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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot



Guess i unlocked "Serve Em Up" by luck, since i wasn't playing in CoOp.
Oh well :D


Aladuf said:
Very true, Too Human is really good with its achievements.
Except that most of them you unlock just by playing. I hit over 600points just completing the game the first time and never tried to get any achievements. You should have to go out of your way to get achievements. Finishing a game with that many achievement points makes me feel cheap, not like I actually "achieved" anything.
So people are cheating finding epic weapons and armor by duping them.

They just attach the HD to a PC and save the file and then trade the item to a friend then replace the new save with the old save and then they have two items.


too human achievements are fine sans the elite armor one, I cant stand only having 5 points missing from a game and even worse is when its a luck achievement.
Fuck! I just got the 3rd epic piece Chest for Human Defender and I go to look for it and its not there!

Look at my auto-salvage and it got changed from Orange to EVERYTHING! FUCKING ACCIDENTAL BUTTON CLICK CHANGED IT!
Its already turned into bounty I had to switch my auto salvage back to Orange. So fuckin gay, you shouldn't even be able to salvage epics.
What I really like about this game is that unlike most lootemups there's no real place where you can get "stuck" and have to grind away for money/exp/gear just to move on.

Granted the respawns help but I find that as long as you play well you'll get through the game with little to no problems.
xxjuicesxx said:
Its already turned into bounty I had to switch my auto salvage back to Orange. So fuckin gay, you shouldn't even be able to salvage epics.

you told the game to salvage everything so its your fault. also, gay shouldn't be an insult
funkmastergeneral said:
you told the game to salvage everything so its your fault. also, gay shouldn't be an insult

Yea but salvaging epics should never be automatic. I didn't tell the game to, it got accidentally switched. Its still very lame.


For those of you that enjoyed Too Human but were worried that you wouldn’t be receiving a sequel, there is some hope.

In Canada, Too Human is the most rented Xbox 360 game at Blockbuster Canada, while is the most rented game overall at Rogers Video.

More importantly than rental numbers, however, is that Microsoft appears to be pleased by the sales of Too Human.

Rob Semsey, a Microsoft spokesman, said that the company is “quite pleased by the response to Too Human in North America.” No official sales data, however, have been released by Microsoft or Silicon Knights.

The August NPD software sales chart, set for release later this month, will likely determine the future of Too Human.



xxjuicesxx said:
Fuck! I just got the 3rd epic piece Chest for Human Defender and I go to look for it and its not there!

Look at my auto-salvage and it got changed from Orange to EVERYTHING! FUCKING ACCIDENTAL BUTTON CLICK CHANGED IT!

Accidental button click...fine. You also 'accidentally' agreed to accept and apply the change?



goldenpp72 said:
rentals dont equal sequels, sales do.

I think they look at a variety of factors when deciding to continue a series or not. While hard sales data may be one of the most important, stuff like unique users, and internet mindshare and things of that nature are also taken into account.


Even if the sales are not massive, I am sure most people could see the potential of another Too Human if they managed to sort all of the numerous issues out.

Currently the camera and aiming system are the main issues, so even a update to those would improve the game. I am sure SK won't just sit back and I suspect they are already working on the 2nd game, hopefully they are also not forgetting about updating the first one too. :lol
Chrange said:
Accidental button click...fine. You also 'accidentally' agreed to accept and apply the change?


Dude you don't accept anything. I had it on Orange because I have the best armor and I'm only looking for epics. I hit RB in the equipment menu SOMETIME while playing and it switched over to Everything. There was no confirmimg and I never knew because you just don't check that often and you assume it stays the same as you set it.


Haven't been on GAF in a while. What have I missed?

I've started a bio-engineer, I got this power in my skill tree that makes enemies fight with me. It's pretty cool watching goblins turn against each other.


Ms isn't going to come out and say their outright not happy with the sales of it dude.. I do think it's doing fine, but people, talking about rental sales just means a lot of people were hesitant. non used purchases are the best way to get a sequel, I did my part and had this game 60 bucks day one :p


goldenpp72 said:
Ms isn't going to come out and say their outright not happy with the sales of it dude.. I do think it's doing fine, but people, talking about rental sales just means a lot of people were hesitant. non used purchases are the best way to get a sequel, I did my part and had this game 60 bucks day one :p

A little more than obvious there if that were actually the case.
Just did a run through on HoH with a friend who's a level 50 bioengineer. We were wrecking fools - so much fun. He had limited invincibility when we needed it (used for taking down trolls) and he'd boost us with health if necessary. We had a great time, but we did end up talking about how much fun it'd be with a party of four rolling through the dungeon. :(

