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The US PSP Launch


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Musashi Wins! said:
I love Ridge Racers and Lumines sooooo much. With all my mind, body, soul and pee pee. Given how good these games are I'd say the importers showed restraint. I'm on a definite PSP high. One of the best things I've bought in a long while.

Heh heh. I can honestly say this about the PSP: this is the first system, handheld or not, launched in a long time that seems like it delivered exactly what I wanted. Of course it has its flaws and I whine about them a bit in other threads, but it basically delivers everything I could've reasonably expected out of a dream handheld system and gives out a few extras too.

It's just very satisfying to get something so fun and useful, and I'm glad everyone else is having so much fun with it too.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Roland Hood said:
Wha...? I just checked ebgames.com and Hot Shots Golf release date is 6/14 and price is - gulp - 49.99?

Gotta be a price holder. First party games are suppose to be $39.99, right? And it's not like HSG is a high calibur game

Dr. Strangelove

Got my PSP today with no hassle at K-Mart. Looks to only have one dead pixel, so it's a keeper. I just got done playing Ridge Racer, and I have to say I'm extremely impressed. This game blows away every RR game released on the main consoles dating all the way back to R4. I'll probably go pick up Lumines and MGA tomorrow.


The Bookerman said:
what kind of cloth would you recommend to clean my screen?


I'd go with a 220 or a 400 grade.


Just got mine.

-the screen DOES scratch easily. Time to find some saran wrap or something, I guess.

-This thing is tinier than I thought it would be. Very surprising. Light too

-Spiderman movie is very crisp looking, especially on high brightness (it even looks good on Dull Light setting)

-didn't buy any games, might pick up Dynasty warriors or DS Chronicle

-My wallet hurts


I noticed that Hot Shots Golf is called Hot Shots Golf Fore on the demo disc. Maybe they're adding the online element from the PS2 version, and that's one of the reasons for delay.

At least I really really hope HSG has online play. I loved the PS2 game online.


Doom_Bringer said:
so how bad is the frame rate problem in wipeout pure?

It's not 60 fps, which is a shame. But it's not a problem in the slightest. If you liked any of the Wipeout games on PSone, you will love Wipeout Pure.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Just downgraded my security to WEP 64-bit. Unless I'm mistaken, not only does the PSP NOT accept WPA security, but it won't even allow WEP 128-bit encryption. Uber lame.

Just had the PSP check itself, and it confirmed that it's running the most updated version of its system software. Cool.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
belgurdo said:
-didn't buy any games, might pick up Dynasty warriors or DS Chronicle

Stay the hell away from Dynasty Warriors. I saw it in action today and its so foggy its ridiculous. Get DS Chronicle. I got it and played it today. It rocks. I've had no problems whatsoever with fireballs or other special moves. I've yet to miss a single one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FINALLY got ahold of mine.

I took it into the back room at EB and opened it up just to check for dead or stuck pixels. Thankfully, there are absolutely none. Hopefully no stuck pixels show up...


gamergirly said:
I have a question. What are retailers going to do with all of those dead pixel units that were returned or what not that nobody wants?
Send them back to Sony or a refurbishing plant, depending on the retailer.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Target ran out of PSPs today (yeah yeah, why didn't I pre-order? Well, I have $200+ in store credit at Target that I was saving up for the PSP). But here's the thing: the clerk said they're getting a second shipment tomorrow. Any truth in that?


Got mine.

Ridge Racer
Stupid starter kit
512 memory stick
2 year replacement plan
560 bucks.

Played for a while. The graphics are really nice, in some ways RR looks better than the PS2 verison. It's a little weird controlling, I have found that for both games I bought, the analog stick works better than the pad... It charges really quick, only 2 hours, nice. The sound is nice but REALLY low, without earbuds it's only whisper. I don't like the shiney plastic cover on the screen, I know why it's there (to protect from scratches to the actual screen) but the reflections suck.

But those are just nit picks, this is Sony's finest hardware yet...they have proven to me 3 times they know what I want... my faith and respect in the company has been earned yet again.




Junior Member
Rumor says $199 after first shipment: Person heard from a person who talked to a Walmart manager who recieved that info from the distributer. Take it for what you will.


Party Pooper
speaking of places that have plenty of PSP's...

went into work at 5:30.


and i didnt sell any tonight. so still 40 sitting in the back.

we got fucked since everyone else opened at 8am, and we opened at 9. and since psp's werent in short supply, no one had to come to us
Mejilan said:
Just downgraded my security to WEP 64-bit. Unless I'm mistaken, not only does the PSP NOT accept WPA security, but it won't even allow WEP 128-bit encryption. Uber lame.

