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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone with characters, plot, visuals, etc. And saying, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably. Ease off on each other for now. Odds are we'll be doing more arguing in the weeks to come though lol.
Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone. And saying that thing, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably.

Being critical is one thing, saying "this is not art" is dumb and rightfully deserves to be called out.
Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone. And saying that thing, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably.
Ease off on each other. Odds are we'll be doing more of it in the weeks to come though lol.
Share your opinions all day long. Think twice before saying something like "this isn't art" though, because that's just wrong.

I don't like everything about the series. I don't like a lot of the choices.

Yes, I think it's the best season of television I have ever seen, but I know many who don't feel that way.

But it's unquestionably art.


Being critical is one thing, saying "this is not art" is dumb and rightfully deserves to be called out.

Pretty much what I was going to say. When the critical lens used is a mile wide and a millimeter deep, it's hard to take it seriously.

So, expound on it.
Sure, but it just seems odd to say after an episode like last night's. Where was the lack of cohesion for you?

My frustration with the show stems from how one story thread is not picked up for several episodes, after it occurs. How long has it been since that girl was shown with the frog creature. Then I come to this thread and I see tons of theories that have no backing and only serve to make the show more confusing.

I personally don't believe I should have to be keeping copious notes in order to understand what is going on. Maybe the original series wasn't really Lynchean and all this years I believed something that's I shouldn't have. Perhaps this show is a better representation of what to expect from Lynch. I love the original series.

This season has made me laugh, and there have been some good episodes. However, not a single one has come close to my enjoyment of the original.

Also, just because I'm disappointed with the show some of you shouldn't take it as a personal attack.

Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone with characters, plot, visuals, etc. And saying, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably. Ease off on each other for now. Odds are we'll be doing more arguing in the weeks to come though lol.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
My frustration with the show stems from how one story thread is not picked up for several episodes, after it occurs. How long has it been since that girl was shown with the frog creature. Then I come to this thread and I see tons of theories that have no backing and only serve to make the show more confusing.

I personally don't believe I should have to be keeping copious notes in order to understand what is going on. Maybe the original series wasn't really Lynchean and all this years I believed something that's I shouldn't have. Perhaps this show is a better representation of what to expect from Lynch. I love the original series.

This season has made me laugh, and there have been some good episodes. However, not a single one has come close to my enjoyment of the original.

Also, just because I'm disappointed with the show some of you shouldn't take it as a personal attack.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
My frustration with your post is that you dismiss the show as not art. You provide no justification for this nonsense. You know it's incendiary and you continue to ignore those of us taking you to task for it.
My frustration with your post is that you dismiss the show as not art. You provide no justification for this nonsense. You know it's incendiary and you continue to ignore those of us taking you to task for it.

I'm not going to argue with you with what can be defined as art. Clearly you have your definition. We can go with yours if you'd like. My opinion remains the same. The show isn't as good as I hoped, and certainly this bad (my opinion) 14 episodes in.
"One of these days before you know it, I'm gonna be grown up and on my own. You better watch out."

Take down (evil) Coop like you said 25 years ago, Audrey!

Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone with characters, plot, visuals, etc. And saying, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably. Ease off on each other for now. Odds are we'll be doing more arguing in the weeks to come though lol.

There's no issue with people being critical of the show. This thread is specifically the place to post those criticisms. It's also the place for others to respond to those criticisms if they choose to. As long as no one is insulting anybody else or just being a jerk there shouldn't be an issue. If somebody post their opinion on the show it shouldn't be exempt from people commenting on that opinion. This is a Twin Peaks discussion thread, that's what it's for.


Listen I get that a good number of the folks here are very happy with this season, but you gotta let people be critical with this show, especially this one where Lynch is challenging everyone with characters, plot, visuals, etc. And saying, well why don't you watch it then, might be unsatisfying to a big TP fan who may want to see out of necessity. We've done this argumentative loop about 300 times in this thread alone probably. Ease off on each other for now. Odds are we'll be doing more arguing in the weeks to come though lol.

People say those who don't like the series can stop watching the series, but at the same time they seem to have trouble to stop reading the negative posts even if they don't like them ;)

Being critical is one thing, saying "this is not art" is dumb and rightfully deserves to be called out.

Could it be so that something can be art to someone but to some it isn't?
Or is art always art, no matter what?

I mean, people seem to usually think that art is subjective at least in the sense that everyone makes their own interpretations about it. But couldn't it be so that for some art really isn't art at all?

