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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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I thought they were pretty fun. Kinda kept things fresh. Despite how much I love playing Phoenix Wright I tend to get bored with the cases after a while and have put off finishing PW3 because Danganronpa came out.

I liked the idea behind the objection system, but I hate how the games only way to make it difficult was to make your cursor drunk. I also hated how sometimes you'd have to pull a statement from later in an argument to object to an earlier one. I liked the segments where the word was on the tip of your tongue mostly for the music. The duels sucked hard core, they went on too long, weren't challenging or fun, and just killed the stories pacing when they popped up

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I know people love Danganronpa but the last game I'd quit because of it is PW3. God tier visual novel game there.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ

Man God

I'm gonna hold off on it until I beat DK TF, and then after I download and beat Link Between Worlds.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

Man God

I'm gonna hold off on it until I beat DK TF, and then after I download and beat Link Between Worlds.

Glad I could help.

Also glad I was able to push this conversation onto the next page. Sorry about going off topic there though.
I too am waiting on DaganRonpa to lower in price. Also play Nintendoland Andrex, especially if you can get some family/friends in on it

edit: have a launch black 3ds and really at some point want to replace it with a midnight purple.
The urge to buy a 3DS has been hitting me a lot lately. That damn free game offer.

I just wish I could decide what model to get.

I'm happy with my basic model 3ds, don't care much for the xl's added size even if its battery is better and I want a folding screen for pocket ability and I like the 3d feature so 2ds is out. If neither of those things bother you then I'd go with the xl
I don't care that much for battery when I am hardly out and when I am I play for two hrs tops (mostly take it out for streetpassing anyways), but the XL is just too ugly and big for me to want.
The screen is the only thing that worries me about an XL. I hear the games look worse with a bigger screen.

I wish we got a middle model between the two instead of the damn 2DS.


Gives all the fucks
Once ya go black, ya never go back to other colors unless they're special editions that come out much later after you get a launch day system & makes you jealous that you didn't wait to get one of those since you don't have the money anymore & you have to deal with transferring your stuff over.
Once ya go black, ya never go back to other colors unless they're special editions that come out much later after you get a launch day system & makes you jealous that you didn't wait to get one of those since you don't have the money anymore & you have to deal with transferring your stuff over.

Forever red systems, once I can get a red one I drop my old version like a bad habit


I look at it like this:

1. I have 30 years of video game clutter already. I don't need any more boxes.
2. Nintendo games don't get any cheaper, however...
3. Atlus and Capcom, the two primary companies I also buy 3DS from, do sales all the time. Sales that are regularly better than retail.
4. Best Buy keeps giving me free money with these 20% off eshop cards.
5. Nintendo also will continue giving me free money with Wii U purchases for the rest of the year, an additional 10% back.
6. No state sales tax on digital goods...yet.
7. I don't trade in games unless I'm actually gaming the system by trading in something I can get bulk credit for.

So unless something isn't available digitally or is more than 40% percent off or so it doesn't make sense for me to go physical. Ever.

I've gone pretty much entirely digital for games on every system if I can.

Just a note- use google maps to find a Mcdonalds in Delaware, set that as your home location, and never pay sales tax on anything digital again.

3DS is pretty much the only system I still buy predominately physical carts for, though I do realize 3 of the last 5 games I have bought (Hakouki, Phoenix Wright and Inazuma Eleven) were all digital exclusives. I just don't want to put faith in Nintendo having any idea what they are doing with digital if I can avoid it. And i'm way more likely to give something a try that I don't think i'll like, such as Pokemon, if I can ship it to Amazon when I give up on it.

As for Vita, I have been buying retail more recently due to space constraints. I own over 50% OF EVERY FULL VITA GAME
(my god I can't believe I typed that), and probably more than that thanks to PS Plus, as well as over 50 PSP games, so naturally I need Sony to release a 1 TB memory card to fit everything- my current 32 gig plus 16 gig is comically tiny. I also don't want to deal with GCT, so if I really want a game the day it comes out, i'll stop by and purchase it on the way home from work.

