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The US PSP Launch


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
The PSP needs a screenshot feature. How awesome would that be? Maybe it's just me, but I'd get a kick out of being able to snap a screenshot of a high score or something similar (ESPECIALLY with online play) in a game and have it sent to my PHOTO folder. But, this will most likely not happen, as it's sort of on the same level as a video-out feature, which the PSP clearly doesn't have.

I wonder if it would be possible for a developer to implement this into a game?


Marty Chinn said:
Not sure if its been mentioned yet but I wanted to point out that Spider-Man 2 on UMD is not cropped at all, but its open matte. You're not losing anything

Thats a whole new can of worms there Marty.
I'll let them off for promotional purposes, but if they start releasing non-OAR (= cropped or open matte) then that is shitty.


i got a US PSP but the [] button is less responsive than the others. any help ?

its not sticking inside.
its just when i click on it from the left side of the button softly. it doesnt response. i have to click on it a bit harder or click on it from the other side, softly would work too.

i understand that its because the Square placment isnt 100% like the others. but i was wondering if its like this bad.


i cant take my machine back since i dont live in US or Canada etc. is there a way i can fix it. ? or its like this with every machine.

by the way. no dead pixel lol

about the [] button. its not that bad. when u click it from the left. on purpose slowly. it doesnt work when u click on it from the middile 75% works. and if move a lil to the side. it work fine. but i just wanted to check it out

The End

vatstep said:
The PSP needs a screenshot feature. How awesome would that be? Maybe it's just me, but I'd get a kick out of being able to snap a screenshot of a high score or something similar (ESPECIALLY with online play) in a game and have it sent to my PHOTO folder. But, this will most likely not happen, as it's sort of on the same level as a video-out feature, which the PSP clearly doesn't have.

I wonder if it would be possible for a developer to implement this into a game?

that would be fairly easy to implement in software.


Tabris said:
Quick question re: Dead Pixels.

So I did the dead pixel image test, and if I just look at it normally, I can't see a thing (20/20 vision), but if I look really close, I see black spots EVERYWHERE. There has to be at least 20+. They form almost a grid pattern on the LCD. Is this just normal, am I seeing things or do I have dead pixels?

You might be seeing things or just looking TOO CLOSE and simply seeing the lines that divide the pixels. :)

Try again and this time just look normally and look for pixel-sized dots on each color block image. If you see clear pixel-sized abnormal dots, yes you have dead pixels, otherwise you're just worrying yourself. Also do the test in a dark room with no lights on, makes it really really easy to see dead pixels.

On another note, I picked up MGA today and played the opening + 2 missions. :D :D :D :D I would say so far 8.5 sounds about RIGHT! Awesome game! :D
golem said:
does the psp recharge while plugged into the usb port?

Doesn't look like it. That would've been nice; I think USB is 5v like the charger, but maybe the spec doesn't allow enough amperage.

I've got Wipeout, Lumines, Twisted Metal, and Ridge Racers, and am pretty damn impressed with them all. Wipeout and RR are my favorites so far, but they are a couple games I was predisposed to like, and I haven't put nearly as much time into the other two.

The analog nub took a little getting used to, but I'm really starting to like it for these racing games. It's really pretty precise, and there's a nice progressive resistance to it. Even the position of it doesn't really bother me anymore, and I'm using the shoulder buttons for dual airbrakes in Wipeout and MT shifting in RR. Being able to play racing games of this quality on a handheld is quite a trip.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
my PSP and game impressions

PSP Unit impressions -
The unit is solid. I really like how solid it feels. The screen is obviously gorgeous.. The whole interface is really nice also. Connecting the unit up to neighbors WiFi networks is a snap. (don't have my own, and why should I if there are a good 4 networks I can connect up to in my neighborhood for free) Copying files to and froim the unit is easy. The whole specific directory shtick and not having it already created on the memory stick is just freaking retarded though.. seriously, wtf? but once you read and get the directories there it is easy. I really like the system, though don't see a whole lot of instances where I am going to use it for an MP3 player or video player.. we have a trip to japan coming up but I will just use my laptop there instead.

