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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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Police are not officially saying there was an attack or not. It's just a bunch of misinformation, usual for an incident like this. The golden rule applies: Wait for official confirmation from a spokesman.

But they are


They have other reasons. Tornado jets do reconnaissance over Syria, Germany supports Kurds with military equipment and the country took in a lot of refugees.

Yes. But let's be honest...the fact that the country has a lot of muslims is enough for terrorist attacks to happen. It's not like Germany could realistically do anything to avoid provoking attacks. Those people aren't rational and will always find a reason.


"Auf einen Weihnachtsmarkt in Berlin ist am Abend nach Polizeiangaben vermutlich ein Anschlag mit einem Lastwagen verübt worden. Das sagte ein Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin."

I mean, you won't get anything more direct than this at this point in time.

Given that the Berlin fire brigade has claimed that "the driver is on the run" I'm inclined to agree with you.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes. But let's be honest...the fact that the country has a lot of muslims is enough for terrorist attacks to happen. It's not like Germany could realistically do anything to avoid provoking attacks. Those people aren't rational and will always find a reason.
Not really, Germany had millions of muslims for decades without homegrown islamic terrorism.


"Auf einen Weihnachtsmarkt in Berlin ist am Abend nach Polizeiangaben vermutlich ein Anschlag mit einem Lastwagen verübt worden. Das sagte ein Sprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin."

I mean, you won't get anything more direct than this at this point in time.

Yeah. It's almost like it's impossible to say anything for certain at this point in time. Weird. Let's all just agree that this is/isn't an accident and panic/don't panic.


Yes. But let's be honest...the fact that the country has a lot of muslims is enough for terrorist attacks to happen. It's not like Germany could realistically do anything to avoid provoking attacks. Those people aren't rational and will always find a reason.

what ?


Absolutely gut-wrenching.
RIP to all the victims, my thoughts are with everyone in Germany. What a horrible thing.


Tragic. We should wait until more details from official sources are released before speculation is taken as Fakt and make their round on social media.


Wir können 9 Tote & viele Verletzte bestätigen. Viele Kolleg. sind am #Breitscheidplatz im Einsatz um die Hintergründe zu ermitteln.

9 killed.


Guys, seriously. I have friends in Berlin and you guys are honestly starting to get me angry here.

It's obvious sources are contradicting each other right now. Nobody here knows the entire truth. In God's name, stop fighting about whether it's definitely or definitely not an attack, or about any of the other details? Can't we just share news reports instead of fighting over who in this thread is right or wrong?

Come on, have some decency.
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