Now you have to wait weekly like the rest of us.
That feel when you thought something happened and the manga's back only to remember "anime, duh".

Now you have to wait weekly like the rest of us.
Weekly sounds like heaven for the people who read the manga :lol
They wanted it to be the next DBZ, so they tried repeating the things they did with DBZ.
Seriously though, I hope this is something good
It pretty much was the next DBZ for a while. Then Shippuden just came in and left as soon as possible, where as Kai came to Nicktoons and captured a new generation.
It still blows my mind that DBZ is more popular now than it was when I was growing up. I remember watching it on Toonami and the Midnight Run back in the day. Now it's on NickToons and Vortex shows two episodes every Saturday. Plus it's on Hulu for streaming.
Kids today don't know the pain of watching the Vegeta and Frieza saga over and over and over and over again. Goku turns super saiyan on Monday, oh look Raditz again on Tuesday.
We'll see what kind of staying power Naruto has. It definitely is the most prominent anime of last decade in popularity. Tons of merchandise and games, but it just doesn't feel like reached that DBZ level yet.
It's weird how new anime being prominent in North America has stagnated. Right now is the absolute best time in history to be an anime fan because of how easily accessible it is. We went from trading VHS copies, to dvds, to torrents. Now things are streamed the same week they air in Japan, legally! But I turn on the tv and it's all stuff from 2003 and earlier. Original Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, DBZ, even looking at Toonami, these episodes of Naruto are a decade old now...
The death of Toonami sure as hell didn't help anything. Also 4Kids ruining One Piece hurt as well, it could have easily been the next DBZ considering it was that and more in Japan.
They just brought over anything and charged way too much for it. I'm sure we'll see a resurgence at some point, but not for a while. The market was just too saturated.
Greetings Toonami-GAF. After spending the day at Wizard World, I return home to some sad news. Soul Eater (the original manga) has come to an end. 113 monthly chapters.
The fact that after 113 chapters apparently we never get to seemakes me rage.Maka and Soul kiss
Greetings Toonami-GAF. After spending the day at Wizard World, I return home to some sad news. Soul Eater (the original manga) has come to an end. 113 monthly chapters.
People who read the Soul Eater manga and follow things in Japan: what's the realistic chance of Soul Eater "Brotherhood"?
We'll see what kind of staying power Naruto has. It definitely is the most prominent anime of last decade in popularity. Tons of merchandise and games, but it just doesn't feel like reached that DBZ level yet.
It's weird how new anime being prominent in North America has stagnated. Right now is the absolute best time in history to be an anime fan because of how easily accessible it is. We went from trading VHS copies, to dvds, to torrents. Now things are streamed the same week they air in Japan, legally! But I turn on the tv and it's all stuff from 2003 and earlier. Original Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, DBZ, even looking at Toonami, these episodes of Naruto are a decade old now...
The only show 4kids didn't ruin completely was Yu-Gi-Oh, if anything they're total existence as a company is justified because it gave us that dub which spawned abridged anime.
People who read the Soul Eater manga and follow things in Japan: what's the realistic chance of Soul Eater "Brotherhood"?
On the topic of Toonami, David Williams [of Sentai] said I want to sell every show to Cartoon Network.
Getting anime onto a high-rated channel is every distributor's wet dream. After the failures of literally every other anime block (G4's Anime Unleashed and Syfy's weekly blocks in particular), I gotta imagine they're chomping at the bit to be on something as high profile as Adult Swim.
It's good to have things back to "normal." (IMO, CN/Toonami was always the number one place for anime back in the day.)
did anime unleashed actually fell? I always thought they got rid of it just simply because they didnt care for it anymore (and it was one block out of some other shows that didnt carry over after G4 took over) they were kinda rerunning the same 6 or so shows though, 6 or so fantastic shows(gungrave the best anime of all time) but 6 or so shows nonetheles
Never heard of it. Clearly you must be thinking of IGPX.
Both the manga and the anime made it pretty clear that theyThe fact that after 113 chapters apparently we never get to seemakes me rage. Will marathon the manga once the anime reaches the point where it goes into filler land.Maka and Soul kiss
Syfy got some great shows (Monster, Noein, Gurren Lagann, Macross Plus, etc.), but they ran that block TERRIBLY. There were three times as many commercials as Adult Swim, and they would cut actual show content in EVERY episode of most shows, squish things for banner ads or have massive watermark ads for things like Ghost Hunters, and then run commercials over the end credits. They would frequently come back from commercial with characters in mid-sentence (and occasionally even mid-word). In Gurren Lagann they even cut out several minutes' worth of the climactic final battle.
It was nice to have a place for those shows on a relatively widely available network other than AS, but Syfy treated those shows like dogshit.
That sounds an awful lot like what they did with Doctor Who.
Honestly 4 Kids did a better job with Pokémon than they did with Yu-Gi-Oh. Most of it has to do with slightly better voice acting and having less stuff that needed to be edited.
probably nothing, but thought it was worth bringing up due to DeMarco's tweet earlier and we're going with "the sky is the limit" here
probably nothing, but thought it was worth bringing up due to DeMarco's tweet earlier and we're going with "the sky is the limit" here
Indeed, it's very impressive and they likely have a lot of cache with distributors now. However it's also important to keep perspective, Toonami is still quite a ways off from its golden days. We're not going to see any "Invader"-like original CG vignettes, or bankrolling entire seasons (Big O) or series (IGPX) just yet.
We can hope that will be the case someday, though!
I think the turning point was when the block expanded from 3 hours to 6 last October. IMO that ended the Toonami revival "experiment." Then with the Wreck-It-Ralph and Oblivion cross-promos earlier this year just cemented it.
any of these shows worthwhile?
any of these shows worthwhile?
Angel Links is a (fucking terrible) spin-off of Outlaw Star.
any of these shows worthwhile?
sCRYed is terrible but could be entertaining as hell with ToonamiGAF, like DMW.
Well Cowboy Bebop just got picked up by FUNimation.