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The US PSP Launch

krypt0nian said:
Some with Windows 98 are having this issue.....they are being asked for drivers.

I think those guys need Win 98 SE. I know that I had the same problem with my Firewire ports at first. Time to upgrade that archaic OS!


-jinx- said:
It sounds similar, but the track is by Mondo Grosso.

"Star Guitar" is an amazing song, though...you have good taste.

Ah... thank you for the reply. It was driving me crazy. Found Mondo Grosso on Amazon.com. :)


golem said:
for some reason my PC doesnt recognize the PSP when hooked up to the USB interface... says unknown device detected... there are no drivers necessary right? it shoudl just work? (yes i turn on USB mode)
Do you have a memory stick plugged in? The PC actually reads the MemStick, not the PSP itself.


OK, I guess this is karma. After mentioning how none of my 13 LCD devices have any dead pixels, I think I noticed on on my PSP while in the menus. But it just looks like a speck of dust and I'd never noticed it before, so its not a big deal. But psychologically you don't have something 'perfect', which is annoying.


Here's something interesting that you guys may not have noticed.

It looks like UMD video discs can have selective lockout on content based on territory.

For example, take the UMD demo disc included with the US PSP.

If you boot it in a Japanese PSP, the only available option is under Game (because I believe the demo disc boots like a normal PSP game, only the "game" is a frontend that plays the demo clips of the games).

If you boot the Japanese UMD demo disc on a US PSP, you can select the music video clips and the game clips, but the video clips (the movie trailers) are locked out.

Seth C

Shouldn't the orange charging light go off after some time? Even after several hours, and even though my charge is listed as 100%, the light won't turn off.


Seth C said:
Shouldn't the orange charging light go off after some time? Even after several hours, and even though my charge is listed as 100%, the light won't turn off.

Is your PSP on or off? If it's on the orange light will never disappear since it's there to tell you that the AC adapter is connected and hence you have unlimited power. If it's turned off or in sleep mode when it's done charging the light should turn off.

Seth C

mrklaw said:
OK, I guess this is karma. After mentioning how none of my 13 LCD devices have any dead pixels, I think I noticed on on my PSP while in the menus. But it just looks like a speck of dust and I'd never noticed it before, so its not a big deal. But psychologically you don't have something 'perfect', which is annoying.

Mine doesn't have any dead pixels, but it does have one spec of dust under the screen. It's only visable at certain angles and with something bright on the screen. Honestly, I don't mind it. The "flaw" makes me less worried about keeping the thing perfect, and let's me enjoy it more without worrying.

Seth C

duckroll said:
Is your PSP on or off? If it's on the orange light will never disappear since it's there to tell you that the AC adapter is connected and hence you have unlimited power. If it's turned off or in sleep mode when it's done charging the light should turn off.

It is fully turned off right now. I turned it on for a moment to check, and sure enough, the battery reads at 100% but when I turn the unit back off, the orange light is still on.


Seth C said:
Shouldn't the orange charging light go off after some time? Even after several hours, and even though my charge is listed as 100%, the light won't turn off.
mine turned green after a while... but never turned off (on the plug)


Seth C said:
It is fully turned off right now. I turned it on for a moment to check, and sure enough, the battery reads at 100% but when I turn the unit back off, the orange light is still on.

That's unusual, because I just charged my unit this morning (JP unit, had it for 3 months now) in sleep mode. When I returned to check, the orange light was gone.


Forgot where I ran into this tonight but it made me grin.


You know you live in a geeky neighborhood when ....

I apparently have four (4) WLAN networks running through my apartment, all with decent signal strength. All but one are unencrypted.

The strange thing is, my laptop never picked up any of them, but the PSP loops them in like a champ. I gotta figure out how to get my PC to do the same, and then cancel my DSL account. :lol


Is the sampler disc susposed to have movie trailers, or music on it? Mine only seems to have game trailers.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Alex said:
Is the sampler disc susposed to have movie trailers, or music on it? Mine only seems to have game trailers.

