...hate me...
I think we're so fast saying or implying that a man is not a man if he has some traditionally feminine traits, and then if he full assumes it and goes the extra mile to say he's not a man we're forced to call him a man just to be contrarian and owners of word semantics? I always try to not get hung on semantics. If the person wants to be identified as a woman I'll respect that if the person is worthy of respect. And just because I think it's ok to call that person a woman it doesn't mean it's a woman I find attractive or would ever be in a relationship with. There are many kinds of woman I wouldn't either. Being a natty woman is just an essencial factor for me.
I agree with the sports part, because the fair spirit of the competition must be preserved. There is no point in competing if someone has a huge advantage through genetics that don't much their lawful or self identifying gender, so as far as sports go the eligibility should be related to the born-gender only. It's a matter of rules. Can't be US president if not born in the USA either.
I agree with the sports part, because the fair spirit of the competition must be preserved. There is no point in competing if someone has a huge advantage through genetics that don't much their lawful or self identifying gender, so as far as sports go the eligibility should be related to the born-gender only. It's a matter of rules. Can't be US president if not born in the USA either.