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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot

wayward archer said:
So what was so hard about that fight for you? I think I only died around 4-5 times Level 29 champion when I fought her.

Yes to be honest that was the easiest and most bearable boss fight of the game. Hel went down in about 3 minutes.


Danthrax said:
Holy crap, you beat the game twice and only died 14 times? From what some of the people in this thread are saying, what you've done seems like a massive feat.

I guess the game is just more balanced for champion/defender for single player?

jrricky said:
Oh yeah, one thing I never criticized, was how awful the targeting in the game was. Nothin irked me as much when you have multiple enemies coming at you and you want to target the ones that give status effects but you cant cause when you hit the right stick you begin to shoot at air.

This game better blow me away next sequel, surprisingly im lookin forward to it to see how the story turns out cause the ending was the best part of the story for me.

Things to fix:
- try a new art style, or improve this one.
- get rid of the bugs, seriously you shouldnt be floating on top of an enemy in the sequel.
- put more variety in the combat.
- fix the horrible boss fights
- make items that can cure status effects
- menus should be faster
- overhaul the targeting system- and the worst gripe of all, get rid of that game over death sequence or make it faster.

Get all those right SK and your set for home.

Yea the targeting system is why my champion dont use pistols. Its a shame cause I was looking foward to them the most. Instead i'm using a rifle to throw grenades to those polarity enemies cause I can almost never target them directly if they are in a group.
So I played Ice Forest with a buddy in co-op, next day I went back to the character in single player and I had to replay Ice Forest.

Does co-op progress not count towards your single player mode?

Or was this a glitch of not saving in the right place or something...


Grecco said:
Where do you repair your armor?

In the appropriate shop, just hit X when you have the piece selected. Dont forget you have to repair weapons too.

Does co-op progress not count towards your single player mode?

No it does not. They want you to see the story since they spent so much time on it =) you should its interesting.
Was just thinking tonight at work, Thank You SK for adding an option for Respec

....gonna redo my current Champion's skill tree when I go home for lunch :D


BenjaminBirdie said:

I do like that I can now just level up and grab loot in bite sized chunklets of playtime. Like, I need to complete the two Ballistic Charm quests I have. I can just fire up a level section, equip a nice rifle and go to town.
I just wanted to say that I'm inserting the word "chunklets" into my vocabulary, immediately.


FoeHammer said:
Just finished. Damn, what a ride.

Too Human has some problems but when it works, it works. Overall, one of the better games I've played in a long time.

kyle (in stereo) said:
Underrated game of the year.

some technical stuff aside :)D ), this game is the shit!

I dont even remember which was the last 360 game that had me playing it from start to finish without stoping. and that must mean something..


Two more epics, a one handed sword and some pistols. For all the bullshit me and SPEA went through last night, we should have gotten a whole set.


Steroid Distributor
Two epics away from my first set. :D

Just finished a 6 hour co-op session with a buddy. Awesome time. I think we spent just as much time playing "dress up" as we did fighting.

One more thing; DAMN the Ice Forest is a long freakin level. It's like they were gonna do two levels and just decided to put them together to make one. Wow.


I resent Human Defender so hard.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the skillset, it'd seem like you'd want high aggression/anger generation on your defender and at these relatively low levels 18-22, it seems like a lot of the +aggresion/anger gear comes in the form of Cybernetics.

Bad roll of the loot dice? Or did I choose poorly?


LukeSmith said:
I resent Human Defender so hard.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the skillset, it'd seem like you'd want high aggression/anger generation on your defender and at these relatively low levels 18-22, it seems like a lot of the +aggresion/anger gear comes in the form of Cybernetics.

Bad roll of the loot dice? Or did I choose poorly?

I think it's just the level your at now, past 25 I got tons of armor that had aggression percentage 60 and over.

Edit - And I'm Human Aligned.
I got lucky and got a red two-handed sword from the armory that I could equip at lvl 30. The stats were a bit underwhelming. Then my co-op partner found the blueprint for a red helmet for a bioengineer and generously gave it to me. The defense stat is only 1 point higher than my highest helmet armor so far and the stats aren't that great, but the crafting price is insane! I wonder if the stats were a mistake.

I thought the epic armor were supposed to be uh...epic?


nakedsushi said:
I got lucky and got a red two-handed sword from the armory that I could equip at lvl 30. The stats were a bit underwhelming. Then my co-op partner found the blueprint for a red helmet for a bioengineer and generously gave it to me. The defense stat is only 1 point higher than my highest helmet armor so far and the stats aren't that great, but the crafting price is insane! I wonder if the stats were a mistake.

I thought the epic armor were supposed to be uh...epic?
Sometime generic helms even epic arent the best. Class specific epics and even oranges with a lot of empty slots are better. Stats on generic armor is pretty shitty for Commandos. Every now and then I find one with a useful stat, but I have stuck with some armor for the bonus that are 10 lvls lower and lacking armor numbers.
Yes to be honest that was the easiest and most bearable boss fight of the game. Hel went down in about 3 minutes.
I'm in Helheim right now trying to finish up the campaign solo. However, in co-op, Hel went down pretty easily. That said, on my own, the easiest boss has been the giant troll. I think it took me just a couple of minutes. At the time I was a mid-thirties berserker and it only took a single air finisher to knock off a piece of armor. A few finishers later, he was toast.


