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Twitch Plays Pokemon Emerald: Right A Down, Right A Down

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date
I thought Combusken auto learned Double kick once it evolved.

It does, but only if you evolve it at level 16. Technically it's just a level up move for Combusken at level 16, so if you evolve at even level 17 then you'll never be able to get it unless you go to the move tutor.


So I looked up the Torchic line's learn sets. If we never evolve Torchic to Combusken, it will miss out on Double Kick (already missed) and Sky Uppercut. If we don't evolve to Blaziken by 36 (the first possible level) we will miss out on Blaze Kick. However, if we keep it as a Torchic forever, we learn Flamethrower in the early 40s, something neither Combusken nor Blaziken learn naturally, and a move which is better than Blaze Kick (since no physical/special split yet). So at this point IMO it's best to just stay as a Torchic forever, unless we can somehow coordinate evolving into a Blaziken at exactly 36.

Noooo we had shroomish!! Can you imagine having Breloom? =(

No, because we'd never evolve it. Shroomish would still be helpful against Roxanne though. Our other options would be Ralts, Wingull, or Abra if we can find a way to level it up.
So I looked up the Torchic line's learn sets. If we never evolve Torchic to Combusken, it will miss out on Double Kick (already missed) and Sky Uppercut. If we don't evolve to Blaziken by 36 (the first possible level) we will miss out on Blaze Kick. However, if we keep it as a Torchic forever, we learn Flamethrower in the early 40s, something neither Combusken nor Blaziken learn naturally, and a move which is better than Blaze Kick (since no physical/special split yet). So at this point IMO it's best to just stay as a Torchic forever, unless we can somehow coordinate evolving into a Blaziken at exactly 36.

No, because we'd never evolve it. Shroomish would still be helpful against Roxanne though. Our other options would be Ralts, Wingull, or Abra if we can find a way to level it up.
Best way to level abra would be to switch it in against the cascoons that can't damage it at all, but there's no way we could manage that without teleporting out of battle I fear.


Best way to level abra would be to switch it in against the cascoons that can't damage it at all, but there's no way we could manage that without teleporting out of battle I fear.
We need to ditch Abra imo. This rom is not modded, so we can never evolve him to Alakazam.


Sequel to The Adventures of A and Zexy:

Zexy Finds Friends
Credit for both comics goes to SirKnightly on Reddit.


So according to the Google Doc we have only 53 pokedollars. Meaning we're SOL when it comes to buying Pokeballs, and considering we've defeated all possible trainers up to this point the only way left to get anymore money is to sell what little we've got, which is pretty unlikely. We do have 1 pokeball left however, which our Torchic is holding.
If we can't catch another pokemon, then we'll be forced to grind Poochy and Nincada up to at least the high teens and brute forcing our way through Roxanne. So we're gonna be in Rustboro for a while.

Well we need to get another pokeball in the inventory before nincada evolves. Else we ain't getting our shedinja

Nincada isn't hitting level 20 anytime soon. And when it does it won't evolve anyway.
So according to the Google Doc we have only 53 pokedollars. Meaning we're SOL when it comes to buying Pokeballs, and considering we've defeated all possible trainers up to this point the only way left to get anymore money is to sell what little we've got, which is pretty unlikely. We do have 1 pokeball left however, which our Torchic is holding.
If we can't catch another pokemon, then we'll be forced to grind Poochy and Nincada up to at least the high teens and brute forcing our way through Roxanne. So we're gonna be in Rustboro for a while.

Nincada isn't hitting level 20 anytime soon. And when it does it won't evolve anyway.

oh boy. Then let's grind
Jesus Christ, we need to evolve Torchic, it doesn't matter if it doesn't learn Double Kick, it won't be weak to rock anymore. Then we can just use Ember and burn them to cinders.
Shedinja is impossible to train, though wouldn't he pretty much be invincible to any Pokemon we can find on the water? Maybe not pelipper and reluctant.
Shedinja? I'd applaud Twitch if we somehow manage to level up and evolve Nincada and have an empty space in our party at the same time.

Well he knows Dig, we have no more trainers to fight ad we are currently grinding in the wild with a lack of money to buy pokeballs. Our one pokeball is held by Torchic and even if we use that we have one more slot.

Shedinja might not actually be too hard


Shedinja would be pretty useful because it'd mean instant win vs. Brawly, as he has no moves that can hit it. Or we might just skip Brawly altogether as Twitch gives no fucks about Flash and beating Brawly is not actually required to leave Dewford.

Edit: So apparently our bag is empty now....meaning the selling items for pokeballs option is gone.


Well he knows Dig, we have no more trainers to fight ad we are currently grinding in the wild with a lack of money to buy pokeballs. Our one pokeball is held by Torchic and even if we use that we have one more slot.

Shedinja might not actually be too hard

I just have little faith in Twitch not pressing the B button.
Shedinja is impossible to train, though wouldn't he pretty much be invincible to any Pokemon we can find on the water? Maybe not pelipper and reluctant.

Shedinja sweeps Brawley, Wattson minus Rollout Voltorb, Norman's two non Faint Attack pokemon, 1/2 of Tate and Liza, all of Juan, etc.

He could be an awesome unique member.

Additionally, as of now Nincada is a bug/ground type, making him neither weak or resistant to rock type moves AND he has Dig


Jesus Christ, we need to evolve Torchic, it doesn't matter if it doesn't learn Double Kick, it won't be weak to rock anymore. Then we can just use Ember and burn them to cinders.
There's no guarantee we can actually evolve him. Better to grind the party members who need exp.
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