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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Hidden Jutsu: The Price of The Ninja Art: Kujaku"

Natsuhiboshi, why are you so red? Because I had a sad dream last night. My eyes are red from the tears I shed. Swollen as I cried... This is actually quite pleasant now that someone good at singing is doing it. It's what Sumaru is dreaming about as the mystery men flies away with him. Twenty and Lee run up to Naruto and Neji and notice the bodies all around them. Their friend is back says Neji and took Sumaru this time goes on Naruto. Neji says their first duty is to these kids and asks for help carrying them back, which they agree to. Hokuto is taking care of Mizura again when Naruto and gang bust in each with two kids on their shoulders. She looks at them worried but Neji says none of them were hurt, just knocked out again. Where is everyone else? Tenten and Lee has them. She asks about Sumaru. Naruto hesitates but Neji informs her he was taken away. Naruto explains that he went through the Valley of Death so they couldn't follow. Valley of Death?


A wick burning in oil, a laptop, and a Gamecube surround a hospital bed. Some people are standing around it talking...a man wonders how much gas Sumaru took in. By god it's the lackeys...so this masked man must be...


Damn I can believe it. He put him in a state of suspended animation so he didn't take in any gas. The flunkies are still shaken, they knew he'd do this to bait the trap but this is still a member of the village. The deputy knew these two didn't have the nerve for real hench work. Well it's too late their hands are too dirty to play the saint now. They'll just make them think the other mask ninja took the boy and let them sort out the star.


Neji is looking around the room of sleeping trainees When he notices Mizura. Hokuto tells him that he didn't go along today because he wasn't feeling well after training. Neji takes a closer look with his magic eyes and yeah, basically what you'd expect. The kid hears all this talking about him and stands up saying no one can afford to rest at a time like this. He stumbles around for a bit before Hokuto puts her arms around his to steady him. Yeah, he's not doing so well. She tells him to rest as he tries to shrug her off.


Sumaru is having ether dreams. He chases after his parents only for them to disappear. The Hoshikage appears and tells him not to cry. Your parents died defending the star and the village. There is a treasure that can only be seen from the Village Hidden in the Stars. If you would claim your shinobi birthright then the village and the star are yours to defend. Make them proud, eh. He stirs and says "Lord Hoshikage." The real masked thief is hiding in a wooded grove and puts the star back in their satchel. Naruto is carving a walking stick using his kunai. He's satisfied and ties a bell to it. Neji comes over and tells Naruto the bad news...as Hokuto looks on. Mizura is not going to make it. He looked inside him and even as he rests his chakra is working in overdrive. It's too much for his body and his systems will soon fail. Are you serious, his own chakra will kill him? Hokuto has had enough and explains the obvious truth to them. Most ninja can't handle the star chakra and are unable to control the surge of energy. The third Hoshikage stopped the training because it was so dangerous. Neji asks why they resumed and it's because of Akahoshi who resumed the training six months ago. Naruto says that is crazy, someone must get him to stop. Hokuto disagrees saying that it is an honor to get the training and that it is necessary to protect the village. They'd sacrifice anything to become a Hidden Star Shinobi, even their own lives. Naruto grits his teeth and says unbelievable.


