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The US PSP Launch


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Nice to see everyone else happy with their PSPs. :)
For those of you about to rock: we salute you.
I've got a question about importing PSP games. I went to an import store to pick up Puzzle Bobble and I asked the guy if all Japanese games worked on US systems, he said not all of them and that he would check if PB worked or not. He came back and said no, its for Japanese systems only. I was under the impression that all Japanese games worked on US systems and vice-versa, so has anyone actually imported this game and run it on their US system, or was the guy telling the truth?



I worked from home this morning so I could pick up my preorder at 10 AM. When I got to EBGames (Pacific Coast Highway/Calle Mayor, next to Ralphs), they had plenty of copies of most games...except Ridge Racer. They had sold their only copy instantly. Everyone in the store was buying PSP games or picking up preorders...maybe about half a dozen people or so. There were serious dents in the stock of Wipeout and Lumines already.

Since I couldn't get RR, I went another couple of blocks down PCH to Best Buy (PCH/Hawthorne Blvd)...which was a big mistake. Even though they had opened at 8 AM for the launch, there was still a line of 25+ people at 10:30 AM, and since I didn't see a copy of RR on the rack and the "regular" employees answered everything question related to PSP by pointing to the line, there was no frickin' way I was going to hang around in line to ask.

I had resigned myself to not getting RR, but since I was driving past a Target (PCH/Manhattan Beach Blvd) on the way into work, I figured, "Why not? I'm already wicked late today..." Sure enough, they had about half a dozen copies, so I picked one up.

I know people are claiming "backlash" because not as many people might have showed up this morning as you might imagine, but the launch happened on a WEEKDAY, and most people are not in a position to ditch work/school to run out at midnight|8 AM|10 AM to buy a gaming system. My personal guess is that as people see the systems in person, or find free time to go shopping this weekend, they WILL start selling a crapload of systems.


I bought the PSP Value Pack, Lumines, Wipeout Pure, Twisted Metal: Head On, and Ridge Racer. The only other game which has my interest is Mercury, which isn't out yet. I had preordered a set of Martin Fields screen protectors, and so far, I'm very impressed -- they are a bit more rigid than I expected, which is a good thing -- makes it harder for air bubbles to form. They aren't kidding about "mild adhesives" being used -- it's less sticky than the PDA screen protectors I used to buy, and I have no concerns about the screen being damaged in any way. The MF protector is EXTREMELY clear -- if you weren't paying attention, you would have no idea that it was on. I'm using the Value Pack case, but will be buying another one, once I have time to check out some alternatives. Since I won't be using it as a movie-viewing platform in the near future, the 32 MB stick is OK for now.


Since I was in a hurry, I didn't have time to do more than a) plug it in, b) turn it on to see if the system and Memory Stick worked, and c) launch Wipeout Pure to make sure the UMD drive worked. I seem to have lucked out -- no stuck or dead pixels visible at all. All I can say about the PSP is that I'm simply blown away with the technology...and I work around some REALLY impressive tech. The screen is amazing, the unit is much smaller than I imagined, and -- if possible -- it looks better in person than it does in promo shots.

Time to head to LAX...gee, I wonder what I'll be doing on the flight...
Atomsmasher said:
I've got a question about importing PSP games. I went to an import store to pick up Puzzle Bobble and I asked the guy if all Japanese games worked on US systems, he said not all of them and that he would check if PB worked or not. He came back and said no, its for Japanese systems only. I was under the impression that all Japanese games worked on US systems and vice-versa, so has anyone actually imported this game and run it on their US system, or was the guy telling the truth?

Going by what everyone here at IGN and Sony have said, the guy is lying. Unless for some unexplicable reason Puzzle Bobble has region coding, I highly doubt it though.


.hacked said:


Um... where the fuck do you work?

Seth C

Anyone else having trouble getting their PSP on their network? When I test the connection I get "connection error 80410D09." The connection is working (laptop) and the WEP key is right, so I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Any suggestions?


ManaByte said:
If you don't have one now, you'll have one in the future. It's not something exclusive to the evil PSP, it's something exclusive to LCD screens.

How long does it take? I've got a 19" LCD Monitor that is 14 months old and it doesn't have a dead pixel yet.

mrklaw said:
To those surprised at no lines. You know it a Thursday, right? People have jobs to go to. Thats why the rest of the store is empty too.

And if you have a preorder, whats the hurry? Just go after work. Of course I'd be there first thing, but I'm not normal :p

The PS2 also launched on a Thursday and pretty much every store was sold out by Thursday night, Friday at the latest. People were offering me $500 for my PS2 in Best Buy's parking lot on launch day because I got the last one.

