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Ubisoft and Guerilla devs are salty over Elden Ring reviews

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why don’t you both go make games and I give a review?

Why don't you fix your own pipes?
Why don't you open your own restaurant?
Why don't you fix your own car?
Why don't you make your own wiring?
Why don't you write your own OS?

Honestly, that "why don't you make your own games?" argument has became the "I have no real argument against those people so I'll just grasp at this straw and hope nobody gives this statement a second though".


Nobody gets it. Its not only about Gameplay its alot about Immersion. The Feeling you are in a different Coherent World. Witch UI, Microtransaction shitty Graphic's or Gameplay can easily kill.
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Reseterror Resettler
I quit Soulsborne games at the Tower Knight in Boleteria in the OG Demon's Souls.

I quit Horizon: Zero Dawn at the tutorial when that old guy was trying to get me to throw rocks or some shit at the transformers because the down d-pad button on my DS4 was broken.

Going by this criteria, Elden Ring is the better title. Also, Aloy is large. Nice nipples, though.
I said fans. It's funny seeing many Xbox fans show up in a thread. These are the same guys who ask you to leave a thread if you're critical of an Xbox game. lol
This is a thread about Elden Ring vs Ubisoft type games. Not sure why you feel so persecuted.


The review score thing is outside my wheelhouse because I don't give any weight whatsoever to reviews. Game wasn't even on my radar until the day it released, got it to play coop with my buddy.

As for the performance issue. If that's all PC, I'm clueless on that too. I played Demon's Souls/Dark Souls on PS3 and they were fine for me. I played Bloodborne on PS4 and it was fine too. My eyes aren't attuned to locked 60fps and I honestly don't really care if a game fluctuates. I'm playing ER on a base PS4 and it's fine. I haven't come across any game breaking issues and the only time I see slowdown is when there is a specific type of enemy in the distance that does cartwheels, it's actually more funny than anything.

That's not me giving the game a pass, it's me saying I'm ignorant to whatever benefits a locked framerate would give because I've never had issues with an unstable framerate. I just feel like people are nit picking in a way, like really, the FPS occasionally dipping on PS3 or base PS4 is going to render the game unplayable? No.

I've even said some of the praise this game is getting is pretty overblown but at the end of the day, I cannot deny how much fun it is and it's 100% absorbed me. It's seriously one of the best games I've ever played and outside of PC performance issues, I just don't think any of the other complaints hold water. The game is a blast.
For this kind of games smooth fps is must(30 or 60 fps) and they need to correct that. Several times I died to bosses or mobs because that last second dodge or parry what I need to execute perfectly when fighting are disrupted by bad frame passings.


Gold Member
I don’t know about PC but I’m playing on PS5 and it runs pretty decent, not flawless but much better than Bloodborne and Sekiro on PS4.

Sure, it's not 30fps with hitching, it's 60fps(ish) with hitching. Which is better I guess. But it's NEVER smooth, it's constantly stuttering and skipping frames, even in the best case scenarios where it's aaaaalmost 60fps.
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They haven't patched shit, the console versions (and the PC version from what I hear) still run like garbage. What are you talking about?

But sure, losing progress is even worse. Both issues are unacceptable.
It's running fine for me on PC. Slight fps drop now and again but smooth mostly. Performance is the thing that most haters seem to be latching on to with this game since they have nothing else, but it's way over exaggerated.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
This is a thread about Elden Ring vs Ubisoft type games. Not sure why you feel so persecuted.
It's just funny how members of XBoxGAF are now being critical of open-world designs.

Halo Infinite was released last year and any time someone was critical of the game, XboxGAF was accusing them of being salty and angry about Halo Infinite's success.

Now I keep seeing the same people roaming Horizon related threads and acting like one of the worst games out there. These points were barely brought up when Ghost of Tsushima, Assassins Creed, and Spider-Man was released within the past several years.


Gold Member
It's running fine for me on PC. Slight fps drop now and again but smooth mostly. Performance is the thing that most haters seem to be latching on to with this game since they have nothing else, but it's way over exaggerated.

I don't think it's exaggerated at all. The performance is absolutely pathetic and unacceptable given how the game looks (on a technical level - artistically it's good obviously).
It's just funny how members of XBoxGAF are now being critical of open-world designs.

