situation. I don't live in a big town though (40,000 people) so that is probably why it was so easy for me to get in and out. Plus spring break was last week here so I figured there wouldn't be that many late night shoppers as tommorrow is a school day.
Just want to chime in. I got my PSP from Wal-Mart at 12:10. No dead pixels, no button problems, its perfect. By the way, it wasn't a 24 hour Wal-Mart either, they just had a special sale at midnight. Big up to Wal-Mart, now I don't have to worry about getting one anymore at Gamecrazy were I pre-ordered, but they were not sure how many people would actually get one today.

Also, the screen is amazing.


Update on dead pixel policyt from Sony - courtesy of Videogamesplus.ca


We have just been infomned by Sony that they will not be warranting any dead pixel units. They are only warranting hardware defects ie broken buttons, malfuction with drive and so on. Dead Pixels are not considered a defect by Sony of America and will not be warrantied. With this new developement, Video games Plus will no longer be testing PSP units for dead pixels before shipping.


Gold Member
mrklaw said:
Update on dead pixel policyt from Sony - courtesy of Videogamesplus.ca

There's already a FOUR PAGE THREAD about that.

Seriously, I have 1 dead pixel and while it's annoying I'm used to it. I have a bunch of LCD devices and I think only my SP and DS are the only ones I own without a dead pixel or dust. It's sadly the nature of the beast with LCD screens. Even my LCD monitor has one.
Got mine at walmart, they got 60 units, there was maybe 7-8 people there waiting to get one, it was just like the DS launch (I got it there at midnight launch too). It was awesome, I showed up at 11:50 and was the second person to ring out:) Anyway, I only got Ridge Racer, and wow. Just wow. I am Sony's bitch now.

I said to my wife "this thing is like from the future" then we got in bed and I put in Spiderman 2 and at that point we were ready to use it like a sex toy cause it's so fuckin sexy.

And the best part of all: NO dead pixels!! I was so paranoid about it too. Only problem with the screen is the lighting seems just ever so much inconsistent in few spots near the bottom. Can't really explain it but you can only notice when there's a solid color across the screen.

Oh yeah that analog nub sucks ass where they put it >:/ Otherwise, holy shit Sony just laid the muthafuckin smack down. My DS seems so...ancient now. :D


I just rushed out to get one in Walmart at midnight, the lady behind the desk said they had 100 of them in the back and had not recieved any calls today for pre orders. Mine was the first she had sold. I wonder why? I thought the queues would have been round the block, I picked up two if them just incase there is a shortage at weekend.


I have a dead pixel on my GBA:SP, but more annoyingly, I had to go through three returns at Target to get one without freaking GLOWING DUST underneath the screen. Does PSP have this problem as well?



Got mine from my local Walmart at 0:20. No people waiting. They were not even displaying it. I asked one employee and she led to a customer service counter at the back of the store... I saw 3 systems on the table and got one of them with Lumines and RR.

One dead pixel (bright) only noticable when the screen is dark. Not bothering me at all.

BTW, have I said that the system IS AWESOME??? It really IS!!!


Gold Member
lunlunqq said:

Got mine from my local Walmart at 0:20. No people waiting. They were not even displaying it. I asked one employee and she led to a customer service counter at the back of the store... I saw 3 systems on the table and got one of them with Lumines and RR.

One dead pixel (bright) only noticable when the screen is dark. Not bothering me at all.

BTW, have I said that the system IS AWESOME??? It really IS!!!

I actually have three. One noticeable, another two not so. It's only a big deal if you have some kind agenda against the system.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
fugimax said:
amir0x --

I second your opinions on both the shoulder buttons and the analog stick. The shoulder buttons they definitely went with design over functionality. And the analog "nub" is just stupid. I can't use it at all. Which sucks for racing games...but oh well.

I played the whole RRs with that. Once you understand how you should hold the left side of the system (on the tip of the fingers, not in the palm of the hand), it's quite natural to use.

I agree about the shoulder buttons. Not a big deal tho.


Priz said:
BTW, put your PSP in upside-down in the case, so the stitched in PSP is facing the back of your unit. Unless it's somehow different, tomorrow you'll have the lettering on your screen otherwise and you get to clean that off.

If you do that, you won't be able to use your hand strap cause you'll have to jam it into the case, so I think this is a stupid idea :)

In other news, I did not win the dead pixel lottery with PSP #2 (3 dead pixels, one kinda annoying)...Gamestop told me their warranty covers dead pixels, so it's going back :p

As a point of reference, PSP #1 has two dead pixels, one of which is annoying (lower left center), and a slightly unresponsive square button, as well as a slightly clicky d-pad. (This is a second shipment JP system, which makes it a bit hard to get service done on it. It's still very usable, though, and it kept me company for the TWO HOURS it took Gamestop to process the 100 or so preorders ahead of me...)
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