things I don't like about the unit? To be honest, after the DS, seeing just another portable gaming unit is kind of bland. Yes it can play videos, but how often am "I" (emphasis on I) going to do that. Yes you can play MP3s but again how often am "I" going to do that. remember, these are my impressions and I will be using this thing as pretty much a game only device. That being said, you can definitely do more with the DS. Yoshi's Touch N Go, WarioWare Touched, Feel the Magic, I can't freaking wait for Animal Crossing DS. The PSP will have some great games I'm sure (not saying none of the launch titles were great), but I have a feeling the DS will have the more interesting and original titles. Of course I could be completely wrong.. only time will tell..

anyway, it's a good system. I like my DS more, but that certainly won't stop me from having both on my trip to Japan and standing in line for Episode 3. Though I should say that I am MUCH happier that I can (if I wanted to) by games in Japan for the .. not the PSP..

ok, the games I picked up

Lumines - I should warn you ahead of time. I will have no negative comments in this impression. This game is just flat out perfect. Tetris, Puyo Pop, Columns, the world of perfect puzzle games has a new entry, and it is Lumines. The puzzle mode is freaking brilliant, the single player game is freaking brilliant, I will hopefully some day get to play the multiplayer mode.. ok, one criticism... they should have included infrastructure mode for multiplayer. this is a game that should be playable over the internet........ bah..... ok, aside from that one gripe, this game is just awesome. nuff said.

Metal Gear Ac!d - umm.. hmm.. I am still working through this. Let me say first that I love card battle games, so no part of that puts me off of anything. I am one of the people who would give PSOIII like a 9.0/10. I just loved that game. So, that being said.... the whole story of MGA seems like another WTF??? Metal Gear story.. and I don't at all find the game intuitive.. that being said I will work on it more. I also don't think I will like multiplayer. First, the back of the box says infrastructure, but the manual only talks about ad hoc. Second, in most card battling games (PSOIII included) you have multiple monsters/units on the field and whatnot. The thought of just having one against one and throwing 2 cards a turn at each other is kind of weak it would seem... so I will play this through for the single player and see what happens with the multiplayer.

well, those are my impressions... do with them what you will...


vatstep said:
The PSP needs a screenshot feature. How awesome would that be? Maybe it's just me, but I'd get a kick out of being able to snap a screenshot of a high score or something similar (ESPECIALLY with online play) in a game and have it sent to my PHOTO folder. But, this will most likely not happen, as it's sort of on the same level as a video-out feature, which the PSP clearly doesn't have.

I wonder if it would be possible for a developer to implement this into a game?

I hope so, it would be an excellent feature.


Oh, wow. Mapping the single AirBrake to the R button in Wipeout and using the analog nub properly makes this feel like an entirely new game! I'm actually pretty damn impressed with how well the nub works once you get used to it. There is definitely a learning curve to using it but now that I'm comfortable with it I will not go back to the Dpad in Wipeout!

I suck at this game, though! :lol I can't beat the Venom alpha tournament course! I keep on getting ganged up on in the races and being blown to smitherines! I love playing the Zone mode. But right now I only have three courses opened up. I can get a silver on the 3rd course but no further at the moment! I'm trying for gold but I think you need to hit level 30. I can only hit level 25 right now and then I blow up!


My god I suck at Lumines. I've been stuck at level 3 for like an hour, and I can never get my score past 15-16k points.


Console Market Analyst
Alex said:
My god I suck at Lumines. I've been stuck at level 3 for like an hour, and I can never get my score past 15-16k points.

I struggled to even get above 10k before I learned how to use the special blocks properly.

On average now, I get over 40k, only had the game two days. Surprised by how rewarding the game feels when you've reached a new milestone.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh, wow. Mapping the single AirBrake to the R button in Wipeout and using the analog nub properly makes this feel like an entirely new game! I'm actually pretty damn impressed with how well the nub works once you get used to it. There is definitely a learning curve to using it but now that I'm comfortable with it I will not go back to the Dpad in Wipeout!

