If Under-25s don't vote they are basically fucked, they will never get a manifesto that offers so much to them ever again. They can instead look forward to more articles about how they should stop eating avocados and buy emeralds instead.
Truly. The second Labour loses and Corbyn is ousted, the next manifesto will largely dumb it down and go back to "slightly better than what the Tories are offering".
This is truly the one election for the rUK, notably England (due to volume of votes) to really stick it to the Tories and vote for change. Sadly, I still think many don't have it through their heads an opportunity like this, coupled with May and the Tories seemingly doing everything to lose, does not come up again. Or, you'll probably be waiting till you're hell of a lot older for this perfect storm again. It's prime "lose your shit" material if that youth voting result comes in again in a week and it's still rock bottom.
To be honest, this should be the English Tories red wedding equivalent of the Scottish Labours result in 2015. Infuriating that the opportunity will not be taken. I say that as someone who backs Scottish Independence, but quite honestly, that is one reason I do back it. I just cannot see this country as a whole trying anything different anytime soon. Brexit was a cherry on top. The youth need to get the fuck out and vote to deal with The Nuclear Nine.
Put it this way, if you care about the Union too and don't want a chance of Scotland breaking off from continued Tory reign, putting someone like Corbyn in as leader is the step in the right direction. Especially with the current Labour manifesto that has things in it we've enjoyed up here for a while (meaning it shows the Scottish people the UK would be willing to progress as a unit). Scottish Labour need to be punted into the sun though, but Corbz would probably sort that out if he did win. Brexit is a massive problem too for Scotland, but, there are multiple battles
for the Union and arguably the continued Tory reign does the most damage. The longer the UK keeps voting for what the modern day Conservatives represent the more people up here think we just can't handle this anymore...