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Toonami |OT8| Our Summer War Game

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The whole problem with the WiiU is that every 3rd party has bailed- Warner and Ubi were the only ones left, and the sales information in the NPD this month- Batman and Assassin's Creed on WiiU accounted for about 1% of each games respective sales, meaning they are likely to bail. Its back to Nintendo exclusives only, and considering how slow Nintendo are at cranking them out, it's going to suck. I can't in good faith reccomend a system to someone for 300 dollars when they are going to buy no more than 2 or 3 games per year for the system. The Wii audience that loved Wii Sports has moved on to iPad.

And the worst part is, Nintendo did a terrible job engineering the system. It apparently costs $180 to make the WiiU, with 50 of that going to the controller. Unless they can get the cost down, it's going to have to be more than 200 dollars, to account for the fact that Nintendo refuses to loose money on hardware and the cut for distributors/R&D/stores. They should have found a way to make the system cheaper- the 360 cost less to make when it came out 8 years ago, and the hardware inside this thing isn't appreciably more powerful.

wait, shit, this isn't the gaming side. nvm


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but do Sony and Microsoft first party even really have this vaunted steady stream of new IPs everyone's always clamoring for from Nintendo? Is anyone really up for another rush of Brute Forces and Blinx the Time Cats and whatever the fuck turned up in Playstation All Stars that wasn't taken from third parties?

Agreed on the account system/online infrastructure bullshit though.


Or you could prevent a possible "death" by buying a Wii U?

See, I hate this mindset.
"It looks good, but it's going to bomb so I better not buy it" Well, it won't bomb if you actually do buy it, meaning we won't have this conversation. So many assholes did this in Wonderful 101 threads.

Agreed. This is literally the worst mentality on GAF. It's one thing if you know you wont' have the time to play any games soon or if you are really that broke. But if you have the time/money, buy the fucking game! Support games/developers that interest you!

Nintendo needs to give consumers a reason to support it other than nostalgia and brand loyalty

Agreed, which is why the machine has been struggling. Real talk though? WiiU current/upcoming lineup shits all over the PS4 and Xbone launch window lineup (IMO obviously). I have no idea what people want to play on those machines that justify jumping on at launch other than hype.

If I wasn't going to be swamped with work over the next two months and probably spend more time out of state than at home, I'd probably pick up a WiiU. I'll pick up a PS4 when KH3 hits. Xbone can die in a fire.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but do Sony and Microsoft first party even really have this vaunted steady stream of new IPs everyone's always clamoring for from Nintendo? Is anyone really up for another rush of Brute Forces and Blinx the Time Cats and whatever the fuck turned up in Playstation All Stars that wasn't taken from third parties?

Agreed on the account system/online infrastructure bullshit though.
This generation Last generation Sony gave us:

Heavenly Sword
Beyond Two Souls
Heavy Rain
The Last of Us
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale
Eye of Judgement
White Knight Chronicles

And that's just off the top of my head. Nintendo needs to stop coasting on the success of a few established franchises.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but do Sony and Microsoft first party even really have this vaunted steady stream of new IPs everyone's always clamoring for from Nintendo? Is anyone really up for another rush of Brute Forces and Blinx the Time Cats and whatever the fuck turned up in Playstation All Stars that wasn't taken from third parties?

Agreed on the account system/online infrastructure bullshit though.

(All this is from the top of my head)
Sony IP that people actually care about right now

Grand Turismo
God of War
MLB The Show (now the only baseball game)
Ratchet and Clank

Legacy IP that could be revived:
Twisted Metal
Jak and Daxter
Resistance (not sure if sony of Insomniac own IP)
Ape Escape
Syphon Filter
Sly Cooper
Motorstorm (#Driveclub is spiritual sucsessor)
Team ICO games

They also have a bunch of IP tied to handhelds (Patapon, Locoroco), with low value and no chance to bring back (Heavenly Sword, Genji), and a bunch of RPGs they have no interest in reviving (Legend of Dragoon, Folklore)

Microsoft IP
Gears of War
Forza Motorsport
Kinect Sports and the ilk
Perfect Dark

Revivable IP:
Viva Pinata
Nintey-Nine Nights
Project Gotham Racing

The thing is, it isn't the exclusives that are the real issue. Its the games that will come out on PS4/XB1 but not WiiU, and in some cases, not on PC. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid 5, Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3, you are shit out of luck unless you buy a XB1 or PS4.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Didn't we recently get a new Twisted Metal and Sly Cooper? Those don't exactly need to be "revived" now.


The thing is, it isn't the exclusives that are the real issue. Its the games that will come out on PS4/XB1 but not WiiU, and in some cases, not on PC. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid 5, Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3, you are shit out of luck unless you buy a XB1 or PS4.

Point, that's the real deal.

Just for completeness's sake I went through the Nintendo list of new IP since 2001 (since that's when Halo launched, which is down on the Microsoft side of the fence).
I didn't count stuff that was retooling of existing franchises, like ExiteTruck, Warioware, or Metroid Prime.

