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Totoki: "We create infinite realities"; He wants to promote DEI, combat climate change; Sony's profit growth will be driven by PlayStation (margin of


That don't make sense since anyone can already apply for the job ....so you're out there courting one group instead of simply hiring the best person for the job
Just because they can, doesn't mean they do.

For our blue collor jobs, we used to put adverts in men's magazines and mainly target men with our hiring efforts. Now we are also putting adverts in women's magazines and featuring women in our recruitment materials.

This had led to an incresse in our number of female applicants. We still hire the best person for the job.
It's funny that you think it's what companies actually do just because it's what your Blackrock Talks said.
Because it matches my experience at my company. We have DEI programmes, we push for diverse candidates, and we take a competency-based approach to interviews.


There are very likely just as many companies that hire based on nepotism, as there are companies who hire purely on DEI metrics. The reality is, most business exist to make money, so they'll hire the person who can make them the most money.

Companies are by the balls that if they don't pay SBI's protection racket fee their game will be annihilated in the media. Company is scared they don't want to lose money and pulls their pants down. Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way because some are starting to realize they're better off with a product that people want to buy that the media hates, like Wukong, Stellar Blade and Harry Potter.

In nepotism that person may well not be the best one for the job. In other words, non competency-based. And it's a problem. Just like DEI. "This problem doesn't exist because other problem exists" is just weak whataboutism.

Believing that companies hire those who can make them the most money with their skills is an almost child like naivete right now. Companies hire employees that make them eligible for government contracts (money) and shield them from mob criticism (money). As if Concord is the only failing product. Ask Ubisoft.


Just because they can, doesn't mean they do.

For our blue collor jobs, we used to put adverts in men's magazines and mainly target men with our hiring efforts. Now we are also putting adverts in women's magazines and featuring women in our recruitment materials.

This had led to an incresse in our number of female applicants. We still hire the best person for the job.

Because it matches my experience at my company. We have DEI programmes, we push for diverse candidates, and we take a competency-based approach to interviews.

I mean, this just means that your company is using the phrase DEI in a different fashion than the designators of DEI (and governments) have assigned it.
Then your company is not applying DEI in its hiring process

Your company process sounds great. It's not what the pushers of DEI are demanding or expecting.
Companies are by the balls that if they don't pay SBI's protection racket fee their game will be annihilated in the media. Company is scared they don't want to lose money and pulls their pants down. Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way because some are starting to realize they're better off with a product that people want to buy that the media hates, like Wukong, Stellar Blade and Harry Potter.

In nepotism that person may well not be the best one for the job. In other words, non competency-based. And it's a problem. Just like DEI. "This problem doesn't exist because other problem exists" is just weak whataboutism.
You can consider it a whataboutism if you like, but its arguably a bigger problem. And I don't just mean in the "My Dad is the CEO" level. Much of what I've been told repeatedly in the workplace is to "build my network", not to continue to do good work. I've done good work for years and got nothing, but as soon as I started going out for drinks with the manager, suddenly things started to happen. This is still nepotism, and it is far more deeply ingrained in corporate culture than any DEI initiative.
If you don't drink or don't want to go out for a couple beers with the boys after work; whether your sobriety is due to faith or just your own personal conviction, sorry buddy "You don't fit in" or "You're not a match for the culture".
Its all too common.

Believing that companies hire those who can make them the most money with their skills is an almost child like naivete right now. Companies hire employees that make them eligible for government contracts (money) and shield them from mob criticism (money). As if Concord is the only failing product. Ask Ubisoft.
Perhaps you might be right that DEI has now swung too far and people are looking to overcompensate to the detriment of business.
But honestly, all I've seen in the work place is companies looking to hire the person who'll do the least amount of work for the lowest possible salary. If you count offshoring resources to Eastern Europe or India as being part of the "DEI initiative", then by all means I guess.


Your company process sounds great. It's not what the pushers of DEI are demanding or expecting.
I know at my work DEI led to some questionable hires of not so best candidates which made a lot of the folks to pick up the slack.

They have relented lately after that though and a few people got let go. The idea of increasing the diversity of applicant pool is a good one.

The issue is that during last 10 years or so it got to a ridiculous point which led to incompetent people being hired for DEI purposes. That’s through Western companies and I don’t mean gaming.

