Ohhhh yeauhhhhh!
LolHa ha ha ha. I log into my wind account at the airport at one of these courtasy iPad thingies to add my $15/month unlimited us roaming add on and the ad at the top was for Rogers $5/day us roaming add on that doesn't include unlimited data.
This city is going to give me a heart attack. I need to move to Ottawa or something
beavertails tho
Damn, Patois was delicious
Might even give Stockyards a run for the money in terms of fried chicken
This city is going to give me a heart attack. I need to move to Ottawa or something
Is there available seating there unlike Stockyards?Try Indie Ale House fried chicken next. Right next to Stockyards.
Seriously, try it.
Try Indie Ale House fried chicken next. Right next to Stockyards.
Seriously, try it.
Is there available seating there unlike Stockyards?
Divvy! More details damn you! Their website doesn't load for me for some reason.
I heard that and I thought ok, which one of you in Toronto GAF sent this email in
LOLOLOLOLWhat's the timestamp for the 'Priest mention?
Also: bets on Kuro sending it in.
So, he's here 14th - 17th. 14th is a Sunday and the rest is Monday to Wednesday. I'm going to suggest Sunday, but what about the rest of you TO GAF?I'll be here 14th - 17th and going to the Leafs-Ducks game on the 16th
Sunday would be best for me.
Hmm...I'm willing to give it a try some day.
Exactly how much interest is there for a meet up soonish? We have a fellow gaffer, smiley90 (akaSwiss Vancouver Canucks fan) coming to town. I didn't want to drop the ball like we did Acid...but Acid sucks so too bad for him.racist smelly
He has only mentioned next Sunday (I believe), but I'm asking him for more details.
So, he's here 14th - 17th. 14th is a Sunday and the rest is Monday to Wednesday. I'm going to suggest Sunday, but what about the rest of you TO GAF?
Sunday would be best for me.
I'm landing at 3:30pm on Sunday so anytime after that is cool with me
Hi TorontoGAF!
Sunday would be fine for me. Hell, I wouldn't even mind coming out if it were only a couple of us at a bar or something.. Got shit all to do most weekends.
This kind of short-term planning would never work in Vancouver.
Just saying. I'm counting on you Toronto-GAF.
I'm a maybe on Sunday.
I'm a maybe on Sunday.
H...he's calling us out, TO-GAF!
You going to let some goddamn VANCOUVERITE call out the "centre of the mother fucking universe"?!
Any more confirmations? It's Friday night, I know you bums are playing Captain Toad and with your amiibos, but just lemme know.
Sunday evening downtown good for you beautiful GTA peeps?
LOL Lies!
You'll see what we're talking about, Smelly.
He's not gonna show up, is he
TO GAF Meet Up X: Quick is 0 for 9
See? Fuck this guy! D:0 for 9?!?!?! jesus christ Quick that's like Leafs-levels of bad
I legit need to check my schedule.
Smiley is a dude, just so ya know...
I keeeeeed!
It's okay. We'll pick up some girls during the meetup. Who's gonna be my wingman?
It's okay. We'll pick up some girls during the meetup. Who's gonna be my wingman?
well kat is coming so there's at least one right
Please don't scare off our only female member to come...! D:
Also not sure if racist but I've seen more black people at the Toronto airport than I've seen in Vancouver all year.
... Okay that was most definitely a bit racist but it's true nonetheless
Also not sure if racist but I've seen more black people at the Toronto airport than I've seen in Vancouver all year.
... Okay that was most definitely a bit racist but it's true nonetheless
That's exactly what I said (thought) when I moved here from Vancouver
Please don't scare off our only female member to come...! D:
You guys making a meetup thread?
It's fine if it's kept in this thread if it's short notice. I've met up with Kraftwerk and some Gaffer's that way before. It doesn't always have to be a 20+ person meetup every time.
And unless Quick makes the thread and chooses the date himself his schedule never aligns with the meetups.
I...Gonna bring gifs and images.
Ohhhh yeauhhhhh!
I was on Minus myself for the longest time, but I felt it just took LONGER to do everything I needed to do due to the clunky ass interfaced and the forced social networking aspect. Imgur is stable, it's using some new fancy tech to make gifs better (I'm a bit tired to find it and steal it and copy it here), and it works incredibly well on mobile as well, which minus does not (it involves installing a piece of shit app that doesn't let you find your pictures properly).WHAT IS WRONG WITH MINUS?
Generic Asians at a Rinoa tea party...Need a high tea meetup someday!!!
Working on my xmas cards (40/80) and decorations this weekend but already tired. This year's party is gonna have a pillow/blanketfort and I'm already researching stuff needed. Got various types of clothes pins and extra LED lights, gonna get string but wondering how to anchor blankets better.
Drake should do a song for his commercials.