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Twitch Plays Pokemon Emerald: Right A Down, Right A Down

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


All very low lvled. And the lvl 29 has no

The problem is we would need all our Pokemon to be lvl 41 or higher. It's the speed that kills you.

Yeah, I was sarcastic. Still, if its simply a matter of levels then we will just have to grind, grind, grind until we finally get past the gyms, no matter how many days that takes, we'll get there.


The streamer posted saying the game is still accepting commands even though the stream is down.

I'm thinking not being able to see won't actually hamper us that much.
To get it to 20 we would have to grind for a few hours. Trolls would have to be really cruel to stop it after all that hard work.

Ok. They are obviously going to stop it.

Even if they do stop it, having a higher level dotty would be worthwhile. Then we'd just need one level to evolve if/when the trolls die down.
In the pc, current plan is to evolve nincada for shedinja.

Yes! Finally some good news. All praise the lord Shedinja.
Hope you guys are prepared for more matches like these where everything stalls.

Norman has a Slaking. Winona has Altaria with Dragon Dance. Tate and Liza are Tate and Liza.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Compared to Crystal the Emeraldo team just seems so awful.

No, Emerald is way better. By Whitney in GSC, we had the still unevolved Totodile and a bunch of schmucks that contributed nothing. By Wattson in Emerald, we have the admittedly unevolved Torchic who remains equivalent to General Lazor at the same stage, plus a Marill and a Poochyena that are capable of contributing (even if only through Swagger).

Typically, TPP playthroughs bumble through the first half of the game totally reliant on one powerhouse (Bird Jesus/General Lazor/Zexy), before somehow magically managing to diversify by the end-game.
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