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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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No, a Russian site leaked actual descriptions of the episodes. They leaked one from awhile back and it turned out to be right.

(Don't click unless you want to be spoiled!)


Oh god, I'm having a battle against curiosity!

Already doing some "hovering" over the spoilertags to see a word here and there from the next episode. Haven't yet dared to hover on the spoilers beyond that episode.

Oh god, I'm having a battle against curiosity!

Already doing some "hovering" over the spoilertags to see a word here and there from the next episode. Haven't yet dared to hover on the spoilers beyond that episode.


Unless you speak Russian you'll be okay (unless you move further down the thread).


Btw, have we've seen anyone that could be Linda? Like lol if we're gonna be introduced to someone last minute. Only remember a brief mention about her.

Good episode but man this stop and go is maddeningly hilarious at times. This editing to have no sense of timeframing is crazy as well. Feels like that James scene could have been done episodes ago.


I never considered the possibility of Sarah being a doppelgänger, but it could be the real her was tied up in the kitchen when Hawk visited holy shit.

I've been thinking about the same thing for a while now.
What if the real Sarah is in the same house, dead or alive.

The long scene with Sarah watching the tv loop... she goes twice away from the room, maybe to do something to Sarah.
I've been thinking about the same thing for a while now.
What if the real Sarah is in the same house, dead or alive.

The long scene with Sarah watching the tv loop... she goes twice away from the room, maybe to do something to Sarah.

just got serious chills and am also nauseous with fear

what if the supermarket sarah was the real one

i'm like practically crying

this poor fucking family


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I've been thinking about the same thing for a while now.
What if the real Sarah is in the same house, dead or alive.

The long scene with Sarah watching the tv loop... she goes twice away from the room, maybe to do something to Sarah.

She could be being manipulated by him. Not unheard of in violent and/or abusive relationships.

If she's being manipulated, I'd argue it's in a "do what I say or never see the real Coop again" sense.

I'm interested in the mechanics of this. The S2 finale almost implied that the original person had to enter the lodge for a doppelganger to be set free- that under normal circumstances, 2 of the same person could never exist in the "real world" at the same time, hence the "one of you must die" Mike gives Cooper. How did the first Blue Rose case doppelganger get out? And, if there are others, how were they set free? Hoping this is one of the plot threads that actually does get addressed.

Yeah, this seems like the most likely scenario right now to me too.

However, if we entertain the doppelganger possibility, it's possible on that famous night, which Diane refuses to discuss, Mr. C took her into the Lodge and emerged with her doppelganger. The real Diane could still be there.
What if all the Roadhouse scenes are actually just Audrey listening to the radio in her hospital room whilst in the coma, that's why all the performances sound like studio recordings.

And now you're just a stranger's dream

I've wondered if it's a situation like "if you ever want to see your Cooper again, you will help me"

I think Diane did believe it was Cooper, at least at first, which is why she hates Cooper now. I don't think she knows about doppelgangers.

Mr. C continues the charade that he is the real Dale Cooper even when speaking to Diane in Episode 7.

My working theory at the moment is that Mr. C preyed on Diane and the trust she had with Cooper, used that previous relationship to his advantage. Mr. C learns about Janey through Diane, who now works for Mr. C under some form of threat (and at this point I think Diane is beginning to understand that Mr. C is not the real Cooper). The bigger question mark is Janey, and the degree of her complicity, but I still think Dougie's family is innocent. They've been roped into this somehow without understanding what is really going on.

Btw, have we've seen anyone that could be Linda? Like lol if we're gonna be introduced to someone last minute. Only remember a brief mention about her.

No, but we've met her husband, apparently (the guy that gets a ride into town with Carl). If this is indeed "the" Linda, she is a war veteran living in the trailer park.


Guys, it was just plain old Fire Walk with Me. Nothing from The Missing Pieces has actually been used yet. Sorry, it was getting on my nerves.

No, actually the part where he walks into the office is from Fire Walk With Me and the part where he says the thing is from Missing Pieces.

From Missing Pieces:

From Season 3:

In the movie he looks straight at Cooper during the "who do you think this is there" line, while in both Missing Pieces and in Season 3 he looks also at Gordon.

