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Trumpcare (Obamacare repeal) may be law within days. This could be the final stand

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Unconfirmed Member
Some of ya'll either need to make use of your ignore lists or show some restraint and not engage. Yet another thread is derailing due to the dogpile that a troll seemingly purposefully tried to create.
I kind of wish I lived in a state where me calling my senator would make a difference, but I live on the best coast and my senator is already against this nonsense.


That's because people haven't been affected by Trumpcare yet. Most of the protests are happening in liberal places, people in the south won't notice until it affects them.

Even then their GOP darlings they keep voting in due to fear-mongering will tell them it's *insert Democrats, minority or other hot button issue here*'s fault.


bish gets all the credit :)
That's because people haven't been affected by Trumpcare yet. Most of the protests are happening in liberal places, people in the south won't notice until it affects them, sadly.
And they'll blame the Democrats since it won't affect anyone for a few years.

Truly evil shit they're doing. It's par for the course, though.
Here's hoping this reduces my employer offered plan prices - or at least slows the rate in which they have been increasing.
If that happens I'll vote for the guy. If that doesn't happen then I'll feel robbed.

Single payer is the endgame but anything that reduces my burden in the meantime is a-ok.

Wait. Do I get free cancer screenings now? I had to pay over $600 for the last time I had a CT scan of a lump.
I'm going to be absolutely FUCKED by this but I'm going to be compassionate and wish you actually somehow benefit from this. People like you have my pity. To be so completely selfish and not even slightly care about anyone else means something is missing from your life and I really hope you find that happiness one day. I really do because, unlike you, I want best for my fellow man.


I don't get it, weren't there a thread saying some GOP senators were against the bill

You say that like these people operate on any kind of moral principles and won't immediately be intimidated, bought off, or otherwise neutralized.

It's done. We're in a death spiral.
Even then their GOP darlings they keep voting in due to fear-mongering will tell them it's *insert Democrats, minority or other hot button issue here*'s fault.

A lot of them won't be around for that to happen. Plus the GOP currently has the house, the blame falls entirely on them for now. Good or bad, people will respond when they're feeling threatened is all I'm saying.

And they'll blame the Democrats since it won't affect anyone for a few years.

Truly evil shit they're doing. It's par for the course, though.

Yes, but it's the GOP who signed the bill. So while the delusional will blame the dems as usual, I doubt the GOP will get a welcomed response either.


this is bad shit

For diablos it's fine so long as he still gets his even a little bit.

A lot of them won't be around for that to happen. Plus the GOP currently has the house, the blame falls entirely on them for now. Good or bad, people will respond when they're feeling threatened is all I'm saying.

You underestimate how much impact right-wing fearmongering/their attack on the education system to make unquestioning masses has.


I've already given up.

America is full of evil people, and it was designed to keep them deluded.

Still going to call my Senator, but we might be getting single payer in Cal soon down the line anyway. Let's save as many as we can.
In lieu of getting angry, a mass emigration to California should be the path for anyone at the mercy of this terrible Republican endeavor. Sitting on your hands and not looking to leave for a better state won't make the health insurance you once had that will now be lining the pockets of an already wealthy CEO come back.

I don't get it, weren't there a thread saying some GOP senators were against the bill
The fact that it's going to a vote means the Turtle has his numbers. The ACA is dead.



Yeah, right. That'll be the day.


Here's hoping this reduces my employer offered plan prices - or at least slows the rate in which they have been increasing.
If that happens I'll vote for the guy. If that doesn't happen then I'll feel robbed.

Single payer is the endgame but anything that reduces my burden in the meantime is a-ok.

Yeah, nothing else matters as long as you get yours, huh? Fuck everyone else.
That's because people haven't been affected by Trumpcare yet. Most of the protests are happening in liberal places, people in the south won't notice until it affects them, sadly.

It doesn't matter if they are effected by it or not, all they need to be told is you are better than that brown person over there. They will be given a boogeyman or scapegoat and continue to vote against their own self interest, they have been doing it for a long time. Why do you think this is going to be the thing that changes their mind?

