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Total War: Warhammer |OT| WAAAGHcraft 4


The worst bug around launch was a vsync tearing issue that's since been fixed. Don't think there was anything major beyond that. Since then, it's been balance and polish patches, with some new free content ("FreeLC," but don't call it that for the love of all that's (un)holy.) coinciding with DLC releases.

As far as the factions... Greenskins waaagh. Humans fight. Vampires despoil. Dwarves begrudge. Beastmen raid. And Chaos ruins all. In short, everyone kinda sucks.

Some gameplay tips:
  • My biggest general tip for the Grand Campaign would be to save often. The strategic AI isn't anything special, while the battlefield AI is incredibly cunning. Early on, either through ill-planning or an enemy's surprise, you'll probably reach a game over in your first 50 turns. With some back-up saves, you can roll back and learn from your mistakes without needing to start over again.
  • Second biggest tip is, keep your cities in order. Rebellions waste time and resources, and can cripple supply lines if they spread... so avoid them entirely by spending some wealth on walls and order buildings; they are some of the best investments in the game if you want to hold large territories...
  • ...which ties directly into the third tip, and arguably the most important: don't over-recruit lords to lead your armies. A good rule of thumb is, if you feel like you need more, you probably have enough. Recruiting too many will cripple your budget--and you will need a healthy surplus to keep infrastructure and tech level at par with your enemies. With cities kept in order, you can field armies only where you need them, rather than where they might be needed.

Hmm. I see. I think i am gonna buy the game in few more days then. Need to prepare my internet to DL the game lol.

Hmmm. Seeing the tips there. It seems we are not playing on the basis of preparing for the future but focus on the current situation as much as possible. And developing our infrastructure is damn important. A bit like Nobunaga's Ambition. I will need to take note this.

Ohh yeah, i am highly interested with the vampire faction here. Any cool stuff i need to know about them?


[*]...which ties directly into the third tip, and arguably the most important: don't over-recruit lords to lead your armies. A good rule of thumb is, if you feel like you need more, you probably have enough. Recruiting too many will cripple your budget--and you will need a healthy surplus to keep infrastructure and tech level at par with your enemies. With cities kept in order, you can field armies only where you need them, rather than where they might be needed.

Something tells me I should have probably paid more attention to this tip. I probably have too many Lords, and too many Heroes. Especially since most of my Heroes don't really contribute to anything. I'm probably due for a corporate downsizing.

Probably don't need that third army either, although it is a pretty small one. Money is hard to make in this game, especially later on when it feels like all I'm spending it on is Hero actions to counter enemy Heroes.
To be clear, you need to own the Beastmen or Chaos DLCs to actually play as that faction.
Ohh yeah, i am highly interested with the vampire faction here. Any cool stuff i need to know about them?

The main thing for VCs is that they take attrition outside of their area of vampiric corruption (IIRC, <50% corruption areas outside of their control) and their cities get hefty order penalties for low corruption (although there is no attrition). On the flip side, they receive remarkable order bonuses for high corruption, and the enemy suffers immense penalties for inhabiting or travelling through high corruption areas. This means spreading vampiric corruption can passively weaken enemies and make them much easier to conquer and those lands difficult to reclaim. So corruption is more important to the VCs than any other faction.

Now, although the VCs can find ways to ally with most factions, they have no true allies aside from Schwartzkopf or w/e (who better serves when conquered anyways). The Dwarves and Greenskins have no immediate interest in them, but that doesn't mean they'll ignore the VCs all game. For the most part, it's about peacemaking, striking the weakest neighbour, fortifying and spreading corruption, and moving from there.

Army-wise, although they can raise large armies at whim, these armies are generally low-tier unless it's been the site of a large, bloody battle (which makes a summoning marker on the map, giving access to high-tier troops). Because VC unit deaths count here, it's a good idea to have a few phyrric victories early on to make that marker for future use.

Having no ranged units limits engagement, but because they have access to flying units and fear/terror units, they are experts at fighting morale and winning via two-pronged attacks. Casualties can be high, but the VCs will always persevere through sheer magical prowess.

Another thing, VCs don't have morale like other factions, but "binding." When it breaks, like morale, the unit will start crumbling and losing HP until it is entirely eliminated; in no way does it rout. This mostly means that you always want to fight morale while keeping yours safe.