Otherwise, i'm 100% digital on PS3, and obviously 100% digital on PC. The only time I buy collectors editions is if there is something of actual value in the box- I bought the Madden 25 collectors edition because it came with a season long pass for Sunday Ticket, for example, or if it's the only way to purchase said game (SMT4). Ive been downsizing a lot of crap I bought as a teenager- I shipped BassForever 20 YYH DVDs, I shipped another gaffer a nearly complete run of Eyeshield 21, I donated 90% of my CD collection this year- its so nice having less bullshit to worry about!

The urge to buy a 3DS has been hitting me a lot lately. That damn free game offer.

I just wish I could decide what model to get.

The original 3DS doesn't exist. Your only choices are the 3DS XL if you care about 3D and like the clamshell design, or the 2DS if you want to save money and don't care that it looks like a Fisher Price toy.

The one thing all of them have in common is the worlds crappiest batteries. Even in sleep mode, the 3DS XL dies after 4 or 5 days- contrast with the Vita, which you can leave in sleep mode with a game suspended for 2 weeks, and come back to find that its maybe used 20% of it's battery.


I prefer having physical copies. That said, manga takes up too much fucking room. Games are alright though

guys. guys. why does everyone look like they want to murder me in this Naruto opening


They butt hurt because The Sause rejected them.

I say Kenshin's dub is superior just because he's not obviously voiced by a woman

I've only seen an episode of this show, I heard the manga is better though.
huh, I could swear you can still easily find the regular model 3ds in many places and that it hasn't stopped being produced, I know at the very least best buy has purple and black available .


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Since we're semi on the subject, can the Wii U boot up and start a game fine without the GamePad nearby? I know I can control it using the Pro Controller, but I'm traveling across state lines this weekend and was wondering if I should even bring it (mostly since DK doesn't use it at all, but also because it's far inferior to the Pro Controller in general.)


No Scrubs
Since we're semi on the subject, can the Wii U boot up and start a game fine without the GamePad nearby? I know I can control it using the Pro Controller, but I'm traveling across state lines this weekend and was wondering if I should even bring it (mostly since DK doesn't use it at all, but also because it's far inferior to the Pro Controller in general.)

I doubt it. The pad has the menu on it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I doubt it. The pad has the menu on it.

X button on the Pro Controller switches it to the TV screen.

I fear a big honking error will appear and not let me do that if it can't find the GamePad, though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Remembrance: The Lost Page"


We begin with a cursed seal pulsating and a women in fishnets sweating...It's of course Anko. She's having a FLASHBACK while the lightning flashes outside of a teenage Anko on a dock, saying where a lot. "Where...am I?" By gawhd its Lord Orochimaru, who smiles at Anko. She's shut in a gigantic cage and is sweating buckets while running her nails across the hard granite floor, her cursed seal burns as Orochimaru laughs and... she wakes up.


Naruto is on his balcony the next day, zipping up his jumpsuit with the pendant underneath. Look out world, Naruto is gonna hit the ground running. Then again all his missions are so lame these days (an admission of filler guilt?!?) When he sees Sakura walking with...Ino Pig!


Ino is complaining about something while Sakura is going on about being run ragged when Naruto runs up. "Speaking about being lazy... Stay sassy Ino. Naurto retorts that she just sits around the flower shop all day and he wants to know where his bros Shikamaru and Choji are. They are off with Asuma-Sensei. Ino wishes she was out there. Ino had a cold and couldn't make it even though she's better now. She needs to blow off some steam and Naurto suggests training, but at Ino's house unless she has a training partner or a mission she's working the floor. Keep on that hustle Ino's parents. Naruto brings it by dismissing that, saying she'd just skip the training if she went to do it on her own. Ino is flustered by this, maybe it hit too close to home, though she says she trains by herself all the time. "Naruto." From out of nowhere.


OH SHIT IT'S SHINO. That was scary. The Hokage wants Ino and Naruto and himself for a mission. The Hokage is talking to Anko about a creature terrorizing their neighbors in the Land of the Sea. They call it the demon of the sea. Anko is noticeably flustered and the fourth asks is she can handle it. She gets herself together and Shizune gives her the rundown. She pulls down a screen with a map. Land of the Seas is a bunch of islands, lately something has been terrorizing their commercial shipping and she demonstrates this with a stick figure puppet show!