Animal Crossing (in NA)
Advance Wars
Golden Sun
Another Code/Trace Memories
Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents
Style Savvy
Steel Diver
Dillon's Rolling Western
Denpa Men
Eternal Darkness
'Wii' lineup (Wii Fit, Wii Party, Wii Music, Wii Sports) + NintendoLand (?)
Sing Party (?)
Brain Training/Big Brain Academy
Endless Ocean
Rhythm Heaven
Xenoblade Chronicles
Pandora's Tower

Hmmm. Looks like a lot of games/new IP, but many of them I completely forgot existed at all.


Master of the Google Search
You know what I haven't done in a while? Update the Toonami ending dates!
Assuming that December will remove all five premiere shows, here's what the tentative end dates look like now.

Naruto: November 30th 2013 (Confirmed)
Sword Art Online: February 15th 2014
Soul Eater: March 15th 2014
Bleach: October 11th 2014


FLCL ("First" run): November 30th, 2013
FMA: Brotherhood: February 1st, 2014
IGPX (Run #183): April 12th, 2014
Inuyasha: June 14th, 2014
GitS (1st GIG only): April 19th, 2014
GitS (2nd GIG): October 18th, 2014
Clone Wars: Depends on how Jar-Jar's feeling
You had to go back to 2001 to get a list that big which should tell you something.

Edit: Not to mention you referenced handheld franchises/downloadable titles which I didn't. You're going to lose a list war, Nintendo doesn't develop a lot of new IPs and Wii ___ mini game collections hardly count.

Still, Microsoft is the worst of the bunch


I've come to realize that IP List wars are pretty pointless because literally everytime I've seen someone compile a Nintendo IP list, people have always come in with "those don't count" for "reasons" or they aren't "hardcore" enough. I mean it's fine not to care about a particular IP (some one the ones mentioned above are great and some I couldn't care if they never had a new entry in the series) but you (not talking about anyone specially in this thread, just in general) don't get to say they don't count.

Also, lets not pretend the Nintendo 1st party IP catalog isn't >>> the 1st party IP catalog of either other company. It's the third party games that have pushed the PS3 and 360 over the edge.


Point, that's the real deal.

Just for completeness's sake I went through the Nintendo list of new IP since 2001 (since that's when Halo launched, which is down on the Microsoft side of the fence).
I didn't count stuff that was retooling of existing franchises, like ExiteTruck, Warioware, or Metroid Prime.

Hmmm. Looks like a lot of games/new IP, but many of them I completely forgot existed at all.

If we want to count download stuff (I didn't do that for 360 or PS3), then there are a ton of games to add to both lists

Also, lets not pretend the Nintendo 1st party IP catalog isn't >>> the 1st party IP catalog of either other company. It's the third party games that have pushed the PS3 and 360 over the edge.

There are significantly fewer Nintendo IP I care about more than Sony IP. For Nintendo, I really only care about Zelda and Picross.


Master of the Google Search
You got your Console Warz in my Toonami!

You got your Toonami in my Console Warz!

Two great tastes that taste ehhhhhh together


fine, nintendo's doomed, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming

There are significantly fewer Nintendo IP I care about more than Sony IP. For Nintendo, I really only care about Zelda and Picross.

Complete opposite for me. Ever since MGS went multiplatform there hasn't been a single Sony-exclusive IP I've given a shit about. Persona I guess maybe, but if Catherine is any indication that'll probably go multiplat for P5.
fine, nintendo's doomed, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming
Nobody is saying Nintendo is doomed, just listing legitimate complaints.

But yeah, we should probably leave the console debate to the gaming side.

I'm gonna pick up a six pack in preparation for the pre show.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
FLCL ("First" run): November 30th, 2013
FMA: Brotherhood: February 1st, 2014
IGPX (Run #183): April 12th, 2014
Inuyasha: June 14th, 2014
GitS (1st GIG only): April 19th, 2014
GitS (2nd GIG): October 18th, 2014
Clone Wars: Depends on how Jar-Jar's feeling

Damn man, you're keeping better track of this than I do. I didn't count the repeat stuff since I felt that would repeat endlessly.
And Clone Wars since we don't know when we'll get a Jar Jar episode that will be skipped.
FLCL ("First" run): November 30th, 2013
FMA: Brotherhood: February 1st, 2014
IGPX (Run #183): April 12th, 2014
Inuyasha: June 14th, 2014
GitS (1st GIG only): April 19th, 2014
GitS (2nd GIG): October 18th, 2014
Clone Wars: Depends on how Jar-Jar's feeling

i wonder how long they have the rights to Clone Wars for. that can run for two years, but i don't think they have the rights for that long.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Do you think Toonami could ever show the Berserk movies, of course with censorship.

Probably not.
Since people here said Hellsing Ultimate would be too much, I imagine the Berserk movies would be just as bad.


Well, I was thinking KLK would be too much, but then they aired that... King Star King thing... and, well, yeah. Who even knows anymore.

The real reason they shouldn't air the Beserk movies, or at least the new Beserk movies, is because they look like ass.