They also have powerful magic spells for heroes and lords, but I'm pretty terrible with spells overall so I can't offer much advice here aside from "use it."
Something tells me I should have probably paid more attention to this tip. I probably have too many Lords, and too many Heroes. Especially since most of my Heroes don't really contribute to anything. I'm probably due for a corporate downsizing.

Probably don't need that third army either, although it is a pretty small one. Money is hard to make in this game, especially later on when it feels like all I'm spending it on is Hero actions to counter enemy Heroes.

Yeah, it's really tempting to over-recruit. You always feel like you need more than you have.

For money, pay special attention to the resources a city has. This doesn't apply to the Greenskins, Chaos, or Beastmen, but the others can benefit massively from trade agreements. That was something I probably should have mentioned in the other post--trade is huge for the Empire, to sustain their huge armies; and presumably good for Dwarves too (I haven't actually played them yet). With enough trade partners, it can be the difference between a 5000 income surplus or a 1000 income deficit. It really is gamechanging.

One thing: for all resources, particularly gold which you don't need trade to benefit from, remember that you need to actually make the building to get the resource.


Can i play as beastmen in main campaign?
if you buy the DLC. If not you can only play against them.

Guys question here. I am thinking of getting this game but i am noob on modding things.

This one is not like the previous Total War which is soo buggy that is not funny right?

And, considering i had zero knowledge on Warhammer series, is there anything i should know first other than the Orc being batshit assholes?^_^

The only major bug (reinforcement bug) is squelched in the tomorrow update!


The only major bug (reinforcement bug) is squelched in the tomorrow update!

Might have missed it, but did they ever address that bug where you're unable to group your army together using a formation (Missile Front / Melee Front)? It's pretty rare, but annoying when it does come up.


Might have missed it, but did they ever address that bug where you're unable to group your army together using a formation (Missile Front / Melee Front)? It's pretty rare, but annoying when it does come up.

I've had that one happen a few times. I can usually do something to get it working, but I forget what. The only annoying bug I've run into, which is now patched, is the line of sight thing where you couldn't see anything until they were on top of you.

I actually thought it was a feature the first couple times it happened, like there was a thick fog my PC wasn't rendering. It really made ranged units pretty worthless.
The Blazing Sun are so fucking cool.



Looks like the Dota 2/Warhammer crossover chest is coming out tonight, and you get one with special sets for free if you preordered. I'm curious if it will be marketable at all.


Just a second PSA for those of you who preordered on Steam. If you have Dota 2 downloaded, the pre-order chest is currently $20 just on a buy order on the market. $30something on a sell order. Even if you don't play the game it might be worth it to download the client, log in and sell the chest. Unless it pops up in your Steam inventory without even needing to log in? In which case definitely sell it if you don't play.


Just a second PSA for those of you who preordered on Steam. If you have Dota 2 downloaded, the pre-order chest is currently $20 just on a buy order on the market. $30something on a sell order. Even if you don't play the game it might be worth it to download the client, log in and sell the chest. Unless it pops up in your Steam inventory without even needing to log in? In which case definitely sell it if you don't play.

Definitely have to install dota2 to get it in your inventory, as it is not appearing in mine. Thanks for the PSA though! Looks like this will cover about 30% of the cost I paid for the game itself.. Plus let me buy some of that sweet sweet DLC with free steam bucks,

But I do kind of want that cool ork looking character set for whatever character even though I dont play dota at all....

It appears like its not showing up in my dota 2 armory place, and theres a lot of weird unnamed Item_Name item_def items there too, which I can't properly google to find a fix for at all :(
I have to say that with this new DLC the VC became my favorite race

I'm around turn 180 and i've just repealed the invasion of chaos, Schwartzhafen,Ostland and Hochland are my vassals, i'm paying all the remaining factions near the empire to start a war with them so i can swiftly deal a mortal blow to Fake Franz and his flying parrot


I'm very interested in this game and all of its dlc..but fuck is that a lot of money to drop at once lmao. Is it worth it? Should I hold off on any dlc?
I'm very interested in this game and all of its dlc..but fuck is that a lot of money to drop at once lmao. Is it worth it? Should I hold off on any dlc?
If you can't wait, just get the base game and wait for the DLCs to go on sale, then grab your pick. The base game is a lot of content by itself. I say "if you can't wait" because it really seems due for a sale in the next month or two alongside some new DLC.

