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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member

Man God

Non-Canon Member
oh shit

jesus miroku women arent baby machines, 10-20 is too much damn.

The only thing preventing that in the time period the show is set during is the high infant mortality rate. It's wasn't that uncommon back then at all to have that many kids, nor was it uncommon to die having the first or second kid. Life sucked back then.
The only thing preventing that in the time period the show is set during is the high infant mortality rate. It's wasn't that uncommon back then at all to have that many kids, nor was it uncommon to die having the first or second kid. Life sucked back then.

I'm sure kagome could help them out.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I've reached Season eight of Naruto. The second Filler anime only season.


The opening is good
So are the endings.
MikeMyers finally gets his Ino episode.
Some of the other one off episodes are pretty good.
I believe the first arc with all of the Konoha 11 in it is in this season.


This first arc is awful
A lot of the worst of the filler is in this season.
The opening isn't as good as the next one.
No More Anko for Lazybones. At least, no Anko Arcs.

Here's the opening.


and the first ending.



Just watched Dandy. Man that episode was weird. Really good, but kind of out there. The visual style was pretty much perfect based on the episode itself.


So I found it interesting to discover how much of the bits I liked about Bones Eater were actually ripped wholesale from Canon Eater and then had their endings basically decapitated. The actual divergence point seems to be when BJ turns up and has the whole coffee drinking thing going in the anime, instead of his way cooler ability in the anime. I don't even remember what the fuck he was doing or was useful for in the anime at all, except that he really liked coffee?

So the stuff I liked from Bones Eater - Medusa making a deal with the DWMA, Chrona freaking out about being forced to be a double agent, was all grounded in the manga. The whole sequence with Death and Scythe negotiating with Medusa while in the child form, still hilarious. But it uses its plot hooks and character paths so much more effectively overall. Kidd's arc for instance is so much more interesting in the manga - instead of going off on some stupid 'is dad evil?' idiot hunt, he gets time to develop philosophically (
while stuck in the Book of Eibon
and then his development of the rings let him show it, too. Black Star's is roughly the same but the way he ends up dealing with Mifune and Tsubaki resonates far more strongly this time around, perhaps because of the way the battle at Baba Yaga's castle plays out. Maka and Soul most definitely gets the most extra development, between the
first battle with the Madness Clown at the ironworks (which I guess is where the 'bravery' bullshit ending is sourced from), to the battle within Soul in Russia combined with the walk of sins in Eibon's book, letting flashbacks do the talking
. And then, of course, there's Chrona, who gets an extremely satisfying wrapup and earns the shit out of their ending.

Medusa still kind of jobs though, and that's a little disappointing.

But holy shit! The whole additional focus you don't see coming on Blair and her pals, on Kilik and Ox and Kim (especially on these guys - fuck I wish the anime had had more of that, they were so damn cool during the Battle for Brew), on Eruka and Free, even on that completely random third faction that kind of comes out of nowhere but still turns out to be pivotal - god damn. The chaos v order talk at the end is a little confusing, I'll probably need to re-read it, but I think thematically it makes a lot of sense and ties into the ending far better.

I was a little annoyed the ending looked kind of like it was going to be a set-up for the same 'three mains have to face Ashura' ending, but it's just executed so much better in the manga.
Apart from anything else, it takes place ON THE FUCKING MOON. That's just fucking cool. Secondly, you get the sense the whole thing is a huge group effort - it's like the Daigunzan charging Teppelin to get the Gurren-Lagann into Lord Genome's throne room - and thirdly, even when they basically ARE the only participants in the fight, everyone still manages to pitch in to help beat the fucking shit out of Asura.

Asura also doesn't job like a complete idiot to the power of bravery or whatever and it actually takes some clever shit to beat him. He actually feels like both a) a threat and b) someone who knows what's going on.
Tying him to Death and Kidd was also an incredibly cool idea I hadn't picked up on before.

Oh, Arachne also does way better for herself.


Glad you read the superior version of Soul Eater. It was overall a satisfying manga and did well in piecing pretty much everything together by the end except
the bit about Maka's mom who we never get to meet or know what actually had happened to her. Not sure if it's a theory or not, but the possibility exists that she actually died prior to the events of the story.

I'm just surprised at how poor the anime story ended up being after deviating from the source. FMA did a pretty good job with its story even if things got a bit weird by the end. This though, just felt completely wrong on a lot of levels.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm still under the belief that there will be a Soul Eater sequel.
There's just too many plot threads left hanging.

