Well there is the flexicurity system that is utilised in some European countries. You are entitled for health care and social support in form of monetary assistance so you don't just die. However if you want better unemployment money you must be active in finding work, re-educate yourself and taking jobs that are offered to you and things like that. You must actively do something to get yourself back to labour force if you want those benefits. The system is a combination of flexible labour markets, social security and active labour market policy with rights and obligations for the unemployed.Woodsy said:The problem is, at what point do social programs become "too rich" such that there isn't really any incentive for people to work out of them? If government is providing me a place to live, food, and "free" healthcare, that is incentive enough for a LOT of people to not bother looking for a job and just continue to live off the system. IMO, enrollment into any sort of social program should be provided for free for a certain period of time and after that, sorry, you are working for the government doing something unless your are physically or mentally incapacitated. I don't care if it's picking up trash every day or something of that ilk, you need to be doing something.
If you want to find out more, start from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flexicurity