Edit: To point about hiring cheapest people, it depends on the industry. But yeah, outsourcing for “cheap” price is certainly common AF. And often the outsourcing hurts final product due to cultural differences and difficulty of explaining things properly with that 12 hour time zone issue.

And then you have to send a team to India every month to figure out and fix the problems. Unless you are MS or IBM and hire whole campuses. Which is a whole different issue our government doesn’t address (loss of local work).
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You can consider it a whataboutism if you like, but its arguably a bigger problem. And I don't just mean in the "My Dad is the CEO" level. Much of what I've been told repeatedly in the workplace is to "build my network", not to continue to do good work. I've done good work for years and got nothing, but as soon as I started going out for drinks with the manager, suddenly things started to happen. This is still nepotism, and it is far more deeply ingrained in corporate culture than any DEI initiative.
If you don't drink or don't want to go out for a couple beers with the boys after work; whether your sobriety is due to faith or just your own personal conviction, sorry buddy "You don't fit in" or "You're not a match for the culture".
Its all too common.

What does the existence or non-existence of this problem have anything to do with DEI? This is literally whataboutism whether I like it or not lol, "this other problem is a thing therefore problem isn't a thing". A completely irrelevant paragraph.

Perhaps you might be right that DEI has now swung too far and people are looking to overcompensate to the detriment of business.
But honestly, all I've seen in the work place is companies looking to hire the person who'll do the least amount of work for the lowest possible salary. If you count offshoring resources to Eastern Europe or India as being part of the "DEI initiative", then by all means I guess.

The world is larger than your workplace. Pay attention to it.


I don't wanna be snarky but read the thread maybe? Edit: ok it's a very long thread, just the last page or 2 lol
I've read through the thread, but I don't see any reason BlackRock would want under qualified people to get jobs.

Their interest in DEI is mostly related to things in this article - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-ways-diverse-leadership-team-impact-business-dan-smith

They believe believe having diverse leadership will lead to better decision making and better company performance / higher stock prices.

This will help BlackRock with their overall goal, which is to make lots of money.
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I've read through the thread, but I don't see any reason BlackRock would want under qualified people to get jobs.

Their interest in DEI is mostly related to things in this article - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-ways-diverse-leadership-team-impact-business-dan-smith

They believe believe having diverse leadership will lead to better decision making and better company performance / higher stock prices.

This will help BlackRock with their overall goal, which is to make lots of money.

Look, I'm not saying that the goal is to lose money. Far from it.

But it's a path that leads to higher stock prices followed by failing products. It's basically an extension of chasing the quick buck. The company structure gets decimated because short term profits. Ubisoft: the Thread.

If they actually implemented DEI in the fashion you describe, then incompetent people who make things like Concord would not be hired. A man and woman might be interviewed for the same role and may the most qualified applicant win. In reality DEI is a lot of checkbox-marking. If your company needs X more of X race people to win a contract, avoid criticism or keep the employees from going on strike, then people aren't getting hired based on merit anymore. Glad to hear that isn't your company. I think it's hard to argue with the slew of failing Western developers getting into trouble because their products suck.


Gold Member
Yep, and it's obvious why Wolvy and Cyclops are heads over heels for her.


wHaT iS WoKe AbOuT iT?

Man, this game leak was brutal. Poor Logan.


Look, I'm not saying that the goal is to lose money. Far from it.

But it's a path that leads to higher stock prices followed by failing products. It's basically an extension of chasing the quick buck. The company structure gets decimated because short term profits. Ubisoft: the Thread.

If they actually implemented DEI in the fashion you describe, then incompetent people who make things like Concord would not be hired. A man and woman might be interviewed for the same role and may the most qualified applicant win. In reality DEI is a lot of checkbox-marking. If your company needs X more of X race people to win a contract, avoid criticism or keep the employees from going on strike, then people aren't getting hired based on merit anymore. Glad to hear that isn't your company. I think it's hard to argue with the slew of failing Western developers getting into trouble because their products suck.
If you do it like BlackRock wants you to do it you don't decimate the structure, because they want you to make profits in the long term.

I fully agree that doing DEI as a checkbox exercise is terrible. l

But I'm not sure that is the cause of Concord's issues, given that the leaderships is still mostly white men. It was more that they made several bad decisions around character design, gameplay approach and things like that.


