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The US PSP Launch


Alex said:
What does that "hold " thingy do? Honestly, the power switch confuses me, should've read the manual. :(

Hold locks the keys on the machine so they don't do anything, this is useful if you're using it to listen to music and you plan on putting in the case or in your pocket or something, where you don't want to accidentally skip tracks...you can still use the remote to control the PSP with the hold switch engaged (there's a separate hold switch on the remote)...

One cool feature: the remote can bring the PSP out of sleep :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Marty Chinn said:
Never power it down; just put it to sleep.
Really? I haven't been doing this. Is this like the stand-by versus power switch deal with PS2?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Mrbob said:
Well, lets see if I have this right. WEP128 is 128 bit encryption right? I had two options to choose from: 64 bit encryption and 128 bit encryption. I just choose 128 bit and input the 26 digit hex code into my PSP. Nothing more....not sure why your OS didn't let you go further. It looks like you could put like 500 digits into the space they provide when I input the 26 digit number.

I tried WEP128 first, but the PSP told me the code couldn't be more than 10-13 digits in length, which means WEP64!
1. Is there anyway to turn the volume up more than it initially allows? I tried watching Spider-Man 2, but even on the highest setting I could barely hear it.

2. Is there a way to change the background color?


I finally got my PSP to work with my router after a couple of hours of trying (in between playing Lumines and Wipeout Pure). At first my PSP was giving me an 80110482 error (using WEP).

Well the problem seemed to be a setting in my router, a Linksys WRT54G. The solution was to set the Default Transmit Key (under the WEP settings) to 1. I don't know if other wireless routers do this, but the WRT54G generates 4 WEP keys when you put in a passphrase, and the Default Transmit Key setting tells it which of the four to use. I previously had it set to use the third key, which worked with my laptop which has a setting to tell it what key to use (1-4) in addition to the actual key itself. Apparently the PSP doesn't have this.

Anyways, now it works using 128-bit WEP.


Mejilan said:
I tried WEP128 first, but the PSP told me the code couldn't be more than 10-13 digits in length, which means WEP64!

Strange. Like others said my code stretched to the second line.


WEP, no matter the method, is NOT secure.
Recent advances have made it possible to crack the encryption in minutes. I'd go as far to say it's not even worth setting up WEP.

Also MAC filtering and disabling of SSID broadcasting doesn't gain you much of anything.

It's something I think people should be aware of. It's a negative for me towards getting a PSP, I really hope Sony, Nintendo, and MS get it right with their next gen consoles and handheld by implementing legit wireless security.


I finally found out why my EB was charging $32 for warranty when everyone was claiming $25. Well, this is atleast my assumption anyway. The EB warranty in Florida is different from every other state in the country. Florida EB's use a sort of 3rd party warranty. Every other state uses a warranty actually done by EB.

Why this is, I have no idea. But Florida was also the only state not doing cash for trade-ins until about a month ago.

Edit: And we've had only one return so far. The Problem? The battery wasn't holding a charge. So it would actually cut out every couple minutes. Take the battery out, plug it into the wall and it worked perfectly fine. That's what I call a portable! :lol

Edit 2: Also a game yesterday was defective, NFL Street. That's gonna get another chuckle. :lol


Synbios459 said:
1. Is there anyway to turn the volume up more than it initially allows? I tried watching Spider-Man 2, but even on the highest setting I could barely hear it.

2. Is there a way to change the background color?

1) Use headphones. Without them it's impossible to hear jack shit. That's one of my complaints about the system - the volume is like a whisper at max setting.

2) Nope. It changes each month.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I picked up my PSP today...

It's in absolutely perfect condition. Watching Spider 2 on it is pretty cool, however there is some ghosting to be seen. The screen is...I forgot who said it, but it's like the fucking Right Hand of GOD.

I picked up Lumines and Ridge Racers. Hope they rock =)


I took back my PSP because I thought there was a problem with the screen, it looked smudged and kinda brownish in the back on lit black portions of games and movies. Anyway, I wound up with a far worse one, haha, about a dozen permanently lit pixels in the bottom left corner.

This is the same shit I went through with GBA:SP, I hate these screens.


Alex said:
I took back my PSP because I thought there was a problem with the screen, it looked smudged and kinda brownish in the back on lit black portions of games and movies. Anyway, I wound up with a far worse one, haha, about a dozen permanently lit pixels in the bottom left corner.

This is the same shit I went through with GBA:SP, I hate these screens.

Yeah, it's a pain in the ass. I've only got 1 dead pixel along the bottom of my screen on what is my 3rd PSP. I'm gonna stick with it, because the chance of getting one that's even worse is
high. I'm not sure how many more times Target will allow me to exchange, heh.


I bought Lumines and MGA today too, I wonder if they'd let me swap the memory stick between units... Probably gonna test the next one in store anyway.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Synbios459 said:
1. Is there anyway to turn the volume up more than it initially allows? I tried watching Spider-Man 2, but even on the highest setting I could barely hear it.