Like so! All the survivors swear it is some demon of the sea and since they have no ninja village they have a military alliance with the Land of Water...but their latest payment got hijacked by the demon. They are calling on the Leaf to stop this monster before things get worse. She has assigned Anko a support team and what do you know, they've arrived.


"What the, you're that Psycho Proctor from the Chunin exams!" FLASHBACK. She smiles and says it feels like yesterday. Ino points and uses her full name and honorific, Anko Mitarashi Sensei? The hokage cuts off this nonsense, using full names for the Genin and ordering them under the command of Anko. Naruto and Ino are worried about this mashup. Hokage doesn't want no back talk and thinks their specific abilities are perfect for the task. Put those talents to good use and get it done. Shizune with the internal monologue and eye roll tells the story you're all expecting. These three are the only ones left besides her new apprentice Sakura and the Hokage starts laughing. Naruto figures it out but Anko orders them to get their gear and pinches Naruto's cheek. Tsunade tells Anko to be careful as she leaves the office.


The four meet at the gate and Ino is studying the mission briefing "Demon of the ocean, half man, half fish." Naruto says they need their eye's checked but Shino brings up ninja, possibly using genjutsu. Anko doesn't care what it is only that it's their job to get to the bottom of it. They're heading towards Mother Island and they need to chart a boat. Naruto cheers and heads off while Ino wonders why he is always so gungho and that she has a bad feeling about all this. Tsunade is stroking her pig in the office and Shizune brings her some tea. Shizune is worried about Anko. Did something happen in the past? "Sort of." Shizune picks up her file and gasp, lots of blanks in her mission record from age ten on. Anko was one of Orochimaru's genin, remember. REDACTED files. Some of them says the 4th, some of them they have no record of. Orochimaru cooked Anko's memory before leaving.


The four have made it to the Land of the Seas and the wind starts blowing, leaving Anko legit shook into a FLASHBACK. A windy mountain pass with a red arch, gritting her teeth, her curse mark goes red. A young Anko running from snakes toward the red arch. Her in a hallway. A room full of jars of experiments. She looks like she is about to gag as she comes back and orders the kids to charter a boat as she disappears. Naruto no-sells her struggle while Ino reluctantly follows behind. Shino watches her go until Ino prods him into action. Meanwhile Anko is worried about her cursed seal, it only hurts when Lord Voldemort is around. She reaches a nearby cliff and has another attack...of FLASHBACKS! Teenage (aka Laura Bailey putting in more work) Anko is standing their with Orochimaru naming the islands, Mother, Toro, Jiro. The last one is Demon island. "Certainly done your homework" says good guy Orochimaru. She'll need to be smart if she wants to be like Orochimaru, who laughs semi maniacally at this. She's been here before!


A bandaged girl is getting paid by a man for some fish. The girl seemingly can't speak and she seems mad about the payment. Ino steps in saying that is some high quality fish. He swears he isn't underpaying her but adds the excuse that customers have been scarce because of the whole demon thing. Ino wants to continue but the girl bows and leaves. Naruto wonders about the bandages and wants to know if she's injured. The man says she isn't but there is something...wrong about her. She's a diver from Mother Island. Ino wants to know why she'd sell her fish here on the mainland and the man explains that the people of the island won't do business with her. She was taken away by spirits! One day a bunch of islanders vanished and she was the only one to return. As the main narrates this a bunch of kids give her faces while others run away from her. She's a monster! They say she's living alone outside the village. The man says with her bandaged look and her obvious curse it's not hard to feel on edge. Ino can see that but looks back to see Naruto is gone. Good guy Naruto can't leave well enough alone.


