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The US PSP Launch


Link said:
Well, looks like I figured out the problem I and some others are having connecting the PSP to the PC. From Sony's Connect site: http://connect.custhelp.com/cgi-bin...i=$p_li") ?>&p_faqid=366&p_created=1111182276 What's odd is I had to go to the Music Connect section, then go through a couple of FAQ links to even find this.

This really sucks, because I've already bought A 512MB Pro Duo. Now it looks like I'll have to buy another $60 accessory just to make any use out of it.

$60? More like $10 - see them on sale at Fry's all the time. (I'm pretty sure the generic 8-in-1 readers include drivers for Win98 folk...)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Link said:
This really sucks, because I've already bought A 512MB Pro Duo. Now it looks like I'll have to buy another $60 accessory just to make any use out of it.
Well, I'm not sure, but I thought there were drivers you could download for earlier versions of Windows that would allow it to recognize USB drives (which is essentially what a PSP + Memstick is to your PC).

Still, if not, you shouldn't have to spend $60 on an adapter. There are much cheaper options from Lexar and Sandisk that you should be able to find for $20 or less. I'd recommend Sandisk's:



The Autumn Wind
Any stores or websites seilling cheap brand ones? I don't have a Fry's near me.

EDIT - Thanks, kaching. I'll see if I can find drivers first, but if not, $20 isn't too bad.


I am about to give up on the 1gb memory cards. Would I really be missing out on a lot going with a 512? I am mainly looking to put weekly episodes of 24 and South Park on it as well as a couple of Mp3s.
Not sure if its been mentioned yet but I wanted to point out that Spider-Man 2 on UMD is not cropped at all, but its open matte. You're not losing anything.


The Autumn Wind
I don't suppose any of you would be familiar with what driver updates I need to be looking for, huh?


Running off of Custom Firmware
vatstep said:
My dead/stuck pixels are invisible on black and white. They're noticable on green or red, though.

Well, it's certainly a simple trick to create a few more colored jpegs.


not an idiot
14 stuck pixels on mine, wife replacing it now. other than that, i am in freaking LOVE! and ridge racer is awesome! i love this thing!


Got my psp replaced this morning at target, perfect screen now!!!! Target still had many in stock, unfortunately for me they didn't have ridge racer :( Guess I will have to check gamestop later. Lumines freaking rocks!!!! Metal gear acid is interesting I guess, I certainly miss the production values of the console versions but I think once I play a littl bit more I will get into it more.


shpankey said:
14 stuck pixels on mine, wife replacing it now. other than that, i am in freaking LOVE! and ridge racer is awesome! i love this thing!

14 huh? that is disgusting. Good you can replace it.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I think I'm seeing a couple more dead pixels on mine. About 4 total. I don't notice at all unless I look really hard so I don't really care
Marty Chinn said:
Not sure if its been mentioned yet but I wanted to point out that Spider-Man 2 on UMD is not cropped at all, but its open matte. You're not losing anything.

I noticed at the beginning it says that it's been formatted to fit the screen. Are you saying that it actually IS OAR?


heavy liquid said:
I noticed at the beginning it says that it's been formatted to fit the screen. Are you saying that it actually IS OAR?

It's not, it's open matte (extra material added to top and bottom of the frame, vs. cropping which would be material removed on the left and right of the frame)


More game Impressions:

Untold Legends - Playing this one the most. I'm actually enjoying it more than either of the Champions games becuase there seems to be more story to it. I also like the random dungeons compared to the original Champions as they seem more interesting and add replay value. Lastly a nice tip that isnt mentioned in the control screen: Press R+triangle to center the camera behind you.

Ape Escape - They did a great job with the controls on this one. Three gadgets are mapped to circle, triangle, square. X=jump, R=crawl (much nicer than holding L3 down a la PS2 version). Graphics are nice and it actually shows how precise the analog nub is for platforming. After a hour with this game my control improved in NFS Rivals.

NFS Rivals - Easily the trickiest of the 3 racers to control. Much like the console versions there's a ton to do and unlock. After playing RR or Wipeout though, expect to be hitting lots of walls for awhile. The analog is much more sensitive than in those two. Graphically it's a good looking game but Wipeout is still my favorite in that department.

