The dev's came out to my local Gamestop in Sunnyvale, CA. They signed games/guides and gave out lithos that they then signed as well. At first it was just a few then by the end of the night almost 20 of them were there.
Lots of insight on the development process and different iteration's of the game's mechanics and lots on the combat/weapons. And they were so humbled to share in the experience with us gamer's.
I am insane in thinking these guys may have built the best game engine in the business?
Technically everything about this game looks amazing: draw distances, foliage, lighting, textures, character models. And apparently it looks and runs great on all platforms.
I also really love the way there literally is no dividing line between in-game sequences and cinematic, to the point where you're often not sure when exactly a cinematic has ended and you're back in control or the game is awaiting user input.
Is it bad that I'm having an absolute blast with multiplayer? Feels incredibly similar to Uncharted's multiplayer to me, but I'm enjoying it more.
Also it feels great to be playing with a gamepad and absolutely schooling KB&M players (I prefer playing TPS games with a pad, would never play a PC FPS with a pad). Just went 16-1, 15-5, 12-2 in my last 3 games. Screw KB&M superiority![]()
Is it bad that I'm having an absolute blast with multiplayer? Feels incredibly similar to Uncharted's multiplayer to me, but I'm enjoying it more.
Also it feels great to be playing with a gamepad and absolutely schooling KB&M players (I prefer playing TPS games with a pad, would never play a PC FPS with a pad). Just went 16-1, 15-5, 12-2 in my last 3 games. Screw KB&M superiority![]()
The AI was specific to scenario. This is very apparent if you played around with the unlockable cheat things, I played through many portions of UC2 with the silent crossbow with infinite ammo. You were clearly not meant to stealth through the majority of the game, and there were a lot of invisible line triggers that made the AI suddenly go alert and shoot right at you.
Same here, I tried the multiplayer and had a great time. Seeing two guys climb up the mountain side in the distance and shooting a explosive barrel at the top of it sending them sky high was hilarious.
Glad to know I'm not the only one! It's alot of fun. Won't blow anyone away but I think it's an incredibly solid addition.
Alright time to really dig into this today. I was going to play a lot more last night but the first 45 minutes or so were so damn boring I decided to just go to bed. People really undersold just how bad that first hour was.
As a fellow "modern gaming trends suck" enthusiast, at the very least you knew the design of that first hour was inevitable.
Yeah for example I knew the game had an instance where you got xp after a cutscene, I remember making fun of it in one of the older threads, but I didn't know it happens after every cutscene or tutorial prompt lol.
I think I'm mostly past the "tutorial" now so hopefully the game moves on from that nonsense. I am not so needy that I have to get 100 xp for pressing the B button to drop off a ledge.
Morning fuckers!
So how is it Steamheads? Whatd I miss?
Oh shit, Derrick is already disappointed. I'm shocked. =P
To be fair it is the part everyone says is really bad. At least it looks amazing on PC with those ultra textures.
I've only played the first 45 but thought that was really well done actually, surprised to see so many dislike it.
30 mins in and I DO wanna protect her.
This game man.
Fucking awesome.
Now I really want a Nathan Drake and Lara Croft adventure.
I've only played the first 45 but thought that was really well done actually, surprised to see so many dislike it.
I've only played the first 45 but thought that was really well done actually, surprised to see so many dislike it.
Any verdict yet on PS3 vs 360 versions?
I've only played the first 45 but thought that was really well done actually, surprised to see so many dislike it.
Any multiplayer impressions? Weirdly enough I'm looking forward to jumping into this mode at some point.
Can anybody find a match online (PC version)?
Alright so aside from a slow QTE fest at the beginning, everything is solid so far?
Good Lord this game doesnt muck around it just keeps on delivering quality after quality. ExploringDat atmosphere! HNNNNNNG!the remains of the endurance ship was really well done!
By the way, it needs to be said again the sound design is just phenomenal. The game has some of the best sounding weapons Ive ever come across in a game. The upgraded rifle is sex.
I loved it. The second I took control of Lara the game had me by the balls with its sense of atmosphere and mood.
It actually lasts like 10 minutes. Don't sweat it![]()
Is the game optimized well on PC? Don't want to be running into a lot of problems :x
Is the game optimized well on PC? Don't want to be running into a lot of problems :x
Is the game optimized well on PC? Don't want to be running into a lot of problems :x
Shadow, would you consider the feelings and experience you're getting to what you had with Resident Evil, coming from a fan of that series?
How not to do a spoiler confirmed.
Okay. So I finished the game the other day, but I'm just going through and getting all the collectables.
Mountain Temple is separated in half by a cliff and a waterfall and there is only one camp which is situated on top - meaning that I can only fast travel to that location as you can't walk from one area to another as far as I'm aware. The problem is, I can't get down to the lower area of the map space. There's a ladder, but I can't use it. As soon as you get over the edge, you die.
Anyone know how to get down?