Concord - Reviews Thread (PS5/PC)


How can you even be this much of a pathetic fanboy who does nothing but damage control for Sony?
Concord looks like shit and I've thought that ever since the May SoP? You're still delusional if you believe one or two live service flops are enough to get anyone (this person in particular that has perpetually mindbroken you) fired, when there were still a bunch of other successful projects under his tenure. As I already said, pure delusion.
Also, listing GOOD games = damage control, holy shit, deep into miserable internet culture where absolutely nothing can ever be a positive thing.

Lokaum D+

james franco sandwich GIF


Gold Member
If Sony were smart then they would have at least thrown this on PS+ day one, not that it would have made any difference long term though.
Didn't help destruction all-stars or Foamstars.

Someone at SIE is going to take a massive internal hit for this game. It's not great but it looks and sounds expensive.
I agree it wouldnt help overall. But I dont think it would even be possible to add it to PS+ day one.

They already set it up with disc sales at stores and digital preorders. So unless they cancelled all preorders and made amends with retailers saying it'll suddenly be on sub plan killing disc sales, i dont see how they could do it.

But after 3 or 6 months I can see it. They'll probably do a last gasp PS+ download in December hoping for a Xmas spike.
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His source is his ass the guy is a YouTube basement dweller he has no sources

Just feels like a random thing to just throw out there, not like everyone is chasing to know how much they paid. I'm sure in due time the actual amount will be public.

But, regardless, it doesn't matter how much they paid, it was clearly not worth the money.


If Sony was reading NeoGAF they d know that going woke is going broke.
Also, their culture is NOT live service games. With the exception of Helldivers their track record is terrible
I genuinely assumed this game was f2p...what the fuck were sony thinking charging 35 up front for this? Do they understand the market at all?

I was really disappointed when sony pivoted away from multiplayer entirely (tlou 1 and killzone 2/3 last notable multiplayer modes in their games?) but it's clear now they don't have the talent or understanding to make anything good anymore anyway.

Mr Hyde

Concord looks like shit and I've thought that ever since the May SoP? You're still delusional if you believe one or two live service flops are enough to get anyone (this person in particular that has perpetually mindbroken you) fired, when there were still a bunch of other successful projects under his tenure. As I already said, pure delusion.
Also, listing GOOD games = damage control, holy shit, deep into miserable internet culture where absolutely nothing can ever be a positive thing.

99% of your posts is you responding to other posters because you're butthurt about something they said about Sony. Now that's miserable internet culture if you ask me. Go fight someone other and stop bothering me you goddamn moron.


Identifies as young
I really wish we had stats on PlayStation, the way we have on Steam.

Think this is the best we have...

No Concord in the top 100

Edit: hmm, seems this is only counts folks who have signed on the site so not really a good source. Oh well
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Apparently that didn’t effect Spider Man 2.

SM2 was SM1 with a heavy DEI infusion. You wouldn't know until you are already playing the game and swinging around as Spider-Man.

Concord made DEI its entire identity. It's right on the box.

Edit: To see real effect of Spider-Man 2, wait for a third game. Even if they remove DEI entirely, people might remember their experience and feel like SM is getting played out anyway. I'm not talking about people who read up deep on games before buying, I mean normal people who just go and buy a game to play with maybe a look at mainstream reviews.
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SM2 was SM1 with a heavy DEI infusion. You wouldn't know until you are already playing the game and swinging around as Spider-Man.

Concord made DEI its entire identity. It's right on the box.

Edit: To see real effect of Spider-Man 2, wait for a third game. Even if they remove DEI entirely, people might remember their experience and feel like SM is getting played out anyway. I'm not talking about people who read up deep on games before buying, I mean normal people who just go and buy a game to play with maybe a look at mainstream reviews.


Star Wars it's also one of the most successful brands in the world, and not even that saved "The Acolyte" from becoming a huge commercial flop...
Fans can only endure the insults and mocking from people who clearly disdain the fanbase until a certain point. If you keep biting the hand that gives you food, you will end up being slapped.
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If you look at Fortnite and think generic then a game like Overwatch 2 is even more generic than it.

Overwatch is generic in the way that LOTR is generic.

Of course it is, it wrote the book on this shit.

Mind you I have only actually been in Overwatch 2 a few times and I'm sure the art direction of new characters I don't even know exist plummeted, but it was almost the exact same game as 1 down to the maps I was getting.


Gold Member
  • 8 Years of development, started over a couple times
  • Over 200 Developers working on it
  • 100-200$ million dollars budget
  • 700 players at launch
  • Around 50k copies sold

  • 4 Years of Active Development
  • 30 Employees (expanded to 130)
  • 30-50$ million Budget
  • 3 million players at launch
  • Over 10 million copies sold
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SM2 was SM1 with a heavy DEI infusion. You wouldn't know until you are already playing the game and swinging around as Spider-Man.

Concord made DEI its entire identity. It's right on the box.

Edit: To see real effect of Spider-Man 2, wait for a third game. Even if they remove DEI entirely, people might remember their experience and feel like SM is getting played out anyway. I'm not talking about people who read up deep on games before buying, I mean normal people who just go and buy a game to play with maybe a look at mainstream reviews.
It's why I'm not touching another insomniac game until deep into the games life to see what shit rears it's head.

And I was one who bought their games day 1 since spyro (except fuse)


Gold Member
SM2 was SM1 with a heavy DEI infusion. You wouldn't know until you are already playing the game and swinging around as Spider-Man.

Concord made DEI its entire identity. It's right on the box.

Edit: To see real effect of Spider-Man 2, wait for a third game. Even if they remove DEI entirely, people might remember their experience and feel like SM is getting played out anyway. I'm not talking about people who read up deep on games before buying, I mean normal people who just go and buy a game to play with maybe a look at mainstream reviews.
Also SM2 would have sold well on release as it wasn't well known until later how woke the game was, i only found out a few weeks after release, i don't have a PS5 but bought SM1 and MM for PC and for sure wont be picking up SM2


Also SM2 would have sold well on release as it wasn't well known until later how woke the game was, i only found out a few weeks after release, i don't have a PS5 but bought SM1 and MM for PC and for sure wont be picking up SM2

Well yes exactly, that's what I mean by you wouldn't know unless you were already swinging around.


Really hoping that this continues to hammer home to Sony that epic, single player games is where PlayStation excels.

Yes, they take a fucking long time to develop, but they all tend to be absolute bangers, and often end up as system sellers.


Gold Member
StreetsofBeige StreetsofBeige unlucky lad. I’ll get you next time.

LOL. I was totally off with my 2000+ count. I thought the weekend would bring a big player boost as that happens to every game. Turns out the game so far at Saturday at lunch time, the Steam count is already going down vs yesterday.

Youre a lucky guy. I loaded up on garlic, hot sauce and onions yesterday. You would had guzzled one smelly gooper.
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