I personally think that art has lost its meaning ages ago. Art has become entertainment and entertainment has become art. There is nothing to differentiate those from each other. I think David Lynch is one of those rare people who still can be said that he makes art, but I don't think it's because of how things look or sound but because of what the content is. I think art is something that was supposed to save souls by giving the viewer/experiencer understanding of things that can't quite be said by normal ways of communication. Things that can be understood by the soul.

I think that people often look at things and base their opinion about their 'artness' almost solely on how the look of them make them feel, and I don't think that is art.

I think the contents of David Lynch's works manage still to go beyond the pleasures of aesthetic visuals.

So, that said, maybe it's ok to just let people define what art is by themselves. If anyone can't say Twin Peaks is not art, then anyone can't say a basic gonzo porn video is not art either. We all seem to have so different views on what is good art and what is bad art and what even is art. And so very often art is viewed as entertainment and the most basic entertainment products are called art by someone somewhere. Sometimes someone feels the colors of the product pleases the eye and because of that the person feels it is art. Sometimes just because a product makes a person cry, that person says the product is art. So there really is no way for anyone to say an amateur porn video that makes someone horny isn't art because being horny is just as much of an emotion as sadness is. And I'm sure there are plenty of people in the world who wouldn't ever say that is art.

So even if we think something is art and someone comes and says it isn't, maybe we just should let them say it.


My frustration with the show stems from how one story thread is not picked up for several episodes, after it occurs. How long has it been since that girl was shown with the frog creature. Then I come to this thread and I see tons of theories that have no backing and only serve to make the show more confusing.

I personally don't believe I should have to be keeping copious notes in order to understand what is going on. Maybe the original series wasn't really Lynchean and all this years I believed something that's I shouldn't have. Perhaps this show is a better representation of what to expect from Lynch. I love the original series.

This season has made me laugh, and there have been some good episodes. However, not a single one has come close to my enjoyment of the original.

Also, just because I'm disappointed with the show some of you shouldn't take it as a personal attack.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
You don't have to take notes just go along for the ride. Of course if your not enjoying that ride then you can get off.
The original series had a lot of things that were left for the audience to interpret but you could also just ignore that stuff. It was a simpler show from a simpler time.
They chose to massively expand the story this season and for some like me that is great but others are frustrated and want something like the old seasons. Some people like me like to theorize and some don't give a crap. That's cool. Even if someone hates it I still want to hear and respect their opinion.
I'm getting to the point where this show might not be for me. In a single episode Game of Thrones has entertained me more than the 14 episodes this show has so far. Like wtf Lynch. You can't throw random shit and then at the end say "this is how it all connects together."

This is not art. This is a bunch of disjointed ideas. And just because Lynch is considered a master surrealist he doesn't get a free pass.

This is my rant and my opinion.

I guess you just don't like Lynch's story telling style? I like me some GOT, but it's had ups and downs just like this show. I find a lot of GOT quite dull and predictable these days.


Jelly Belly
So this episode was amazing. Really loved it.

Still thinking the jumping man with the pointy nose have something to do with the frog moth and the pointy beak.

Btw, why are the scenes in the presumed white lodge being showed in black & white? Is it just there to give us the feeling we are going back in time or do they give us something more then that?
it seems that Sarah is basically possessed. She kind of snaps in and out of being herself as it suits the controlling entity.

Her reaction after the scumbag in the bar gets his seems one of genuine horror, but as soon as she starts being quizzed by the bar-tender it snaps back into control and she gets sneering and hostile again.

From the "real" Sarah's perspective this would likely appear to be blackouts or cases of "lost time", which would explain her freaking out in the store as the unexpected change in the jerky stand would seem like a similar thing. Which is why she's in such a hurry to get out of there.

Consider as well all the misfortune she's suffered at the hands of the Lodge denizens, that this thing could delight in tormenting her...

I've assumed possession for a while, especially as in the final episode of season 2 she seemed as possessed by a demonic entity when delivering a message to Garland Briggs.

The face-door thing confirms it.


I find it incredibly hard to believe that Diane would not know that her sister's husband looked exactly like Cooper, estranged or not.

There is no way she never at least saw a picture of them.


Jelly Belly
I find it incredibly hard to believe that Diane would not know that her sister's husband looked exactly like Cooper, estranged or not.

There is no way she never at least saw a picture of them.

They are half sisters who hate each other and havent spoke in years. Shit like that happens all the time.
I dont have to see pictures of people i hate.


Coming to think about it... maybe the hate for each other has something to do with Douglas Jones.


My guess is that Diane doesn't hate her sister at all. I think Evil Coop did something terrible to Diane, and had threatened to hurt her sister too unless she acted as an informant. She's working for Evil Coop under duress, and has had to live estranged from her sister all these years because it'd have otherwise led her FBI connections too close to the identical Coop clone that was Dougie.


