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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train


Rarely does waiting up all night for a megaton pan out but wow, I bet Dougie is getting a few phone calls right now
Or Doug is making the phone calls.

Throughout the reporting of this story, Doug Ford made several phone calls to Globe managers and reporters to complain about the questions being asked.

In November, 2011, he called a reporter in the evening to complain about the newspaper’s “yellow” and “gutter” journalism.

“I’m getting calls from people I haven’t talked to in 20 years,” he said. When asked why he was so upset, he responded that he objected to “the type of questions” being asked.

“This is going to get ugly,” he said, explaining that he was too “hot” at that moment to consider setting up a formal sit-down interview.

His call appeared to have been prompted by a brief interview The Globe had conducted that day, when a reporter asked a former associate about the RY Drifters – a group that he said never existed.

“It’s like a folk tale,” he said.
Not really, their saturday papers gets more readers than the weekday ones

Yeah but he won't be available to comment on weekends, so it gives the story and the public some time to cool down >_> And a lot of people don't read the news on weekends since they tend to be slow news days.

I didn't know that about their Saturday papers though. I was thinking of subscribing to G&M with their student pricing and thought the wekeend papers would be useless lol
Yeah but he won't be available to comment on weekends, so it gives the story and the public some time to cool down >_>

I didn't know that about their Saturday papers though. I was thinking of subscribing to G&M with their student pricing and thought the wekeend papers would be useless lol

Available to comment? The media is going to camp in front of his house or wherever he is this weekend

He also has strong business ties to Chicago so the US media might be hot on this too
Available to comment? The media is going to camp in front of his house or wherever he is this weekend

He also has strong business ties to Chicago so the US media might be hot on this too

They could have done that for Rob too and we didn't hear a peep from him the entire long weekend (thankfully the story was too strong to blow away). Notice how Ford held his conference on Friday afternoon and not sooner? Because he's going to be away from the press for the weekend.

I'm to sleepy to argue this haha. I usually wake up at this time and the birds are chirping. Goodnight TO-GAF :p
They could have done that for Rob too and we didn't hear a peep from him the entire long weekend (thankfully the story was too strong to blow away). Notice how Ford held his conference on Friday afternoon and not sooner? Because he's going to be away from the press for the weekend.

I'm to sleepy to argue this haha. I usually wake up at this time and the birds are chirping. Goodnight TO-GAF :p

They do have a radio show on Sunday.....haha....thats so cancelled


Meh. The Fords will release more ambiguous non-denial statements. There's no 'hard' proof. Moreover these aren't the type of allegations that can prompt a police or justice investigation. The Fords' conservative base will claim it's all a pinko/liberal conspiracy and rally around Doug and Rob again. Neither will hand in resignations. Both will be re-elected.

Please tell me I'm wrong about Toronto


Will QA for food.
Meh. The Fords will release more ambiguous non-denial statements. There's no 'hard' proof. Moreover these aren't the type of allegations that can prompt a police or justice investigation. The Fords' conservative base will claim it's all a pinko/liberal conspiracy and rally around Doug and Rob again. Neither will hand in resignations. Both will be re-elected.

Please tell me I'm wrong about Toronto

Both will probably be re-elected as councillors without issue (their Wards adore them both), although the Mayoral bid by Rob may be tough at this point. Doug Ford might be leaving for Ottawa soon too. I guess the G&M story could change how Hudak sees him though.



why did shit like this not turn up during the election campaign?
do mayor candidates not have any background checks or anything like that, wtf?
that's fucked up

side note:
anyone know where to get (preferably new) wiifit in toronto?
bestbuy/futureshop doesnt stock it anymore.
the only place i've seen them is at 1 random shoppers, at 99.99$


Im just sick of this family. I dont care anymore. It's pathetic. This is nothing but a distraction and a black eye to this city. The skeptical eye and hatred for these two will never go away until they are no longer in office. Just step down. Lets get on with our lives.

Or call the fucking election. Rob keeps threatening it. DO IT. Let the people decide.


Watched Book of Mormon earlier today and it really is just fucking hilarious. Believe the hype! Hope everyone's lucky enough to catch it before it leaves in a few weeks.


Canadians burned my passport
Watched Book of Mormon earlier today and it really is just fucking hilarious. Believe the hype! Hope everyone's lucky enough to catch it before it leaves in a few weeks.
I know right? I saw it last week and it was fucking amazing. Best stage show I've ever seen. Though I think tickets are hard to come by now.


What's with all the new community threads? Never had to hunt for this one before.

When's the next meetup, Kraftwerk? I know where we can score some crack.


Will QA for food.
What's with all the new community threads? Never had to hunt for this one before.

When's the next meetup, Kraftwerk? I know where we can score some crack.

They're actually moving over threads to Community like they said they were going to do years ago. Best solution is to SUBSCRIBE to the thread and just use your SUBSCRIPTIONS list at the top of the page to track it.


I would bang a hot farmer!
That would still make it difficult to find this thread. You are still poor but probably not dirty. Or maybe you are dirty but not poor :s
It doesn't make it difficult at all because it gets bumped to the top of my subscriptions any time someone posts in here.
Both will probably be re-elected as councillors without issue (their Wards adore them both), although the Mayoral bid by Rob may be tough at this point. Doug Ford might be leaving for Ottawa soon too. I guess the G&M story could change how Hudak sees him though.

I think you mean Queen's Park (not Ottawa).

I suspect that a solid opponent will make more of an issue of how much of a distraction the Mayor has been - and the lesser circulated (but ultimately, more important) issue of how little time Rob Ford actually has booked on his work schedule.

It's an easy line, and any opponent worth his/her spit should use it: "Some of us, if we don't show up for work, we get fired."
A caller on Ford's radio show asked why Rob was in the picture with the drug dealers, his response "I take pictures with everybody".

Also bashing Don Bosco because teachers leave work at 3PM. Hmm...
A caller on Ford's radio show asked why Rob was in the picture with the drug dealers, his response "I take pictures with everybody".

Also bashing Don Bosco because teachers leave work at 3PM. Hmm...

Unlike Ford, they have to be at work at 8am.....

And if they are alleged to be drug dealers or on drugs they'd be in a lot of shit


Teachers do a ridiculous amount of work on their own time that they don't get paid for, like writing up tests, then correcting them, and grading papers and stuff.


Teachers do a ridiculous amount of work on their own time that they don't get paid for, like writing up tests, then correcting them, and grading papers and stuff.
Lol they have paid time to do that during the school day. In fact they have a crazy amount of planning time each week.


Lol they have paid time to do that during the school day. In fact they have a crazy amount of planning time each week.

That's nonsense. Half the time they don't even get a proper lunch break because someone has to make sure the kids don't eat each other every minute of the day.
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