Where did that character design even come from? It was just randomly bad? It was 110% woke world. Agree to disagree.
It definitely came from trying to create a very diverse and inclusive range of characters. I agree with that part and that they fucked up with it.


Blackrock still a huge financial strain on them I see.



Here is the actual corporate report:

OP takes a couple of slides from a corporate overview and presents them like DEI and climate change is the focus of the company. It isn't.

Sorry, Topher.

I didn't have enough time :messenger_pensive:


1. DEI: " Sony recognizes that diverse organizations are more innovative"


Sony reviewed its "Diversity Statement" and reestablished it as the "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement" in FY24


Since 2015, Sony Group companies across the globe have been holding annual "Diversity Weeks"


Sony's People Philosophy: "Special You, Diverse Sony"


Diversity of Gender: Each of the major Sony Group Companies in Japan has set numerical targets



In Japan, Sony has expanded various personnel programs to support same-sex partners and provide gender-neutral restrooms


Diversity of nationality


Diversity of Experience


Sony has signed the Valuable 500, a World Economic Forum Initiative


2. Climate Change: "The transition towards a decarbonized society is a crucial issue for all companies"


Strategy and targets



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As said before, we had diversity before woke/DEI. They aren't the same thing.

It doesn't seem to me like you've heard very much about the Concord development team ie the "professor".
All I'm saying is that it's not the only way to do DEI. The outcome of Conchord is not what BlackRock wants.


Gold Member


Sorry, Topher.

I didn't have enough time :messenger_pensive:


1. DEI: " Sony recognizes that diverse organizations are more innovative"


Sony reviewed its "Diversity Statement" and reestablished it as the "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement" in FY24


Since 2015, Sony Group companies across the globe have been holding annual "Diversity Weeks"


Sony's People Philosophy: "Special You, Diverse Sony"


Diversity of Gender: Each of the major Sony Group Companies in Japan has set numerical targets



In Japan, Sony has expanded various personnel programs to support same-sex partners and provide gender-neutral restrooms


Diversity of nationality

Diversity of Experience


Sony has signed the Valuable 500, a World Economic Forum Initiative


2. Climate Change: "The transition towards a decarbonized society is a crucial issue for all companies"


Strategy and targets




Why are you only posting screenshots of selected parts of these documents and not providing links to them? That's a 245 page document and so it doesn't change what I said at all.



All I'm saying is that it's not the only way to do DEI. The outcome of Conchord is not what BlackRock wants.

The outcome they want is to push the agenda but for the products to actually be successful. They just have a problem because even though corporations can be coerced and blackmailed, customers can't. Even though they have tried demonizing customers for "problematic" buying habits. No one cares. No matter how many articles about "toxic gamers" are written.

Average joe buying game doesn't care but if the same guy were a CEO or dept head he'd be scared shitless at the storm coming his way if he didn't comply, both internally and from the media. Right now you either need massive balls to make money or get on the soy train until it reaches its final destination.


Gold Member
Sony isn't putting all this stuff in their SEC filings for the hell of it.....

Five key SEC priorities in 2024​

Climate: In 2024, the SEC is expected to finalize perhaps its most highly anticipated rule under Gensler’s leadership, which would require public companies to disclose climate-related information. The proposal seeks to enhance and standardize disclosures that public companies make about climate-related risks, their climate-related targets and goals, their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and how the board of directors and management oversee climate-related risks. The proposal would also require companies to quantify the effects of certain climate-related events and transition activities in their audited financial statements. In discussing the proposal, Gensler has noted that many companies already provide — and investors use — this type of information.

Introduction to SEC Form 20-F for Foreign Private Issuers​

Human Capital Management: The SEC is also focusing on human capital management disclosures, recognizing the critical role that workforce management plays in a company’s success. This may include more detailed reporting on diversity and inclusion efforts, employee engagement, and labour practices.


Kratos saying ‘we must be better’. Still tickles me to this day.
Yeah ... like I said I could go on and on from basicaly every major studio with examples... at least we still have dad Kratos even if GoW has become lame for me ...

Once you embarque on a quest to help a gay guy find a boyfriend or something like that in spider man 2 .. and still have the "balls" to get here and say "naaaa thats just corporate talk" ... its time to put down the copium, is frying your brain cells.

And btw before someone call me a a bigot... spider man should not be helping anybody find fucking boyfriends or girlfriends in a marvel game. Be it gay or not. But we all know why the fck this quest is there.