Tiger Woods - When EB called yesterday that it was in I had serious second thoughts about getting it based on the review at IGN regarding load times. After playing for 45 minutes going through the first part of Legends tour against Pops Masterson I just don't see the load times they claim. With my watch by my side I clocked hole loads from 11-15 seconds, not even close to 25 like they claim. Like others have mentioned, the load times seem no different than the console versions. The game itself plays just like the console. I'm having zero difficulty hitting straight shots. I swear, I wasn't sure how I'd like the analog on the PSP but it even works excellently for this game too.

Battery Life notes:

Very impressed with the battery so far. I left the PSP on Standby overnight for 12 hours or so. Today I popped in Untold Legends and played for 1:40 (timed it- low bright- 60% volume speakers)

When I finished and checked the battery it was at 87%

Still have a bunch more to try that I havn't gotten to yet and I'll throw something up on those when I do.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Wario64 said:
So is there no way to boot to the system menu when you power up your PSP with a game inside?

Two options.

1. Boot up with the door open.
2. Boot up with door closed, right after you get to the screen that says PSP, tap the home key.

BTW I think it's cool how you get a screen change, graphic and music for whatever game is in your machine if you leave it at the home menu, in the game menu, on the umd.


This is pathetic but I will tell you anyway. I had a nightmare last night.. What was the nightmare? My PSP had 28 stuck pixles all over the screen :lol
I never dream about videogames yet I did this time. Pathetic...


exchanged my PSP (scratched screen) without a problem... the new one is perfect! Also picked up Lumines.. rock!

I agree about the home screen.. its really slick

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Is anyone else not at all interested in the gaming capabilities of the PSP?
I bought it mainly as a media player, but after thinking about how much money I would be spending on memory cards, I decided to give it to my brother instead.
I would never play games in public, snd I have more than enough games at home, so I just don't see the point of handheld gaming.

I really loved the screen on the PSP though, so I'm considering getting another one unless someone can recommend a portable video/mp3 player of better quality (at a decent price).


DarienA said:
Two options.

1. Boot up with the door open.
2. Boot up with door closed, right after you get to the screen that says PSP, tap the home key.

BTW I think it's cool how you get a screen change, graphic and music for whatever game is in your machine if you leave it at the home menu, in the game menu, on the umd.

I love it, It is also does the same thing with no game in but on dave data on mem stick


How are peoples batteries holding out?

I'm a little shocked at how much battery time I'm getting with my PSP and Wipeout Pure. I thought it may drain the system. I get about 7 hours on my battery with the second backlight setting with Wipeout Pure.


All Hail C-Webb said:
Is anyone else not at all interested in the gaming capabilities of the PSP?

actually im exactly the opposite, or was. I only wanted the PSP for its gaming capabilities.. could care less about playign back videos and mp3s because I already have an i-mate jam Pocket PC phone which can play videos and mp3s very well and is a great all in one device for your pocket (sold my ipod even)

but then i popped in Spiderman 2... and.. wow! If UMD movies get down to the 10$ level or so.. i could see myself buying a few of them


Wow I can't believe how easy it was to hook up the PSP to my wireless router. This is my first experience at using a wireless connection and the whole process is amazingly easy!


Argyle said:
It's not, it's open matte (extra material added to top and bottom of the frame, vs. cropping which would be material removed on the left and right of the frame)

Actually, only the parts with no visual effects involved are open matte. If there's any CGI in the frame, the sides are cut to fit the screen.


I've got 4 dead pixels on mine, all along the bottom. It's only really noticable during a movie with the black widescreen bars. This is my 2nd PSP (the first one had 3 dents in the screen) and I really don't feel like going back to exchange it again. Not really that big of a deal.

Edit: Looks I've got 7 dead pixels. Ok, now I am going to exchange it again.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
Wow I can't believe how easy it was to hook up the PSP to my wireless router. This is my first experience at using a wireless connection and the whole process is amazingly easy!

Yea, takes about 2 minutes, very smooth. Make sure you encrypt your wi-fi.


Musashi Wins! said:
Yea, takes about 2 minutes, very smooth. Make sure you encrypt your wi-fi.

I'm a little new at this. I noticed some security settings. I disabled my WIFI for now but when I put it back up what security option should I choose?

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
I'm a little new at this. I noticed some security settings. I disabled my WIFI for now but when I put it back up what security option should I choose?