Halo Infinite was released last year and any time someone was critical of the game, XboxGAF was accusing them of being salty and angry about Halo Infinite's success.

Now I keep seeing the same people roaming Horizon related threads and acting like one of the worst games out there. These points were barely brought up when Ghost of Tsushima, Assassins Creed, and Spider-Man was released within the past several years.
Ubisoft games have been a meme for 5+ years now. It's not a new thing.
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I like open world games!
Horizon Forbidden West is a great game. It perfected the Ubi-formular and is a blast. I mean, it has robot dinosaurs.
It is somehow unfair to release such a good game and have Elden Ring on your heels. But it is what it is, Elden Ring is a different beast.
It´s what I wanted before I knew I wanted it.
So at all the devs out there with the 9/10 games: You did well but have a good look and see what`s possible if you are inspired and willing to take a risk.
And at the 6/10 Ubisoftshitheads: Far Cry 6 broke me, I spent too much time doing the same repetitive shite again and again and again. Although you managed to hook me on your stupid gameplay loop, it felt like work and not like fun.
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I mean, I've ignored most weapons, traps, Aloy advice on what to do and just shot the shit out of the Dinos and won every time. The systems they've built up, while cool, all seem optional. Note that I'm only 30 or so hours in so they could ramp up the scenarios or difficulty soon.
You can beat er as a wretch dude, you already have multiple videos of people fucking up some bosses with a gstring and a wood mace, does it mean that everything you find in er is optional\useless??

What a strange ass thing to say...

In any game you can ignore everything if you are skilled enough, try to battle the hardest machines in horizon on very hard with the basic bow and see how it goes...

We don't do that because it is moronic and optional stuff is usually more fun\efficient to use, and both games have fun weapons\mechanics that you DON'T NEED TO USE.
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I like open world games!
Horizon Forbidden West is a great game. It perfected the Ubi-formular and is a blast. I mean, it has robot dinosaurs.
It is somehow unfair to release such a good game and have Elden Ring on your heels. But it is what it is, Elden Ring is a different beast.
It´s what I wanted before I knew I wanted it.

This was pretty much my reaction. I did not think I would be shelving Horizon for Elden Ring but here we are. It actually makes me want to go and try the Dark Souls games.


This was pretty much my reaction. I did not think I would be shelving Horizon for Elden Ring but here we are. It actually makes me want to go and try the Dark Souls games.
I`m sure I have to check out Demon Souls but right now I`m struggling to get job, family and Elden Ring in my short 24 hour day.


Notice how you went from saying that Aloy tells you what to do every single step of the way and now it's, "for everything you need to do."

It's a lie. The most basic hints she will give you is that you need to find out how to release something or that you need to get high enough to reach a certain option. She will often talk if you discovered or see an objective such as a door, relic, key, or crate.

I literally linked a video showcasing how she talks you through every step of the puzzle.
and in the video the guy is speeding like crazy. when I played this part one of the characters, can't remember which, also pointed out that I should look at the pressure plates on the ground, that is 1 line not seen in the video Iinked because the guy clearly wants to get through fast for the longplay.

every single thing gets pointed out by her or an NPC that is with you.

it gets even worse tho, which brings us back in topic of dogshit quest design. in some cases SHE HAS TO POINT OUT STUFF or you will not be able to proceed further into the quest :)

I told this in another thread already because it was bafflingly bad gamedesign that is sadly not uncommon but tolerated by the "mUh gAMe iS a MasTErPieCe" crowd,

in the quest in Las Vegas where you first get your diving gear. the NPCs that give you the blueprint tell you that before the whole thing got flooded they saw a RED LIGHT and that you should look for it when you are down there.

so I swim down, look around, massive water dino swims around, there's a strong current that pushes you back when you try proceeding to swim forward. she tells you (of course she does, because seeing it isn't enough) that she can't go forward because the water current is too strong... YES SHE EVEN TALKS UNDER WATER.

so I look around, see the SUPER BRIGHT RED LIGHT... I swim over, there's a button there.
I swim to the button... and get a UI pop-up telling me I can't use that button yet.

