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Trump says he will 'most likely' not take part in Fox debate

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You're using a singular event of a person putting up considerable physical resistance when there's 20 other examples of minorities and whites getting ejected in more or less the same fashion. Looks like we're gonna keep arguing in circles.

There wasn't any considerable physical resistance though. I don't know why you keep saying this.

He was protesting and some racist idiots began assaulting him. Security had to come in after to get him out.


Trump was going to moderate a debate in 2011 but candidates pulled out. Trump complained about it to Megyn Kelly.
Trump just tweeted to watch his event tomorrow night that's going on at the same time as the republican debate, but he didn't announce a channel.


I'm actually kind of curious to see what a debate without Trump looks like, whereas I've seen enough Trump rallies to not be as curious.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 19m19 minutes ago
FOX debate advertising rates falling like a rock! Tune into my special event for the Veterans at 9pm EST!

he's hilarious. just can't help himself


Why does sell-out apply to people that watch Trump instead of the debate?

He is asking everyone to watch it. If you don't support Trump, you shouldn't watch it. Even if just cause you don't like Fox News, shouldn't let him tell you what to watch. Who cares if he is entertaining. He is running for President of the United States, not a reality TV show.


There wasn't any considerable physical resistance though. I don't know why you keep saying this.

He was protesting and some racist idiots began assaulting him. Security had to come in after to get him out.

Again, Trump reported (along with some other bystanders) that he was being overly loud and "obnoxious and looking for trouble". I'm not seeing how it proves Trump wanted to see him beat up because of his color.


Because I know many people who either immigrated here legally, or are trying to immigrate here legally. There's a huge waiting list, it can take years, and cost a to of money for people who live in poor countries and are giving up a large portion of their hard earned savings just for a shot at coming to this great country. And these are smart, hard working, kind, genuinely good people. They are kept out while some people come here illegally from across the border, who are unskilled, uneducated, are more likely to commit crimes, and don't contribute much. That's what makes me angry.

Look, we either have immigration laws or we have an open border. We either follow laws or we don't. I tend to believe in following the laws of this country.
I find your comment quite disrespectful and in poor taste. As a former illegal immigrant, I can assure you neither I or my parents were unskilled, uneducated, willing to commit crime, or not contribute to the greater good of society as you put it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and like you said it yourself, the current immigration process is insane and barrier of entry prevents good people from migrating to this country legally. I don't blame my parents for making the tough choices that they made; they lived in fear of getting deported, not finding a job, and not being able to support their kids. And the part of about contribution, we paid our share of taxes without getting any support or assistance from the government for years until we became legal immigrants, do you find that fair? It's insane to make such inane comments and paint people with wide brush strokes.

I don't think they should be attacked, and two wrongs don't make a right. But hey, you don't want to be attacked? Don't protest at a campaign rally. It's incredibly disrespectful. In any case, trump never tells his supporters to attack protesters. Not at all. He just tells security to remove them. Every time. I have watched at least 15-20 Trump rallies and this is what he always does.
What about peaceful protests? I don't think having a sign should warrant removal from the rally, I though that's what free speech was all about.
Trump is a master. He's gotten republicans to turn against Fox News. Great shit. I'm just watching some more on it on CNN right now.


Again, Trump reported (along with some other bystanders) that he was being overly loud and "obnoxious and looking for trouble".

Yes because they need to blame the victim after kicking the shit out of him and calling him the n-word.

None of what you're saying excuses what happens and I'm still not sure why you're trying to minimise a racially motivated assault but let me tell you it's not a fantastic look.

I'm not seeing how it proves Trump wanted to see him beat up because of his color.

I'm saying the protesters did. Although that Trump would condone such treatment speaks terribly of his character to me.


What about peaceful protests? I don't think having a sign should warrant removal from the rally, I though that's what free speech was all about.

Free speech doesn't apply to private rallies where the people there are quite literally told they'll be thrown out if they cause a disruption, regardless of their skin tone.
I was wrong in my earlier evaluation of this maneuver. Not only does Trump have little to gain and much to lose by participating, he bolsters his image of being anti-establishment, and puts Cruz in the hot seat during the actual debate.
Oh and he fucks with Fox's ratings massively. The dude is a natural in front of the cameras and his quick wit and comedic timing made the debates worth watching.
Those WWE appearances and the Apprentice gave that guy valuable expertise in public speaking and owning the room. You have to admire his ability as a speaker, the dude spouts nonsense but he has people holding on to his every word because of the charismatic and energized way his drivel is communicated.


I'm saying the protesters did. Although that Trump would condone such treatment speaks terribly of his character to me.

That's the same thing that I said before though. It shows insensitivity in Trump for wanting the protester beaten in this case, not necessarily racism.


That's the same thing that I said before though. It shows insensitivity in Trump for wanting protester beaten for being what he thinks was overly disruptive, not necessarily racism.

If it was an isolated incident I might buy it.

Between the Obama birtherism, the racist white supremacist tweets and the comments he's made in the past, I can't.

He seems to have a problem with black people.


If it was an isolated incident I might buy it.

Between the Obama birtherism, the racist white supremacist tweets and the comments he's made in the past, I can't.

He seems to have a problem with black people.

I'm not seeing the consistency either. The dude sang Obama's praises in a book and is suspected to have voted for him (thanks establishment RNC). He's turned down support from WN/David Duke, etc. And it seems quite plainly obvious to me he gets along with people who support him, regardless of their skin tone.


Honestly? He's entertaining.