Doodis said:
Another explanation: the achievements are a bit glitchy. I earned Serve Em Up (the player must juggle an enemy which is then killed in air combat by their teammate) early on in my single player game. This is a co-op achievement and I've yet to play a co-op game.

I don't know if this was answered. I got this achievement in the first level of my initial playthrough but I got it by knocking a guy in the air and one of the AI teammates shot and killed him. Probably happened to you the same way.

What I do think is glitched are some of the armor/weapon artwork. Seems certain armors and some weapons just don't appear at all.

Also my biggest complaints so far would be in multiplayer. I wish you could just go to the map in your continue campaign mode and select multiplayer to start up a match.

Also if anyone from Silicon Knights read this please patch in the ability to see the icon of your class in Co-op. It shouldn't be hard to just put the icon next to your teammates health. I hate asking everyone I play with what class they are...

And one other thing, please let me inspect other players!!! Nothing better than seeing some phat lewt on other people to make you go on another 10hr marathon! :lol :lol :lol
Decided to play for an hour last night before bed time, and it turned into 2 1/2. :lol Ended up gaining another couple of levels, and picking up some more armor and weapons. I've reached the 39th level now, playing through the campaign a second time and jumping between the levels as time permits. I couldn't believe how quickly I blitzed through the first level on my second play through.

I keep asking myself though, why are we going up against these tough as nails mechanical beasts, who come armed to the teeth with rocket launchers, special attacks, bombs, etc. and my guys all have pee-shooters. :lol


This was asked a while back and I never saw a response, so here's some info:

Strength and Dexterity bonuses aren't transparent. They will not show up when viewing a weapon in your inventory.

For example, I had two hammers I was deciding between: one had about 70 more damage, the other had +27 to strength. So I equipped both in turn and went to the stats screen to view my melee damage. It turns out that the weaker weapon with the strength bonus actually gave me a higher total damage output than the better weapon (1149 vs 1130).

Strength bonuses add to your base melee damage and are only viewable on the stats screen, so far as I can tell. That base damage is added to your weapon damage to come up with your total. The same applies to Dexterity for ranged weapons, I assume.


This game seems to have the amazing ability to burn time away. Started playing the other night at 11:30pm and next thing I know it's 2:30am

Add me to the co-op list: Wip3dOut.


I have a few questions. I have 2 characters going a level 38 Zerker and a level 25 Champion.

1. Whats the deal with the angel wings on your back/shoulders? One of my co-op buddies had them but they eventually disappeared. Is it a rune or an actual piece of armor?

2. In regards to runes, does it matter where you put the rune? For instance if I have a rune that says 7% faster reload time do I have to put it on my pistols/guns or can I just put it on any empty rune spot wether it be armor or anything that has an empty slot.... I didn't know if the rune had to be in relation to the weapon/piece of armor.


WipedOut said:
This game seems to have the amazing ability to burn time away. Started playing the other night at 11:30pm and next thing I know it's 2:30am

Add me to the co-op list: Wip3dOut.

No doubt about it. Pushing near 60 hours at this point.


360fanboy said:
In an exclusive studio tour of its St. Catharines, Canada, studio, Silicon Knights lead Denis Dyack revealed to X3F that ten staff members are poised to be honored for ten years of service during an upcoming Too Human launch party. The process of being 'knighted' at Silicon Knights continues a longstanding tradition that hearkens back to the formation of the studio, staffers who reach ten years of service are honored with a unique sword to be placed in their office.

Ten more members achieving this goal contradicts rumors swirling around GDC that claimed Silicon Knights staff members were leaving in droves due to development issues with Too Human.

Stay tuned at noon for a full studio tour video and image gallery with Denis Dyack.


Wizman23 said:
1. Whats the deal with the angel wings on your back/shoulders? One of my co-op buddies had them but they eventually disappeared. Is it a rune or an actual piece of armor?

It's part of some armor pieces.

Wizman23 said:
2. In regards to runes, does it matter where you put the rune? For instance if I have a rune that says 7% faster reload time do I have to put it on my pistols/guns or can I just put it on any empty rune spot wether it be armor or anything that has an empty slot.... I didn't know if the rune had to be in relation to the weapon/piece of armor.

No, doesn't matter. You can have reload bonuses on a sword, or armor bonuses on a gun, and they will still be applied.