Well, I was thinking KLK would be too much, but then they aired that... King Star King thing... and, well, yeah. Who even knows anymore.

Maybe this is purely a 4Kids thing, but wasn't it a deal where an american cartoon could show something that would be edited out of an anime? I know that was true about guns, for example (look at One Piece and YGO, for example)
Do you think Toonami could ever show the Berserk movies, of course with censorship.

the first two might be ok with some cuts, but there's no way in hell the third one can air.

Jintor said:
The real reason they shouldn't air the Beserk movies, or at least the new Beserk movies, is because they look like ass.

this is unfortunately the case with all Berserk animation.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Maybe this is purely a 4Kids thing, but wasn't it a deal where an american cartoon could show something that would be edited out of an anime? I know that was true about guns, for example (look at One Piece and YGO, for example)

That was likely just 4Kids.

the first two might be ok with some cuts, but there's no way in hell the third one can air.

this is unfortunately the case with all Berserk animation.

Miura's artwork just doesn't translate to animation somehow.


There are significantly fewer Nintendo IP I care about more than Sony IP. For Nintendo, I really only care about Zelda and Picross.

TLOU was a pretty big feather in Sony's Cap (though Team Ico pretty much skipped a gen unfortunately) but from a general sales and critical acclaim/recognition I feel the sum of Nintendo 1st party IPs > Sonys 1st party IPs. I'd probably need to do some more research to make the statement more definitive. I won't argue your personal preference, that's a fine stance to take.

You had to go back to 2001 to get a list that big which should tell you something.

Edit: Not to mention you referenced handheld franchises/downloadable titles which I didn't. You're going to lose a list war, Nintendo doesn't develop a lot of new IPs and Wii ___ mini game collections hardly count.

Still, Microsoft is the worst of the bunch

I don't get the first bolded. Mircosoft comes off looking even worse if we only look at the last generation and even Sony ends up losing some IPs.

As for the second bolded, this is what I was talking about earlier and it really annoys me. I could give two shits about most of the Wii___ games. That doesn't mean that those games didn't win Nintendo, from a sales perspective, the last console gen or that they didn't heavily influence the market around them. The Kinect, which gave the 360 its second wind in the states, wouldn't have existed sans the Wii ______ series. Just becuase you don't like them doesn't mean they don't count.

Nobody is saying Nintendo is doomed, just listing legitimate complaints.

Don't misunderstand, there are things Nintendo deserve heavy criticism for. The poor 3rd party situation, high price (of sale + manufacture), poor marketing, outdated online infrastructure, etc. are all legit complaints. Their 1st party output however still remains amongst the best in the business.

Anyway, I don't want to derail any further. Just wanted to make those last few points. Sorry if things got a bit heated, you guys are cool :)


It annoys me that I care so much about this console wars bullshit when I know objectively I shouldn't. Corporations are not our friends, they're just corporations! I would love to interview some psychologists about this kind of thing. I wonder if it's similar to barracking for a sports team
Miura's artwork just doesn't translate to animation somehow.

i don't think it's that. the first Berserk anime looks fine in stills.....until you realize it's barely animated. the movies also look fine until you get a good look at the CGI. they just need to get a decent budget and somebody who's not gonna take shortcuts


Just caught the list of december films. Man, that's a hell of a lineup. Far, far better than I expected. Getting a Hosoda film especially excites me. Summer Wars might not be his best work, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun. Akira being in there as well is always good. Going to be a fun month.
Just realized I will be out of town the week Akira's playing, so I guess I'll go ahead and watch that one.

Looking forward to the rest.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Point, that's the real deal.

Just for completeness's sake I went through the Nintendo list of new IP since 2001 (since that's when Halo launched, which is down on the Microsoft side of the fence).
I didn't count stuff that was retooling of existing franchises, like ExiteTruck, Warioware, or Metroid Prime.

Animal Crossing (in NA)
Advance Wars
Golden Sun
Another Code/Trace Memories
Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents
Style Savvy
Steel Diver
Dillon's Rolling Western
Denpa Men
Eternal Darkness
'Wii' lineup (Wii Fit, Wii Party, Wii Music, Wii Sports) + NintendoLand (?)
Sing Party (?)
Brain Training/Big Brain Academy
Endless Ocean
Rhythm Heaven
Xenoblade Chronicles
Pandora's Tower

Hmmm. Looks like a lot of games/new IP, but many of them I completely forgot existed at all.

You forgot the last story

anyways man what did I miss in here while I took a nap
So apparently Asuna's undies don't fly in Taiwan:




I'll just make my final point and be done

Nintendo isn't doomed. WiiU might be. The 3DS has been a success ever since they corrected the price. My hope for Nintendo is that in 2 years, we get a new Nintendo system that is a handheld- and it is their ONLY system. They put all of their teams to work on games for the portable. You can make a settop box to wirelessly beam the games to your TV if you think that portable only is too radical. But it would be the best- Nintendo would not have to compete with Sony and Microsoft, and we would get more games. Everyone wins!
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