The PSP isn't going to make that kind of impact, at least, not at launch. I personally think that the system is a little overpriced for the casual audience right now. There were no lines anywhere this morning in my town. I don't live in a Metropolis, but I do live in a good sized city of 250,000 people. I drove by a lot of the stores this morning and there were no lines and very few cars in the parking lots. I showed up at Target just a few minutes after opening at 8am and I was the only person in electronics... other than the 6 employees standing behind the counter looking bored.


New Philadelphia area was fully stocked with PSP's. EB had 'em sitting around for non-preorders, Wal-Mart had a full stock :lol.

This was at 3 PM.

Seth C

Nevermind that request. I solved my own problem. Just had to set my router to broadcat in mixed mode since PSP is an 802.11b device.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Manabyte said:
If you don't have one now, you'll have one in the future. It's not something exclusive to the evil PSP, it's something exclusive to LCD screens.

This is incorrect. An LCD will never "develop" a dead pixel. A pixel is dead from the moment it is released from the factory, or it works. It will never "become" dead (unless, of course, you enjoy throwing the LCD screen against hard objects - which will certainly break the internal circuitry before the LCD itself). A pixel can become "stuck" over time (this is different - the pixel is stuck on a single color instead of never turning on), but pixels that become stuck can also become unstuck. There seems to be a lot of misinformation about this.


Any Tiger Woods players out there. As the game I am consistently addicted to every year, I was scared after reading about the load times. After playing it, the load times don't feel much longer than the console versions. Those of you who have played the consoles know that you wait a little for the course and then a little bit per hole. Like I said the wait is a little more but it's not outrageous at all, more like an additional 4-5 secs. The game itself is pretty good too. Very addicting but tough to get used to the analog and the distances of each club. If you love the consoles you will love this.


tralfazz said:
Any Tiger Woods players out there. As the game I am consistently addicted to every year, I was scared after reading about the load times. After playing it, the load times don't feel much longer than the console versions. Those of you who have played the consoles know that you wait a little for the course and then a little bit per hole. Like I said the wait is a little more but it's not outrageous at all, more like an additional 4-5 secs. The game itself is pretty good too. Very addicting but tough to get used to the analog and the distances of each club. If you love the consoles you will love this.

Good to hear about TW. I was avoiding it because of the reviews. Maybe I'll pick it up after I play through the games I already got (Lumines, Wipeout, Tony Hawk, NFS:U). How is the career mode in the game?


sonycowboy said:
Yeah, I have a slight problem with that as well. It was very hard to hear Spider-Man 2 at full volume , but Ridge Racers volume was just fine. Is there some sort of seperate setting for different content?

In video settings, you can boost the UMD video volume compared to games by +1 or +2. Doesn't affect memory stick movie playback though.


The soft case is fine people.

All you do is put the cloth over the screen, the psp in the soft fabric-esque packaging, then put that in the soft case.

I'll take out the cloth step once I get a screen protector. EB wasn't selling any here. Anyone know any stores downtown vancouver that carries a good screen protector?


tralfazz said:
Any Tiger Woods players out there. As the game I am consistently addicted to every year, I was scared after reading about the load times. After playing it, the load times don't feel much longer than the console versions. Those of you who have played the consoles know that you wait a little for the course and then a little bit per hole. Like I said the wait is a little more but it's not outrageous at all, more like an additional 4-5 secs. The game itself is pretty good too. Very addicting but tough to get used to the analog and the distances of each club. If you love the consoles you will love this.

Yup, on paper the load times seem long, but when you're actually playing it's not such a big deal. I'm getting used to the nub for swinging and I like it. Textures are scaled down a bit, and trees look like ass, but other than that it's a miniature console version.


bill0527 said:
The PSP isn't going to make that kind of impact, at least, not at launch. I personally think that the system is a little overpriced for the casual audience right now. There were no lines anywhere this morning in my town. I don't live in a Metropolis, but I do live in a good sized city of 250,000 people. I drove by a lot of the stores this morning and there were no lines and very few cars in the parking lots. I showed up at Target just a few minutes after opening at 8am and I was the only person in electronics... other than the 6 employees standing behind the counter looking bored.

I actually think the PSP is pretty cheap for what it is offering. The PSP is not getting half the hype the PS2 did though.


Matlock said:
New Philadelphia area was fully stocked with PSP's. EB had 'em sitting around for non-preorders, Wal-Mart had a full stock :lol.

This was at 3 PM.

