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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Yup they're saying he's still alive. He still has a pulse.

Hope they save the fucker only to fill him with so much lead it isn't funny. Takes a real piece of shit to kill innocent people. Even if you take his history with the station in that woman and her camera man did nothing to him.

i understand that we're all massively shaken up by this and upset, but you might want to keep it in check a little
Because even when it's blatantly obvious we're supposed to uphold 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law'.
Not an insult, just a question: Is it a case of cognitive dissonance when it's as obvious as this? Like, you know he did it but you have to assume he's innocent until proven guilty?
No matter how blatant the crime, news outlets are not allowed to state it as fact for fear of prejudicing the suspect's future trial.

But him putting it all over twitter and facebook won't prejudice anyone?
You believe Coworkers at your last job conspired to fire you, and you believe it's on the grounds of them being racist. you then write a 23 page essay and plot to kill them then actually carry it out and you think this guy is alright in the head?

23 page essay is all you need to say, really.

What a fucking loon.


Something drove him to do this.

People suffer wide swaths of discrimination, bigotry and intolerance on a daily basis in their personal and professional lives. Though premeditated cold blooded murder of such a particular manner and execution isn't usually their answer to it.


Junior Member
So, holy shit, he was apparently live streaming from his phone while he assaulted them. That is fucking messed up.
He live-tweeted after the fact.

He recorded the approach and murders. He posted the video/s on Facebook and Twitter.


Junior Member
You believe Coworkers at your last job conspired to fire you, and you believe it's on the grounds of them being racist. you then write a 23 page essay and plot to kill them then actually carry it out and you think this guy is alright in the head?

But you can say that about anything. I could very easily claim that all conservatives are crazy because they do things I could never even imagine doing. Crazy does not equal atypical.
It's been coming for a long time. I sort of figured this might not happen until things like Google Glass are more commonplace so that people are wearing cameras without being obvious about it, but yeah, livestreamed murder is definitely going to happen, and it's going to be awful.

It'll be like the movie Strange Days where people pay other people to commit crimes and film it first person so they can live vicariously through it.


This whole story is insane. Although I feel for him supposedly undergoing racism and feeling like no one could hear his plea, he was clearly an unstable individual and the murder of these two reporters is immensely tragic. The fact that he also filmed it himself using a GoPro doubles the insanity. Surprised to hear he somehow survived his suicide.
I'm not even going to watch the video, but holy shit at the whole situation. At least the guy failed at killing himself..so far.

RIP Adam and Alison. The tweets from one fiancee and the fact that the other may have seen it live is heartbreaking :(


Fix how we treat mental illness in this country, fix the gun laws, fix how media portray things.

And nothing happens and we all move on a month later...

The cycle will never end.


aka Mannny
23 page essay is all you need to say, really.

What a fucking loon.
Well yes, racism are probably justified given the state and is no excuse for murder. I was just trying to give some context to his thought process. Even people who are sane experience racism in the workplace aren't gonna come back the next day and shoot up the place.
Not an insult, just a question: Is it a case of cognitive dissonance when it's as obvious as this? Like, you know he did it but you have to assume he's innocent until proven guilty?

I'm pretty sure it's no doubt that people see him as guilty, but reporters are still supposed to maintain a standard of innocence to avoid compromising any trial. They're reporters, not judge or juries who are the only ones with the right to dictate guilt.
Well yes, racism might but justified and is no excuse for murder, I was just trying to give some context to his thought process. Even people who are sane experience racism in the workplace aren't gonna come back the next day and shoot up the place.

I completely agree with you.

I still can't believe this all happened, right down to the Twitter account...


Junior Member
We are just talking about two different types of "snapping" I guess. You must be using in terms of "going crazy" where as I am using it to mean a rash decision with no forethought.
Deciding to kill two people is a rash decision. Premeditation doesn't mean he wasn't disturbed. His obsessiveness and obsessive premeditation point toward being disturbed more than not.


You believe Coworkers at your last job conspired to fire you, and you believe it's on the grounds of them being racist. you then write a 23 page essay and plot to kill them then actually carry it out and you think this guy is alright in the head?
What are actually the criteria for mental illness?
Breivik was declared not mentally ill despite his insane actions.
if he tried shooting himself in the head I wonder what state he can even be in even if he survives. Like if he is a vegetable would they even have a trial?
That Breitbart article is insane.