I guess he wants to finish NOT first.


now i've basically got to read/watch soul eater not because i'm so invested in the setting

ah well. there are worse fates. at least the dude's art got a lot better by the baba yaga arc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Remembered Lullaby"


Team Guy are running to catch up to Naruto. The training room gave a distress call. Naruto explains how the ninja flew off. Twenty has never heard of a flying Ninja but Neji sees it clear as day with his Byakugan. He's too far away but Naruto wasn't fooling. Lee is impressed as is Tenten, who didn't believe Naruto. Naruto reacts poorly to this news. Shizune is talking with the fourth in her office. The star is a meteorite. It fell 200 years ago back in the day of the first Hoshikage. Training near the star strengthens chakra. Since then they've had a unique position in the ranks of Shinobi. Shizune mentions that they abandoned this training ten years ago and Tsunade comments that was when the third Hoshikage came to power, but the ban was lifted right after he mysteriously passed away. I think you all know where this is going. Shizune plays dumb and says she wonders why they did it. Tsunade says no one knows for sure but since most ninja who trained under this method died from it and Shizune gets a clue. Tsunade says that while the meteor training improves chakra it probably comes with adverse effects.


They all report back to the deputy. Sumaru explains that the trainees were knocked out by some chakra attack and the person ran off with the stone. The deputy calls this unacceptable. Naruto comes up and explains the wings and beasts of chakra. The deputy asks if this is true. Ninja Art:Kujaku, no doubt about it. Tenten asks if this is only a technique available to this village and Sumaru starts explaining before he is stopped by the Deputy. Neji also scolds her saying she should be more sensitive about ninja villages and their secret techniques and such. She apologizes. Sumaru wants the responsibility alone but Neji says they share responsibility. The deputy leaves it up to Neji and puts the care of his fellow students in the hands of Sumaru. Sumaru is pissed off and doesn't want to leave it to outsiders. They leave the building. Naruto asks if Sumaru's friends will be okay but he brushes them off calling them outsiders again. Twenty begins nagging Neji telling him that he shouldn't be so by the book and even Lee pipes in that they have no leads. Actually, we do claims detective Neji. Everyone is surprised. Neji who was on the ball in our last detective case knows a villain when he sees on and that Akahoshi guy is clearly hiding something. Naruto has no clue but Twenty did think the deputy got "pretty uppity" when Sumaru mentioned Kujaku and Lee adds the proverb where there is smoke there is fire. They are moving too fast for Naruto. Neji ignores this and gives orders. He's going to look for chakra trails, Lee and Twenty are assigned to watch Akahoshi. Naruto chimes in asking for his role and Neji comes up with tailing Sumaru on the fly. Naruto is pleased by the chance to bug any potential Kage and runs right off while Lee and Twenty make fun of his lack of patience.


Sumaru is looking at the stars in the twilight sky, pulls out a pendent and starts singing. It's a song his mom sung to him when he was just a wee baby! We get a montage, his parents died! Naruto interrupts the feels and Sumaru puts the pendant away and is back to being chummy. He's killing time waiting for the stars to come out. Naruto comments on how easy it is to see the stars here and wonders about that red one. Natsuhiboshi, the star that is always watching over him. It's a line from the song. He starts to wander off and Naruto tells him he wants to see his friends as he has some world famous chestnut bean jelly from the Leaf. They're at the training hall as he runs off. Naruto says he is as warm as an iceberg. Night has fallen as he reaches the place. He knocks twice and no one is there. He lets himself in seeing only one person sleeping...


As he gets strangled by some purple Jutsu. The boy tells Hokuto to knock it off, he senses Naruto is one of the good guys. Hokuto isn't sure and says Mizura's name before Naruto fights her chakra off, pulling her down and landing her on her butt. Yes Naruto, that's a girl. She asks who is he. Naruto Uzumaki, Village Hidden in the Leaves, etc, etc. She's embarrassed and bows in apology! Don't sweat it, he's here with a gift...where did it go?


Ten points to Hufflepuff if you saw this one coming. She's embarrassed again. The deputy is meeting with two adult ninja. They know who took the star. If it is them though they don't stand a chance as they were the last ones to ever complete the training. They wouldn't stand a chance. The deputy isn't worried though, if it was them they already have their Achilles heel. Hold on a moment though, they need to shoot down some bothersome flies. A Hind D? Back to Hokuto who formally introduces herself. She didn't recognize his chakra so she attacked. Naruto doesn't mind and eats some butt jelly. It's good! She likes it too. Naruto wonders where the rest are. She says don't worry, the thief just put them to sleep. Mizura starts coughing but tells him not to worry. Hokuto says that his health hasn't been good since he started training but Mizura tells ixnay on the tarsay. Naruto already knows all that shit and tells them they are pretty cold to outsiders as she gives Mizura a drink. Especially that Sumaru asshole. Hokuto apologizes but explains why Sumaru is an asshole. Ten years ago Sumaru's parents were killed guarding the star, presumably by outsiders. That's why he doesn't like them. Naruto gets it. Another orphan. Where is Sumaru and the others? Gone. They went after the star. Naruto Batman's out of there and she says bye to no one.