Oni Jazar

I kind of wish I lived in a state where me calling my senator would make a difference, but I live on the best coast and my senator is already against this nonsense.

If I already live in a sane state that's currently and will be indefinitely represented by Democratic congresspeople, is there any value in my calling them?

You can still ask your senators to obstruct the bill at all costs:


Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Something something watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots. If this passes, that baseball shooting is going to look like a paintball match. You can only push people so far.

Exactly. I'd be real nervous if I were the GOP members voting on this. Take away coverage from someone with a treatable illness who is now terminal? Suddenly you might find yourself facing someone with nothing to lose.

The CBO should be made to estimate deaths.

STOP! You can only make republicans so erect!
Here's hoping this reduces my employer offered plan prices - or at least slows the rate in which they have been increasing.
If that happens I'll vote for the guy. If that doesn't happen then I'll feel robbed.

Single payer is the endgame but anything that reduces my burden in the meantime is a-ok.

If you think this is the route to single payer you are sorely mistaken.


I don't understand how there haven't been massive protests like there were for other issues. This is a life and death issue that directly affects far more people and will hit people's wallets so hard they wont be able to afford to worry about anything else.

Guys, I have bad news for you- Protesting does jack shit.

Dems don't vote. Repubs do. Case closed, good luck to those affected.
Never forget that you're dealing with dumb, myopic people. These Republicans are scared shitless of being primaried next year. They haven't thought about the 2018 general elections are beyond yet. In their minds, failing to repeal will be worse for them than producing a bad bill.


Exactly. I'd be real nervous if I were the GOP members voting on this. Take away coverage from someone with a treatable illness who is now terminal? Suddenly you might find yourself facing someone with nothing to lose.

Why would they start caring about their own interests now? They didn't when they voted these people in.

Never forget that you're dealing with dumb, myopic people. These Republicans are scared shitless of being primaried next year. They haven't thought about the 2018 general elections are beyond yet. In their minds, failing to repeal will be worse for them than producing a bad bill.

Nobody's getting primaried and there is no hope of any kind.
You underestimate how much impact right-wing fearmongering/their attack on the education system to make unquestioning masses has.

It doesn't matter if they are effected by it or not, all they need to be told is you are better than that brown person over there. They will be given a boogeyman or scapegoat and continue to vote against their own self interest, they have been doing it for a long time. Why do you think this is going to be the thing that changes their mind?

Maybe, but I don't think all of them are lost brainwashed causes, in fact I'm sure some of them will have an awakening when the bill actually starts happening is what I'm predicting. Not all, just some. Hope I'm not wrong, but who knows. Still horrible regardless.


Here's hoping this reduces my employer offered plan prices - or at least slows the rate in which they have been increasing.
If that happens I'll vote for the guy. If that doesn't happen then I'll feel robbed.

Single payer is the endgame but anything that reduces my burden in the meantime is a-ok.

Let's hope you never lose that job of yours champ


Let's hope you never lose that job of yours champ

*two weeks later*

It would be so karmic.

Maybe, but I don't think all of them are lost brainwashed causes, in fact I'm sure some of them will have an awakening when the bill actually starts happening is what I'm predicting. Not all, just some. Hope I'm not wrong, but who knows. Still horrible regardless.

I hope so as well.


Some of ya'll either need to make use of your ignore lists or show some restraint and not engage. Yet another thread is derailing due to the dogpile that a troll seemingly purposefully tried to create.

Classic victim blaming ;p

Honestly I hadn't seen the dude around for quite a while so I rightfully forgot about him, was hoping he just disappeared, oh well. In the end you can't expect everyone to put him on ignore, just as you can't expect people to not respond to an incredibly selfish post like that regardless of if it's an attempt at trolling or not.

As for the OP, I hope this shit fails like that last one, amazes me (although it prolly shouldn't) how bad greed has fucked up our government. And for anyone that said calling reps is a waste, naw, blow those voicemail boxes up.
Some of ya'll either need to make use of your ignore lists or show some restraint and not engage. Yet another thread is derailing due to the dogpile that a troll seemingly purposefully tried to create.