We cut to the girl with a bag of vegetables being surrounded by two men in an alley. She drops an apple and the one in front squashes it and then gut punches her. Naruto can't stand it any longer brother and the two men jump off ninja style. Naruto asks if she is ok. "Yeah." He asks if she is from Mother Island. "No." but then she notices the headband...a ninja! Naruto tries to help her with her groceries but she says "that's ok" scoops them up and bolts. Shino and Ino are at the docks. No more boats today. Sun isn't even down yet complains Ino. No one at this ferry company will risk it. Shino asks for another way and the ferryman says they could borrow his skiff. Night has fallen as Naruto catches up with them. Shino says he could have told them he was running off and Ino compares him to their lost squad leader.


Naruto takes offense at being compared to that screwball! Anko draws a kunai to Naruto's throat and wants to know who he is talking about. Ino calls her a loose cannon! Good job on the boat as Ino asks her where she has been. Gathering information she says as she asks if they are ready. The two ninja who assaulted the girl are watching them. Leaf Shinobi, must have been asked to take care of the demon. They want to give their new guests a proper welcome then! (That guy has Shino's/Kenshin's VA, that he does.) It's getting dark as Naruto is rowing the boat. Ino wants to know where he gets all that energy from as it's already dark. Naruto says it's all mental (and having a fox inside of you, and being born into it...) and worries about Sakura keeping up with this monster. Anko chuckles as the boat is shook. Naruto thinks it is rocks as Shino comes back to help him. A vortex has formed in front as...a giant stretchy fleshy arm grabs Ino!


Anko sends some Striking Shadow Snakes to try and grab her back and when that fails she jumps into the water to grab her. Shino tells Naruto to forget about the boat and they all start walking on water. Anko didn't expect them to attack so soon and Naruto decides he needs a bit of aquatic help with this one so he performs the SUMMONING JUTSU. He's counting on the chief toad...and gets our buddy Gamakichi. Gamakichi isn't happy to see him. Naruto tries again and you guessed it, gets the dopey one. Naruto wants to know why the chief won't show and Kichi tells them, they're fresh water frogs. Salt water and frogs don't mix. Naruto gives up. Anko asks Shino to hold Ino as she runs up catching a stretchy arm. Fire Style, Dragon Flame Jutsu. Roasted. Water Clone. Stretchy arm gets Anko by the neck. "Let your guard down."


So did you as he gets a flying spin kick to the back of the head. As Naruto lands another ninja gets him by the ankle. Glowing water full nelson. He's siphoning off his chakra and using a breathing mask. Anko dives down to find him. The frogs are on Naruto's back. Too much salt makes them itchy. Oh boy, the two Ninja have him. Anko, Ino, Shino aren't far behind. Glasses guy is going to use the stolen chakra to good use. Water Style: Furious Current Jutsu as he makes a whirlpool. Naruto is sucked down...including some Shadow clones out of nowhere. He hits his head on a rock as bandage girl comes down to give him the breathe of life and helps him to the surface.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Closed Door"



Time to watch.

I recently saw a Sakura/Ino filler that had Ino hold Sakuras hand and Sakura get all happy about it. OTP confirmed.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shouldn't Anko's chest be a wee bit bigger?


Also wow, tons of interesting posts related to this episode popped up while I was editing it.

Yes, Naruto opening seven is good times. Yes, everyone wants to kill you GMN, Especially kid Ino/Sakura. The only thing I don't like about it is how off spec Tsunade looks without lipstick. Looks like a generic off brand rip off.

Kenshin's VA (who also worked on Digimon, is Shino in the Naruto dub, did a ton of voices in Trigun) is far superior in English, that he is. The rest of the cast is a complete mixed bag though with some of the minor roles being downright laughably bad. Kind of like a slightly better Gundam Wing in that way with the mixed and sometimes hilarious results.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm trying not to comment on filler as it is ongoing in the process but I can't stay silent on this.

Besides how abrupt the ending was (seriously where did those shadow clones come from) this was by far the best serious episode of filler yet. I remember this arc starting strong but didn't think it started this well. A damn fine episode.
i've been watching one piece from the begging again on hulu and I don't really have much to say other than god damn why does hulu have freaking FIVE ads at each break now, goddamn crazy.


Hulu Plu only has like 2 ads for me, still pretty annoying though.

Every time I watch an anime on there I get a Hot Pockets ad too.
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