It's the same exact scene but with a voice-over.

But it's true that the first part when he walks in is from the actual movie.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
it seems that Sarah is basically possessed. She kind of snaps in and out of being herself as it suits the controlling entity.

Her reaction after the scumbag in the bar gets his seems one of genuine horror, but as soon as she starts being quizzed by the bar-tender it snaps back into control and she gets sneering and hostile again.

From the "real" Sarah's perspective this would likely appear to be blackouts or cases of "lost time", which would explain her freaking out in the store as the unexpected change in the jerky stand would seem like a similar thing. Which is why she's in such a hurry to get out of there.

Consider as well all the misfortune she's suffered at the hands of the Lodge denizens, that this thing could delight in tormenting her...


What if all the Roadhouse scenes are actually just Audrey listening to the radio in her hospital room whilst in the coma, that's why all the performances sound like studio recordings.

And now you're just a stranger's dream



However, if we entertain the doppelganger possibility, it's possible on that famous night, which Diane refuses to discuss, Mr. C took her into the Lodge and emerged with her doppelganger. The real Diane could still be there.

I can't buy into this doppelgangers run amok theory personally. I don't think it's a mistake that the only doppelganger we've seen is Mr. C . He is completely emotionless at all times, has those weird black eyes, and the whole 'yerv' thing in the prison scene. He's like an alien playing at being human. I see none of that in Diane or Sarah for the most part. Sarah is a little more complicated if the theory was she was doppelganger'd after she went home from the store, because when Hawk comes calling and then later in the bar, she very much is emotionless and cold like Mr. C. Diane though, I think is either just being manipulated or is maybe not the good person we want to believe she is, but everything points to her still being human.


No, actually the part where he walks into the office is from Fire Walk With Me and the part where he says the thing is from Missing Pieces.

From Missing Pieces:

From Season 3:

In the movie he looks straight at Cooper during the "who do you think this is there" line, while in both Missing Pieces and in Season 3 he looks also at Gordon.

It's the same exact scene but with a voice-over.

But it's true that the first part when he walks in is from the actual movie.

Yeah, it's definitely TMP version. Cole's dialog is slightly different as well from what I remember. FWWM he responds to Cooper "I know, Coop" and TMP it's "I know Coop. Stand fast!"
Speaking of scenes out of order, I'm pretty sure the James & Freddie scene took place prior to them showing up in the Roadhouse back in Part 2. James seemed to be saying that he was going to introduce Freddie to the Roadhouse after their shift. In Part 2, they walk in together and Freddie looks around like he's never been there before.

Starting to wonder if that theory about all the roadhouse scenes taking place during one night could have some credence to it. Unless of course someone has already debunked it, it's hard to keep up with all the speculation.
What if all the Roadhouse scenes are actually just Audrey listening to the radio in her hospital room whilst in the coma, that's why all the performances sound like studio recordings.

And now you're just a stranger's dream


That would mean that James is a studio artist being broadcast with the likes of Nine Inch Nails..................



Great episode. It's all coming together nicely!

Sarah is downright frightening. I'm kind of desensitized to most horror films etc, but some of the imagery in this show really gets under my skin.


So, that Bri'ish guy with James is definitely going to arm wrestle evil Cooper and fuck him over, right ? He has to. His glove is rubber, and that doesn't conduct electricity. Must be important.


So, that Bri'ish guy with James is definitely going to arm wrestle evil Cooper and fuck him over, right ? He has to. His glove is rubber, and that doesn't conduct electricity. Must be important.
Nope, he is going to die tragically and/or comically and bequeath the glove and all of its awesome might to James who will use it to save everyone.

James was always cool and the greatest hero of them all.
I just thought, a reason they may have re-recorded the Jeffries' dialogue is because there will be more dialogue with the new VO artist (because Bowie was unavailable) and they didn't want a disconnect between old and new footage.

im thinking this or for some reason they didnt get permission for his voice?


My prediction of the glove thing:

We will be made to believe the guy uses it to battle Mr. C or the mother or whoever else.
But the bad guy ends up taking the glove away from the guy. The bad guy will be double as powerful as they are now.


