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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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The fact that Nintendo may demo Zombi tomorrow has me worried.

Sony's conference was pretty good barring that bizarre book game and its extended demo - but there weren't any major revelations.

It's all up to Nintendo now. I need some surprises goddammit.
What about the plants cheering after every sentence? lol
Outside of that it was entertaining
Sorry, don't want to go too much OT but I take it that the general consensus among PS3 and 360 Gaffers is that MS conf was a disaster and Sony's conference was borderline bad?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
How about "I am frustrated"?

I liked God of War Ascension, Assassin's Creed: Naval Warfare (which looked tons better than the other AC3 demo we saw), and Last of Us (I thought it was Uncharted on account of all the excessively brutal killing, and because the guy looks like Nathan just didn't shave for a few extra days). They showed a pretty good first party overall variety, and we already know that they'll just get all the big third party titles by default. Nintendo will of course have a great first party selection, but they have to really impress on the third party front to perk up some ears.

Just wait- Nintendo will show 3-4 first party franchises in the first 10 minutes and everyone will go nuts.


No additional functions
I went from being completely hyped for this E3 to seriously let down. 90% of the third party games I was looking forward to aren't even coming out this year. Almost everything looks the same - scripted, violent, auto pilot gameplay. I really hope Nintendo delivers some unique experiences with Wii U. So far the local multiplayer stuff we've seen looks cool, but I'm hoping they blow the lid off with their first party games and some surprise third party exclusives.

From what we've seen with new IP's and rebranded ones (Tomb Raider) I'm losing my excitement over next gen with the exception of Nintendo. I feel like everything shown so far are just rehashes with a new coat of paint. There's been very little innovation shown so far.
Nintendo is going to destroy Microsoft and Sony tomorrow and for good reason. I held out hope that Sony would wake up to their current failures but alas, they decided to play stupid and continue down the path of irrelevancy. My response? Bring on the Wii U, assholes. Wii U, 3DS, and PC going forward.

You're kind of salty tonight.

I thought Sony's conference was interesting, but lacking on anything really new. That Augmented reality book thing could catch on though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What about the plants cheering after every sentence? lol
Outside of that it was entertaining

My favorite plant moment was them clapping heartily for Sony changing the name of Playstation Suite to Playstation Mobile.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think there is a non-minimal chance GTA is unveiled tomorrow.


Btw, for everyone here who thinks GAF is against Nintendo and only Nintendo, I hope you guys see all the bashing of the MS conferences and how Sony dropped the ball with Vita. Some of you guys need to get over your persecution complexes.

edit: bah, meant persecution.
You're kind of salty tonight.

I thought Sony's conference was interesting, but lacking on anything really new. That Augmented reality book thing could catch on though.

I'm salty because Sony truly treated the Vita like the red headed step child that has become its ultimate destiny. I expected Sony to go balls out in trying to resurrect the sucker. Instead they throw it down into the hole and basically cover it with dirt and cement. It's such a great device and its just disappointing to see Sony never give it the life that it deserves. Just makes me realize that Sony and Microsoft really are about the multimedia factor now. They're about the books, the integration, etc. Nintendo seems to have gotten its shit together (hopefully) so yea. Color me salty.
Btw, for everyone here who thinks GAF is against Nintendo and only Nintendo, I hope you guys see all the bashing of the MS conferences and how Sony dropped the ball with Vita. Some of you guys need to get over your prosecution complexes.

Persecution, and I agree.

I'm salty because Sony truly treated the Vita like the red headed step child that has become its ultimate destiny. I expected Sony to go balls out in trying to resurrect the sucker. Instead they throw it down into the hole and basically cover it with dirt and cement. It's such a great device and its just disappointing to see Sony never give it the life that it deserves. Just makes me realize that Sony and Microsoft really are about the multimedia factor now. They're about the books, the integration, etc. Nintendo seems to have gotten its shit together (hopefully) so yea. Color me salty.
Future of entertainment my friend!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Nintendo fans will go nuts.

We'll see. A lot of disappointment with respect to Microsoft and Sony right now. Even the big franchises/announcements seem like kind of retreads.

I think you will be surprised.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Yeah, Nintendo has E3 in the bag. I was extremely dissapointed in the Sony conference. Thankfully UBISOFT saved the day today.
Btw, for everyone here who thinks GAF is against Nintendo and only Nintendo, I hope you guys see all the bashing of the MS conferences and how Sony dropped the ball with Vita. Some of you guys need to get over your prosecution complexes.