Comics, serious business!
If anyone *likes* the story, or at least the general premise of cybernetically enhanced 'gods,' then you HAVE to (HAVE TO) check out Ilium and Olympos by Dan Simmons. Go and get the two books IMMEDIATELY. These two books take place on future earth and also the Trojan war... the gods of Mt Olympos are technologically advanced beings that see the Trojan war as a big game.
RSTEIN said:
If anyone *likes* the story, or at least the general premise of post-humans playing cybernetically enhanced 'gods,' then you HAVE to (HAVE TO) check out Ilium and Olympos by Dan Simmons. Go and get the two books IMMEDIATELY. These two books take place on future earth and also the Trojan war...
Isn't that a bit spoiler-y? If I remember correctly, that's a bit of a reveal. Though it's been awhile since I read them so I could be wrong.


Comics, serious business!
Union Carbine said:
Isn't that a bit spoiler-y? If I remember correctly, that's a bit of a reveal. Though it's been awhile since I read them so I could be wrong.

Ok, I will edit. It's pretty obvious at the start of the books, but I will make the change.

Kung Fu: can you please delete my quote in your post? Thanks!


Ninja Scooter said:
they won't give you the full $60 back for the first game though.

i'm quoting this kind of late, as the deal has expired, but last year toys r us did a buy two get one free deal around this time. what i did was purchase three games, one i didn't want, and asked for gift receipts for all of them.

then i went back a few weeks later and returned the other one - granted i only got store credit, however, i used that to buy another game i wanted down the road.

so just an fyi to all whenever toys r us does these deals...just get gift receipts. it's not as good as cash, but hell, if there isn't a game you want out RIGHT now, then you can use it to swap for another game down the road...
hiljay said:
i'm quoting this kind of late, as the deal has expired, but last year toys r us did a buy two get one free deal around this time. what i did was purchase three games, one i didn't want, and asked for gift receipts for all of them.

then i went back a few weeks later and returned the other one - granted i only got store credit, however, i used that to buy another game i wanted down the road.

so just an fyi to all whenever toys r us does these deals...just get gift receipts. it's not as good as cash, but hell, if there isn't a game you want out RIGHT now, then you can use it to swap for another game down the road...

The TRU "Buy one, get one half-off" deal was last week.


Junior Member
I finished the single player campaign this morning with a level 27 champion.

The good parts of the game (loot, cutting through hordes of enemies) make me want to go back for more, but the bad parts are really, really bad.

Like others have mentioned, ranged targeting is completely broken. Most of the large pulls towards the end of the game feel balanced for two (if not four) players. Three of the five boss fights are some of the worst I've experienced in a long time, and the other two only seem good in a relative sense. Implementation of things like status effects was abysmal. The sound mix in the third level was completely messed up for me as well - music dropping out, effects coming in and out, companion repeating his stupid combat lines over his plot dialogue, etc.

As a fan of SK's previous work, I'm disappointed.
I see people saying that ranged targeting is broken, and I have to ask in what way? It's not the best system I've seen, but it worked very well for me. I've been using a lot of ranged attacks, and the ability to target certain sections on trolls and the like can be a bit awkward, but nothing terrible. Seemed to work fine for me.


Comics, serious business!
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I see people saying that ranged targeting is broken, and I have to ask in what way? It's not the best system I've seen, but it worked very well for me. I've been using a lot of ranged attacks, and the ability to target certain sections on trolls and the like can be a bit awkward, but nothing terrible. Seemed to work fine for me.

I agree. I wouldn't say it's broken. Can it be improved for the next two games? Hell yes. It is awkard at times and frustrating here and there (e.g. when I want to run backwards while shooting but Baldur spins around facing the camera shooting at nothing). Also, it locks on to dead enemies sometimes (what is the point of this? Am I missing something?).


Comics, serious business!
Shins said:
Targeting bothered me when it was near impossible to target polarity enemies in a swarm of regular enemies.

Or at least give us the option to target the most powerful enemies. Like, say there's a group of 20 goblins and then 2 or so of those dudes that fire missiles or 3 bigger goblins hanging back. I want to take those guys out first (or at least start picking away at them) with my rifle/grenades. While I'm doing this, I can easily juggle the little goblins at the same time. As the system is now, I target goblins then only after I've gotten through most of them will the targeting system pinpoint the bigger goblins.
Shins said:
Targeting bothered me when it was near impossible to target polarity enemies in a swarm of regular enemies.

Yeah, I'll agree that there were times where it was difficult to pick out specific enemies in a crowd, partly due to the large numbers of enemies at times. It would have been nice to be able to tap the stick to jump to a different enemy, much the same way that you did to move to different parts on the trolls, but it rarely was an issue for me.

Also, the left trigger on a powerful laser cannon is awesome. Fire it up, sweep it around, and watch the bad guys fall. :lol


Comics, serious business!
LukeSmith said:
Is there a site that has some deeper looks at types of character builds for min/maxing?

Do you have any impressions for us Luke? What's your take on the game so far?


goldenpp72 said:
They really need to rethink the camera in the sequel, I have to fight it a lot for nonsense reasons.

The only time it's really annoyed me was on the level 3 boss. I was running for some of those health/bounty canisters and the camera kept swinging back around to focus on the troll. I know where the damn troll is! I needed health! :p
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