No, actually the part where he walks into the office is from Fire Walk With Me and the part where he says the thing is from Missing Pieces.

Gordon even says "I'm just now remembering that" or something like that, as if it didn't happen until he dreamed it..
Gordon even says "I'm just now remembering that" or something like that, as if it didn't happen until he dreamed it..
To Gordon and Albert at the time it was just some crazy nonsense. It makes sense it wouldn't instantly come to mind until the suggestion of two Coops comes up.

"Suffered a few bumps on the old noggin there eh Philip?" Or whatever the line is.


Really guys, are we all gonna be cool with this season 'if it was all a dream/purgatory?' Sounding like we're going LOST here. It's all ending in a church y'all.

In all seriousness, I'm sure Lynch has something good cooked up for us right...right?
Really guys, are we all gonna be cool with this season 'if it was all a dream/purgatory?' Sounding like we're going LOST here. It's all ending in a church y'all.

In all seriousness, I'm sure Lynch has something good cooked up for us right...right?
Any 'just a dream' crap will be crap. I don't think that's the sort of thing Lynch would be so literal about though. Are parts of Lost Highway just a dream? Maybe? Is the majority of Mulholland Drive a dream? Probably.

But you can't exactly say for sure.
Really guys, are we all gonna be cool with this season 'if it was all a dream/purgatory?' Sounding like we're going LOST here. It's all ending in a church y'all.

In all seriousness, I'm sure Lynch has something good cooked up for us right...right?

We had this debate a while back, and us sane folks agreed that "it's all a dream" trope is tired AF and incredibly rote.


Really guys, are we all gonna be cool with this season 'if it was all a dream/purgatory?' Sounding like we're going LOST here. It's all ending in a church y'all.

I don't think Lynch and Frost would pull that shit, but hypothetically if they did, I would not be amused. It probably wouldn't ruin the season for me, but it sure would put a damper on it.


Really guys, are we all gonna be cool with this season 'if it was all a dream/purgatory?' Sounding like we're going LOST here. It's all ending in a church y'all.

In all seriousness, I'm sure Lynch has something good cooked up for us right...right?

LOST was not a dream/purgatory. (spoiler LOST all seasons)
Less than half of the last season was a "waiting room" for the afterlife. Everything else, including every single scene on the Island, was real.
I'm getting to the point where this show might not be for me. In a single episode Game of Thrones has entertained me more than the 14 episodes this show has so far. Like wtf Lynch. You can't throw random shit and then at the end say "this is how it all connects together."

This is not art. This is a bunch of disjointed ideas. And just because Lynch is considered a master surrealist he doesn't get a free pass.

This is my rant and my opinion.


LOST was not a dream/purgatory. (spoiler LOST all seasons)
Less than half of the last season was a "waiting room" for the afterlife. Everything else, including every single scene on the Island, was real.

Ah okay I guess. Sounds like its the same deal with modern Battlestar Galatica where they pull out that last minute story where
Cylons/Colonists became early humans and it was simply another cycle. Oh and Starbuck was an angel or something.


I'm getting to the point where this show might not be for me. In a single episode Game of Thrones has entertained me more than the 14 episodes this show has so far. Like wtf Lynch. You can't throw random shit and then at the end say "this is how it all connects together."

This is not art. This is a bunch of disjointed ideas. And just because Lynch is considered a master surrealist he doesn't get a free pass.

This is my rant and my opinion.

no one is forcing you to watch it, if you're not enjoying with it and can't engage with it stop watching.
I'm getting to the point where this show might not be for me. In a single episode Game of Thrones has entertained me more than the 14 episodes this show has so far. Like wtf Lynch. You can't throw random shit and then at the end say "this is how it all connects together."

This is not art. This is a bunch of disjointed ideas. And just because Lynch is considered a master surrealist he doesn't get a free pass.

This is my rant and my opinion.
This is not a post on neogaf.

You can't just throw random words together and claim it forms an opinion.

Sorry that some people like some art you don't and that it isn't enough for you to have a contrary opinion to them.

Edit: seriously, though how is it not art, good, bad or indifferent?
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