If EB, as a collective, ordered too many because they believed their own hype...

Man, that'd be awesome.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Finally got my PSP..... I can't say anything that people haven't already said... the thing is sexy as hell.... great picture quality even at angles.... and not a dead pixel in sight.


Hi, for those of you new PSP owners:

I just came back from BestBuy and bought the Pelican PSP starter kit. It contains 12 items:

- a travel case (i may not use it)
- a power brick (i think it's useful)
- a pair of earphones (not useful)
- a UMD cleaner (might be useful if i manage to put finger prints onto my UMD...)
- 4 UMD jackets (useful)
- a pelican screen protector (is this one any good?)
- a car adaptor (useful)
- and clean cloth (...)

It's on sale today for $40. I think it is a good deal considering I really need some of those included items.

Could anybody tell me if the Pelican screen protector is good or not? I'm sure someone has mentioned it before but I just can't go through this 30-page thread again...You have my thanks in advance!
To all the the people that think there's no dead pixles, upload one black and one white photo to the PSP (that takes up the entire screen) and cheak for sure. I thought my system was dead pixle free at first, but with closer inspection I found one at the bottom, not much of a concern, but i don't think that there could be so many non-dead pixel systems at the NA launch. Prove me wrong GAF.


Not Banned from OT
bionic77 said:
I actually think the PSP is pretty cheap for what it is offering. The PSP is not getting half the hype the PS2 did though.

I think a lot of it is that for the last decade nintendo has established the 99 dollar price of a hand held. If the PSP was 199 I think the hype would of been a lot more. Also the 250 dollar price puts it out of the impulse buy range. Once the PSP gets down in price I am sure it will take off. I like my PSP a lot outside the crappy analog nub and expensive games I think it kicks ass.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Got mine at 10:40 AM here in Houston. I have my already paid for, so no hassle. But they said they had 70 pre-orders and only 50 PSPs, so I am thinking there are going to be some pissed off customers. I wanted to get a screen protector there, but they only recieved 5, FIVE, FIVE!!!! So you get 50 PSPs, but only 5 screen protectors?? They also only had a 128MB mem stick. I had decided to get a 512MB so I was on a mission. I hit Circuit City, they had some but they were at 85 bucks each. I used the CC PC display to check Best Buy and CompUsa and both had the 512 for 79.99. I had seen a few offers online and with shipping it was going to be about 75, so I decided get the one in store at BB.

This was about 3PM, as I had done a few errands in between. First thing, I hit Target and they wer selling the PSP, but only had 5 left. I think they originally had 25. A guy was buying one and was like, "Well, I wonder how many people have 250 to throw down on this thing?" The clerk was like, "Well, we sold 20 already today, so I guess there are a few." They didn't have ANYTHING in the way of accessories. Then I hit BB, they had a table of PSPs, accessories and mem sticks. They were pushing it hard and it seemed to be working as they had a steady stream of peeps picking one up. They were showing Spiderman 2 on the PSP, letting people look at it. There was a crowd of about 10-15 people picking up the PSP and accessories. They had sold out of there screen protectors too, but was trying to sell PDA screen protectors. They had a kit with a screen protector and a plastic "covering" for the PSP. I was tempted, but dayum that shit looked GETO. I might have to go there in the short term.

I have been playing Lumines and Ridge Racer. I am VERY impressed with both. I also bought Tiger Woods and Untold Legends. I haven't tried those out yet. But Lumines is worth the price of admission by itself. Incredible game. I really can't wait to learn the lil nuances of the game as I really am playing a basic way so far. I also need to go out and get a USB cable today. I thought the one I had here would work, but I guess not. I had a Sony digital camera cable laying around here somewhere, but I have NO idea where it is now. I am sure that would have worked.

Overall, I am really pleased with the PSP. Now if I hadn't gotten such a huge tax refund, I probably would have buyer's regret, but I feel like I using not even half my"mad money" to get all this PSP stuff. But looking forward, I won't be getting much for my PSP in the next few months. Maybe the Logitech case, that really is about it.
For those of you wondering how m0rphix can afford $1300 of stuff it's because his mother had some problem with medication she was on and they got millions of dollars and the mom gave all of it to him and his brother and now he blows it on stuff all the time and sits around his house eating food all day and playing games.

You decide if you're jealous.
LinesInTheSand said:
For those of you wondering how m0rphix can afford $1300 of stuff it's because his mother had some problem with medication she was on and they got millions of dollars and the mom gave all of it to him and his brother and now he blows it on stuff all the time and sits around his house eating food all day and playing games.

You decide if you're jealous.