WEP. And go to the code screen, put in some sort of value and generate some keys. You can save that key in your PSP so you don't have to enter it every time. I think you can use either 64 or 128 bit encryption.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I couldn't get WPA or WEP128 to work. Before the PSP, I had both my computers using WPA encryption, but to get my PSP to communicate with the network, I had to downgrade to WEP64.


Mrbob said:
Wow I can't believe how easy it was to hook up the PSP to my wireless router. This is my first experience at using a wireless connection and the whole process is amazingly easy!

What? It's a complicated 12-step process! Just you wait until Nintendo makes it effortless! :)

PSP supports WEP - I'm using a Buffalo router and it works, not sure which WEP variant it is using. I wish it supported WPA though, which is what I usually run - have to change router config when I'm using the PSP online...


Ok cool I got the WEP 128 connection to work with my PSP. Now I can keep my wireless connection active without having to worry about someone stealing my bandwith? That took awhile typing in the 26 digit code on my PSP. :p But thankfully I only had to do it once! :D


I know this has been covered approximately one thousand and two times, but what exactly do I need to set up a wireless network and have an access point in my house? I have a cable modem, so would this:


Do the job? And if so, what all must I do to get it going? Is it as simple as installing drivers, plugging the cable modem to the wireless router, and then bam, it's on like Donkey Kong?


Mrbob said:
One last question. Do I want to enable the Wireless MAC filter? It is disabled by default.

You could, but you would have to add your PSP's MAC address to the whitelist, as well as any other PSPs or computers that would be connecting wirelessly.

Since it just means a pain in the ass for you, and an attacker could just spoof their MAC address anyway, I would recommend not bothering with it...

Andy787 said:
I know this has been covered approximately one thousand and two times, but what exactly do I need to set up a wireless network and have an access point in my house? I have a cable modem, so would this:


Do the job? And if so, what all must I do to get it going? Is it as simple as installing drivers, plugging the cable modem to the wireless router, and then bam, it's on like Donkey Kong?

Yep, that will work. I assume your cable modem is plugged directly into your computer.

If you're using DHCP on the cable modem it should be as easy as plugging the modem into the router via ethernet, then plugging the computer into the router via ethernet. No drivers should be necessary. Then you open a web browser and put the URL of the router in, so you can configure it (the manual should explain this) and set up things like wireless security.

Then you should be good to go - just need to configure the wireless devices to use your network, and off you go...

Edit: I see that MrBob has also recommended the WRT54G instead - I had problems with it over a year ago and had to return mine, but I think that now it's a solid router and there are various 3rd party firmwares for it which are nice, this is what I was going to recommend you purchase instead...


Ape Escape rocks, Twisted Metal is fun, but dissapointing.

Fucking unstable online, and EVERYONE is having the same problems, it shouldn't have shipped like this.

It could've used some of the spice and presentation of TM:B as well.


All Hail C-Webb said:
Is anyone else not at all interested in the gaming capabilities of the PSP?
I bought it mainly as a media player, but after thinking about how much money I would be spending on memory cards, I decided to give it to my brother instead.
I would never play games in public, snd I have more than enough games at home, so I just don't see the point of handheld gaming.

I really loved the screen on the PSP though, so I'm considering getting another one unless someone can recommend a portable video/mp3 player of better quality (at a decent price).

I wasn't going to get the PSP but then I rationalized that since I never bought an MP3 player, I'll use it for that as well as gaming. I just ordered a 1 GB memory stick. Not only that, I put some digital photos on it this morning. So, now it's a portable picture showing device. :)

BTW, anybody know why in the Photo section there's an icon called Digital Camera Images and it says 0 images even though I have a bunch of thumbnails you can see directly below this icon?


Running off of Custom Firmware
MrBob, how did you get the PSP to work with WEP128? Attempting that required a WEP Key larger than the PSP OS would allow me to input!


Mejilan said:
MrBob, how did you get the PSP to work with WEP128? Attempting that required a WEP Key larger than the PSP OS would allow me to input!

Well, lets see if I have this right. WEP128 is 128 bit encryption right? I had two options to choose from: 64 bit encryption and 128 bit encryption. I just choose 128 bit and input the 26 digit hex code into my PSP. Nothing more....not sure why your OS didn't let you go further. It looks like you could put like 500 digits into the space they provide when I input the 26 digit number.
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