Hell yes, the nub rules! I've been using it in every game possible. It felt strange initially, but now that I'm used to it, I really love it.

Musashi Wins!

My only frustration with my new obsession (Lumines) is that you can't start from later skins when you die! Argh! I can see that bothering me a bit in the future. I was reading a 1up blog by Shane Bettensomething and he was saying that the game is somewhat broken by that and that Meteos (I look forward to seeing) is better for that reason. He then goes on to side-mention that Meteos is fundamentally broken because you can spaz out with the touch screen and beat it but that you should just play it "right". Um...ok.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Musashi Wins! said:
My only frustration with my new obsession (Lumines) is that you can't start from later skins when you die! Argh! I can see that bothering me a bit in the future. I was reading a 1up blog by Shane Bettensomething and he was saying that the game is somewhat broken by that and that Meteos (I look forward to seeing) is better for that reason. He then goes on to side-mention that Meteos is fundamentally broken because you can spaz out with the touch screen and beat it but that you should just play it "right". Um...ok.

Played Meteos for a while last night actually. And yeah, you can spaz out and get out of tricky situations, but not always. Meteos is fun, but Lumines is way more zen.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
borghe said:
Metal Gear Ac!d - umm.. hmm.. I am still working through this. Let me say first that I love card battle games, so no part of that puts me off of anything. I am one of the people who would give PSOIII like a 9.0/10. I just loved that game. So, that being said.... the whole story of MGA seems like another WTF??? Metal Gear story.. and I don't at all find the game intuitive.. that being said I will work on it more. I also don't think I will like multiplayer. First, the back of the box says infrastructure, but the manual only talks about ad hoc. Second, in most card battling games (PSOIII included) you have multiple monsters/units on the field and whatnot. The thought of just having one against one and throwing 2 cards a turn at each other is kind of weak it would seem... so I will play this through for the single player and see what happens with the multiplayer.

Whenever someone is ignorant about Metal Gear Acid, I will be there to right the wrongs.

In MGA multiplayer, you have more than just one-on-one fights. Each player controls both Snake and Teliko, and there are also AI units that walk around. There are two goals in multiplayer. You can either kill each other to win the fight, or kill 4 AI soldiers to collect 4 pieces of the Pythagoras data and escape out of the correct entrance (1 out of 4). It's pretty fun if both of you have fairly equal decks.

evil ways

Just got back from my uncle's house. He called me up and asked me to go to his place to help him set up a new wireless router he bought today. Hmm?

So I get there and the first thing I notice on his PC desk is a whole bunch of cables and stuff, and immediately I recognize the PSP headphones & remote lying there and a large Gamestop/Babbage's bag. The bastard got bit by the PSP bug and bought a Value Pack, 512mb stick, USB cable, Need For Speed, Spider-Man 2, and Lumines. He was gonna buy NFL Street 2, but said that Lumines reminded him of Tetris and that he would rather wait for Madden instead.

At least now I have someone to play Lumines with, since most of the people I know who got a PSP went with the obvious sports and racing games. Plus I'll definitely be going to his place more often to leech off his connection.
Wow, Untold Legends isn't a bad little Norrath clone at all . It's actually BETTER than the Champions games in some ways: better art, better "story", faster menu loads, more interesting monster designs. My only gripes are the occasional frame rate hitches, the more apparent ghosting (more black areas on screen), and the fact that dying sets you back to the start of a dungeons sans items/levels. Other than that, it's a good little Diablo-esque experience -- glad I took a risk on it.

Musashi Wins!

Drinky Crow said:
Wow, Untold Legends isn't a bad little Norrath clone at all . It's actually BETTER than the Champions games in some ways: better art, better "story", faster menu loads, more interesting monster designs. My only gripes are the occasional frame rate hitches, the more apparent ghosting (more black areas on screen), and the fact that dying sets you back to the start of a dungeons sans items/levels. Other than that, it's a good little Diablo-esque experience -- glad I took a risk on it.