Meanwhile we have days gone being canned after it sold relatively well and the Director axed... I truly wonder why oh why they did that. Must have been the totally not bias bad reviews and media bashing.


july 2015
gow3 remastered(og gow3 launched in 2010) was probably last title targetted to straight males w/o all the woke agenda

Show me sony game with similar aproach and target audience then i believe u DEI is just their fake corpo talk :)
it sold 4m copies whis is pretty amazing for low effort remaster
What Nintendo needs to do is not go along with all this crap and make huge amounts of money. Let Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft and whoever else wants to put politics before business fail. It's the only way it will stop. I hope the Horizon Gaas game fails like Concord. It probably will.


What Nintendo needs to do is not go along with all this crap and make huge amounts of money. Let Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft and whoever else wants to put politics before business fail. It's the only way it will stop. I hope the Horizon Gaas game fails like Concord. It probably will.
They already are, have you not seen the new Zelda? they also make Animal crossing, which is for furries.

You can make anything "woke" if you try hard enough


Gold Member
TLOU 2 - lesbian and she-male protagonists
Returnal - lesbian protagonist
Horizon - lesbian ? Queer ? Dont fucking know anymore
GoY - swap to girl (lesbian ? .......Probably since Her actress is an weirdo woke activist)
Ratcher and Clank ?- not anymore... girl co-proragonist

I can go on and on .... saying that this is just corporate talk is the biggest tank of copium sniffing I ever saw.
Dont forget Concord. More than half the roster are women. Even if you add the big robot and mushroom head alien as males, you still got more female characters. How many shooter games are there with more female characters than men? At least the games you listed will sell. Even Returnal sold millions I think. but in recent times, sales for obvious woke-ish or female leads are dropping fast. People had enough.
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So you are against companies having racial diversity or representation in games? Not sure what the problem or issue is there unless you're a bigot.

And actively trying to make the environment cleaner or working against climate change is not a bad thing, but I am fairly certain that is all bullshit.

Ah, that old nutshell.

No, we just don't like forced diversity and representation, especially when it leads to the core elements of a medium becoming compromised, in the case of games, gameplay and graphics.

In fact, as someone who is also of a very small minority, I can even find it rather insulting that people like me 'need' to be represented. Bruh, good luck even finding someone with the same ethnic makeup as me.


Gold Member
They only seek profit, and care very little about social or environmental issues. It's all window dressing.
Not really.

If game companies and tv/movie studios cared that much about money they wouldnt be releasing all the junky content nobody wants to buy.

If any for-profit company (complete with stockholders and earnings reports) is purposely releasing products that are sales disasters there's other motives going on.
They already are, have you not seen the new Zelda? they also make Animal crossing, which is for furries.

You can make anything "woke" if you try hard enough
Not really. You may now play as Zelda but she isn't as strong as Link and can't fight directly without basically turning into Link. They made Zelda nothing like link. If Nintendo was Woke she would be faster, stronger and better than Link in every way.


Dont forget Concord. More than half the roster are women. Even if you add the big robot and mushroom head alien as males, you still got more female characters. How many shooter games are there with more female characters than men? At least the games you listed will sell. Even Returnal sold millions I think. but in recent times, sales for obvious woke-ish or female leads are dropping fast. People had enough.
Yeah concord is such an extreme target that I chose some of the "media darlings" as examples.. and Im not even discussing quality or sales.. just the blatant obvious DEI choices and practices.

Put a chick in it and make it gay and lame is the mostly accurate meme ever created. And still kicking strong with no signs of stopping.
So you are against companies having racial diversity or representation in games? Not sure what the problem or issue is there unless you're a bigot.

And actively trying to make the environment cleaner or working against climate change is not a bad thing, but I am fairly certain that is all bullshit.

There are hundreds of ethnicities in the world. Are you advocating for all of them or just for a privileged few? I know the answer even before you think about it.

For example, making Cleopatra Afro-American is not diverse. It's fucking racist, colonial mindset, which is what DEI is all about.

As for climate change, that prophecy cult led by a deranged teenage girl, just some food for thought:

How often do you buy a new mobile phone?

If the answer is every 2-3 years, you are full of shit.

Does the production of a completely unnecessary mid-gen upgrade like Playstation 5 Pro impact the environment?

