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Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media: poll

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And they're saying the same thing about us.

I don't know what could bring this country together again barring something terrible that rallies people around the flag.

Like a self serving ego maniac running the goddamn thing? Something like that perhaps?
Wow, people are overreacting really bad. I always take these polls with a grain of salt. Of course, there are gonna be people (specifically Republicans), who trust the Trump administration more, these people are usually mindless sheep, most of whom are lost causes. There are just as many if not more people who probably oppose/don't like Trump, though.


America will be in a world of hurt 4 to 5 years from now when all manufacturing jobs go to Mexico and China, Automation (AI) takes some over if not all, white collar office jobs, and we continue to let in more and more people wanting to get a piece of that US pie. I hope all your kids are willing to be farmers and plumbers because that's where all the high value jobs here in the US will be.

Fuck, not sure what happened I thought I was posting in the Mexico manufacturing thread.


Wow, people are overreacting really bad. I always take these polls with a grain of salt. Of course, there are gonna be people (specifically Republicans), who trust the Trump administration more, these people are usually mindless sheep. There are just as many if not more people who probably oppose/don't like Trump, though.


I mean, the problem is the news media IS untruthful, it's just that the other side also thinks that about the wrong news.

Basically, large parts of everyone are going to think that of news at this point due to both sides' narratives, and one side isn't going to think it of the white house.


How did America last this long being populated by a majority of ignorant fools?

The internet has vastly democratized information and communication. The biggest threat to a free country has always been free people, and without a siphon of media elites controlling the narrative, people have more freedom than ever to say and hear what they want.

The problem with putting power in the hands of the people is that people aren't really capable of managing themselves on a macro level.
How did America last this long being populated by a majority of ignorant fools?
Until recently the people in charge were at least competent to some extend at the positions where it matters. The problem now is not really that half of the country is now dumber or whatever, but that politicians actively court them for this, and after being elected rather obstruct, get a paycheck and reelected, then doing things in the nations interest.


Until recently the people in charge were at least competent to some extend at the positions where it matters. The problem now is not really that half of the country is now dumber or whatever, but that politicians actively court them for this, and after being elected rather obstruct, get a paycheck and reelected, then doing things in the nations interest.

It is literally Idiocracy.


The polls are in line with all of my openly Republican friends (ones who before the election I used to think were rational) on social media who exclusively source fox news and Breitbart while shitposting other news media.


Good point, I don't trust garbage like Fox News, Daily Mail or BILD, either.

Wonder what the oppinion is on CNN or NYT vs. Easy D.

CNN played too much Trump coverage and softballed him for too long.

The NYT sat on a story that might have influenced the election. It might have been a case of due diligence, but a lot of people are salty about it.

You were 33 years too early, Mr Orwell.

More like Huxley.

Wow, people are overreacting really bad. I always take these polls with a grain of salt. Of course, there are gonna be people (specifically Republicans), who trust the Trump administration more, these people are usually mindless sheep. There are just as many if not more people who probably oppose/don't like Trump, though.

Here's the thing. You've got to give people time to come to terms with what they just elected. We democrats have no reason not to call the trainwreck a trainwreck. We voted against it. For people who didn't think it would be a trainwreck it's going to take longer.

And yeah, of those 9 out of 10 republicans, we're probably not going to convince many people that Trump and his cabinet spout falsehood after falsehood. But you're talking about people who almost always vote, and we know we can win elections despite them.

Also, keep in mind you've got people on the far left who also think the media is bullshit dragging down these numbers because they don't talk about whatever moonbat conspiracy theory they're onto this week.

But those people aren't going to vote for Trump, I don't think. Nor are they going to be convinced that... Elizabeth Warren, say, is a DINO who puts the interests of wall street before the interest of America.
Maybe—where is the ceiling, when 9/10 Republicans are already fooled?

I mean, given that liberals and left wingers (myself included, though on a significantly smaller scale) also bought into the Hillary Clinton email "scandal", I would imagine that the left has and will continue to fall victim to this too.

All it takes is one good lie for you to question everything.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 51% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate and to be entertained. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment. If you watch Bill O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow, they spend a fraction of their show telling you about news or telling you about something that happened, and then an overwhelming majority of their show tell you how they feel about that thing. It's probably 5% news, and 95% feelings. That's not news, that's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.