So, here's a quick content comparison:
  • In the base game:
    • There are four factions to play through and various difficulties in the Grand Campaign to keep you occupied for many hours. Plus there's also multiplayer if you're into that (never tried it, personally) as well as straight skirmishes. The free updates, particularly the new faction dropping at some point, will also give you new reasons to play.
  • For DLCs:
    • The Chaos and Beastmen DLCs add a new faction each, with the latter also bringing a new faction-exclusive campaign into the mix (which makes it the most expensive) The Lords DLC expands the Vampire Counts and Empire with new "elite" units and a new lord, while the Blood DLC is purely cosmetic fluff. Also, a new faction DLC is presumably on the horizon (all signs point to Wood Elves).
To be frank, the DLCs are very expensive for what they offer. But it does add moar which makes it hard to resist.

Total Warhammer is a fun game, it doesn't need to be an expensive one if you've got the patience.
Can you play as Chaos and Beastmen in main campaighn with DLCs?

Correct. With their respective DLCs.

Without the DLCs, both factions are still in the Grand Campaign (unplayable), but they're... simpler. The DLCs basically do two things: expand their unit roster and add lords, plus make them playable. And again, the Beastmen one adds a new, Beastmen-only campaign on top of this.


This game can be really frustrating at times.

First, a technical glitch. The first Empire campaign I started seems to have become corrupted or something. Somewhere in the ballpark of turn 160 the game crashed to the title screen, and loading up the game does the same. I'm actually not too upset by that one though, as I was actually thinking about starting over anyways.

For my second Empire campaign though, I'm really not a fan of the Dwarves this time around. Spent the first 70 turns acquiring the Reikland and building up a solid economy, expanding slightly outside of the Reiklands borders to the East and North. Managed to maintain non-aggression pacts with pretty much everyone, largely staying out of any wars. As a result, was bringing in more than 7K per turn, with a nice little nest egg of 100K in the bank.

...then the Dwarves decided to get all hostile. 2 separate Dwarven factions attacked the couple settlements I had outside the Reikland, razing everything, and killing one of my veteran lords in the process. Even managed to demolish one of the settlements in the Reikland, costing my Region bonus. Arg. Was able to take everything back, kill some of the Dwarven lords responsible and eventually end the war, but the battles took a chunk out of my bank account, and set me back quite a bit right as the Chaos invasion started.

I've never been so angry at a fictitious civilization before. Damn you, dwarves!
I don't have a most hated race, each one has is own quirks

factions though, fuck Parravon and Bordeleaux

especially if they manage to conquer all the Bretonnia
I want to say VCs, but it's really Dwarves that are the worst. They will conquer the worst, most inhospitable lands, deep in Greenskin territory, and become very difficult to eradicate because of this. Volcanic attrition, desert attrition, wasteland attrition; if the Dwarves can settle territory containing it, they will.

Yes, I base "worst" wholly on how hard it is to exterminate something.


Gahhhhh, as evidenced by my post above, I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally not a fan of the Dwarves at the moment. Stumpy bearded bastards took advantage of the rise of Chaos to attack a few of my outlying settlements and push into the Reikland while I was busy elsewhere.


My new VC game is going alright. Been pretty peaceful overall, though Chaos is all up in my shit now.

Started with Vlad, who is pretty amusing. Immediately took over the Sylvanas, and the northern province that includes Essen. Mannfred became available pretty quickly so I recruited him for second army. Nobody was provoking me, so I went to war with the two Dwarven factions to my east so I wouldn't have to deal with them later. By the time I was done with that, I had story quests popping up for both Mannfred and Vlad, which of course involved going all the way down to that shitty swamp area near the Greenskins. Mannfred walked down, since he had two quests, and Vlad will eventually teleport, but I'm always short on funds. Around this time, Kislev had gotten their shit kicked in by a variety of Beastmen/Chaos/Norsca, so I send Vlad to settle all of their razed territory, so I now control everything to the east, plus Akengard cause honestly, fuck the border princes.