Akahoshi makes some handsigns and attaches something to a pigeon using his purple chakra and wonders if this will get the attention of Natsuhi. A rock on a plateau is moving all by itself. It's the hidden base of our now unmasked thief Natsuhi. She asks someone named Hotarubi to protect the star and protect Sumaru before sealing it with some handsigns. She closes the rock and notices the pidgeon with Akahoshi's chakra. I guess it worked. She ropes in the bird with her own chakra. The trainees are having a rough night and Mizura notices the staff that Naruto made for him, inspiring a mini FLASHBACK. Naruto wants him to use it until he gets better. All alone he cries and thanks Naruto saying that he never will. Hokuto is washing her face outside before returning in. The genin are talking abotu Mizura. He's stable for now says Twenty and Lee says everything for now is all right. Naruto cuts a promo though, something is not alright, not by a long shot. Hokuto and Mizura, always talking about what's right for the village, Sumaru too. What about what's right for them! Hokuto waves as she brings in the water bucket and Naruto waves back. Neji wants to know what he means. Naruto understands their sentiment as he'd do anything for his friends and villagers, even give up his life. Neji says of course, we all would. Lee says Right. Naruto says enough philosophizing. Twenty implies that the trainees would be better off if they didn't get the star back. Lee thinks she has a point. Naruto explains the conundrum; if they have the star they can protect the village...and put their lives at risk with the training. This still sounds less dumb than the Village Hidden in the Mist to me. Naruto starts running his hands in his hair and gives up, it's too confusing. Neji says we fulfill our mission which is to protect the star. We need to get it back and what they do with it afterwards is none of our affair. We'll figure out some way to monkey paw our way out of it later. Neji orders Lee and Twenty to tail the village leader. Once again? says Lee. He wants to know why the flying ninja kidnapped Sumaru and risked the Valley of Death. Naruto says that is a good question.


Neji brings up that the Shinobi who grabbed the star had a completely different chakra then the one who grabbed Sumaru. The other three are shook. Yes, they are two different shinobi. Naruto wonders what that means and Neji tells him that this mission is far more complicated than they thought. Day breaks as Akahoshi waits for someone. It's the thief who comes flying in landing on a nearby cliff. As I expected, very impressive Ninja Art:Kujaku, lady Natsuhi. He has her boy and she wants him back. First he wants the star back. Not until she gets the boy. Not until he gets the star. Very well, he's going to take it from her. She laughs, as if he could. He goes on saying that after she left a few of them secretly continued their training. She laughs some more, you think you finished the star training all on your own. You're about to learn I'm more than a match for you. Ninja Art: Kujaku, Beast. She left him no choice as she answers in kind. Her beast overwhelms his in seconds. He calls for his flunkies by name, Yotaka and Shisou. She is surprised and wonders what his plan is. She'll have to stay and find out. Neji detects this massive flow of Chakra when Naruto asks what is up. Someone else is here though. It's the newly named flunkies. Akahoshi has the thief caught and they must help. You got it, says Naruto. The shinobi is powerful and Akahoshi is alone. Leave it to us says Naruto.


No one is here at Akahoshi's, quips Lee. He learned the way of the ceiling ninja. Twenty notices their presence is faint so they must have left some time ago. Time to infiltrate. Lee makes a hand sign and performs Ninja Art: Phantom Jutsu in a moment straight out of Rock Lee's Amazing Pals...Since when could Lee use ninjutsu? He just moved really fast into the room and opened the door, giving the all clear. She's so shook she falls to the balcony upside down. They continue their search for clues. It's very suspecious. A medical ninja closes a nearby door and looks at the chart.


Oh no thinks Lee. Oh boy thinks Twenty. He thought he heard something. Twenty is looking into the room, she sees someone but can't quite make them out at first. Then they are shook at the realization. It's Sumaru! Back to the purple chakra fight. She wants to know why he resumed the training after the third banned it. She's the reason why. Just look at how powerful your Kujaku is. Imagine an army of a hundred or even ten ninja as strong as she is. They'd be enough to outmatch the five great shinobi villages (eeeeeeeh, no) and gives her the standard villain let's work together in this evil goal talk. She remembers all the pain and suffering the students went through in a small FLASHBACK.