I mean, the problem is the news media IS untruthful, it's just that the other side also thinks that about the wrong news.
Basically, large parts of everyone are going to think that of news at this point due to both sides' narratives, and one side isn't going to think it of the white house.

Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).
Pretty much.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
And then, 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].

If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media si untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.
This is a good post.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
And then, 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].

If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media si untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.
This is good post. I've been considering subscribing to NYT as well. They've been doing excellent work over the last several months
Excuse me?

I wonder if a big part just doesn't listen to the shit the administration says and calls them truthful on principle.

But then again, many probably just don't want to acknowledge it.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate and to be entertained. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.

This post should be in the OP.


Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.

Wonderful post and thank you for writing this.

Also the pollster in the OP is Emerson College and they aren't exactly highly regarded organization. They've garnered criticism from renown data scientists like Nate Cohn at The Upshot.
Here's the thing. You've got to give people time to come to terms with what they just elected. We democrats have no reason not to call the trainwreck a trainwreck. We voted against it. For people who didn't think it would be a trainwreck it's going to take longer.

And yeah, of those 9 out of 10 republicans, we're probably not going to convince many people that Trump and his cabinet spout falsehood after falsehood. But you're talking about people who almost always vote, and we know we can win elections despite them.

Also, keep in mind you've got people on the far left who also think the media is bullshit dragging down these numbers because they don't talk about whatever moonbat conspiracy theory they're onto this week.

But those people aren't going to vote for Trump, I don't think. Nor are they going to be convinced that... Elizabeth Warren, say, is a DINO who puts the interests of wall street before the interest of America.

Good points.. A lot of Republicans who voted for Trump tend to watch things like Fox News, so their viewpoints are a bit distorted (perhaps an understatement).

My issue with this thread is that this poll is probably not as black and white as some people are making it out to be. Similar to the percentage of people who agreed to the Muslim ban, it just feels like an excuse for people to say "America is Doomed". I mean seriously Trump is being humiliated and has proven he's an idiot, so this defeatest attitude feels wholly unnecessary. Not to mention there are clearly people who care, otherwise, there would not be protests.
And they're saying the same thing about us.

I don't know what could bring this country together again barring something terrible that rallies people around the flag.

We've never been together. This election has made that clear. For some of us, this has always been obvious. For others, not so much.

At this point, the only thing that could unite America would be an extinction level event, and even then, I'm not sure if everyone would be willing to fall in line.


Good points.. A lot of Republicans who voted for Trump tend to watch things like Fox News, so their viewpoints are a bit distorted (perhaps an understatement).

My issue with this thread is that this poll is probably not as black and white are making it be. Similar to the percentage of people who agreed to the Muslim ban, it just feels like an excuse for people to say "America is Doomed". I mean seriously Trump is being humiliated and has proven he's an idiot, so this defeatest attitude feels wholly unnecessary. Not to mention there are clearly people who care, otherwise, there would not be protests.

Not in the eyes of the Republican Cultists. And we will never reach them.


"news media" is so broad of a term as to be meaningless. infowars has white house press credentials, they're a mainstream news company now. does that mean "the media" is garbage?

everyone thinks the sources they read and watch are truthful and the others aren't.
It's gonna be a long 8 (or 12 or 20 or 50 or infinity) years...

People have already forgotten just how fucked our country was during and after Bush which made a very big portion of Americans pull the lever for the Democratic Black man. Trump is taking us right back to that place.

Spicer today was using the soldier that died in Yemen as a shield to not question the operation. Which immediately reminded me about how you didn't dare question any decisions after 9/11 or you might as well be a terrorist.

Get ready for that Propaganda draped in an American flag.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 49% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate and to be entertained. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment. If you watch Bill O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow, they spend a fraction of their show telling you about news or telling you about something that happened, and then an overwhelming majority of their show tell you how they feel about that thing. It's probably 5% news, and 95% feelings. That's not news, that's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.

Great post. More users should read this. This poll isn't THAT bad.
My issue with this thread is that this poll is probably not as black and white are making it be. Similar to the percentage of people who agreed to the Muslim ban, it just feels like an excuse for people to say "America is Doomed". I mean seriously Trump is being humiliated and has proven he's an idiot, so this defeatest attitude feels wholly unnecessary. Not to mention there are clearly people who care, otherwise, there would not be protests.