Yea, this game is much better than reviews led me to believe. Having a portable Diablo clone is the hawtness. That's really all that needs to be said.

This game also makes me want to understand the whole "tunneling software" gig.


Alex said:
My god I suck at Lumines. I've been stuck at level 3 for like an hour, and I can never get my score past 15-16k points.

The best thing I've found to do is to make sure that the blocks you're dropping touch the right colors on as many sides as possible. Sometimes this is a better way to go about it than straight-up clearing blocks, because once you get a special block, you'll have a network of that color to play off of that would clear out a bunch of the screen at one time, not to mention that the falling opposite color blocks will likely create combos of their own. I guess its like Tetris where you try to set up tetrises instead of just clearing single lines, really. There is some risk involved, but if you can manage yourself well enough, you'll get big clears and big points to go along with em.


Can someone explain something to me about MGA?

It's talking about equipping weapons and using ammo with it. I have cards with the Socom or the MachineGun but I don't have any Equip command for them. The only Equip items I can use are the Bullet Vest, the Evade things and of course, the box. :lol

I would have loved having the option to strangle the enemies.
Synbios459 said:
1. Is there anyway to turn the volume up more than it initially allows? I tried watching Spider-Man 2, but even on the highest setting I could barely hear it.

2. Is there a way to change the background color?

1) There's an option under video and under the menu overlay while you're playing to have the volume at normal, +1, or +2 for UMD movie playback. Change it to +2 and it should be louder

2) It changes based on the month. So you can either have incorrect date to get your color or deal with the random colors.


Drinky Crow said:
Wow, Untold Legends isn't a bad little Norrath clone at all . It's actually BETTER than the Champions games in some ways: better art, better "story", faster menu loads, more interesting monster designs. My only gripes are the occasional frame rate hitches, the more apparent ghosting (more black areas on screen), and the fact that dying sets you back to the start of a dungeons sans items/levels. Other than that, it's a good little Diablo-esque experience -- glad I took a risk on it.

I agree. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
I've been screwing around with Untold Legends for the past couple of hours and I really don't care for it. The music is god awful and the story presentation stinks. Why isn't there any voice overs? Why the static art intro? It just feels cheap.

Thank god for Ridge Racer.


Ante Up
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I've been screwing around with Untold Legends for the past couple of hours and I really don't care for it. The music is god awful and the story presentation stinks. Why isn't there any voice overs? Why the static art intro? It just feels cheap.

Thank god for Ridge Racer.

I have unopened copies of Twisted Metal, Wipeout Pure, and Ape Escape. Want to trade for one of those?


Is Ridge Racer *really* that good? Everyone keeps telling me if I have a PSP I need to own Ridge Racer! :lol I went to Blockbuster last night hoping they started to rent PSP games and they don't have any.

I've only played the original Ridge Racer on PSOne and thought it was OK...never played any other game. I'm not too big a fan of most racers, but I do love Wipeout Pure. If I like racing games it is more of an acradey experience. With the drift and nitro system in Ridge Racers it sounds like more of an arcade style experience than in the past. I'm still a little worried that I'll get bored of the game too soon. Are there extra modes besides the standard race mode?

I love the flexibility the PSP gives me. It isn't just about the sexy PS2 level graphics or games that don't seem watered down anymore. It is the ability to play these games anywhere I lounge around! Crazily enough I think I may end up liking my PSP more than the consoles I own!
mashoutposse said:
I have unopened copies of Twisted Metal, Wipeout Pure, and Ape Escape. Want to trade for one of those?

I wouldn't mind Wipeout Pure but I'm not sure if I would want another racing game along with Ridge Racer. I'm thinking of going back and trying to exchange it for something like God of War.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Mrbob said:
Is Ridge Racer *really* that good? Everyone keeps telling me if I have a PSP I need to own Ridge Racer! :lol I went to Blockbuster last night hoping they started to rent PSP games and they don't have any.

