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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Super hyped to have Space Dandy back! Though because of the Cooler Movie, Space Dandy 13 should be on the 5th. Are they just going to skip an episode from season 1 or double up in one of the upcoming weeks?

I mean, art is subjective but how can anyone say that looks bad? Is this a case of message board hyperbole striking again or do people really think this is an insult to the eyes? I can't even tell there's a difference between the old and new series outside of an obvious increase in resolution/sharpness.

It's in the faces and proportions. The new designs are much more elongate both in overall body shape and the face. How the eyes, nose, etc. are constructed are also very different. I think the limited animation in the trailer is also giving people pause (you've been working for it for HOW LONG as this is all you have to show?).
I can't see how you can't tell there is a difference, but really the new art doesn't look bad per say, some shots just look off especially in motion.

You left out an important part of what I said:

I can't even tell there's a difference between the old and new series outside of an obvious increase in resolution/sharpness.

Lets take a look at the image Seda posted again:


Now please show me the noticeable differences I'm apparently missing out on here because I'm not seeing anything. I've watched the trailer as well twice now and it looks exactly like the manga, which is obviously the source material. It's sharper and less blurry to me but not some radical change. I honestly cannot tell a difference. Anybody else feel the same or am I going crazy?

It's in the faces and proportions. The new designs are much more elongate both in overall body shape and the face. How the eyes, nose, etc. are constructed are also very different. I think the limited animation in the trailer is also giving people pause (you've been working for it for HOW LONG as this is all you have to show?).

Okay, I can see what you're talking about by saying the faces are elongated but it didn't register with me until having that pointed out. Isn't this due out next month? You'd think there'd be more footage floating around.


As you can clearly see, she's got no toast, because bread makes you fat.

Other than the bump in resolution and clarity, I'd say the bigger difference is bringing the characters closer to the actual manga instead of the original anime. I think people were expecting to see something closer to the original but got the manga instead.
You said nothing about it looking like the manga, it's clearly trying to look like the manga. You said no difference between the old and new image , when i said I couldn't see how you can't see a difference I wasn't talking about the resolution or sharpness, you know, I can read right? Crocodile already explained it but basically that.
Now I'm going back and watching a bunch of old clips. I'd take stills and try to compare them to Crystal so we could have a better comparison but I'm lazy lol. This is fun though, I like this kind of stuff.
Oh man I checked out some clips of the old sailor moon dub, lol this is so bad usagi sounds like she's 35 and the music is so unfitting it's like a Bruce Falconer score
You said nothing about it looking like the manga, it's clearly trying to look like the manga. You said no difference between the old and new image , when i said I couldn't see how you can't see a difference I wasn't talking about the resolution or sharpness, you know, I can read right? Crocodile already explained it but basically that.


Not sure why you're getting bent out of shape over me saying I can't tell the difference between either series and then asking you nicely to explain the changes for me. I wasn't trying to be a dick or nitpick, it was a legitimate question. Croc pointed out the faces/character models are elongated which throws off the appearance. Tamanon mentioned the eyes and hair. I don't think my post was rude or condescending so I'm scratching my head here wondering why you seem to have an attitude and think I'm trying to make you out as illiterate.


Proportionally, the irises are also weirdly HUGE in the newer designs and its throwing me off a bit. I understand its supposed to more closely emulate the manga but since I'm not familiar with the manga material is looks super weird and "anime"-esque.
Proportionally, the irises are also weirdly HUGE in the newer designs and its throwing me off a bit. I understand its supposed to more closely emulate the manga but since I'm not familiar with the manga material is looks super weird and "anime"-esque.

Eyes in the original were pretty large too if I recall correctly (Mike or Shard would know best), here's a random gif I found. Not sure if it's representative or not.


I guess the shape is different in crystal, the eyes seem more triangular. Does that make sense or am I off base here?
Not intending to have an attitude and coming off like you're condescending and constantly trying to seem like the only sane man/contrarian can surprisingly be two different things but whatever. It's already baffling you couldn't tell the difference (the head shapes are different, the eyes, the body shape ,the very artstyle is different) but condescendingly saying "oh you must have missed out this thing in my post " because there is no way I was talking about differences other than what you already said right? But if you can't understand how you come off to people I can't really help you.
Not intending to have an attitude and coming off like you're condescending and constantly trying to seem like the only sane man/contrarian can surprisingly be two different things but whatever. It's already baffling you couldn't tell the difference (the head shapes are different, the eyes, the body shape ,the very artstyle is different) but condescendingly saying "oh you must have missed out this thing in my post " because there is no way I was talking about differences other than what you already said right? But if you can't understand how you come off to people I can't really help you.

This isn't the first time you've pulled the contrarian card, you say the same thing whenever Bass has a controversial opinion. I don't even go against the grain in here that often but when I do, I'm vocal about it and defend my position; not sure how that equates to me trying to act like I'm the only sane person in here. There's a reason why I'm starting discussions and trying to get a different perspective and it's not to be condescending.

The reason I quoted my entire post, instead of just referencing a section of it like you did, is for context. Stop viewing that as 'Oh Gucci is being condescending and trying to say I'm illiterate, what an asshole' because that wasn't even close to my intention, you just read it that way and overreacted. I like to have a quote trail which makes the discussion easy to follow for me and other people reading, I'm detail oriented in that regard, especially when the person I'm interacting with doesn't bother to quote the person they're responding to. It makes things confusing.
This isn't the first time you've pulled the contrarian card, you say the same thing whenever Bass has a controversial opinion. I don't even go against the grain in here that often but when I do, I'm vocal about it and defend my position; not sure how that equates to me trying to act like I'm the only sane person in here. There's a reason why I'm starting discussions and trying to get a different perspective and it's not to be condescending.