Fix how we treat mental illness in this country, fix the gun laws, fix how media portray things.

And nothing happens and we all move on a month later...

The cycle will never end.

If the death of dozens of 6 year olds by guns in one event doesn't move the needle, nothing will.
This is absolutely horrible. The first double-murder I have witnessed from two angles ( and hopefully the last ). I don't know why I watched those videos. Those poor people. May they rest in peace, and may their loved ones still find happiness and fulfillment in life...

Sorry for venting here, but I'm just... I'm just in shock at the moment.

Imagine the world we live in, where this kind of thing ( seeing those videos ) is possible from thousands of kilometers away.
Not an insult, just a question: Is it a case of cognitive dissonance when it's as obvious as this? Like, you know he did it but you have to assume he's innocent until proven guilty?

There's a lot of redundancies in place to ensure people get fair trials. This is one of them, even if it's blatantly obvious.

I'd rather have it there than not.


What a horrible fucking tragedy. Poor people just doing their jobs and some maniac just snuffs them out. I've been a gun owner for the last 20+ years, but it's blatantly obvious that things have got to change. It goes without saying that it should be far more difficult to legally buy a gun, but what can we do about the millions and millions of guns already out there?
That link states that as of 2012 there were over 300 million guns owned by citizens in the U.S. 300 million guns and approximately 100 million legal gun owners. I keep seeing people come in and post things like "ban guns" and "repeal the second amendment" but how exactly do you do that without all hell breaking loose. Do you guys think the police and military should go door to door collecting legally owned firearms from citizens that haven't committed any crimes? I'm not trying to be a smart ass with that question. I'm legitimately curious and open to any ideas on how we can go about disarming a nation that is so inundated with guns and gun culture.
These shootings are just going to get worse and more frequent. Something has got to be done about it, but how do we go about doing it from a logistical standpoint? It gets tiring seeing the same comments in every shooting thread. People keep saying there needs to be a discussion on gun control, but that's all they say. The discussion never gets started. How about instead of saying "ban guns" or "typical day in America" we actually talk about realistic ways to accomplish the disarming of America. I really would just love to read some well thought out ideas from people on how to fix this mess. Sorry to derail. This story is utterly tragic and heartbreaking, and I hate that people on gaf think that just because someone might be a gun owner that we all think this kind of shit is acceptable as long as we get to keep our precious guns. It's not acceptable. It's horrible and it's got to be fixed.

I fully agree with you and I've tried to start a rational discussion with the same points you make but people just gloss it over and resume their carpet bombing of 'ban guns' 'disarm America'.

I'd like to know exactly how you think you're going to accomplish that. You going to send the military door to door and do a full house sweep? You going to be willing to kill the nutjubs who will die before giving up their guns and put all the police/military in danger and probably have casualties on both sides from people who would rather go out shooting rather than give them up? There aren't 20 million guns in America. There are over 300 million. That's damn near 1 gun for every man, woman, and child in this country. I'd like a realistic answer as to how you are going to get 300 million guns off the streets, especially when a great number of people are not going to voluntarily turn them in.


Junior Member
Deciding to kill two people is a rash decision. Premeditation doesn't mean he wasn't disturbed. His obsessiveness and obsessive premeditation point toward being disturbed more than not.

I feel like calling him crazy is absolving him of guilt. "It's not his fault, he's just crazy." Bullshit!


JFC I saw that other video when I was looking for other updates regarding this.
I was planning to sleep in a few minutes but what the hell, I hope I can.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Not an insult, just a question: Is it a case of cognitive dissonance when it's as obvious as this? Like, you know he did it but you have to assume he's innocent until proven guilty?

But him putting it all over twitter and facebook won't prejudice anyone?

What he posts on his Twitter and Facebook is not the news stations responsibility though. Stuff like that would be used in trial.

You have to make 100% sure this is the right person. Yeah, most of this points to him being who he says he is, but he hasn't been properly identified by the police yet.

And yeah...even with something as blantant as this, innocent until proven guilty still applies.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
This whole story is insane. Although I feel for him supposedly undergoing racism and feeling like no one could hear his plea, he was clearly an unstable individual and the murder of these two reporters is immensely tragic. The fact that he also filmed it himself using a GoPro doubles the insanity. Surprised to hear he somehow survived his suicide.
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