Thinking I missed something I swam back as going forward is blocked by the current.

so I swim back, loom around, tons of half destroyed buildings, look in every corner, find nothing.

so I thought maybe I can get through the current even tho she tells me I can't... and so I try swimming into the current again, doesn't work...
I randomly swim further right next to the current, AT WHICH POINT Aloy says "they said I should look for a red glow" or something along those lines...

guess what happened next? MAGICALLY that fucking button that the game told me I can't use just a few minutes ago... NOW MAGICALLY WORKS!

I was actually about to quit the game right there... completely flabbergasted by how dogshit modern AAA game designers are...

an invisible trigger, that triggers a voice line, which allows you to do what the NPCs already told you to do 5 minutes ago... and without you can't proceed and makes the game even tell you you can't use the red glowing button yet.

so her stupid handholding is not only handholding, it can also be handholding + gatekeeping progression all in 1! NOW THAT'S SOME INNOVATIVE SHIT!

suffice to say, I think this game is the most overrated 7/10, maybe 6/10 slog I played in a while
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They haven't patched shit, the console versions (and the PC version from what I hear) still run like garbage. What are you talking about?

But sure, losing progress is even worse. Both issues are unacceptable.
pc is fine brah...4 patches i think already. lol, consoles.


I don't think it's exaggerated at all. The performance is absolutely pathetic and unacceptable given how the game looks (on a technical level - artistically it's good obviously).
I’m not saying the issues weren’t there, but I think the review score is making it more of an issue than it would normally be. I’ve played games with worse performance for sure.
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They just don't get it, do they?! They have no idea why their cookie cutter open world games that all borrow each others tropes are not getting them many 10/10's (not truly earned anyway).

They think playing it safe, treating games like idiots with the hand holdy crap and sticking a beautiful lick of paint on it will be enough. Where's the passion, the art, the challenge? You rarely feel like you accomplished or discovered anything in those kinds of games, they may appear open, but their heart is linear and cynical.
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BotW was years ago. It inspired in it's time. there is no question about that. it moved the bar. After that, what game moved the bar further? HFW or ER?
BOTW is still influencing games, and it influenced ER.
You're still failing to acknowledge ER is not innovative, just iterative and are moving goalposts.
As for your question:
  • Story, side quest lore, graphics, sound, particle effects, character models and acting are far, far, way far more superior in HFW, so in this regard, HFW.
  • ER has nothing new to offer than what has already offered by previous Souls games and BOTW. Its combat is the same as DS3. Its world design follows the same philosophy as BOTW. The side quests are simply fetch quests - find someone, kill someone, the only difference is that you either have to stumble on those randomly or research on the internet. The main quest dungeons is where the game shines, but those follow the same design philosophy as DS3.
I think HFW has more to offer than ER.
Still, just take the L and admit ER is not innovative because it isn't, it's iterative. They took the BOTW formula and added their spin, that's it.
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The guerrilla dev aint wrong the quest design is shit. You literally talk to an NPC then hope to randomly stumble apon them in another area, theyre also completely missable.
You mean a quest that actually forces you to think and explore, to discover the next piece of the puzzle?

Going from marker A to marker B is literally THE most dogshit way of designing a quest. Zero player autonomy, zero sense of discovery, zero sense of achievement.

BotW and Elden Ring stand apart from other open worlds games for exactly that reason; they dont hold the players hand and guide them through the golden path. They cater for an open-ended experience in an open-world game, imagine that!


Wait, what does he mean with "game UX"?

The interface? The UI? All these little icons and flashing objects and all kinds of distracting shit on top of the graphics in the game world? These are supposed to be "good design"?

It's all ugly and distracting. There's only one game that did this right: Dead Space.
Im still finding it laughable when people in this thread act like having no mini maps and no quest pointers while being "challenging" is ground breaking, but games on the NES, SNES, Genesis, ect, all done it 30-35ish years ago. 😂
Say what you want about HFW but it is clearly a labor of love from the devs. I just finished it and you can see the passion they put into it.

All games are.

Do you think Platinum put no effort in Babylon's Fall?

That would be wrong. They still managed to make it that good only
Shit, shit design.

And they wonder why Elden Ring gets better reviews.