The reason I quoted my entire post, instead of just referencing a section of it like you did, is for context. Stop viewing that as 'Oh Gucci is being condescending and trying to say I'm illiterate, what an asshole' because that wasn't even close to my intention, you just read it that way and overreacted. I like to have a quote trail which makes the discussion easy to follow for me and other people reading, I'm detail oriented in that regard, especially when the person I'm interacting with doesn't bother to quote the person they're responding to. It makes things confusing.

I don't recall doing that to bass but whatever. there is nothing about what i said that implied or showed I wasn't refering to your whole post. As for "oh you chose to see it that way and overreacted" thats a fucking cop out, a common one, when one doesn't want to acknowledge how one's intent and actions differ in interpretation. Maybe you could think "this person has said I come off this way (and they aren't the only one) and maybe I should self-examining" .


On unrelated notes:

A) Smash 4 will be playable for all of next week in the NYC Nintendo World Store. I know a few in here are in NYC, be sure to check that shit out

B) Teen Titans Go is so awesome in its complete stupidity :p

Eyes in the original were pretty large too if I recall correctly (Mike or Shard would know best), here's a random gif I found. Not sure if it's representative or not.


I guess the shape is different in crystal, the eyes seem more triangular. Does that make sense or am I off base here?

I still think they are bigger in Crystal but you are perhaps right in that my memory is a bit off and they were bigger in the classic series than I remember. I should get around to rewatching the show now that the uncut version is up on Hulu.
I don't recall doing that to bass but whatever. there is nothing about what i said that implied or showed I wasn't refering to your whole post. As for "oh you chose to see it that way and overreacted" thats a fucking cop out, a common one, when one doesn't want to acknowledge how one's intent and actions differ in interpretation. Maybe you could think "this person has said I come off this way (and they aren't the only one) and maybe I should self-examining" .

I guess you missed the portion of my last post where I said I like to quote things for myself and other users because it makes a conversation easy to follow, I'd quote it but I don't want you to get mad and accuse me of being condescending.

You overreacted then and you're overreacting now. Maybe you should use the ignore button.


I guess you missed the portion of my last post where I said I like to quote things for myself and other users because it makes a conversation easy to follow, I'd quote it but I don't want you to get mad and accuse me of being condescending.

You overreacted then and you're overreacting now. Maybe you should use the ignore button.
On unrelated notes:

A) Smash 4 will be playable for all of next week in the NYC Nintendo World Store. I know a few in here are in NYC, be sure to check that shit out

B) Teen Titans Go is so awesome in its complete stupidity :p

I still think they are bigger in Crystal but you are perhaps right in that my memory is a bit off and they were bigger in the classic series than I remember. I should get around to rewatching the show now that the uncut version is up on Hulu.

I've been meaning to get on the 'Sailor Moon Mondays' bandwagon and will be watching the uncut episodes (I think there's 8?) up on hulu this weekend. We could set up an irc chat and power through them if you're interested.
I guess you missed the portion of my last post where I said I like to quote things for myself and other users because it makes a conversation easy to follow, I'd quote it but I don't want you to get mad and accuse me of being condescending.

You overreacted then and you're overreacting now. Maybe you should use the ignore button.


huh? I quoted you, what the heck are you *talking* about.

Oh right yes, it's all my fault, it's just me overreacting and getting "mad". if I ever "pulled the contrarian card" with bass it was likely as a joke. unlike you when he dislike things it doesn't seem like he's putting it out there to argue or implore people to explain things to him. You say you want to know how others see things but that's seems amiss when you start convos by saying you don't see the big deal, imply people are seeing it as bad, and make statements they very much seem like you've already made up your mind on your point of view. Additionally it's very hard to believe if your reply to criticism is to be obtuse and only see the person as "overreacting". Either way I will take you up on your offer and just be ignoring you for now on, not that that does me any good when everyone is just gonna quote your obnoxious posts and you won't post any less anyways.

huh? I quoted you, what the heck are you *talking* about.

Oh right yes, it's all my fault, it's just me overreacting and getting "mad". if I ever"pulled the contrarian card" with bass it was likely as a joke. unlike you when he dislike things it doesn't seem like he's putting it out there to argue or implore people to explain things to him. You say you want to know how others see things but that's seems amiss when you start convos by saying you don't see the big deal, imply people are seeing it as bad, and make statements they very much seem like you've already made up your mind on your point of view. Additionally it's very hard to believe if your reply to criticism is to be obtuse and only see the person as "overreacting". Either way I will take you up on your offer and just be ignoring you for now on.

Quoted but either skimmed over that part or didn't comprehend what I was trying to say. I'm amazed that you're this upset over me quoting you, it's such a minuscule deal that I'm amused by this whole situation instead of upset and ready to shit up the whole thread with a pointless multiple page discussion that makes the place awkward, so this is going to be my last post on the matter lol.
yes i'm mad you quoted me *woosh* and not imploring me to explain to you how obviously different art is different cause you just can't see it and clearly i missed your statement. But I'm dropping it too since you're an obnoxious brick wall. I can comprehend just fine btw.
Can't both of you take it to PMs? It's not even a Toonami show to begin with.

I'd be willing to discuss anything over PM (and frequently do) but don't think Dr. P is in the mood. I'm pretty sure they got mad/annoyed and put me on block/ignore so it shouldn't be a problem now. Sorry for that derail though, it happens lol.


Stealing this from Mature in the Space Dandy thread. Here is the creator/guest cast list for season 2.


Not sure on the accuracy, it's a tumblr fan translation
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