I thought this too.... go to the home menu of your PSP with the sampler disk in and then scroll over to music or movies and run from there.


Rhindle said:
You know you live in a geeky neighborhood when ....

I apparently have four (4) WLAN networks running through my apartment, all with decent signal strength. All but one are unencrypted.

The strange thing is, my laptop never picked up any of them, but the PSP loops them in like a champ. I gotta figure out how to get my PC to do the same, and then cancel my DSL account. :lol

Exact same thing here. I went outside last night and picked up 4 unencrypted wireless networks in my neighborhood all with really good signal strength. I went back inside and it picked up 2 of them. My laptop never picked up any of these networks and I think one of the possibilities is because I use a wireless-G router and I had the router and all my devices set up for wireless-G only. I changed it over to mixed so that it would recognize the PSP since it runs on a wireless-B network. I'm thinking most of the people in my neighborhood must be using wireless-B networks and it never detected them before because I was setup for G only.


keep your strippers out of my American football
bill0527 said:
Exact same thing here. I went outside last night and picked up 4 unencrypted wireless networks in my neighborhood all with really good signal strength.

Isn't that really dangerous? Especially if you do alot of shopping online? Not too mention people just stealing your bandwidth.
On a somewhat related note, I had noticed a few days ago someone was leeching off my wireless network. I took much pleasure in cutting of their supply. :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wow, this thing really impresses. I let my parents take a look at the machine (loaded up a few things that interested them) and they were COMPLETELY blown away to the point that they are interested in buying one for all of those functions (as well as some light gaming). They are not easily impressed by new gadgets either...

Sony NEEDS to hurry up with that kiosk. Once people get their hands on this thing, I really believe that sales will shoot up.


The trade in 3 games for a PSP game at EB still work. I know some of you were saying EB received an email saying it was cancelled earlier but I went into work yesterday and the trade in deal was in full force.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The End said:
People were staring at it the entire time i was playing on the metro this morning.

I actually was thinking about catching the train in today but I decided not to... probably will next week though.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Monk said:
^ Could someone here please answer that?

answered earlier. A dead pixel (where it never turns on) will never develop, although "stuck" pixels (pixel only displays one color or is incapable of displaying a specific color - most obvious on a blank white background) can develop over time. Stuck pixels can also go away with time.


The End said:
People were staring at it the entire time i was playing on the metro this morning.

May be you didn't have any clothes on :lol but I'm with you in that you know you have something very cool.
Broke down and bought Lumines on the way home from work last night. Very fun puzzle game, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing yet. :) That means I ended up with five launch games, even though I thought I would only get three. Sony ownes my wallet right now.

After more time with Untold Legends, I'm really glad I picked it up. It's a lot of fun. Very addicting right now. I'd say it's the game I played the most, and I'm looking forward to closing my office door on my lunch break and playing for an hour or so. :)

The great thing is that there are other games I could still pick up. Besides Lumines and UL, I also grabbed WipeOut, Twisted Metal, and NFL Street 2, all of which are fun, but I could easily add THUG2, Ridge Racers, and Metal Gear Acid to the list. Plus, judging from some of user reports, Tiger Woods is better then what reviews were indicating. I passed on that one due to load times, but others are reporting that they are not much different from the console games. I'm set for games for now, but it's nice to know there are several others out there that I could pick up in the near future. There was a thread about the dearth of titles coming out after launch, but the launch has been so good, there are plenty of good games for some time. Besides, it's going to take awhile to get through the games I bought. Life is good! :D
I finally got around to playing some Wipeout more than just looking around. I got the hand of the analog controller after a few laps. Fun, and looks gorgeous. It seems that you don't have pitch control (unless I am missing it), which is a minor letdown.

I also played more Lumines and I have gotten the hang of it, too. What a great game! I can see playing this one for a long, long time to come.

Havent gone back for more Twisted Metal yet.

I am excited by/interested in a few more of the launch games that are out, but as it is, I have three games vying for my attention at once. It's a nice problem to have. :)


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Very fun puzzle game, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing yet.