I've only played the original Ridge Racer on PSOne and thought it was OK...never played any other game. I'm not too big a fan of most racers, but I do love Wipeout Pure. If I like racing games it is more of an acradey experience. With the drift and nitro system in Ridge Racers it sounds like more of an arcade style experience than in the past. I'm still a little worried that I'll get bored of the game too soon. Are there extra modes besides the standard race mode?

I love the flexibility the PSP gives me. It isn't just about the sexy PS2 level graphics or games that don't seem watered down anymore. It is the ability to play these games anywhere I lounge around! Crazily enough I think I may end up liking my PSP more than the consoles I own!

Mister Bob. Ridge Racer. BELIEVE IT. In some ways, I like it way more than WOP.


According to an EB employee I watched responding to a customers inquiry of the availability of Ridge Racer - "We don't have it, but I assure you it's overrated. It's just a racing game. As far as I'm concerned, Need for Speed is just as good."

He also tried to sell Metal Gear Acid, claiming it was like Splinter Cell.
Ridge Racer is that good. I am very impressed with the game. I like it better than Lumines. The only thing that sucks about it is the god awful soundtrack. Too bad its not possible to have your own soundtrack on the game using ATRAC3 or MP3s.

The only complaint I have about PSP is its overheating. I played maybe 40 minutes of Ridge Racer and about 30 minutes of Lumines and the PSP was very, very warm. Could explain the dead pixels. I let the battery charge and touched it and it was almost hot. I had to unplug it entirely and let it cool.

Musashi Wins!

While I don't think it's strange that it gets warm, mine has never gotten "hot". I've played many hours in a row with different games, etc. Maybe the way you hold it or something?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Mrbob said:
Is Ridge Racer *really* that good?

You need Ridge Racer. It's that damn good. I own 7 launch games (Ridge Racer, Lumines, Twisted Metal, Ape Escape, MGA, Darkstalkers, Wipeout Pure) and Ridge Racer is by far the most impressive. Don't get me wrong. The other games are awesome but Namco just did everything right with Ridge Racer. It is a very immersive experience and the best game in the series IMO. I can't wait for the sequel.
It wasn't in the sunlight either. The hot didn't happen until it was charging for about a half hour. I'm sure its fine, its just when you spend $250 on a new machine, I was a little wary of something being wrong.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Experiment said:
It wasn't in the sunlight either. The hot didn't happen until it was charging for about a half hour. I'm sure its fine, its just when you spend $250 on a new machine, I was a little wary of something being wrong.

I just finished playing a marathon session of Ridge Racer and my unit got about as hot as a GBASP gets. Have you had any extended play sessions with a GBASP (for frame of reference)? If it's much hotter than that you might want to take it back. I doubt the dead pixels have anything to do with it either.


The Experiment said:
The only complaint I have about PSP is its overheating. I played maybe 40 minutes of Ridge Racer and about 30 minutes of Lumines and the PSP was very, very warm. Could explain the dead pixels. I let the battery charge and touched it and it was almost hot. I had to unplug it entirely and let it cool.
Waa? I hope that doesn't start happening to my PSP, because I just got through playing about 2 hrs of Wipeout and experienced nothing like that, mine felt as cool as it did when I turned it on. I have 3 dead pixels, too, so I don't know what that would have to do with it.
My wording sucks. I don't have dead pixels. I was saying that overheating may be the cause of dead pixels.

I haven't played GBA SP or DS for extended periods. Just quick 30-45 minute stints. I'm sure I'm worrying over nothing but I got a 7 day GameStop warranty and Sony's 90 day. I'll log in some more PSP time later today and will report back. I'm sure it would be warm because of the disc spinning around.

I wanted to get DW so I check online. $50? Koei can kiss my ass for that price.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Hmm, I just got a 512 MB sandisk memory stick pro duo, but it's only reading 468 MB. Is the stick screwed up or is it reporting the right MB?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Experiment said:
I wanted to get DW so I check online. $50? Koei can kiss my ass for that price.