I have quite a few epic weapons now (one sword, two staves, one hammer, one set of pistols) but no armor yet. I'm flat broke from buying stuff, too. Guess I need to keep on grinding to get some cash and look for those elusive pieces of armor. :D


I've got 25 million bounty now with not much to do with it, heh. I've got about 120-130 hours in now. Anyhow I'm looking for my pants and shoes for cyber zerker. If anyone has come across these and looking to trade I have a ton of epic runes/charms and couple of epic weapon schematics.


conman said:
Except that most of them you unlock just by playing. I hit over 600points just completing the game the first time and never tried to get any achievements. You should have to go out of your way to get achievements. Finishing a game with that many achievement points makes me feel cheap, not like I actually "achieved" anything.
That's the thing I like most though, play through a game and by the end have a good amount of points such as 600-700. Makes me feel like I accomplished something on the first playthrough and encourages me to snag the last few hundred points left over on a second playthrough.


Cornballer said:
25 million? :lol

I think I'm down to about 70,000 at the moment. :p

I have a few mil at the moment. I Salvage everything unless its amazing. I tend to wait until I have an orange set of armour and keep those for ages. There is no point using crappy gear for 1 level, you may as well hold out and get something that will last. That way you can start selling purple/orange crap for more bounty.


Comics, serious business!
conman said:
Except that most of them you unlock just by playing. I hit over 600points just completing the game the first time and never tried to get any achievements. You should have to go out of your way to get achievements. Finishing a game with that many achievement points makes me feel cheap, not like I actually "achieved" anything.

I disagree with this. I think approximately 50% of achievements should be unlocked through a somewhat concentrated playthrough. This rewards the deligent player who uses combos, finds hidden things, unlocks out-of-the-way places, experiments with different weapons, etc. The remaining 50% of achievements should be harder to get campaign achievements and online achievement. So, if you're a somewhat serious gamer you can get roughly 75% of the achievements through playing. The remaining 25% is reserved for the truly devoted, who have the time and skill to get the harder achievements. So, basically, casual gamers will end up with a score of ~400 gamer points, serious games ~700 and the ultra hardcore the full 1000.
Really enjoying this game :) just finished the 2nd level, only bad thing so far is the crappy ai of the squad that follows you, they're just pointless as they do fuck all


I predict about 300k in sales so far which isn't so bad....so did i miss anything by clicking to skip the end credits or not??? surely someone let the credits roll once they finished? I know i always do.
Raide said:
I have a few mil at the moment. I Salvage everything unless its amazing. I tend to wait until I have an orange set of armour and keep those for ages. There is no point using crappy gear for 1 level, you may as well hold out and get something that will last. That way you can start selling purple/orange crap for more bounty.
I fluctuate up and down depending on how much stuff I'm buying. I just bought a ton of weapons and armor, so it cost me a bit.
evanswolves said:
Really enjoying this game :) just finished the 2nd level, only bad thing so far is the crappy ai of the squad that follows you, they're just pointless as they do fuck all
They do spout the same lines over and over and over and...


Ricker said:
I predict about 300k in sales so far which isn't so bad....so did i miss anything by clicking to skip the end credits or not??? surely someone let the credits roll once they finished? I know i always do.
I let the credits roll but I don't think there was anything that followed them, I'm pretty sure you just go back to either the title menu or the Aesier.
evanswolves said:
Really enjoying this game :) just finished the 2nd level, only bad thing so far is the crappy ai of the squad that follows you, they're just pointless as they do fuck all

this bothered me at first, too, but then I wondered if i really wanted them to do anything. i decided i want to be the one sliding around killing shit, not ai teammates.

*shruggs* just a personal opinion... but then that mindset begs the question "then why are they even there?" i know they show the squad with you in the cinematics, but still...


the squad being removed in too human would have made it better totally, from a gameplay and story perspective. I'm a fucking god *I* want to be the one doing the killing, I don't need generic armies with me, and when their all being wasted I feel like im doing something wrong.


Junior Member
I'm at level 50 with a cybernetic champion, and I think at this point the game is just messing with me. I'm getting red drops, but it's all weapon blueprints, charms, runes - no level 50 armor. I even got an orange armor blueprint with a red rune inserted. LOL.

I'm close to the acheivement for completing a tier 3 charm, for 20K kills, for 7500 blueprints and for 1000 runes. I think I'll retire this guy after I get those. If I had seen even one piece of my level 50 set armor I'd be more optimistic.