Yes. Go into the main menu of the PSP and choose Settings->Video Settings->UMD Video Volume and change it from Normal to +2.


JC10001 said:
Yes. Go into the main menu of the PSP and choose Settings->Video Settings->UMD Video Volume and change it from Normal to +2.

Oh snap. Thanks! It was driving me nuts to have to use the earbuds.


So the dead pixel rate on PSP is 50% or so? And of those 50% maybe 20% aren't that bad to return back? How is in on the DS? It must be much better because only one or two people I have seen on this board have been disappointed with dead/stuck pixels so far.


Is it just me or...is the battery life surprisingly good?

I been switching from games, sp2 umd, memory stick pro duo videos, music, and even a little bit of wifi TM for like four hours and the battery life seemed to be still at around 55%?

Also, I loaded MGA for the first time today. The gfx looks surprisingly good :D


I like how you can access your game saves from your computer, many an avatar will be found over the life of the PSP.



I dunno about the DS, I don't like it's games lineup at all ATM, so I avoided it. But the dead pixel rate, from my experience is basicly that of the GBA:SP. I remember a lot of people posting GBA:SP problems at launch, same shit, different machine. Just take it back to the retailer, tell em the screen has defects, they'll exchange it no problem.


MetalAlien said:
I like how you can access your game saves from your computer, many an avatar will be found over the life of the PSP.


Better yet, customize your own icon and wallpaper for each game.

That should be doable, right?
Alex said:
I dunno about the DS, I don't like it's games lineup at all ATM, so I avoided it. But the dead pixel rate, from my experience is basicly that of the GBA:SP. I remember a lot of people posting GBA:SP problems at launch, same shit, different machine. Just take it back to the retailer, tell em the screen has defects, they'll exchange it no problem.

There were no problems with the GBA SP launch that I recall other than people complaining about the lack of headphone jack. This is the first time in videogames history that people are quite accomodating to hardware providers to manufacturing defects of this type.


huzkee said:
There were no problems with the GBA SP launch that I recall other than people complaining about the lack of headphone jack.
People had dead pixels and dust under the screen. DS also had some dead pixel issues, just check the threads about it.

Bought a PSP today. Said I wouldn't do it, I did anyway. Actually traded in the DS for it too. It was a day off from work like any other.....

I woke up and hit the net. People on every site I go to were talking about the PSP. I even went to Gamespot and watched video reviews of Lumines and Twisted Metal. "Nope!" I said to myself. "I'm not going to get one of those. It sure looks cool, but I have the DS."

*crickets chirping*

"The DS has Castlevania..........this October....."

"Gonna just sit down and play FF Tactics....cuz I can't fit any battles in on a 30 minute lunch break at work like I thought I could."

"Fuck it, I'll watch some TV instead."

So I turned on the TV. Franz Ferdinand starts pumping out of my speakers and there's all these images of people being happy and banging their heads in tune to the song. What do you know, ITS A PSP COMMERCIAL.

TV is shut off. I decide to go to Gamestop to reserve a copy of Chaos Theory. I just so happen to take my Nintendo DS with me, in its original box with all the manuals and plastic wrappers.

I get to Gamestop and ask if they have any PSPs. I just want to look at one. Dude behind the counter gives me HIS and tells me Wipeout is inside. So I fire it up.

SWEET FANCY MOSES WIPEOUT IS FUCKING AWESOME. Holy shit this thing is way cooler than my lame-o DS. I instantly trade in the DS and walk out with a PSP, but they were out of all the games I wanted for it. So off to Best Buy I go.

Once at Best Buy, I go inside and start looking for the PSP stuff. I'm greeted by a guy asking if I want one. I tell him I already have it, so he asks me where I got it from. I told him Gamestop. But I said I didn't have any games yet and that's why I was there. So we chatted for a bit because lo and behold, HE HAS ONE TOO! I told him I couldn't decide between Twisted Metal and Wipeout and he went in back, got his PSP, gave it to me, and told me Twisted Metal was inside.

10 minutes later, I'm impressed with Twisted Metal, but Wipeout wins the battle and I leave with a copy. Glad I chose that one cuz Wipeout is fucking awesome. Its like the shit-hot Wipeout XL from way back in the day, but brand-spankin new and shinier than ever. So fucking cool.

Best part, there are games available for this system that I want. I was suffering from a severe drought with the DS. I played Castlevania AOS and Final Fantasy Tactics. Two GBA games for shit's sake. Fuck that noise. I'm glad I took the leap and I'm never looking back.


You must've been at a different forum then. GBA:SP was fucked at launch. Nintendo having a pleasant warranty, as always, is the only real difference.
BuddyC said:
People had dead pixels and dust under the screen. DS also had some dead pixel issues, just check the threads about it.