Haha, that's what I'm feeling. But I think I'm starting to understand it, though I've only got the seventh skin so far. How many are there? 20? 30?


Is there any item available that will clean the PSP's screen without leaving hairlines? Although I can't see them anyway when the system is on it bothers me that the finish can mess up so fast (especially considering my portables travel with me heavily.) Plus I want the screen to be dust free when I put screen guards on.

Would a sponge do?


bridegur said:
I bought a PSP today with Ape Escape and Untold Legends. As cool as it is, I'm already selling it on Ebay. I'll buy one when the price goes down.

no wonder. look at your choice of games.

aoi tsuki

Just got my PSP a couple hours ago. No dead pixels, but i'll test it out with some JPEGs later just to be sure. The second i removed the PSP from it's plastic cover, i whispered a nearly breathless "wow", followed by repeated "wows" as i clumsily unwrapped everything to get started playing. The sharp black with the ultra glossy FUCK THE SCREEN IS HUGE! i'm having a bit of gaming schizophrenia between Wipeout Pure and Lumines. WOP feels much like the original WO in it's floatiness and is extremely fun to play, and viciously brutal with some beautiful particle effects and lighting. i've unlocked six skins in Lumines, and i still don't know what i'm doing in terms of setting the blocks up properly, but i'm having a blast playing it.

i loathe having to go to work today, especially knowing it'll be too busy to play my PSP.


I was lured in. I was thanking Sony for making the gretzky bundle in Canada, because I figured that there was no way I was dropping 350 for PSP and gretzky. Then I was into Walmart last night and they have just the value pack and I cried as I walked out the door 450 dollars poorer (In other words PSP, wipeout Pure and metal gear acid in hand).

Also does anybody else feel like there R button is a little loose? It feels a bit loose in the vertical plane but maybe thats normal and comments?


belgurdo said:
Is there any item available that will clean the PSP's screen without leaving hairlines? Although I can't see them anyway when the system is on it bothers me that the finish can mess up so fast (especially considering my portables travel with me heavily.) Plus I want the screen to be dust free when I put screen guards on.

Would a sponge do?

I used scotch tape, the "frosted"/matte kind (I'm thinking it's Scotch Magic tape, but the roll I had no longer has its label). It worked really well at removing dust from the screen and from the screen protector. Just make sure that the tape you use won't leave any residue or glue, so you might want to test it on some other stuff first.


Rhindle said:
You know you live in a geeky neighborhood when ....

I apparently have four (4) WLAN networks running through my apartment, all with decent signal strength. All but one are unencrypted.

The strange thing is, my laptop never picked up any of them, but the PSP loops them in like a champ. I gotta figure out how to get my PC to do the same, and then cancel my DSL account. :lol
How can you tell how many there are?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Kleegamefan said:
Any suggestions?

I am going to pick mine up today....

IIRC, I created 2 480x272 pixel jpegs using MS Paint. One was a solid black, the other a solid white. Connected my PSP via USB, uploaded both to the PHOTOS directory, browsed the interface, and viewed both images. Finding dead pixels, at that point, should be easy.


The Autumn Wind
Well, looks like I figured out the problem I and some others are having connecting the PSP to the PC. From Sony's Connect site: http://connect.custhelp.com/cgi-bin...i=$p_li") ?>&p_faqid=366&p_created=1111182276
Windows(R) 98SE/ME/2000

* It is not possible to connect directly via USB cable. MSAC-US30 or other Memory Stick USB Reader/Writer is required.
What's odd is I had to go to the Music Connect section, then go through a couple of FAQ links to even find this.

This really sucks, because I've already bought A 512MB Pro Duo. Now it looks like I'll have to buy another $60 accessory just to make any use out of it.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Mejilan said:
IIRC, I created 2 480x272 pixel jpegs using MS Paint. One was a solid black, the other a solid white. Connected my PSP via USB, uploaded both to the PHOTOS directory, browsed the interface, and viewed both images. Finding dead pixels, at that point, should be easy.
My dead/stuck pixels are invisible on black and white. They're noticable on green or red, though.
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