Jelly Belly
You might be right in that Diane not hate her half sister. She does say that Janey-E hates her but not that its likewise. She also as a sort of sad face when she mention that part if i remember correctlly

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Yep, I enjoy coming in here to see the reactions to the episodes, but there's always someone who can't shut up about THE LEAKS, posting spoilers and potentially ruining the surprises for everyone else. I'm out until the end of the show.


I find it incredibly hard to believe that Diane would not know that her sister's husband looked exactly like Cooper, estranged or not.

There is no way she never at least saw a picture of them.
Diane is in on everything. She just don't want to blow her cover. Yeah she knows about doppelgangers. She clearly saw the homeless/blob/drink from the well kind of guys. Under duress or not Diane is in on everything. She is working with FBI so that Evil Coop can stay one step ahead of them and more. She saw the entity that killed hastings so ofcourse she knows about doppelgangers.

And I don't care wether people like or hate this season. It is and always will be art. But one painting is loved by some people as others hate it and that's fine. Naturally you can criticize the show but it's art alright.
Alright Showtime, it's time to just release the rest of the season to get ahead of any leaks. Right? Right! Right?!

A man can dream. Watching the last four on a row would make for a hell of a night.
Probably not, but maybe hearing Smooth Criminal on the radio is what will bring Cooper out of it.

a Julee Cruise cover of Smooth Criminal on the radio. He'll hear this spaced out version of "Annie are you okay...Annie are you okay" and his blank Dougie face will come to realization lol.


I really don't care anymore about Dougie turning back to Cooper again. He is fantastic. If I want normal Coop, I ll just rewatch season 1 again.
I'd like a few minutes of Cooper with the people at the sheriff's station at least.

but even moreso I want the Jones family to come in contact with them or Gordon Cole. that shit would be the most entertaining moment of the year.


a Julee Cruise cover of Smooth Criminal on the radio. He'll hear this spaced out version of "Annie are you okay...Annie are you okay" and his blank Dougie face will come to realization lol.

I'd listen to that.

I really don't care anymore about Dougie turning back to Cooper again. He is fantastic. If I want normal Coop, I ll just rewatch season 1 again.

At this point I'd be hard pressed to choose between Mr. C and Dougie or Cooper, as weird as that sounds.
I'd like a few minutes of Cooper with the people at the sheriff's station at least.

but even moreso I want the Jones family to come in contact with them or Gordon Cole. that shit would be the most entertaining moment of the year.

I don't see how this doesn't happen in Part 15 or Part 16. That FURIOUS FBI guy in Vegas is going to make sure of it.

And my god the window washer in 14 was top tier hilarious mundane unsettling nonsense. Why even was that scene? Actually, I don't care, I'm happy it exists.


I noticed this too --- the Giant had said something like "Remember this sound" for the phonograph sound in the 1st or 2nd episode..........that sound returned during last night's episode......

People have mentioned that what we may have seen last night was the waiting room for the White Lodge................that would mean that the Giant / Fireman is present in both the White Lodge and the Black Lodge..............how do we reconcile this? The one we've seen in the Black Lodge doesn't appear hostile, so probably isn't a doppleganger Giant.............how can he be a good guy and yet be present in both Lodges?

Sorry if this was already answered but Hawk explained that the fire was neither good nor bad except how it was used. Corruption made it black fire, or i guess the fire mixed with corruption created darkness. Since he is the Fire Man he might go everywhere.
When the dream started and Monica belluci was just playing herself, I was afraid they were going to retcon David Bowie as Phillip Jeffries, with a line like ' and there was Phillip Jeffries, but for some reason he looked like David Bowie '.

Very happy that didn't happen.


Man I can't wait for Sunday. I really feel like this season, a few hiccups aside (*cough*Episode 12*cough*), has been almost note perfect. If you'd told me 4 months ago that The Return would feature almost no Agent Dale Cooper whatsoever, and that instead Maclachlan would be playing 2 different characters altogether, and that I'd love it, I'd think you were insane.


I really don't care anymore about Dougie turning back to Cooper again. He is fantastic. If I want normal Coop, I ll just rewatch season 1 again.

Can't echo that sentiment at all.

Not getting "normal Coop" is one thing, but having a vegetable as lead character gets old fast, no matter how fun he is.

The reason is because he is completely passive and only reacts to stuff instead of taking action and making decisions on his own. So it's kind of annoying.

By that I mean that I'm ok with Dougie if it ends in the next couple of episodes. If not fuck it.
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