RSTEIN said:
I disagree with this. I think approximately 50% of achievements should be unlocked through a somewhat concentrated playthrough. This rewards the deligent player who uses combos, finds hidden things, unlocks out-of-the-way places, experiments with different weapons, etc. The remaining 50% of achievements should be harder to get campaign achievements and online achievement. So, if you're a somewhat serious gamer you can get roughly 75% of the achievements through playing. The remaining 25% is reserved for the truly devoted, who have the time and skill to get the harder achievements. So, basically, casual gamers will end up with a score of ~400 gamer points, serious games ~700 and the ultra hardcore the full 1000.
I 100% agree.
That's why a friend of mine got 1000/1000 on Soul Calibur 4: he wanted to complete it, because he loves the gome.
As for me, i love the game too but i don't want to do some of those hard achievements, so i got 645/1000 and i'm happy with that.
Or let's take Halo 3, since i love that game a lot i'm between the "serious gamer" and the "hardcore", so i have 875/1000
EVERY game should be like this.
Every single one of them.
Also, Live Arcades shouldn't have only 200 points, because some of those are just too hard.
mh56 said:
so can anyone tell me about polarity? if its a blue guy, do i just shoot them?im so confused
Yeah, i need to understand this too.

Oh, another thing:
Trial of Ascendance 5
Complete a level 1 charm.
What's a charm and how do i complete one?


You can see your item totals from the Leaderboard - I got my 7,500 Achievement from an epic charm :D

Polarity enemies are the white/blue/red ones that generally take little damage from ranged attacks. If in doubt, juggle them into the air and roll away. Damage taken from a juggle isn't delivered until they hit the ground, so you'd be safely away from the range of their status effect.

I use the red ones as bombs - shoot them until they're about 1/4 health. Shooting not only ensures they'll die from the juggle, it also 'charges' their explosive potential. Then juggle them into the group behind and watch it get decimated.


Chrange said:
You can see your item totals from the Leaderboard - I got my 7,500 Achievement from an epic charm :D
How long did it take you to get that achievement? I looked a the leaderboards the other day and at about 20 hours of gameplay I had only about 980 items grabbed. :/


Wizpig said:
What's a charm and how do i complete one?

Charms are the things in the Charm section of your inventory. They come in three levels: 1, 2, and 3.

Level 1 - equip it and complete the quest (kill [x] enemies or whatever) and slot it with Runes (hit X with it in the active slot)

Level 2 - equip it and complete the quest, slot it with completed level 1 charms.

Level 3 - equip it and complete the quest, slot it with completed level 2 charms.


one thing that irks me in this game is that it's very.. anti co op, they set it up in a way that makes co op unappealing. I keep getting kicked in rooms because people want the loot for themselves, they will let you stay in until the boss and then bam, gone. The game puts up too many barriers, a level 50 needs another level 50 to loot hunt, level 49? Go fuck yourself you dirty 49, i want my level 50 loot. Wanna play with your buddy but he got the game a week before ya? Fuck you, go level up some other way you fucking bitch.



conman said:
Except that most of them you unlock just by playing. I hit over 600points just completing the game the first time and never tried to get any achievements. You should have to go out of your way to get achievements. Finishing a game with that many achievement points makes me feel cheap, not like I actually "achieved" anything.

I guess you can never make everyone happy. I much preffer how the achievements work in this game. Most games I don't have the time to go seeking them out. This way it becomes a more natural progression.


Chrange said:
You can see your item totals from the Leaderboard - I got my 7,500 Achievement from an epic charm :D

Polarity enemies are the white/blue/red ones that generally take little damage from ranged attacks. If in doubt, juggle them into the air and roll away. Damage taken from a juggle isn't delivered until they hit the ground, so you'd be safely away from the range of their status effect.

I use the red ones as bombs - shoot them until they're about 1/4 health. Shooting not only ensures they'll die from the juggle, it also 'charges' their explosive potential. Then juggle them into the group behind and watch it get decimated.

yea but usually whenever i juggle the blue ones, they explode in the air and i freeze...
goldenpp72 said:
one thing that irks me in this game is that it's very.. anti co op, they set it up in a way that makes co op unappealing. I keep getting kicked in rooms because people want the loot for themselves, they will let you stay in until the boss and then bam, gone. The game puts up too many barriers, a level 50 needs another level 50 to loot hunt, level 49? Go fuck yourself you dirty 49, i want my level 50 loot. Wanna play with your buddy but he got the game a week before ya? Fuck you, go level up some other way you fucking bitch.


It's only anti-coop when the people you're trying to play with are assholes. I host my games, stick to round-robin loot-distribution, and I've had no problems.
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