If I were him with millions I would invest it in various ways. Hey morphix, that money is going to run out someday and what will you have to show for it? Nothing. Invest it and let your money make money for you.
Sigh...have about 5 dead pixels, all around the middle of the screen. One white, two green, one red, and one black. Bugged the hell out of me when i watched Spiderman 2, but i didn't even see it while playing ridge racer. I guess i can deal with it.

One question though...can i still buy the warranty plan from Gamestop even if i denied it during the time of purchase?


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
Artificial Meat said:
Sigh...have about 5 dead pixels, all around the middle of the screen. One white, two green, one red, and one black. Bugged the hell out of me when i watched Spiderman 2, but i didn't even see it while playing ridge racer. I guess i can deal with it.

One question though...can i still buy the warranty plan from Gamestop even if i denied it during the time of purchase?

5's a lot. Maybe you should try taking it back, especially if you can notice it watching movies.


Awesomely, my Gamestop's second shipment arrived today as well So I was able to get my PSP today, too. :D

The system itself is awesome, it is so sleek. I don't like the analog NIPPLE at all, though, or the superflous button setup on the bottom, to change volume, go home, music, etc.. It's a little uneccasary.

My only two other hardware complaints are the UMD bay itself - i'm scared of that thing! It's like a audio cassette deck - and the speakers don't get very loud, but are a perfect volume with headphones. I think DS has better speakers.

Twisted Metal was the only game I got, and I'm impressed. It's extremley fun to play and very smooth, and very much like TM2 for PSX! I'm loving that they went back to the old special for Sweet Tooth, and all of my favorite characters are there. Plus, the levels are pretty damn sweet, even if a lot of them are from TM2 with upgrades.


Running off of Custom Firmware
6 dead pixels and 2 vertical scratches mar my screen. I ordered it from EBGames.com, but I'm taking it back to my closest EB store tomorrow for an exchange. I'm REALLY fucking pissed.

I went to that EB today during work, and they will exchange dead pixel units for up to 14 days from date of purchase. And they had PLENTY of units around, and no lines.

Musashi Wins!

I love Ridge Racers and Lumines sooooo much. With all my mind, body, soul and pee pee. Given how good these games are I'd say the importers showed restraint. I'm on a definite PSP high. One of the best things I've bought in a long while.
Musashi Wins! said:
I love Ridge Racers and Lumines sooooo much. With all my mind, body, soul and pee pee. Given how good these games are I'd say the importers showed restraint. I'm on a definite PSP high. One of the best things I've bought in a long while.

I gushed quite a bit as well, but I didn't post my true fealings on GAF. It took like a month for the "OMG OMG OMG" feeling to dissapear, even then I still ove the thing to death. It's become part of my everyday lifestyle :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Ok, should I be worrying? I've been playing Lumines and Wipeout Pure all afternoon when I got my PSP, and been playing it with the AC plugged in. I just finished playing with my PSP and the battery information says it's fully charged, yet it says 91% power on the battery. Where's the rest of the 9%?

And man Lumines rox. At first I thought I overhyped myself cause I wasn't getting into it, but I just finished a 22 minute session...very fun.
And man Lumines rox. At first I thought I overhyped myself cause I wasn't getting into it, but I just finished a 22 minute session...very fun.

Wait till you get into 2h marathons, the game is so addicting that it has to beat you. Seriously, if I could unlock all the skins in sitting without me nerves giving way I would.


So I became a sony whore this afternoon. After reading people's impressions I was all hyped and needed a psp right away. Thinking I was screwed waiting until this last minute and most likely not able to find one, I went straight to Target. Much to my surprise they had about 70 on display and the guy who worked said they had more in the back, so if anyone is looking for a system try there. Which brings me to something funny; EB games was calling people last week telling them they would not be able to fill pre-orders!!! I feel kind of bad for the suckers who didn't get their psp's from EB but i guess goes to show you pre ordering doesn't guarantee anything.

As far as my impressions; Blown Away!!! The system is beyond my wildest expectations. I watched spirderman and was floored with the quality. I think sony has done a great job with the system, my only worry is I have one or two dead pixels on my screen, how much longer before more show up? I guess I might exchange it tomorrow, but they don't really bother me, Target said their policy was 90 days so I guess I am covered.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The framerate is pretty much locked at 30 FPS and it looks fantastic. I haven't played Ridge Racer yet so I'm not spoiled by any 60 FPS racers yet...


I bought a PSP today with Ape Escape and Untold Legends. As cool as it is, I'm already selling it on Ebay. I'll buy one when the price goes down.
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