Now Archaon has shown up before I was done upgrading those northeast settlements, which is a problem, and I'm behind in technology, so Vlad has been trying to fight them off with tier 2 units at best. Only thing keeping me from getting pushed back is I have 2 good assassins up there killing the Chaos lords. One banshee in particular has taken out Archaon, Sigvald, and Sarthorl(sp?). I also have a hero down near akengard trolling the border princes by causing rebellions.

Mannfred is nearly back in a position to fight Chaos, and I've also started my third army, led by Ghorst, so I should be in the clear soon.

So overall, Vlad is pretty cool. The vanguard deployment is mostly useful for putting cavalry/flying stuff behind the enemy right away, and for disrupting artillery heavy armies before they can do much.

The units of renknown are odd. It can let you get stuff before you have the technology for it, like the Hexwraith Cavalry, and it's done outside of normal recruitment, so it can theoretically allow you to create a new army very rapidly, especially with VC's and their raise dead. It purely makes the game easier right now. One thing I'm unsure of is what happens if you lose one of the units. Can you recruit them again or is that it? I'm hoping I'll see some Empire units once I go to war with them.

One other thing they've added that I must have missed in patch notes, is the City tab now puts a hammer icon next to any city that is able to cnstruct a building. Saves me a bit of time scrolling around.
units of reknown unlocks are based on your highest ranked general

you can have the same unit in more than one army, you can have more than one same unit in one army

i'm not sure about the restrictions

(i play with the radious Mod, so i don't know if this thing is affected)


units of reknown unlocks are based on your highest ranked general

you can have the same unit in more than one army, you can have more than one same unit in one army

i'm not sure about the restrictions

(i play with the radious Mod, so i don't know if this thing is affected)

Pretty sure the bolded is wrong. Once Vlad recruited one of them, they were unavailble for Mannfred, regardless of level.


here, same UoR (units of renown) in both army

you can't recruit them in the same turn though

again, i'm not sure if you can do this only with the Radious Mod

I'll have to double check when I get home. I'm playing without any mods currently. I could be wrong just because I know that Mannfred has been outside of my own territory for so long that I may not have actually even tried to recruit duplicates.


Okay, I checked and verified that Mannfred, who is level 20, cannot recruit ANY Units of Renown.

It must be something with the mod you're using. Possibly unintentional.


The new units and such are really fun to use. i especially like the corpse carts of the vampires.
Have been reeeeeally helpful in keeping my units alive on the battlefield!

Now I need to see more of the future DLC!

I just saw how huge Athel Loren on the world map is so I can't wait to see Wood Elves.
I also bet they will get their own campaign that is set in a zoomed in version of the forest. How cool would that be?
The new units and such are really fun to use. i especially like the corpse carts of the vampires.
Have been reeeeeally helpful in keeping my units alive on the battlefield!

Now I need to see more of the future DLC!

I just saw how huge Athel Loren on the world map is so I can't wait to see Wood Elves.
I also bet they will get their own campaign that is set in a zoomed in version of the forest. How cool would that be?
Well, from the DLC leak ages ago, the Wood Elf DLC coincides with an update to Britannia and the Beastmen--which means they could all be featured in the Wood Elf campaign.

With Eye for An Eye giving precedent to race-specific campaigns, it seems likely to me.
Well, from the DLC leak ages ago, the Wood Elf DLC coincides with an update to Britannia and the Beastmen--which means they could all be featured in the Wood Elf campaign.

With Eye for An Eye giving precedent to race-specific campaigns, it seems likely to me.

Don't forget new lords that they might throw in too.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Finally picked this up. After 12 hours, this might be my favorite Total War yet. Everything just clicks.

Is there a good way to deal with "leader" units? They seem so OP. I had a nobody leader with 3 units attack a town garrison of 6. I made short work of his 3 units, and had all 6 of my remaining units beating on him for like 10 mins before he finally died and I could win the battle.
Finally picked this up. After 12 hours, this might be my favorite Total War yet. Everything just clicks.

Is there a good way to deal with "leader" units? They seem so OP. I had a nobody leader with 3 units attack a town garrison of 6. I made short work of his 3 units, and had all 6 of my remaining units beating on him for like 10 mins before he finally died and I could win the battle.

I would say magic might be your best bet. Stuff like Spirit Leech will work.


Finally picked this up. After 12 hours, this might be my favorite Total War yet. Everything just clicks.