But realtalk they're conferences were seriously bad. I dont think anyone could argue that. Not saying they deserve it or anything but people should have nicer ways of saying things.


Death Prophet
The NSMB demo tomorrow will be boring, dreading that part. If Retro's game is there (and I'm expecting it to be) I will be so happy.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
What will they lead with. Nothing too huge or unexpected.

Maybe Pikmin 3?
Maybe Mario 4/whatever the Mario 2D game is?
Or a sizzle reel like I think they did in 2006?


Sorry if this is an annoying question but Ubisoft only confirmed the Watch Dogs game for PC, 360, and PS3 right?

And they confirmed at least two launch games? Rayman and Zombiu?

Would suck if WiiU doesn't get Watch Dogs.

ACIII is confirmed right?
come on guys, don't freak out :D

Nintendo's 3rd party support is icing on the Cake. They have lived like 3 generation without that, lol

ZombieU looks even more awful than killer freaks, don't know what happened to the project.

also, Rayman:L trailer, the leaked one, showing exclusive content for Wii U probably meant as things only possible on the WiiU, not that they weren't part of the other versions; particularly considering that some mechanisms introduced seem internal to the system.

But I guess it will be ported to other systems later.

but man, imagine Nintendo showing even 1 minute of each announced WiiU game tomorrow; that will be at least 10mins of ubicrap.

Hope they have some major 1st party games.

Would suck if WiiU doesn't get Watch Dogs.
yes it would; we'll see in like 12 hours or so, if there's any other NDA left! finally the wait is over
but well, it has no release date yet; maybe there is an NDA for non-launch titles? talk about wishful thinking, lol
The NSMB demo tomorrow will be boring, dreading that part. If Retro's game is there (and I'm expecting it to be) I will be so happy.

DKCR style Metroid 2D revival, believe!

Btw, for everyone here who thinks GAF is against Nintendo and only Nintendo, I hope you guys see all the bashing of the MS conferences and how Sony dropped the ball with Vita. Some of you guys need to get over your prosecution complexes.

I agree, it's time to lighten up. At this point I guess you could say that we've prosecuted ourselves to the full extent of the jam in how we react to these things.


Xbox 360 is my main console, so Microsoft didn't do anything great for this e3. Oh well. (except Haloid)
Don't own a PS3, but Sony did good with their conference. Might have to purchase a PS3 soon.

After Nintendo Direct, I am starting to have faith that Nintendo will put out a good showcase for the Wii U. Looking forward to it.


The details form the press release sound interesting, but really if the game looks ugly then that would be pretty embarrassing.

It doesn't look ugly to me. Didn't you see the trailer for it - that was Wii U realtime footage. BELIEVE!

And man, no need to freak out everyone. Nintendo did a pre E3 direct to get a few things out of the way, and suggested extremely heavily that the entire conference would be Wii U (3DS info coming later). They are going to blow the lid off that convention centre.


May I have a cookie?
Maybe it's just because I don't usually follow Sony since I don't own a Playstation, but I thought their conference was good!
There were several games that excited me, such as God of War and The Last of US, and the Naval Combat demo of Assassin's Creed looked fantastic!

The book thing didn't actually look that fun to me, but I appreciate Sony for continually trying new things, plus some of the smaller games coming to PSN look great!
I bet Nintendo feels so bad for Vita they'll start releasing games for it.

I honestly think it's gonna be discountined in a few years. It's like they didn't even try.

But yeah I mean, GoW and Last of Us looked good, and the AC stuff. BUt that book shit? And the lack of anything Vita outside AC?


Whether another console does better or not really doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
Gamecube was my choice last gen, and it did the worst out of the three.
Zombie U ND footage looks 'cheap'; the best word I can describe it; but hopefully it is a download title

There were several games that excited me, such as God of War and The Last of US, and the Naval Combat demo of Assassin's Creed looked fantastic!
The thing is that so far both MS and S conference had practically nothing new; they were basically showing trailers via projectors, no game announcement.
Plus, people hoped for Vita to get some megaton.

But how can a system which may have not sold even 2m after fews months since launch, get magatons? It's like expecting every little multiplat title being ported to WiiU; it doesn't make sense
What's this about a conference dedicated to the 3DS?!
you argued with us who only wanted wii U at e3 conference, you wanted 3DS you said, if nintendo listened to you we would have got LESS of BOTH. But now you get more of both. Dedicated conferences for each.

3DS one on june 6th.
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