Stay away from DW. It stinks. Imagine the console versions of DW. Now take away anything that makes them good and add a double dose of slowdown and fog. That's the PSP version in a nutshell.


Drinky Crow said:
Wow, Untold Legends isn't a bad little Norrath clone at all . It's actually BETTER than the Champions games in some ways: better art, better "story", faster menu loads, more interesting monster designs. My only gripes are the occasional frame rate hitches, the more apparent ghosting (more black areas on screen), and the fact that dying sets you back to the start of a dungeons sans items/levels. Other than that, it's a good little Diablo-esque experience -- glad I took a risk on it.
Wow, the menu loads are less than CoN? Awesome. I loved Champions, and all I wanted from UL was a Champions clone with new environements/equipment and what not. I'm still going to have to check this out, methinks.

Anyway, I picked up Metal Gear Acid because all of the positive impressions made me cry. Now all I need is Ridge Racer and I'll have my four most wanted PSP titles. Wipeout + Lumines makes for such a fantastic combo, and MGA's style of gameplay should compliment them very well. And once I start to finish up WOP, Ridge Racer is just waiting in the wings to utterly pwn my senses.

I <3 PSP.


Turning it off, of course. Sleep mode is for when you want to resume what you were playing/watching.

I haven't really used it, mind you, but that would seem logical.
Yeah, DW PSP ain't very good. With DW5 on the immediate horizon, it REALLY feels like a waste of cash.

Between Darkstalkers, Untold Legends, MGA, and Wipeout Pure, I'm in heaven. (Not discounting Lumines and Ridge Racers as quality, mind you; I'm just sick of puzzlers and I don't like RR's silly drifting.) Throw in God of War on the PS2 and Phantom Dust on the Xbox, and you have the BEST GAMING WEEK OF THE YEAR.
Well, I got DW anyway. Found it for $40. I watched the videos. The fog and slowdown don't bother me. I even don't mind the constant updates to it. I just really enjoy the franchise. If it really, really sucks, I'll trade it in for probably Metal Gear Acid. I also found Darkstalkers.

My wallet is owned. $200 in credit card and another $200 in debit card. PSP is costing me a lot and going from the upcoming games, I better get some more dough.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
binary said:
Is it better to put the PSP in sleep mode or turn it off when you're not using it?

I think I've held down the power switch to "cold shut down" my PSP, like maybe twice since I've gotten my Jpn. PSP in December.

What I usually do is just flip it off when I want to take a break (but know that I'm coming back to the game in a couple hours), or hit "home" and exit to the OS then switch off (but not hold off) if I know I won't be playing for a while.

Trust me, "sleep mode" is a godsend.


Ante Up
Experiment: It gets warm if you're charging the battery and playing at the same time. Running on battery alone, it stays surprisingly close to room temperature.
Drinky Crow said:
Wow, Untold Legends isn't a bad little Norrath clone at all . It's actually BETTER than the Champions games in some ways: better art, better "story", faster menu loads, more interesting monster designs. My only gripes are the occasional frame rate hitches, the more apparent ghosting (more black areas on screen), and the fact that dying sets you back to the start of a dungeons sans items/levels. Other than that, it's a good little Diablo-esque experience -- glad I took a risk on it.

I agree. Untold Legends is a blast. I've been playing more of that than anything else I've picked up so far. Graphics are nice, especially zoomed in, and the variety of weapons, armor, and items is impressive. Great little portable hack n slash game. The reviews are definetly underplaying it. The music isn't as bad as what has been said, although some of the sound effects are very repetitive.

I haven't seen any frame rate hitches except when i go into the inventory screens, and of course you know that dying doesn't set you back to the beginning of the dungeon right? It'll take you back to the last save, or the beginning of the dungeon, which ever last occured. You can save the game anywhere, so save often and you'll be fine.

I'm looking into the tunneling software for this game as well. Should be a lot of fun.
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