I hate it too. Is it shit design or is it safe design? All AAA western sudios hand hold. It's embarassing but I guess considering the money it takes to make these games, they are risk averse and as such treat gamers like babies. I'm hoping the sales of elden will be a wakeup call that even casual gamers prefer the botw/elden experience.


The game points out every good spot to go to on the map, it tells you via GPS exactly where to go, Aloy tells you exactly what you need to do in any given situation, etc, etc. The game never lets you fail, it wants you to see the story to the end.
Turn off the Hud and quest tracker options.


What a shock the YouTuber with the worst takes on PC hardware also has shit takes on games.

Elden Ring is polarizing because it is not made to appeal to everybody. It most certainly appeals to me, but my 11/10 will be a 7/10 for those who don`t click with it.
I want more polarizing games.
-> I prefer hating a personal 2/10 and loving a 10/10 to beeing bored by the typical AAA cookie cutter please everybody mediocracy.


Story, side quest lore, graphics, sound, particle effects, character models and acting are far, far, way far more superior in HFW, so in this regard, HFW.
Lore in Souls games shits on vast majority Western AAA games, including Horizon. Or you think 'dino robots' and 'advanced civilization adversaries' with obligatory 'malicious AI' is a good story? Lol no. It's AAA typical Hollywood cookie-cutter entertainment.

As for the BotW formula - considering Zelda was probably influenced by Soulsborne sense of discovery - who is copying whom?
All AAA western sudios hand hold. It's embarassing but I guess considering the money it takes to make these games, they are risk averse and as such treat gamers like babies.
It's not a financial decision but a conceptual one - wanting the players to see the end and 'not miss on the content'. If it was what you described this can be easily solved by what - cannot believe I am using this example - Forza Horizon did (where the games proposes you to increase some difficulty settings if you come first on a consistent basis).

You start with no map markers, journal, log, etc. However maybe based on pre-determined triggers you will get a pop-up:

"Hey, are you lost by any chance or would you like more guidance? Check these options to make experience more streamlined".

From doesn't even give you that option, but people don't expect that from From games. But the other games will NEVER approach it from the other side I described, it's always everything ON by default.
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Turn off the Hud and quest tracker options.
I see this recommendation for many games.

But does it work? It's not like those huds and markers were an afterthought or an "extra" thing. What if the game was designed around these things? By turning them off, you mess with the design and may turn the game unplayable. Something like the Elder Ring is designed without all those trackers and hand holding in mind. Because there is always something subtle that guides you. Be it the level design itself or subtle hints here and there.

Removing hand holding from a game that was designed with hand holding in mind wouldn't make the game harder, it would make it annoying or even impossible to figure out. Because those subtle hints would not be there and the level design would not guide you either.


Lore in Souls games shits on vast majority Western AAA games, including Horizon. Or you think 'dino robots' and 'advanced civilization adversaries' with obligatory 'malicious AI' is a good story? Lol no. It's AAA typical Hollywood cookie-cutter entertainment.

As for the BotW formula - considering Zelda was probably influenced by Soulsborne sense of discovery - who is copying whom?

It's not a financial decision but a conceptual one - wanting the players to see the end and 'not miss on the content'. If it was what you described this can be easily solved by what - cannot believe I am using this example - Forza Horizon did (where the games proposes you to increase some difficulty settings if you come first on a consistent basis).

You start with no map markers, journal, log, etc. However maybe based on pre-determined triggers you will get a pop-up:

"Hey, are you lost by any chance or would you like more guidance? Check these options to make experience more streamlined".

From doesn't even give you that option, but people don't expect that from From games. But the other games will NEVER approach it from the other side I described, it's always everything ON by default.
Souls games have trash and cryptic lore that no one but dying hard fanboys care about. Whenever I research it I always find crap edgy and boring.
HFW lore is way more interesting and well developed than souls lore. bloodborne lore is the only legitimate good one.


Gold Member
The butthurt fanboys in this thread are funny. The best are the Horizon fans. Never has a game looked so good and been so boring, and what the fuck is with Aloy narrating EVERY goddamn thing you do?

Rarely do I agree with the hot takes from Giant Bomb podcast, but boy howdy, were they ever right about Horizon: Forbidden West. What a slog.
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