If the answer is yes, Sony is full of shit.
The world is larger than your workplace. Pay attention to it.
I am aware. Have you got personal experience with every single corporate work environment to be able to make claims with this degree of certainty?
Or is it based on anecdote and idle observation?

In which case, we're at a mutual impasse.


I am aware. Have you got personal experience with every single corporate work environment to be able to make claims with this degree of certainty?
Or is it based on anecdote and idle observation?

In which case, we're at a mutual impasse.

Turns out you aren't supposed to infer anything happening anywhere unless you were physically there.

Everyone, quick. Cease all discussion about any topic you were not personally present for. This is a big deal.

I thought we won WW2 because we aren't speaking German but in light of this more enlightened view, I realize I frankly don't have a clue what happened at all. Not enough to assert we won...fuck!
Turns out you aren't supposed to infer anything happening anywhere unless you were physically there.

Everyone, quick. Cease all discussion about any topic you were not personally present for. This is a big deal.

I thought we won WW2 because we aren't speaking German but in light of this more enlightened view, I realize I frankly don't have a clue what happened at all. Not enough to assert we won...fuck!

So lets get this straight, you were more than happy to dismiss what I was saying because apparently the world is bigger than my workplace(s). But your observations are unquestionable? Fuck outta here with this facetious nonsense.

The world is bigger than sensationalist headlines about DEI, pay attention to it.
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So lets get this straight, you were more than happy to dismiss what I was saying because apparently the world is bigger than my workplace(s). But your observations are unquestionable? Fuck outta here with this facetious nonsense.

The world is bigger than sensationalist headlines about DEI, pay attention to it.

Well something is going on in all these corners of the world that used to make shit I wanted to buy.
Yeah ... like I said I could go on and on from basicaly every major studio with examples... at least we still have dad Kratos even if GoW has become lame for me ...

Once you embarque on a quest to help a gay guy find a boyfriend or something like that in spider man 2 .. and still have the "balls" to get here and say "naaaa thats just corporate talk" ... its time to put down the copium, is frying your brain cells.

And btw before someone call me a a bigot... spider man should not be helping anybody find fucking boyfriends or girlfriends in a marvel game. Be it gay or not. But we all know why the fck this quest is there.

Meanwhile we have days gone being canned after it sold relatively well and the Director axed... I truly wonder why oh why they did that. Must have been the totally not bias bad reviews and media bashing.
You’re right and the media was real quick to call out Days Gone for its ‘Gruff white male’ main character. These people are all lunatics and despise regular male characters as a lead anymore. It has to be a badass female or lesbian or person of color in every game now. The only white male will be the token sidekick and he is usually an idiot or gay himself. That’s how infected the medium has become due to the weirdo devs involved today. They are all sick in the head and their games show it.
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Gold Member
You’re right and the media was real quick to call out Days Gone for its ‘Gruff white male’ main character. These people are all lunatics and despise regular male characters as a lead anymore. It has to be a badass female or lesbian or person of color in every game now. The only white male will be the token sidekick and he is usually an idiot or gay himself. That’s how infected the medium has become due to the weirdo devs involved today. They are all sick in the head and their games show it.
And a pretty stupid view from game studios, since every western studio's employee photo shot in the office lobby is like 95% white people and 80% guys.

And the games they do arent even close to representative too.

The vast majority of minority characters are Black, when there's way more Latinos, Asians, and Native populations to make a character based on. But the games are made in such as way, the minority population has almost none of those groups except Black people.

Talk about bigots.
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because apparently the world is bigger than my workplace(s).
I just noticed the subtle S added denoting that you have more experience, on the basis of course that the more places you work you more qualified you are to comment. I have only one question...is one of those companies Ubisoft?

I don't really think that having a pissing contest over whose more qualified to have an opinion is a very effective way of getting to the bottom of the truth. Any party from any station will need to take a hard look at the rest of the world, outside their bubble, to do that. This applies just as much to CEO of a company as to average joe in mom's basement.

Having workplaces (PLURAL!) doesn't invalidate real events, nor are headlines sensationalist if they state the factual truth. Some things we infer simply by paying attention to our surroundings while breathing. How do I know DEI is killing Star Wars without being in the studio? Well, I have watched it! Appears to collaborate the headlines, no lies detected. Sorry I never worked there, though. So I guess I'm not really sure. lol
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