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Titanfall |OT2| Press X To Respawn


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
According to the Titanfall facebook page there will be info on the 3rd and final DLC pack revealed wed. from Gamescom. I am guessing new modes, since it doesn't make sense to use the event to announce another map pack which everyone knows is coming.
According to the Titanfall facebook page there will be info on the 3rd and final DLC pack revealed wed. from Gamescom. I am guessing new modes, since it doesn't make sense to use the event to announce another map pack which everyone knows is coming.

Probably both actually, since they say 3rd and final DLC. With Wingman LTS as a temp mode still having to drop and all the hints towards other modes, I don't think that support is getting a bow tied on it this soon.

Btw guys, have you heard the news? Advanced Warfare is Titanfall 2.0.
Yeah. 20.000 players right now.


Thanks. Will be interesting to get back into it since Hardline didn't appeal to me whatsoever.


Okay guys, I am up for playing Titanfall tonight as I have a week holiday.

Please send an invite whenever you want to play. =)

Izuna Lasky

Mr Croft

We will invite you tonight if their is space. It depends on if we will run a titanbreh from neogaf team or a " just invite any non GAF person to the group to take up GAF breh space"


We will invite you tonight if their is space. It depends on if we will run a titanbreh from neogaf team or a " just invite any non GAF person to the group to take up GAF breh space"

Fuck non titanbrehs

Couldn't even play last night cuz non gaffers took my spot

I only invited Snapple cuz he's a pending member

Mr Croft


Got called to bed. Another time =(

sorry we usually play from 9 eastern till 1 am. So its pretty late when we start. Doed that fit into your schedule?

Fuck non titanbrehs

Couldn't even play last night cuz non gaffers took my spot

I only invited Snapple cuz he's a pending member

I has highly upset about that last night. Then they try to invite me after those guys leave. Like get outta here I dont play leftovers. And if we don't stop it, it will continue to trickle down. Those non GAF guys will invite there friends who will invite their friends and it will never end.


sorry we usually play from 9 eastern till 1 am. So its pretty late when we start. Doed that fit into your schedule?

No need to apologise. I could have stayed up all night but I told missus that I was waiting to play with you guys. She saw me just sitting in front of the computer F5ing for a while and called me to bed. I must have been moping or something.

Titanfall is probably my favourite game atm but none of my older friends play it for some reason.


Tomb raider thread is a shithole lol

haha yeah.

I'm not really into Tomb Raider anyway though.

I am NOT playing that CoD Multiplayer. UT2003 wasn't something I could get my hands around and this game has OHKOs everywhere.

Would play the single-player if my friends buys it though.

Told my friend to hurry up and give me my Vita so I can play PSO Nova.


There are so many...

"I was maybe getting it for Sunset, but MS doing makes me hate them! I will never buy Xbox!"

That is exactly what being a fanboy does.

Bloodborne looks great, I will get a PS4 sure. Otherwise I have all the games I want to play on this system.

It is their bad call for picking PS4 over Bone if they really like TR. The whole "best for all multiplats" was obviously not going the be the reason to pick one console over the other, otherwise no one would have any reason to get a PS3 on launch.

Edit: Sony gamescom twitch channel (not yet on) is full of TR salt


I'm amazed people still do this console war shit, used to be the Graystation vs the N64 when I was like 8. I guess people really like to justify their purchases by fighting it out. I'm getting a PS4 first for Destiny with friends and Bloodborne obviously, then a X1 next year, why miss out on all these great games because of childish shit like console wars?


People set themselves up for disappointment when they would rather listen to the crowd than think for themselves. Everyone at work has a PS4, all they play is BF and that's that. A couple came buy my house and actually got pretty damn sad that "Forza isn't 720p, or 30fos when offline" -- that Titanfall runs better than their "gaming PCs" and it is fun.

One who is a massive Halo fan (we played a lot of Halo 4 together" tried to convince himself that he doesn't like Halo anymore... only to tell me he wishes he could trade his PS4 and games to Bone when he drank a bit.

Of course people prefer PS4 over Xbone, but so many people decided on the PS4 for no reason other than general consensus.

I honestly shouldn't have picked up an Xbone when KI was the only game I was excited for. I thought Titanfall looked dumb until I played the beta, so I was lucky.

Edit: Sony fanboys in twitch chat want Fallout to be PS exclusive.

Mr Croft

I'm still waiting for ps4... I want the white one but I need at least one more game to justify my purchase. I dont want it to sit and collect dust.

anyway what time the brehs getting on?


I'm still waiting for ps4... I want the white one but I need at least one more game to justify my purchase. I dont want it to sit and collect dust.

anyway what time the brehs getting on?

Apart from picking up my Vita at 8PM BST, I will be free all night.


I'm amazed people still do this console war shit, used to be the Graystation vs the N64 when I was like 8. I guess people really like to justify their purchases by fighting it out. I'm getting a PS4 first for Destiny with friends and Bloodborne obviously, then a X1 next year, why miss out on all these great games because of childish shit like console wars?

pretty much.

I bought a PS4 simply for Tekken and Bloodborne. Tekken will be on Xbox, but most of the community plays on PS. Anything else is icing on the cake. X1 for Halo, but I'm enjoying the hell out of Titanfall with Sunset later this year

The best part about this whole console war is how graphics matter now. It didn't matter a decade ago which was the last time these consoles had a big enough difference to care about.

Mr Croft

I bought a vita like three years ago when ffx was first announced. That's the only game I have on it still... And old school RE games. Add me izuna

KPB Mr Croft


I bought a vita like three years ago when ffx was first announced. That's the only game I have on it still... And old school RE games. Add me izuna

KPB Mr Croft

I bought it for NG Sigma Plus and its sequel. Finished both on Master Ninja then I soon ran out of things to play. Thomas was alone... sonic... wipeout... But PSO Nova, I need to try it.