Using 128bit WEP right now with my PSP w/o issue. Far less that uber lame. :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
dark10x said:
I took it into the back room at EB and opened it up just to check for dead or stuck pixels. Thankfully, there are absolutely none. Hopefully no stuck pixels show up...
Mine just developed a new one. I am absolutely POSITIVE it wasn't there before. I have two now. But I still maintain that they're virtually invisible when you're actually doing something (looking for them on the menu screens makes them stick out like a sore thumb), whether you're keeping an eye out or not.

Southeast Pennslyvania is chock full of these suckers. My work opened at the normal time, but they had me come in early so I could get some practice in scanning sales so that the huge onslaught of customers would not have to wait.

Well the doors open and the first wave of customers go right to buy big screen TV's meanwhile three associates are at the ready in games. Grand total of 8 sold by the time I was done at 4 and we had 27 left. Was sent after my lunch break to scout Best Buy and as soon as I walk in the door a employee asks me "How many PSPs do you want? 2? 4?". Apparently they got closer to 200 systems and had sold the same amount as us and were ready to unload.

So it's selling in other places right guys? I expected a lot more especially since we were out of the DS by noon on launch day. Good news is that God of War flew off the shelf at Circuit City, Best Buy and the three EB's near me all by 5 PM.


I picked up my PSP at 8 am today, along with Wipeout, Ridge Racer and Twisted Metal. The system is perfect, no dead pixels. I bought the games at Best Buy so i got a $20 gift card that i'll use to buy another game. I haven't decided what my 4th game will be, probably Untold Legends or Metal Gear Acid. The analog nub felt a little strange at first, but it works great with Wipeout and Ridge Racer (while both games are great, i like Wipeout more). I've only played Twisted Metal a little, i tested it online (only took a few minutes to set it up) and it was very smooth.
vatstep said:
Mine just developed a new one. I am absolutely POSITIVE it wasn't there before. I have two now. But I still maintain that they're virtually invisible when you're actually doing something (looking for them on the menu screens makes them stick out like a sore thumb), whether you're keeping an eye out or not.

Might be time for you to turn the sucker in dude for a return/exchange. You paid your money for it :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
gamergirly said:
Might be time for you to turn the sucker in dude for a return/exchange. You paid your money for it :)
I'm still okay with it as it is now. I called EB about it though anyways, and they said I could exchange it if I wanted when they have enough extras (not sure when).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Quick Question, since search function is not working on my end. Is it impossible to currently share the mulitplayer mode of PSP games?


Suikoguy said:
Quick Question, since search function is not working on my end. Is it impossible to currently share the mulitplayer mode of PSP games?
It's possible, but currently only Namco Museum supports the feature.


Don't know if it was mentioned, but some systems don't have Spider-Man 2 and the sampler UMD. You have to call Sony, so EB won't be replacing those.

Also, we got an email from the DM regarding dead pixels. No systems can be returned because of dead pixels. So if you bought a PSP from EB and have dead pixels make something up.

Something else that really bugged me. In the same email from the DM it says everyone who didn't pick up there PSP preorder has until Friday 8pm to pick them up. After that time we can sell all PSP's to anyone.

I should have said this earlier, but if you went to EB and they were all pushy about the warranty it's because for every one they sell they get $6.

Just to say how it's selling though, we got in 100 PSP's and opened up at 7am. We sold less than 20! But a Best Buy 30+ minutes away solf 500 in 2 hours, so says a BB worker that came in today. Then again our store is VERY good at pre-played sales so that should tell you our customer base....cheap. Well, with EB's used prices I don't know if that's really cheap though. :lol
Have had the system for a while ... my overall thoughts ...

The Good

1.) System design is so slick. It really is the coolest looking portable device I've ever laid eyes on (sorry Apple). Dead sexy.

2.) The screen of course is very sweet.

3.) Ridge Racers is a pretty solid racer. Definitely gives you a mid-late 1990s arcade vibe.

4.) Movie playback is a cooler feature than I imagined. Spider-Man 2 looks great and I can't wait to show that off to friends.

5.) Ripping video files to MP4 is pretty simple ... well thanks to PSP Video 9.

6.) The slider analog stick is better than I thought. Still not quite as good as full blown analog, but for some reason it feels a bit better than the Dual Shock analog sticks (simply because its "tighter").

7.) The buttons are nice. Easy to hit. No big problems with my square button either.

8.) The battery life isn't as bad as you'd expect. Being able to change the screen brightness also comes in handy when you want to conserve some power.

9.) MP3 audio quality is very, very nice.

10.) System feels very nice and comfy when holding it.

The Bad

1.) What the hell is up with the exposed area on the UMD discs? It's going to be a total pain in the ass now to carry around extra games/movies. Not nearly as pocket friendly as the DS games. And it seems like, try as you might, your fingers invariably end up touching the exposed part of the disc (argh).

2.) Loading times for some of the games are somewhat of a downer.

3.) The d-pad looks cool, but its not great. I hate that "concave" design Sony uses. The DS d-pad is much better, which really sucks. I hope I can still enjoy Street Fighter III
on this provided Capcom makes it.