Twenty and Lee are staking out the deputy's place and see the two flunkies leaving. Lee wants to go after them head on but Tenten jumps on him calling him a "Ding Dong" and saying that a direct confrontation is counter to a surveillance. Lee doesn't like skulking in the shadows. Twenty puts a hand over his mouth and tells him to shut his trap. Leave the shadowy ninjutsu to her and you stay quiet. That's their mission. Lee finally gives in and starts saying creeping, creeping while following behind her. Yes, you're damn right the comedy music is playing here. Twenty is a Dalek! Lee asks her if this violates the way of the ninja and starts with the creeping, creeping again. She tells him to knock it off. This isn't like any Ninjutsu he's ever seen. Have they spotted them? She's not sure. Nope. They are idiots and have escaped detection. They turned right...and shadow clone popped. They gave them the slip. Shurikens come out of nowhere and Twenty summons a pole to deflect them. Lee picks up the barrel and blocks a bunch of them. Tenten tells them they are not their enemies and Lee explains they are on a mission. They wonder why Leaf ninja are following them and not going after the thief. That maybe so says Lee but he thinks these two are possible culprits. Twenty says they had no leads and wanted to see the star back safely so she followed them. The bald one says they were following them and the haired one says it sounds like a waste of time. The bald one says thanks for nothing they'll find the star. They leave. Lee thinks Neji is right and that they are definitely hiding something.


The trainees are all gathered in a circle with connected arms. Look for the star chakra that they all carry. It's going off in that direction and so do the kids. It's near the border of the land of bears. They find the culprit in the mask and grab him with chakra strands. Naruto finds Neji and asks if he's seen Sumaru. Neji told you to tail him. Naruto explains the whole thing about the kids leaving with Sumaru to chase after the thief. Is that so. Are you listening to Naruto? Nope, He's found the kids and the star thief at the Valley of Death. Looks like he is back as they leave. The thief breaks free and knocks them all out! Sumaru is still awake though and the thief walks over. Sumaru wants the star back, it's ours. He has no right to it. The man laughs and doses him with some pink Chakra. Naruto throws Shurikens at him and he laughs, Ninja Art: Kujaku. It blocks the shurikens and flies off with Sumaru in hand. Naruto wants to jump after but Neji grabs him by the scruff of the neck, pointing out that the valley is full of deadly miasma. They whip out their hankerchiefs and start talking. Naruto says that is definitely the thief (I'm not so sure about that) and Neji agrees but wonders why he took Sumaru as he already had the star. Naruto brings up the case ten years ago with Sumaru's parents dying ten years ago during the attack and how this might be related. Neji says what as the camera pans dramatically and the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Hidden Jutsu: The Price of The Ninja Art: Kujaku"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This is why you're the vegeta of this thread, remembering terrible Naruto filler arcs.

I remember this one for a different reason. Yes, all the twists are stupidly obvious, even more so than usual for filler. It makes the JYB is actually Laura Bailey twist look like Citizen Kane by comparison. The real reason is that back in the day the J-man episode teasing this arc had it's trailer cut to make it look like it was the end of filler and these episodes were going to be Kakashi Gaiden...which doesn't happen until pretty deep into Shippuden. Then this five part arc of complete ass comes along. Nothing interesting happens in it besides some bad singing. Everything is obvious. The star is killing the children, the thief is a good guy, the deputy is gasp
an evil usurper.
this chakra is strong, sure, but it's nothing that special.


I sort of remember that filler arc, like, I remember the characters and something about a meteorite or the moon of something, but that's about it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm so glad this episode actually had something worth giffing. Last episode stumped me. Even Tsunade choking on that chocolate log was only done in a few frames and we didn't even get a good Shizune flip out over it. If the arc had begun the traditional way with Naruto fighting with the Hokage this arc would probably have been an episode longer...but there would have been a decent gif there. Or two.

Also Yevon help me, I'm watching the next one so I can have peace tomorrow when I come home.


DeMarco said on his ASK.FM that he sometimes goes to Anime Expo; if he goes this year I will find him and tell him my cat died of cancer because Final Act did not come to Toonami.
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