It hurts, it hurts. Why does my body feel like its on fire. Make it stop, make it stop. Kids fainting and asking for help. ENOUGH. She's crying. That horror must never be repeated and if he thinks she'll ever let him start that again. He begs off and trips, telling her to remember he has Sumaru. She gasps and stops momentarily from killing him. She won't do it as long as he has the boy. Neji and Naruto are approaching. The ninja is closing in on Akahoshi says Neji. Yeah, well I'm about to close in on him. Don't worry, Naruto has a plan. He'll neutralize his chakra (more of a Neji thing to do come to think of it...) and Neji will take care of the rest. They need to be careful though. Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. The lady says so him again as she sends the beast out who wipes the floor with the shadow clones. As Neji suspected that chakra ain't nothing to fuck with. But where is the real Naruto as she looks to the sky...


and not at the rock right in front of her. Shoryuken. Neji sees, it wasn't a crude frontal assault at all, those clones were an elaborate ruse. Akahoshi and his goons are thrilled. The mask flies off revealing a pretty woman. Naruto is surprised. The Leaf brat actually did it and Akahoshi has decided to take stock of his good fortune and kill Natsuhi while he has the chance, he can look for the star later. Ninja Art:Kujaku BEAST. Neji tells Naruto to look out as he and the women are knocked down the cliff. Mizura is back with Hokuto at the well. The bells rang for no reason and Hokuto asks him if anything is wrong. No, it's nothing but he's worried about Naruto. Sumaru calls out for his mother from his hospital bed as the two fall into the Valley of Death.




Read a little Soul Eater Not to figure out what it was like. How the heck are they going to handle Kim being a major role in the story (kinda)? It makes liberal use of a plot point they never even let into Bones Eater. There's hope for Resonance yet...


Read a little Soul Eater Not to figure out what it was like. How the heck are they going to handle Kim being a major role in the story (kinda)? It makes liberal use of a plot point they never even let into Bones Eater. There's hope for Resonance yet...

Soul Eater Not has that plot point in it? That'll be a pretty big spoiler for people who have just seen the anime, and it will be pretty confusing lol.


hey what's the title of the Sym Bionic Titan episode I missed a couple days ago? The ones on Adult Swim's site aren't numbered really.


Read a little Soul Eater Not to figure out what it was like. How the heck are they going to handle Kim being a major role in the story (kinda)? It makes liberal use of a plot point they never even let into Bones Eater. There's hope for Resonance yet...

Hmm, reading through her description on Wikipedia, now something makes a bit more sense in hindsight from the Soul Eater anime.

Spoilers for manga/anime:

It looked like she was riding a witch's broom during the big Brew fight when giving the signal to retreat. Sure it was just the way she was holding her Weapon, but it looked pretty witchy to me.


Hmm, reading through her description on Wikipedia, now something makes a bit more sense in hindsight from the Soul Eater anime.

Spoilers for manga/anime:

It looked like she was riding a witch's broom during the big Brew fight when giving the signal to retreat. Sure it was just the way she was holding her Weapon, but it looked pretty witchy to me.

The anime also alluded to her obsession with money; saying things like "I should charge for this" when everyone is huddled around Jackie for warmth. This is a nod to her
witch animal theme which is the tanuki
which is associated with wealth.


Seems like the main things Adult Swim will edit typically is "fuck" and frontal nudity (Space Dandy, Akira, Eva 1.11)


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Seems like the main things Adult Swim will edit typically is "fuck" and frontal nudity (Space Dandy, Akira, Eva 1.11)

AoT doesn't have frontal nudity (yes the Titans are naked, but they don't have sexual organs or nipples), and Funimation probably won't fill the dub with f-bombs so... there's no issues with editing.


Junior Member
Aside from language and nudity, Attack on Titan is more graphic and violent than Naruto, so I just figured there would be some edits.


Black Lagoon has way more adult shit in it than Attack on Titan does. AOT really isn't any more violent than other shows Toonami aired in the past, like Deadman Wonderland.


Oh, okay, cool. I must have missed Toonami when DW aired there.

I also didn't know it ever aired Akira uncensored.

Last December. Akira got some edits but it was only the one scene where there is some nudity and I believe some of the graffiti on the walls that had f-bombs. Attack on Titan doesn't have any of that so we should be good.
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