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Truck plows into market in Berlin killing 12, injuring 48. Suspect shot dead in Italy

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The shooting in Zürich, the assassination of the russian ambassador in Ankara and now this. A lot of terrorist activities in europe and turkey today.

RIP and hoping the death count won't rise further.
A Polish attacker? These early reports are shameful.
All early reports are shameful. That's why going based on early reports is a fool's errand.
There are elections in Germany next year, right? Merkel's welcoming of refugees is bad PR for ISIS. They'd love an anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim candidate to win. Conventional wisdom would say that attacks will help that to happen.

ISIS has made it perfectly clear many times any government except their own is an enemy and will be attacked. The idea that the candidate you like must be hated by ISIS and the candidate you hate must be loved by ISIS is completely made up.


Gold Member
Ugh this 2016 nonsense is messing with my brain. I want to begggg people to stop using a year as if it is a person. i just can't wrap my head around it. No trying to offend anyone here. I just don't understand.

It's basically a meme at this point anyway. Same with the "I was just there yesterday!" crap.


I think it's quite easy for the Police to know if it was deliberate or accidental. In an accident you'd either expect an attempt to prevent or stop what is happening - and in an attack they'd continue until something forces a stop.

Only two things might make it an accident - the driver losing consiousness or the vehicle having major malfunctions. Neither of which give reason for he driver to run and in fact would likely make them one of the injured.

If the Police already believe it was deliberate then Id believe them.

Many people run from an accident, this happen all the time. They don't think, they just panic and either run or "fight", in this case stay, yeah we are that basic


To first order that's probably true, though I think they'd primarily target countries with which they have an issue with - otherwise they completely lose any semblance of message their attacks may have.

ISIS propaganda has been calling for lonewolf attacks against France, Germany and UK for years now. More recently, against Turkey and, if I remember right, Saudi Arabia. Germany is definitely among the primarily targeted countries. The reason it was less attacked than France so far is due to the fact there are fewer ISIS supporters in Germany, due to various reasons.


Ugh this 2016 nonsense is messing with my brain. I want to begggg people to stop using a year as if it is a person. i just can't wrap my head around it. No trying to offend anyone here. I just don't understand.

People are just trying to find a way to move on from the horrors of the near past to be hopeful for the near future. Rationally it doesn't make sense, but I can't fault them.

I just want this nightmare to end.


My deepest condolences to all those affected, this is just tragic.

Ugh this 2016 nonsense is messing with my brain. I want to begggg people to stop using a year as if it is a person. i just can't wrap my head around it. No trying to offend anyone here. I just don't understand.

It was already a tired joke before it started being used ad nauseam.

You're not alone in your confusion.



Fuck... There was also the fear that a christmas market would eventually get hit.
With the driver running I doubt that it wasn't deliberate


Polish TV now interviews head of company that owes the truck. Driver was his cousin, they had last contact with him around 3PM, guy was waiting in Berlin for truck unload tommorow morning.

Driver now can't be reached,his phone not responding.


You really should create a thread for such things. We don't know yet whether this was an attack or a driver that lost control.

Does it even matter at this point?
Sentiments are sadly very clear.

But you are correct, it's the wrong thread. I apologize. Just was my first thought. Not the right place. Lets hope for the best.
I'm still buzzing over the assassination in Turkey and now I'm hearing this?

Is this another Bastille Day truck-killing type of thing? Maybe just a terrible mechanical malfunction?

Has anything been confirmed yet on motive or cause?

The hell is going on today?!!?!?!? It's so fucking overwhelming anymore. I'm afraid to even look at the news websites.

Sorry - all this shit is getting to me. This whole year is just one long nightmare.


My mother & grandmother were visiting my aunt & her family in Cologne just a week ago and they, of course, visited a Christmas market. The Christmas markets in Germany are amazing and attract people of all nationalities and faith. I know it's still perhaps too early to call this deliberate but all the signs are there but to think someone would target people making merry and enjoying the winter season is disgusting.
Honestly, I'm shocked it's taken this long since the Nice attack for someone to use a large vehicle. They're inconspicuous and easy attain comparatively to bombs/guns. It's so sad we have to see this headline what feels like every few months since early 2015.


Guys, seriously. I have friends in Berlin and you guys are honestly starting to get me angry here.

It's obvious sources are contradicting each other right now. Nobody here knows the entire truth. In God's name, stop fighting about whether it's definitely or definitely not an attack, or about any of the other details? Can't we just share news reports instead of fighting over who in this thread is right or wrong?

Come on, have some decency.

Edit: Should calm down. Having friends in Berlin and cant reach 2 of them.


Polish TV now interviews head of company that owes the truck. Driver was his cousin, they had last contact with him around 3PM, guy was waiting in Berlin for truck unload tommorow morning.

Driver now can't be reached,his phone not responding.

Funny I'm listening to sky crying that was an attack, but then I read this. Are the media so rush they don't check anything anymore?


Does it even matter at this point?
Sentiments are sadly very clear.

But you are correct, it's the wrong thread. I apologize. Just was my first thought. Not the right place. Lets hope for the best.

What do you expect exactly when earlier this year in an incredibly similar incident a terrorist in Nice killed 80 people with a truck? Of course the first thought will go in this direction and frankly it's most likely at the moment. But right now we should wait for further police announcements and pray there won't be more casualities.


Did they saybwhat happened to the co driver? Was there a shootout?
No shootout. Guy died from the crash. They literally don't know anything else at this point. The suspect was arrested a couple of 100m away from the side based on descriptions from people who seen him.
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