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Tinder (i.e., OkCupid meets Hot or Not)


Was using this app before it took off so I was on there with real people mostly.

Sydney selection is pretty damn good but nobody in my age group takes the app seriously (18-22). Also if you test a female friends account you'll notice how much of a joke males treat the system lol, a match every single time.

Got way boring though and I don't really see much potential for it. A lot of people seem to just treat it as "hot or not" and not a dating service.

Yeah I've had some pretty decent success in Sydney. I'm 26 and it is mainly the girls around my age that initiate conversations. I never start them myself because I am far too lazy.


Yeah I've had some pretty decent success in Sydney. I'm 26 and it is mainly the girls around my age that initiate conversations. I never start them myself because I am far too lazy.

Girls around your age sound pretty awesome haha


I've gotten laid twice this weekend from this App. I highly suggest everyone going on there. I "heart" everyone. If I get hearted back and they're not of interest; then I just block or ignore them.

There's truly luck in numbers


I've gotten laid twice this weekend from this App. I highly suggest everyone going on there. I "heart" everyone. If I get hearted back and they're not of interest; then I just block or ignore them.

There's truly luck in numbers

How do you even get the conversation to lead up to that? Do you offer to take them out on a date at a restaurant before hand?


I've gotten laid twice this weekend from this App. I highly suggest everyone going on there. I "heart" everyone. If I get hearted back and they're not of interest; then I just block or ignore them.

There's truly luck in numbers

This is what I do lol. I've seen two ex's on there, not sure why women that I'm friends with are popping up. I met a serial killer and put her on block quickly. I've met a lot of creeps. Dating someone off there and it's going way too well. Can't find the catch.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
This is what I do lol. I've seen two ex's on there, not sure why women that I'm friends with are popping up. I met a serial killer and put her on block quickly. I've met a lot of creeps. Dating someone off there and it's going way too well. Can't find the catch.

Wait what do you mean a serial killer? How did you know? Why isn't she in jail?


How do you even get the conversation to lead up to that? Do you offer to take them out on a date at a restaurant before hand?

1. Ask them how their day or weekend is going
2. Chat back and forth for a bit to establish that you aren't a creeper or weird. Just talk about anything non sexual or creepy.
3. Ask them if they have any plans tonight or this upcoming weekend.
4. If no, ask them for a dinner or a drink.
5. Make them laugh while doing 4.
6. Sex.


Rodent Whores
lol this app sounds hilarious.

No FB account, though. I should make one for the GAF gaming Marvel Puzzle Quest thing, and use it for Tinder. Two birds! One Stone!


Count of Concision
You can't use this without signing in with FB apparenty? No way to create a non-FB tied account?


Tinder is what is in polite circles known as some fucking bullshit. I decided to try it again to see if the app worked except this time i used my proper facebook account and it worked. I then deleted it from my facebook and then used my dummy account and surprise surprise the app did not work. I don't know what this site's problem is, it's not the fact i have to tie my facebook account to this thing that primarily pisses me off it's the fact I can't change my username. My name is far from common at least in the city I am in and i don't want that shit up there.


Does this post junk on your Facebook page? I don't use Facebook and I'm hesitant to log in if it will post stuff on my Facebook account. I'd rather anyone looking at it not know that I'm using an online dating service.

J. Bravo

I loved having this app on my android along with snapchat. now I have a wp8, and have neither :(

I did work with tinder lol. luckily my friend has it and his profile pic is him with a puppy so he usually gets some cute chicks with cute friends.
Just logged back on and got matched with the first girl that came up. Too bad she isn't too attractive..

And I was apparently matched with an extremely cute girl like 3 weeks ago. So what did I do upon finding this out? Sent her a message at 3:45 a.m.

I've used this app on and off for the last couple of months. Only actually saw one girl from it though, and the only reason for that is because I went out with her for a while years back and we started chatting again when the app matched us.

ATM I think I have about 15 matches (I only "heart" girls I'm actually interested in), only one of which has messaged me (I too am far too lazy to message them) and I'm pretty sure that's a bot as the message happened almost instantaneously after the match occurred. Really don't know why I bother using it anymore, I think it must be somewhat addictive.


Anyone else having issues sending messages since the last update? It always tells me that the message has failed now...tried on multiple different people.


Does this app only match you with people in your friends list that also use the app? It never finds anyone. I just want something like grindr but for straight people.
What happens when you link this app to your Facebook account ? Does it show up in your feed ? Does Facebook publish some post saying "so and so started using Tinder" for every one to see ?


What happens when you link this app to your Facebook account ? Does it show up in your feed ? Does Facebook publish some post saying "so and so started using Tinder" for every one to see ?

It only uses Facebook to match you to others, AFAIK i doesn't post anything to your Facebook.


What happens when you link this app to your Facebook account ? Does it show up in your feed ? Does Facebook publish some post saying "so and so started using Tinder" for every one to see ?

It really is a one way thing. Tinder takes things from facebook but in no way posts or sends anything back.


Wow, it's it ever full of people who look like those annoying girls I went to high school with.

I've had a few OK matches, but I'm unsure about even talking to them. :p
So I went to St. Louis over break and my location eventually changed to STL. Now I'm backin Denver and the location won't switch from STL. Any advice as to what to do?


Yeah, thats what it feels like. Many balls have been blued.

Not really I hooked up with 2 chicks already using tinder and matched up with 20 girls that I have not responded to yet, obviously I dont take the app or the people i meet on it seriously but shit works. And hot or nots sucks its all underage chicks and most of the adults on it are fugly
Got matched up with 120 so far, I would say 20 or so are fake, talked to a few. Supposed to meet some up but I think it's more a vanity thing.

There are also fake ones promoting sites so I am assuming that someone is making fake fb profiles or is it open to more than fb users now?


Neo Member
Every single girl I know IRL that I find on tinder, I halfway swipe next on their profiles, screenshot the picture, then send it to them over txt.
Hilarity ensues.
I also do the numbers strategy. I like everyone and then if they like me back then I decide if I actually want to talk to them. The only problem is this strategy gets nullified if too many other people start doing it too.
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