My feelings exactly. I feel like people are just looking at the thread titles, posting one-line defeatist rhetoric, then leaving.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 51% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate and to be entertained. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment. If you watch Bill O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow, they spend a fraction of their show telling you about news or telling you about something that happened, and then an overwhelming majority of their show tell you how they feel about that thing. It's probably 5% news, and 95% feelings. That's not news, that's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.

This is an excellent post. Support real news media and investigative journalism, folks.
My feelings exactly. I feel like people are just looking at the thread titles, posting one-line defeatist rhetoric, then leaving.

Thanks! These types of polls should always be examined with a closer eye. Yes, there are a lot of idiots out there, but there are just as many people who can think for themselves. It's a lot more complicated then some people think.
That poll is fucked up in any number of ways, but the comparison of Trump administration to News Media is a particularly egregious one. The Trump administration is one organization with a pretty much set hierarchy in ideas (however chaotic it might be), while the "News Media" is a very loosely defined collection of hundreds of different of organizations with separate motivations, ideas, and viewpoints.
Here's the thing with statistics here, guys... It's not that 51% of Americans believe that the Trump administration is more truthful than news media...
  • It's that 53% of American believe that the news media is untruthful. [FULL STOP]
  • 51% of Americans believe that Trump administration is untruthful. [FULL STOP].
If you ask a conservative if they think the media is untruthful, a large percentage will say "Oh, sure it is, look at MSNBC and CNN -- Liberal biaased fake news!" And if you ask a liberal if they think that the media is untruthful, a solid percentage will say "Sure, it is, look at FoxNews -- fair and balanced, ya right, it's conservative propaganda!" So when you combine those groups, there is enough crossover that the majority (53%) of Americans don't trust news media. And a majority of Americans don't trust Donald Trump (51%). But that doesn't mean that 53% of Americans consider Trump more trustworthy than news media, it means that there's cross-over in their sample, and the data is unrelated (as far as I can tell).

But... HEre's the thing with the people who believe that the news media is untrustworthy -- they're right, the news media is untrustworthy as far as we're talking about the most popular forms of news media, television news. Is it more untrustworthy than the president? I would say no, but that's because I am not a Republican or Trump supporter and consider him a liar, and the makeup of America is that somewhere just south of 50% of Americans will find Trump somewhat trustworthy.

CNN, FoxNews, and MSNBC are all complete and utter trash reality TV, and you become less informed watching them than you do if you watch something else. I honestly believe that watching the Real Housewives and WWE SmackDown inform you about the same as Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, except the Real Housewives and SMACKDOWN at least admit that they're an entertainment semi-reality product. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't news companies, they're entertainment companies, just like E! Network or USA Network, or anything else. I trust WWE Smackdown because WWE Smackdown is honest about their portrayal of action on screen as sports entertainment, but I don't trust Fox, CNN, and MSNBC, because they're dishonest, pretending that they're trying to inform you, when in fact, they're trying to entertain you. People watch these channels not to be informed, but to get their daily allotment of Two Minutes of Hate and to be entertained. Television news media doesn't tell you what's going on in the world, they tell you how you should feel about what is going on in the world, or they tell you how somebody else feels about what is going on in the world. That's not news, it's entertainment. If you watch Bill O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow, they spend a fraction of their show telling you about news or telling you about something that happened, and then an overwhelming majority of their show tell you how they feel about that thing. It's probably 5% news, and 95% feelings. That's not news, that's entertainment.

I'm a dedicated subscriber to the NYT, sustaining member of two NPR stations (WBUR, WGBH), donor to ProPublica, and digital subscriber to the WSJ (just the news), I trust those sources because they're news. They have news departments and they employ journalists. If your experience with the news media is television news, which I'd imagine is the case for a plurality of Americans, then you should distrust news media, because they have tiny newsrooms relative to their budget, they spend more on special affects than journalism, and their most expensive hires aren't journalists, it's good looking actors who read a script. News media's budgets are more similar to WWE than they are to NPR.

If you weren't a Baaaaw-ston fan, I'd buy ya drink for this post, Albatross!

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