You're right, I'll add him to ignore. He's a terrible person but he doesn't seem to understand or care that he is.

I hope for everyone's sake, this doesn't come to fruition.
Guys, I have bad news for you- Protesting does jack shit.

Dems don't vote. Repubs do. Case closed, good luck to those affected.

Yep. Careful though you are going to be called a defeatist. It's fucking reality, though. Dems are snowflakes and if they don't get the Unicorn that they specifically wanted they won't vote. Republicans get behind their man, they get behind their party and like it or not they PUSH through their legislation.

How long did it take us to get HC? They are going to repeal and replace it in less than six months in power.


Never forget that you're dealing with dumb, myopic people. These Republicans are scared shitless of being primaried next year. They haven't thought about the 2018 general elections are beyond yet. In their minds, failing to repeal will be worse for them than producing a bad bill.

Most of the bill doesn't go into effect for years anyway.

They'll have time to say they passed a new law despite the odds, look like actual lawmakers, and the map will be redrawn in 2020 before people realize that they're getting fucked.

Wealthy Americans laugh all the way to the bank.


Let's hope you never lose that job of yours champ

Jobs won't help, employers will just stop offering insurance at all and leave people to spend massive amounts of money on plans that don't cover anything. We're all just going to die of preventable causes in extremely short order.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Why would they start caring about their own interests now? They didn't when they voted these people in.

I'm talking about the GOP senators voting on the bill not the average braindead republican voter.

EDIT: Sheesh, that flew right over my head. To what you were actually implying with your post: You do realize the majority of the people who will suffer from his law didn't vote these shitbags into office, right?


why yall responding to diablos seriously. please learn the lore.

on topic, this sucks. wish there was more we could do beyond calling and just making noise.


Good luck out there for everyone. If this passes, start looking for a job that pays better healthcare, even for a pay cut. If you live in a red state, GTFO now and move to a blue state where you can get help with costs.


Most of the bill doesn't go into effect for years anyway.

They'll have time to say they passed a new law despite the odds, look like actual lawmakers, and the map will be redrawn in 2020 before people realize that they're getting fucked.

Wealthy Americans laugh all the way to the bank.

Basically this. Their plan is to shift blame on Democrats if feasible so they can be in power again. Or draw up maps to more or less ensure their power regardless of how much the masses don't want them. And the masses already didn't vote for them anyway.
Saying that it kicks in after 2020 just screams 'fuck it, we'll let them scramble to change it after they take office again'


Because the bill wont be in effect in 2018, I doubt GOP is concerned with the health consequences of it passing but are terrified of laser precision primary targeting if they don't step up and finally kill obamacare. I really don't see any way this doesn't pass. GOP will the kick repercussions down the road if it gets them through another midterm, power is the greatest currency.


As a Canadian who lurks a lot of the Political threads here, I am confused how people went from laughing at Trump's failure to kill Obamacare a few months back to this. If the Republicans basically have infinite retries to get their healthcare reforms through, why were many people so confident a few months back?


Weren't people saying how this would never get passed?

Not saying people shouldn't make noise, but you guys were way too over confident with this stuff.

That's because none of the decision makers involved give a shit about the people they represent. To think that calling anyone is going to help stop this is foolish.
Good luck out there for everyone. If this passes, start looking for a job that pays better healthcare, even for a pay cut. If you live in a red state, GTFO now and move to a blue state where you can get help with costs.

Fuck no, I ain't leaving even if I could afford it. Fuckers aren't pushing me out.

As a Canadian who lurks a lot of the Political threads here, I am confused how people went from laughing at Trump's failure to kill Obamacare a few months back to this. If the Republicans basically have infinite retries to get their healthcare reforms through, why were many people so confident a few months back?

You had a solid block who were like nah no chance this is gonna get passed the Senate, but you also had a good solid chunk who didn't want to argue about the obvious or get called defeatist again. You think the GOP is going to pass this through the House and then give up? You guys are delusional. This will be law, period.
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