3.) The audio from the speakers is nice, but seems a little low in volume.

4.) Screen issues, obviously the dead pixel thing. Seems to be very common, much moreso than any other portable game system I've ever seen.

5.) Graphics aren't actually as good as I think they've been hyped to be. Gretzky NHL runs like shit, even compared to old PSOne or N64 hockey games. Ape Escape really doesn't look much better than Mario 64 DS. Ridge Racer and WipeOut seem to be the standouts right now but even those don't really come close to PS2 quality.

Although this can also be attributed to the fact that Sony has "capped" the system so far. Once better battery paks arrive, hopefully Sony will "uncap" the system and we'll see better looking games. A lot of the software seems to be rushed as well.

The Ugly

1.) Memory Stick prices. Yeah we knew this going in, but its another kick in the balls when you have the system at home but realize it would be so much more functional with a 1 GB Memory Stick. But I'm not buying until the prices drop further. Hopefully Stringer will address this soon since he has said Memory Stick prices are ridiculously high.

2.) Shame on Sony for forcing Canadians into buying the Gretzky bundle. A horrible game.
An even bigger shame on retailers like EB/Best Buy/Future Shop for pushing this bundle on consumers and claiming that the regular Value Pack bundle was unavailible. My brother returned his Gretzky bundle at EB and then told the lady he was going to go somewhere else to get a regular Value Pack -- and wouldn't ya know it, she mysteriously finds a regular Value Pack in the back room right that instant.


Manick Joe said:

Southeast Pennslyvania is chock full of these suckers. My work opened at the normal time, but they had me come in early so I could get some practice in scanning sales so that the huge onslaught of customers would not have to wait.

Well the doors open and the first wave of customers go right to buy big screen TV's meanwhile three associates are at the ready in games. Grand total of 8 sold by the time I was done at 4 and we had 27 left. Was sent after my lunch break to scout Best Buy and as soon as I walk in the door a employee asks me "How many PSPs do you want? 2? 4?". Apparently they got closer to 200 systems and had sold the same amount as us and were ready to unload.

So it's selling in other places right guys? I expected a lot more especially since we were out of the DS by noon on launch day. Good news is that God of War flew off the shelf at Circuit City, Best Buy and the three EB's near me all by 5 PM.

I got mine at EB today, which had already presold their first allocation (about 20 systems). Tonight, about 7:30 I went to Target and WalMart just to see how well they were selling. Target still had 40 systems left (5 rows of 8 in the bottom of one case) and WalMart had 11 left.

I'm not sure what kind of sign this is, but hearing that other places are having a lot of systems left too makes me think that not everyone is jumping on the PSP bandwagon just yet...


Ugh...I have a "milky way" of stuck/dead pixels. Actually the dead pixel doesn't bother so much as these stuck pixels, which on darker colors become quite apparent. Back to Target I guess hopefully they will let me check the next system. Pisses me off this probably would have been the best launch, in terms of wow factor, unfortunately it seems like these screen issues are common. Hopefully I can get a system with a better screen, and Metal Gear Acid!!!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
My Target sold out of 50 PSPs in a few hours. I unfortunately was too late, but they said that they're getting a second shipment tomorrow. Anybody know what that's about? It sounds a little odd, but I'm hoping it's true.


Man, I'm so glad I imported. Paid $466 CDN (including shipping and tax) almost 3 months ago for a value pack and RR & Lumines. Got it earlier and saved $50.


Is it just me, or does the first track in Lumines sound a lot like Star Guitar by the Chemical Brothers? If it's a remix then consider me pre-owned, but it really does sound familiar.
I got my PSP at EBGames (and preordered it), but was never forced to buy a bundle. I just picked it up with Ridge Racer and Lumines. Was I just lucky or something?


SnowWolf said:
My Target sold out of 50 PSPs in a few hours. I unfortunately was too late, but they said that they're getting a second shipment tomorrow. Anybody know what that's about? It sounds a little odd, but I'm hoping it's true.

A lot of stores got their initial PSP shipment last week, so if they do get it tommorow it wouldn't be that odd.


for some reason my PC doesnt recognize the PSP when hooked up to the USB interface... says unknown device detected... there are no drivers necessary right? it shoudl just work? (yes i turn on USB mode)


Meantime said:
Is it just me, or does the first track in Lumines sound a lot like Star Guitar by the Chemical Brothers? If it's a remix then consider me pre-owned, but it really does sound familiar.
It sounds similar, but the track is by Mondo Grosso.

"Star Guitar" is an amazing song, though...you have good taste.
golem said:
for some reason my PC doesnt recognize the PSP when hooked up to the USB interface... says unknown device detected... there are no drivers necessary right? it shoudl just work? (yes i turn on USB mode)

Some with Windows 98 are having this issue.....they are being asked for drivers.
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