Is there a good way to deal with "leader" units? They seem so OP. I had a nobody leader with 3 units attack a town garrison of 6. I made short work of his 3 units, and had all 6 of my remaining units beating on him for like 10 mins before he finally died and I could win the battle.

Armor piercing damage, your own heroes and larger units work best.
Finally picked this up. After 12 hours, this might be my favorite Total War yet. Everything just clicks.

Is there a good way to deal with "leader" units? They seem so OP. I had a nobody leader with 3 units attack a town garrison of 6. I made short work of his 3 units, and had all 6 of my remaining units beating on him for like 10 mins before he finally died and I could win the battle.

Greenskin Warboss with damage passives will kill any of them in seconds. There's really nothing that can stand up to them.

For any other faction, high-tier units or single-target magic are your most reliable bet. Or just a swarm of low tier units--their morale won't hold. (In both cases, you want your own hero or lord in the mix.)


Armor piercing damage, your own heroes and larger units work best.

This seems pretty spot on. I've had a lot of luck with "The Amber Spear" spell from the Empire Amber Wizard. Otherwise, countering a leader with a leader of my own on the battlefield helps, or taking him out with an agent beforehand.
I just recruited an Empire Captain named Knud von McHammer. I usually change it to one of my friend's names but I'm definitely keeping that one lol. I usually name a lords, heroes, or single units after my friends and update on their progress in Discord. It's kind of fun especially when terrible things happen or they get weird traits.

For leader units if you don't have your own leader: 1. Ranged units. I had like 5 companies of crossbowmen, if they focused fire it was like a steady drain of health. Very quick death. Probably better with handgunners with armor piercing. 2. Single-target magic: The Vampire Lord soul drain or whatever works really well. My Mannfred could take out any enemy lord with like two casts of it.
This seems pretty spot on. I've had a lot of luck with "The Amber Spear" spell from the Empire Amber Wizard. Otherwise, countering a leader with a leader of my own on the battlefield helps, or taking him out with an agent beforehand.

to add to what everybody else said, ranged unit with armour piercing ammo can substantially weaken an enemy lord, especially during siege

plus they can hit a lord with a flying mount


I just recruited an Empire Captain named Knud von McHammer. I usually change it to one of my friend's names but I'm definitely keeping that one lol. I usually name a lords, heroes, or single units after my friends and update on their progress in Discord. It's kind of fun especially when terrible things happen or they get weird traits.

Heh, I may have to start doing this. Even if my Empire lords do have a tendency to...well, die.

...always seem to be the Level 1 or 2 Lords too. The ones I keep well off the front lines defending some backwater Provence with a handful of troops, until some faction gets all uppity, declares war on a whim and mashes said Lord into a fine pulp.
A quick question, how is the story in the campaign ?

I only played Total War: Rome, but despite coming back to the campaign day after day, it never really clicked, it was all about conquering the world -which is a cool fantasy- but there was no story. I know Total War is a totally different beat to games like Warcraft, Starcraft, or Warhammer 40K, but I figured maybe Warhammer is different.

So my question, Is there some sort of story going on in the campaign, will I feel engaged or something by what is happening ?, or how does the campaign handle ?


A quick question, how is the story in the campaign ?

I only played Total War: Rome, but despite coming back to the campaign day after day, it never really clicked, it was all about conquering the world -which is a cool fantasy- but there was no story. I know Total War is a totally different beat to games like Warcraft, Starcraft, or Warhammer 40K, but I figured maybe Warhammer is different.

So my question, Is there some sort of story going on in the campaign, will I feel engaged or something by what is happening ?, or how does the campaign handle ?

There is no story.
There are legendary lord specific quests with story text but they just lead to unique items.

The story is what you make of it.
A quick question, how is the story in the campaign ?

I only played Total War: Rome, but despite coming back to the campaign day after day, it never really clicked, it was all about conquering the world -which is a cool fantasy- but there was no story. I know Total War is a totally different beat to games like Warcraft, Starcraft, or Warhammer 40K, but I figured maybe Warhammer is different.

So my question, Is there some sort of story going on in the campaign, will I feel engaged or something by what is happening ?, or how does the campaign handle ?

There is quest battles for the legendary lords and then some stuff when Chaos arrives.
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