In the last two months of this campaign, Drumpf is going to go George Costanza on your asses.
In the last two months of this campaign, Drumpf is going to go George Costanza on your asses.
I wonder if Trump and his supporters know there are more amendments beyond the first two
"Please don't make me be president."
Follow up question should have been whether he would kill their families.
But non-US citizens are fair game, right?
This is the thing here. It's not like this is a nuanced and thought out policy decision. This is an answer he gave on the spot, because that's what he does and that's about the extent of the thought he puts into it. At the most, his thought process was "does this make me sound tough?"This guy as President would literally just be winging it out there.
Im so confused. I wasnt even aware this was a thing in the first place. How would this even work? Civillians are now subject to UCMJ action?
Do you think Trump would be able to name the 3 branches of government and their basic elements? I don't think he would.
Yeah, I'm starting to believe this.
No. American citizens cannot be tried in military court unless they're actually part of the military. They'd otherwise be subject to a petition of habeas corpus by the civilian courts. Also, only Congress can suspend habeas corpus, and only in places in the US where the civil courts are not functioning; that would prevent anybody arrested on American soil for terrorism from being tried by the military.If be some horrid chance this idiot becomes president, could he even make something like that happen?
Citizens being tried in military tribunals would be pretty bad.
Though it is still more due process than a citizen getting a drone strike up their ass.
Because it's not going to happen.
Obama chuckled.