Added you


I love Dark Souls but couldn't get over the jankiness of Demon Souls :/

Bloodborne looks great anyway!

Which did you play first?

I was super hyped for Dark Souls. I even got a converter to use PS2 controllers on my 360 (I played Demon's Souls with PS2 controller so there was no way I could quit the game during my SL1 no death runs).


Yeah PS4 is like the Wii of this generation. People only buying it because it has all the buzz around it. Not saying it's a bad system, but there's nothing really worth owning it for that has people going nuts over it.

I had no intention of even getting an XB1. I really hated how 360 just became Halo/Fable/Forza/Gears (and this is with Halo/Gears being my two favorite multiplayer games from last gen) and no other exclusives. So I got a PS4 but ended up regretting it. Not because it has no games, but because the system is still lacking features that were promised back when they first announced PS4.

First time I played Xbox was Ryse. I turned off my console after saving and when I turned it back on the next day, it loaded up to right where I left off. No loading, nothing. Then I remembered PS4 was supposed to have that and started asking my friends if I was supposed to change that in the settings or something.

It's sad that none of this is really ever mentioned on GAF, and if it is it's barely mentioned. This isn't the only feature that either doesn't work or doesn't even exist.


I played Dark Souls first so explains why I think Demon Souls is janky. To be fair to it though I've never owned a copy myself or given it a real shot, just from what I've seen it looks like an earlier Souls game (which it obviously is lol). Maybe even after Bloodborne I might look back on Dark Souls with different eyes.


Unless Gamescom begs to differ, most of my mates could have stuck with their 360s and PS3s until 2015 and just dealt with playing last gen version of Battlefield if they really don't like the Bone. Would have saved so much money...

I played Dark Souls first so explains why I think Demon Souls is janky. To be fair to it though I've never owned a copy myself or given it a real shot, just from what I've seen it looks like an earlier Souls game (which it obviously is lol). Maybe even after Bloodborne I might look back on Dark Souls with different eyes.

Honestly I see this trend to be the end all example. They are both so similar that little differences bug the hell out of fans. For me Demon's Souls was perfect. The level design in Dark Souls and the way it handled deaths pissed me off. Dying wasn't as much of a penalty but I was used to it being a huge penalty, so whenever a clearly unavoidable situation happened I got pissed off.

Everytime I died in Demon's Souls it felt like I learnt a lesson, and realise that there were hints leading up to my death. A SL1 run really lets you know this. Right before you face the fire dragon etc. you are given the equipment that hints about it, and stops you from getting OHKO. Demon's Souls is also extremely easy, but is purely knowledge based, so the messages on the ground meant something. If they said use fire, or the boss is blind, they were basically the winning strategy.

In Dark Souls there are so many things that are just HARD or sometimes "lol you chose the wrong stats" like Anor Lando. I got their underlevelled with the inability to hold a shield because I was good at parrying. The ONLY way for me to pass was to glitch the respawning by going back to title screen etc. I was forced to fail at least the first few times. There wasn't a hard shield around, and even if there was I would have to grind to be able to hold it up with any armour etc.

That example may seem like Dark Souls being the game it is, but it is something Demon's Souls never did and it pissed me off. I can't enjoy Dark Souls for what it is. I hope Bloodborne is "new" enough that they can avoid that from happening.
Didn't Fallout (and TES) sell more on Xbox? If anything, Fallout would be Xbox exclusive.

Tomb Raider sold more on Playstation systems from what has been said, so one could argue it would be just as fitting as the S.E. news. Also have to remember the marketing for Fallout and TES was always focused on the Xbox 360.

And for good reason it turned out.
It's sad that none of this is really ever mentioned on GAF, and if it is it's barely mentioned. This isn't the only feature that either doesn't work or doesn't even exist.

What? It's brought up all the time. Every PS4 update, Xbox One update, OS news...the suspend and resume function is always the first thing to be brought up in regards to the PS4 and rules the discussion on that system. Despite that a lot of GAF can be considered rather anti-Microsoft, I have yet to see one person disagree that Microsoft has the better OS and software support.

Edit: Update 2.0 at the Gamescom conference received a lot of flak for no S&R feature, though that got overshadowed by the stream dying.
This isn't OT, keep this thread to Titanfall talk. Going back to TF talk, avoid these X1 dbags (I LIKE LIFE and Goofle Mcfoogle) in Marked for Death. They like to lame out matches under and outside the map

Proof: http://youtu.be/Va5fe75znnU

A little bit of Off topic is ok so long as it's rather short, civil, and doesn't risk derailment. We all play together, so we like to get into each others interests and opinions and sometimes be more open about it instead of in the middle of the matches or through PMs.

Otherwise it would mostly just consist of gifs from the previous night and seeing who is coming on for the next evening, as much of the discussion that is to be done has been rather done to death between the regular posters. As tired as Smart Pistol and carbine vs car discussion can be, the newer folks talking about these things brighten things up.

Thanks for the heads up though. I haven't had many squatters throughout my time of the game, but it always annoys me to come across someone on the enemy team who is clearly AFK throughout the entire match.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
This was from a few days ago (haven't had time to jump on lately), but I've been trying the 40mm more. This was a time it didn't go so well (yeah, I should have moved sooner), but I followed it up strongly. We still lost, but I was happy to get the last kill right before the match ended.

Charge Rifle Gooser that doesn't count as a gooser.

Fucked up that you didn't get credit for the gooser, that's a sweet kill right there.
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