But there was never a situation when things were of the magnitude of the PSP . And nintendo was quite willing to repair /exchange units with problems unlike sony.


huzkee said:
But there was never a situation when things were of the magnitude of the PSP . And nintendo was quite willing to repair /exchange units with problems unlike sony.
I don't know if attempting to gauge magnitude by the ways of this forum is the brightest idea. And I fail to see how this correlates. The way I see it, our discussion has been:

huzkee: SP never had launch problems that I can recall.
BuddyC: Yes it did.
huzkee: Well, not of the magnitude PSP is facing!
BuddyC: Er?


Oh, neato. That's actually pretty shocking, and a pretty fast turn around. Sony sucks ass at the whole CS gig, that's one area Nintendo has always reamed everyone in, so it's nice to see at least SOME progress.


Ha, Uno got Punked... LOL Welcome to the world of the PSP Uno... :)

I imagine you could change the picture as long as you didn't change the name, but I bet it would change back when you saved your game again.

jiggle said:
Better yet, customize your own icon and wallpaper for each game.

That should be doable, right?
BuddyC said:
I don't know if attempting to gauge magnitude by the ways of this forum is the brightest idea.

True, but anyone with a faulty system is bound to bitch about it. And I don't recall people complaining / acknowledging hardware faults as much as PSP buyers.

EDIT: Buddy, I'm not passing a judgement. I'm just making an observation on what I have seen in this forum. If that observation is slanted, it's a direct reflexion of the forum.


Anybody notice that Spiderman2 doesn't appear to be 24/30 FPS? Looks more like 20 or something.... Maybe a way to fit it on the UMD?


neptunes said:
I think it's the refresh rate of the LCD.

Yea, but then it would effect the games too, which it does not. I was thinking maybe Sony provided a program to remove redundant frames to make it fit on the UMD...maybe not, but it still looks like a low frame rate to me...small price to pay for something so cool..IMO.


Anyone (Errr... I mean poor Canadians stuck with the Gretzky pack) was able to play the NHL game online?

I tried it approx. 30 times and each time, I get some kind of errors (timeout, unknown errors, etc)

I read somewhere that there might be some ports to open on the routers, anyone know?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Anybody notice that Spiderman2 doesn't appear to be 24/30 FPS? Looks more like 20 or something.... Maybe a way to fit it on the UMD?
Might be due to conversion from 24FPS (film) to 30FPS (PSP). I mean, you can observe lower than ideal framerate on DVDs, or Film screen, if you look for it. Motion blur that film has can only help so much.


Oh man I feel dumb. In Wipeout if any of you were having problems with the analog nub and having to use the left and right shoulder buttons to airbrake go to the options screen. You can change dual airbrake to single airbrake and you just need to hit the R shoulder button to airbrake to the left and right!


I'm not a fan of the series, but I wish I was now. I simply don't understand Metal Gears timeline. MGS3 takes place in like, the 60's, and MGA in like 2015? What the fuck?

Well, at least I understood MGS, and the first half of MGS2. I had no idea what the heck was going on in what I played of MGS3, and that carried over well to Acid.


well not really...yet
Alex said:
I'm not a fan of the series, but I wish I was now. I simply don't understand Metal Gears timeline. MGS3 takes place in like, the 60's, and MGA in like 2015? What the fuck?

Well, at least I understood MGS, and the first half of MGS2. I had no idea what the heck was going on in what I played of MGS3, and that carried over well to Acid.
I think its a side story, alternate timeline deal.


Snake looks pretty young, still. I might actually enjoy MGS more if it wasn't such an obnoxious mindfuck at times.


Dead said:
I think its a side story, alternate timeline deal.

MGA is supposidly a sidestory that takes place after MGS

If you're not a fan of the serious, I suggest you get into it quick! Mind you MGS2 is really complicated and confusing for most people (storywise)


Alex said:
I'm not a fan of the series, but I wish I was now. I simply don't understand Metal Gears timeline. MGS3 takes place in like, the 60's, and MGA in like 2015? What the fuck?

Well, at least I understood MGS, and the first half of MGS2. I had no idea what the heck was going on in what I played of MGS3, and that carried over well to Acid.

Apparently you didn't understand MGS3, cause
that's not Snake there

MGS takes place in 2000 something, MGS2 is like 2010 something. You can find accurate timeline somewhere out there.

EDIT - Oh wait, I'm lacking the ability to read apparently. Don't read those spoiler tags. Didn't notice the "what I played of..." part. Play all of MGS3! It's game of 2004 voted by GAF and me!


Yeah, I think I'll pick it and Ridge Racers up when I go to GameStop next.

I had no idea what was going on, I figured maybe it was just catering solely to some piece of MGS history I had forgotten, but if it is explained in game, that'd help a lot.


Quick question re: Dead Pixels.

So I did the dead pixel image test, and if I just look at it normally, I can't see a thing (20/20 vision), but if I look really close, I see black spots EVERYWHERE. There has to be at least 20+. They form almost a grid pattern on the LCD. Is this just normal, am I seeing things or do I have dead pixels?
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