I get that but, I've heard people legit say they are voting for him just because of that. That is the scary part, put country aside, and just vote for a man cause he is entertaining.

You tell me, lol. You post in every Trump thread - cursing his name, and pleading for divine intervention.

Someone has to. I see past his entertainment value, and see what kind of person he really is.


I'm not seeing the consistency either. The dude sang Obama's praises in a book and is suspected to have voted for him (thanks establishment RNC). He's turned down support from WN/David Duke, etc. And it seems quite plainly obvious to me he gets along with people who support him, regardless of their skin tone.

He was praising Obama, because as he's said before, he had to do business in New York City and act a certain way. Pretty much the explanation he used for being a registered Democrat and being pro-choice.

Unless you believe someone earnestly goes from liking Obama in 2009 to full birther in 2011.
I can't help but follow Trump news. As someone who never paid much attention to politics before 2015, both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have made me interested in following this election cycle.

Specifically speaking, it's just fun watching The Donald. It started off in disbelief hearing him say the things he has said, followed by complete astonishment that the insanity resonates with a large amount of people. Hearing time and time again that he's going to drop in the polls and only continue to defy the expectations, it just makes me want to grab a big bowl of popcorn. For some of us, like me, we don't want the entertainment train to end so soon. He needs to win the nomination at least, just to see how people deal with it.

EDIT: And honestly, despite all the doomsayers, I don't think it'd be the end of the world of he wins the Presidency.
Cruz has reserved a venue for the one on one debate :)
Please see Ted Cruz alone at the Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City this Saturday, January 30th at 8:00 p.m. Central


He is asking everyone to watch it. If you don't support Trump, you shouldn't watch it. Even if just cause you don't like Fox News, shouldn't let him tell you what to watch. Who cares if he is entertaining. He is running for President of the United States, not a reality TV show.
I don't see how that makes you a sell out. Who are you selling out? If he says we should make America great again, are you a sell out for doing something that makes America great?


I get that but, I've heard people legit say they are voting for him just because of that. That is the scary part, put country aside, and just vote for a man cause he is entertaining.

Someone has to. I see past his entertainment value, and see what kind of person he really is.

You're obsessed and you have a problem
I find your comment quite disrespectful and in poor taste. As a former illegal immigrant, I can assure you neither I or my parents were unskilled, uneducated, willing to commit crime, or not contribute to the greater good of society as you put it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and like you said it yourself, the current immigration process is insane and barrier of entry prevents good people from migrating to this country legally. I don't blame my parents for making the tough choices that they made; they lived in fear of getting deported, not finding a job, and not being able to support their kids. And the part of about contribution, we paid our share of taxes without getting any support or assistance from the government for years until we became legal immigrants, do you find that fair? It's insane to make such inane comments and paint people with wide brush strokes.

What about peaceful protests? I don't think having a sign should warrant removal from the rally, I though that's what free speech was all about.

I'm someone on the other side of the spectrum (completely legal immigrant from visa to citizenship), and honestly what's most insulting is that we're only brought up in this conversation when it's convenient to use us a Model Minority. Look at these good boys and girls who are sifting through the years of bullshit process and thousands of dollars down the drain, don't you feel sorry for them? Aren't you mad that dirty illegals are skipping the line and leaving these poor folk out in the cold while they hop the fence, down a Coors, and party till the sun comes up?

As someone who has been through the process, illegal immigration will never subside until the country as a whole 1) gives a shit about immigrants as people, and 2) make a concerted effort to streamline the process and take in more than just the ultra-skilled individuals. The conservatives like Trump and his ilk only talk about immigration reform as a way to control the herd and to treat the pest. They're not coming at it from an angle of watching out for the immigrants who may not be wealthy or with all the connections but all the same are willing to become constructive members of society. This is one of the distinctions that is so obvious to me when I hear people about wanting to make immigration reforms. There's the "streamline the process to let those who want a better life lead productive lives here" and the "let's control these roach-like pests". If you ever want a quick way of telling the two apart, look out for when they try to trot legal immigrants out as ammunition for their argument with statements like "but think of the poor legal immigrants who are being cheated by illegals!"

Word of advice to those who say that shit ^. Thank you but no thank you. I mean, I know you don't really care about or are aware of the insane amount of hoops, time, and money to become a fully legal immigrant+citizen. I know we only get brought up when you want to shit on illegal immigrants some more. But if I'm being honest, those statements bother me more than all the illegal immigrants who "skipped" the line I was at.


What about peaceful protests? I don't think having a sign should warrant removal from the rally, I though that's what free speech was all about.
I find it hilarious that the man who's entire campaign is running on NOT worrying about what's politically correct is also complaining about people not being "respectful" or "nice"


EDIT: And honestly, despite all the doomsayers, I don't think it'd be the end of the world of he wins the Presidency.

Hes probably the best candidate on the Republican side honestly. That's not saying much for them but then I also don't think Bernie or Clinton say much for the Democrats and their inability to run an effective campaign should worry the left when they come up against Trump who can turn bad cards into positives.



I can't even imagine the general.
Why are people so obsessed with Trump? I don't get it.

we have never seen such an outsider candidate rock the hell out of establishment and stay solidly in the lead.

Trump is the news maker of 2015/16.
Until Hillary makes history in November

this is a one in a lifetime news event that hopefully sinks the Republican Party into oblivion for a generation.

The Republican Party created this environment of fear and hate.

Trump is exploiting it, the Party only have themselves to blame for it.
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